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Saudi Terror & Executions - World Leaders Too Scared To Act For Humanity

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"Says an Indian and Hindu of all people" - You could not think of a better abuse did you? Your post reeks of superiority complex. :hitwall:
"Our people created 3 of the 11 largest empires in world history. More than any other ethnic group in the top 15."
Let's not get into who conquered more and enslaved more(not a good metric to determine 'civilization'), but the numbers that you used in the sentence should give you a hint.
"Go eat some whitening cream " - Wow! Talk about being a blunt racist :coffee:
"While you were busy cleaning the boots of your British colonials." - Did the Arabs rule over Istanbul?
"and drink some cow piss" - Excellent! Bigotry as well :tup:
"that of cleaning toilets" - Another one. Keep 'em coming :P
"Maybe stop the highest number of poor people in the world and all the rapes that happen on every street corner" - Every street corner? Sure - while coming to office I crossed 4 intersections and saw people doing that - on 4 occasions. :sarcastic:

Rarely have I seen such a sick post that is so heavily loaded with racism, bigotry and hate. Good work. :(

@Aeronaut @Oscar @SpArK @jaibi @WebMaster

Please don't get offended by that sick minded @al-Hasani.

Arabs constitute only 15 to 18% of total Muslims. Saudis constitute not even 5% of Muslims. They are minority. Wahabism is Zionism in Islam. When Wahabis are there Muslims don't need any enemy.
if the arabs kick out indians from the Middle East, india will collapse :laugh:

imagine indians packing their bags and leaving dubai, riyadh, kuwait
You are confusing Pakistan with India.We dont depend on aids and soft loans to avoid bankruptcy and neither beg for it.
He is not a Hindu by the way.

He might as well be, I am begali, what you say, how about leaving islam that these evil arabs first believed in and go to progressive cow worship like your beloved indians
what you say, how about leaving islam that these evil arabs first believed in and go to progressive cow worship like your beloved indians
Err you are going the wrong way,You would not want to hear words of wisdom about Islam from me,will you??
Hindu's worshiping monkey's, elephant Gods, demon gods and blue smurf Gods and they are calling Saudi Arabia backward :omghaha:

Any creature is better than mirpuris who are hated even in pakistan for being flaming dehstagards.
This is one of the peculiarity of Arabs in general. They are highly class conscious.If you are men of title or diplomat, they you treat you much much better than even your home country but if you are a nobody, they would treat you worse than their goats.This is one of the reason that you would rarely find non Muslim South Asians in middle management job in Saudi even though pay is good.

I know of lot of anecdotal instances of them treating even diplomats like kings and of treating even highly qualified Engineers like cretins. This is in sharp contrast to US where a diplomat tag would earn you passive aggressive hostility.

Agreed. I take your point as it should be in a general sense - of which I believe that you were attempting not to discriminate against the Saudis in particular while some other Arab nations could be have a much worse condition.

The Arabs of North Africa are completely different from the Arabs of the Levant to the Arabian Arabs from the Peninsula.

To the Arabians, the file of racism and its issues are to be looked upon the abuser's cultural, educational background. The Saudi society, is by definition, divided into three social classes:

1 - The urban people.
2 - The urbanized people.
3 - The bedouin people.

Most of the problems we are facing including discrimination not just against Non-Saudis but the urban people too come from category 3. While the urbanized people make less trouble as the social integration process may take a while. I myself was discrimnated against by the third category for not being a pure Arabian, let alone discriminating against Non-Saudis.

I don't agree with the Diplomat part though, but I believe that the educational background, the household, and the familial background play a key role into this equation. This issue comes next to radicalism if we want to talk about challenges our society faces on the long run.


A Saudi being racist to others is equivalent to an ant challenging a tiger for a wrestling match. Without oil , your desert county is as primitive as South Asia in 1st century BC. Name one invention that has ever come out of you filthy lizard eating sand dwellers. i doubt an adult Saudi's IQ is higher than an Indian 12 year old, Once the oil's over , you'll all go back to drinking camel piss and humping goats like your ancestors did in the past.

Don't talk about history. We might have been colonised in the past, but today we have enough nukes to convert your primitive $hithole nation into a nuclear wasteland. What do you primitives have? Camel shit and swords? We can literally crush your entire race of people like a mosquito. The only reason why British didn't take over your country is that your country had nothing to offer besides deset , camel SHit , and a bunch of ugly smelly people that humped goats all day long

Why do we speak English? Because it's a beautiful language with great literature , unlike Arabic which sounds like a fart from a camel's ***. Millions of people around the world desire to learn English because that's the language of literature, physics , chemistry and all the sciences. No one except goat humping ugly sand dwellers like hashemSHITS want to learn your filthy language because its useless unless one wants to learn how to blow himself up.

