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Saudisation of Pakisan

So we have to go in circles Sir?
No development > need more islam > even less development > need more islam.

We should all live like Taliban era Afghanistan sir!
Ohh and Internet is haram sir its an invention post-stone age sir!

Certainly he did not say anything about going to the moon, or the nazi holocaust or nuclear weapons either!

Sir we need to establish Islamic system and laws than only Muslims will rise those who don't know about Islam talk **** so keep talking shi#
Sir we need to establish Islamic system and laws than only Muslims will rise those who don't know about Islam talk **** so keep talking shi#

Please tell me which islamic country rule by islam is rising forward?
Arabia = NO
Pakistan = NO
Afghanistan = NO, actually the soldiers of shariah got a boot of their lifetime from there.
Western Europe, Russia, Eastern Europe, South America, North America = NO
Please tell me which islamic country rule by islam is rising forward?
Arabia = NO
Pakistan = NO
Afghanistan = NO, actually the soldiers of shariah got a boot of their lifetime from there.
Western Europe, Russia, Eastern Europe, South America, North America = NO
Saudi Arabia don't have complete Islamic what ever it has it is now on the right direction Establishing Universities and Industrial areas are the biggest example and Pakistan is not even close to Islamic system and also not Afghanistan so first know about Islam before talking crap and ****
Saudi Arabia don't have complete Islamic what ever it has it is now on the right direction Establishing Universities and Industrial areas are the biggest example and Pakistan is not even close to Islamic system and also not Afghanistan so first know about Islam before talking crap and ****

I don't understand your confusion sir..you start with Islamic system sir and end up on universities and industries both are evil infidel inventions sir, saudi is also banning face veil sir and you dont need islam to tell you that universities and industries are good for the nation sir that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard sir the kuffars of europe and amreeka do not have islam sir but one of the largest industries and best universities in the world sir. How does universities and industries releate to Islam sir, first university of the world was established in nalanda sir the heart of infidel kaffir polytheist yindoo's sir!
I don't understand your confusion sir..you start with Islamic system sir and end up on universities and industries both are evil infidel inventions sir, saudi is also banning face veil sir and you dont need islam to tell you that universities and industries are good for the nation sir that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard sir the kuffars of europe and amreeka do not have islam sir but one of the largest industries and best universities in the world sir. How does universities and industries releate to Islam sir, first university of the world was established in nalanda sir the heart of infidel kaffir polytheist yindoo's sir!

Your points are enough to make me clear that you don't know anything about Islam so first go and know what Islam is than come and tell others your proved yourself complete ignorant when it comes to Islam :hitwall::tdown:
@somebozo, mate don't engage @Zarvan, I'll tell you why, he will try to derail this thread and get it closed. Just keep it civil so we can bash fundos for the rest of the year on this thread. Cheers. :cheers:
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I couldn't find a single Saudi Preacher or a religious figure claims to be a God's man on Earth or resorting to violence to impose sharia or islamic teaching and law. I don't see a saudi trying to clean the world form sins and prepare people for the path of paradise. It is not mentioned in Hadith as the article stated. Moreover, in Saudi Arabia there is no thing called islamic groups like in pakistan where some are being easily manipulated or serving dif agendas.

All the islamic principals and laws in saudi arabia are regulated under the government high authorities full control in terms of implementation and enforcement. official organizations are responsible of Dawas and ''the promotion of Virtue and the Prevention of Vice''. In addition, charities (Zakat), mosques, Islamic lectures, courses, symposiums and conferences, Imams, Jumma and Eids Speeches (Khotbas), fatwas are regulated and they come out in the proper way of serving the society in accordance to islam teaching away from extremism avoiding violence encouraging dialogue promoting moderation. It is not individual responsibility to impose the Islamic system, It is the governments itself who do so by appointing qualified agencies that manage, maintain, and protect the whole system of the society and to make sure that whole system is not misused in anyway. I don't see Saudi Arabia experiencing terrorism or sheltering terrorists nor do I see extremist mullas provoking or killing others around. I also don't see any training camps nor do I see sectarian blasts every other day.

The piously stimulated youth had even bothered his parents to quite a degree by imposing certain etiquette as how to eat and drink. He had memorised hundreds of dua’a (prayers) as he had been told that there was a specified prayer for every act, whether it was going to the toilet or going to a bazaar. He uttered these prayers in every allegedly relevant context. For sharpening his wits, and success in school and college examinationsthe young boy began to rely on prayers rather than on studies.

When he was still in college, an opportunity to raise his cadre of Imaan from the lowest to the highest presented itself. In the early 90s, the ‘celebrated’ Maulana Sufi Muhammad of Dir began agitation for the imposition of Sharia in the Malakand Division gradually turning the idyllic Swat valley as his base camp and battleground. As expected, the protagonist of this tale joined the campaign and attended his processions. He even took up arms during the high days of the movement for Sharia by Sufi Muhammad’s Tanzeem-e-Nifaaz-e-Shariat-e-Muhammadia (TNSM). Along with a few other youths, who were convicted during the last military operation in Swat in 2009 known as Operation Rah-e-Raast, the young boy agitated much but went dormant when the agitation was met with force during the second tenure of Benazir Bhutto’s government.

why did he rely on prayers rather than studying. Islam require and encourage both, you cant leave your money on the street and pray god not to be taken. It is not permitted in Islam also to use violence in order to impose religion . from where the guy is taking his religion. the preacher must been mentality ill or taught twisted ideology:blink:.