Now go drink some camel piss and ask your Dad to spend some more time with your mom instead of his other 3 wives. Btw , are your parents cousins? I bet they are. No wonder you have a genetic mental defect :lol:. Also ask your brothers not to marry and rape teendage girls. Men from your country love to marry little girls and have sex with goats. If all those cases got reported , your country would be on top of the charts for rape and animal rape.

ALSO , one and for all , your shihole country wasn't the cradle of ciilization you dumbass. Cradles of civilization were China near the Yellow river, Indus Valley Civilization , Mesopotamia and the Levant, Ancient Peru, Mesoamerica and Greece.

Cradle of civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Do you see Arabia anywhere in this article? I guess not

While these civilizations were flourishing , saudis were busy humping goats. Don't include your primitive race in the list of great civilizations. Saudis were and have always been primitive species

Nothing wrong of being colonized. If there is something wrong in colonization then you might want to blame the Brits for the heinous crimes they committed against the people of the subcontinent.

The cow argument is twice dull as well. The argument you should have made is that the concept of the cow in Hinduism is utterly different from the Abrahamic Faiths.

Think of it like the Non-Hindu awkward religious rituals such as the Jewish Prayer at the Wailing Wall, Muslim circling through Mecca, and the Roman Catholic Christian piglrims to the Vatican.
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This is very old 1995 report. They even beheaded several women and children in the cruelest way ever possible. I still can't get how a human can slaughter another human. I can not even slaughter a chicken.

Secret Saudi executions shame the West

Robert Fisk, Middle East Correspondent, reveals a frenzy of beheadings in the first of a series on women victims of Gulf 'justice'
Robert Fisk

Monday 09 October 1995








Amid a frenzy of executions in the Arab Gulf states, at least 12 women have been put to death after Islamic trials, most of them publicly beheaded by the sword in Saudi Arabia. The majority of the executions were kept secret from all but spectators for fear of public reaction in the West, and followed unfair hearings which often denied the women a defence lawyer.
Among the more shocking cases over the past three years were a mother and her daughter who were decapitated together in front of an audience of men in a Dhahran market last August for allegedly killing the elder woman's husband.

In most cases, the condemned women - who include not only Saudis but Filipina, Sri Lankan, Nigerian, Indonesian and Pakistani nationals - were taken from their prisons to be beheaded, without warning that they were about to meet their death. In the Saudi coastal town of Dammam, a Christian Filipina accused of killing her employer and his family was dragged into a public square in 1993, and forced to kneel on the ground where her male executioner snatched her scarf from her head before decapitating her with a sword.

In the emirate of Ras al-Khaymah last April, a Sri Lankan girl stood weeping in the prison courtyard before a seven-man firing squad shot her dead for killing her employer's child - a crime she had told her fellow prisoners she did not commit. She was 19.

The nature of the Islamic trials and the cruel methods of execution call into question the morality of the West's military and political support for Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states whose supposedly civilised values were defended by 500,000 US, British and other Western troops after Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990. Not a single Western embassy, however, is known to have protested at the beheading of women - nor at the increasingly ferocious lashing of hundreds of foreign female workers in the Gulf for alleged misdemeanors.

The chilling list of executions, with most of the women under 30, will increase fears for Sarah Balabagan, the 16-year-old Muslim Filipina housemaid whose death sentence for the murder of her employer comes before an Abu Dhabi appeal court this morning. She was only 14 when she killed the elderly man, whom she said had tried to rape her. Amnesty and other human rights organisations have appealed for her to be spared.

The rapidly increasing number of women beheaded in Saudi Arabia - six this year alone - has shocked even normally conservative Saudis. "Most people accept traditional sharia Islamic law but the principles of execution are in doubt," a Saudi Islamist intellectual said yesterday. "Nobody can produce anything from the Koran which says the only way to execute people is by beheading - this is an old Nejdi tribal tradition and has nothing to do with Islam. Fear of a breakdown in security is pushing our rulers to put women as well as men under the sword." So far this year, there have been 182 public executions in Saudi Arabia.

Of the 12 women known to have been executed in the Gulf over the past 32 months, 10 were put to death for alleged murder, four for killing their husbands, one for killing her father, one for killing a stepdaughter, two for killing employers and three on drugs-related offences. One woman, a Saudi named Fatima bint Abdullah, was publicly beheaded last 27 March for allegedly running a brothel and "chewing qat", a leaf containing a mild drug from Yemen. According to a Saudi source, it was the qat rather than the brothel-keeping that prompted the Islamic court to sentence her to death.