My conclusion I wanna put regardless of what I wrote above is that Pakistan government has failed to deal with extremism and failed to maintain its stability. Extremism in pakistan is a result of corrupted leaders and politicians who failed to satisfy the majority and protect the right of the minorities, It has nothing to do with the teaching of Islam nor it has do with Saudi Arabia.

Meanwhile in Pakistan attack on churches! I don't think this also from Saudi arabia and I don't think the Christians who abused Prophet Mohammed PBUH are also Wahhabi Christians:omghaha:. Some Shia groups as well also behind spreading of violence and certainly not Wahhabi Shia. you see extremism from all over.:lol: Sounds like a syndrome developed through time.






Now what justifications can you give for using the title Saudiastaion of Pakistan.?
Saudi Arabia is no saint, the Wahabhi nationalism has indeed caused drift between muslims in the world, however whatever is happening in Pakistan, at least 90% of it cannot be blamed on Saudi Arabia or any other outside country, Pakistanis themselves are responsible for the horrible situation of their country, the Jahil illiterate mullahs are a creation of Pakistani society not Saudi Arabia, Since when is saudi arabia saying to kill hindus, christians, Ahamadis etc?... the recent Shia killing episode may have some saudi links, but again that has to be proven, that fact is shias are being killed for many many years, it's not a recent thing. While Saudis were indeed responsible for sending bin laden and Alqeda in the pakistani region, that episode is long over. The radicalization of pakistani society is the fault our mullahs not theirs. The street gang/thug culture we have is the real problem, whenever some small incidents happen, these morons come out on the streets causing so much violence and killings. Again look at yourself before blaming others. Even if we dont like Saudi influence, why do we invite it? Dont we have any balls for standing up against what we dont like? are we that dead?
The fault lies with in Pakistan and it's people. Those who blame Saudia are like ostriches who like to burry head in sand instead of making an effort to save his life.

Those buck passers usually suffer low self steam issues which in most cases accompanied with selfishness, less productiveness, inability of positive contributions or making specific changes. Those Hopeless creatures with that slippery slop mindset are in fact more vulnerable to engage in high risk behaviors.
@Arabian Legend

All the islamic principals and laws in saudi arabia are regulated under the government high authorities full control in terms of implementation and enforcement

I think this is the essence of the debate.
Any religion, specially Islam can not be left unmanaged. It must be managed and governed.

The people and governments in subcontinent could not do this part right.

Saudis did this part right, for good or bad, but they kept the mullahs in straight line. They regulated the mosques, and regulated the friday surmons. They regulated each and every aspect and documented it as much as required.

Today if Pakistan can learn and adopt this approach, it will turn around in no time.

Mosques ... the places of worship were supposed to be the light, and the beauty of our society.
Today they have become the cancerous poisoned limb, devoid of any oxygen,
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Saudi Arabia is no saint, the Wahabhi nationalism has indeed caused drift between muslims in the world, however whatever is happening in Pakistan, at least 90% of it cannot be blamed on Saudi Arabia or any other outside country, Pakistanis themselves are responsible for the horrible situation of their country, the Jahil illiterate mullahs are a creation of Pakistani society not Saudi Arabia, Since when is saudi arabia saying to kill hindus, christians, Ahamadis etc?... the recent Shia killing episode may have some saudi links, but again that has to be proven, that fact is shias are being killed for many many years, it's not a recent thing. While Saudis were indeed responsible for sending bin laden and Alqeda in the pakistani region, that episode is long over. The radicalization of pakistani society is the fault our mullahs not theirs. The street gang/thug culture we have is the real problem, whenever some small incidents happen, these morons come out on the streets causing so much violence and killings. Again look at yourself before blaming others. Even if we dont like Saudi influence, why do we invite it? Dont we have any balls for standing up against what we dont like? are we that dead?

Who is funding these Mullahs in the name of religion??

Who is encouraging Madarssas and fundamentalism, isn't it the oil money from Saudi??

The roots of this menace are in Wahhabi culture including the violence.
Who is funding these Mullahs in the name of religion??

Who is encouraging Madarssas and fundamentalism, isn't it the oil money from Saudi??

The roots of this menace are in Wahhabi culture including the violence.

Don't talk about stuff you are not aware of,

CNN knowledge won't take you very far.
@Arabian Legend

I think this is the essence of the debate.
Any religion, specially Islam can not be left unmanaged. It must be managed and governed.

The people and governments in subcontinent could not do this part right.

Saudis did this part right, for good or bad, but they kept the mullahs in straight line. They regulated the mosques, and regulated the friday surmons. They regulated each and every aspect and documented it as much as required.

Today if Pakistan can learn and adopt this approach, it will turn around in no time.

Mosques ... the places of worship were supposed to be the light, and the beauty of our society.
Today they have become the cancerous poisoned limb, devoid of any oxygen

If I may be permitted; I'll say only this about the underlined part. Mosques are still beautiful places and are still symbolic of all that is free and good about Mankind.
Just that people; some people have become the contaminants.
The Container does not change its character according to the Contents. The Container retains its strength and integrity.
It is the Contents that should adapt to the Container and accept it as it is to preserve itself.
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