Several of the executed women appear to have been deeply mentally disturbed when they committed their alleged crimes. Several were crimes of passion. The Filipina maid who was accused of murdering her employer and his children in Dammam, for example, apparently tried to preserve the bodies in salt before calling the police. Del Ferouza Delaur, a Pakistani girl executed two weeks ago, was reportedly unaware that heroin had been smuggled into her baggage when she was arrested by Saudi security police.

She was what the authorities call a "mule", an innocent person set up by drug smugglers to carry narcotics. But she was publicly beheaded in the Saudi port city of Jeddah on 25 September.

Occasionally, Saudi authorities have released brief announcements of the execution of women but have never revealed how their sharia courts reached their verdicts, nor why they could find no extenuating circumstances for the instances of husband-murder. Two of the women executed in the Gulf contended - as Sarah Balabagan has done in Abu Dhabi - that their victims had attempted to rape them.

Dozens of expatriate female workers from developing countries have been deported or have fled Gulf states after their employers had beaten or raped them.

The bodies of foreign women beheaded in Saudi Arabia, however, have never been repatriated to their home countries - Saudi authorities routinely refuse to reply to such requests.

Outside the Gulf, women have been largely spared capital punishment, although Jordan hanged a young housewife in November 1993 - the second woman to be executed in the country's history.

Identified as "Tamatheel S", she was taken to the gallows in Sawaka prison outside Amman for allegedly beating her elderly husband to death with a brick and burning his body in kerosene. She was just 26.

The first of the recent female deaths at the hands of the Saudi police was reported by Amnesty International, who say that Zahra Habib Mansur al-Nasser, a 40-year-old Shia Muslim housewife from Awjam in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia, was arrested with her husband on the Saudi-Jordanian border in July 1989, with a photograph of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini in her baggage.

Both were taken to the Hudaitha detention centre where the woman was reportedly tortured to death by Saudi security men three days later.

Leading article, page 18

The victims

16 January 1993: Rani bint Khamisallah Bishk. Pakistani. Beheaded in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, for allegedly murdering her husband

29 January 1993. Salwa bint Mohamed bin Ali. Saudi of Egyptian origin. Beheaded in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, for allegedly murdering her husband

12 February 1993. Jumua bint Abdul Khaleq bin Mufrih Al-Ghamdi. Saudi. Beheaded in al-Baha, Saudi Arabia, for allegedly murdering her husband

7 May 1993. Leonarda Akula, Filipina. Beheaded in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, for allegedly murdering her employer and his family

7 October 1994. Konti Vidarati Tonotoni. Indonesian. Beheaded in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, along with her husband, for alleged murder

27 March 1995. Fatima bint Abdullah. Saudi. Beheaded in Jizan, Saudi Arabia, for allegedly running a brothel and chewing the mild drug "qat"

13 April 1995. Sithi Mohamed Farouq. Filipina. Executed by firing squad in Ras al-Khaimar, United Arab Emirates, for allegedly killing her employer's child

27 June 1995. Unknown Saudi woman. Beheaded in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for allegedly murdering her stepdaughter

11 August 1995. Laila bint Abd al-Majid bin Al-Hamid and her daughter, Khalud Khalid bin Husain bin Ahmed Al-Naf. Both Saudis. Beheaded in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, for allegedly killing their husband/father

25 August 1995. Rabi bint Mohamed bin Hamed. Nigerian. Beheaded at unknown location in Saudi Arabia for allegedly trafficking in cocaine

25 September 1995. Del Ferouza Delaur. Pakistani. Beheaded in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, for allegedly smuggling heroin

The only non-Gulf Arab state to have executed a woman in the past 32 months is Jordan where a 26-year-old Jordanian woman identified only as "Tamatheel S" was hanged at Sawaka prison on 19 November 1993, for allegedly murdering her husband.

Secret Saudi executions shame the West - News - The Independent
Agreed. I take your point as it should be in a general sense - of which I believe that you were attempting not to discriminate against the Saudis in particular while some other Arab nations could be have a much worse condition.

The Arabs of North Africa are completely different from the Arabs of the Levant to the Arabian Arabs from the Peninsula.

To the Arabians, the file of racism and its issues are to be looked upon the abuser's cultural, educational background. The Saudi society, is by definition, divided into three social classes:

1 - The urban people.
2 - The urbanized people.
3 - The bedouin people.

Most of the problems we are facing including discrimination not just against Non-Saudis but the urban people too come from category 3. While the urbanized people make less trouble as the social integration process may take a while. I myself was discrimnated against by the third category for not being a pure Arabian, let alone discriminating against Non-Saudis.

I don't agree with the Diplomat part though, but I believe that the educational background, the household, and the familial background play a key role into this equation. This issue comes next to radicalism if we want to talk about challenges our society faces on the long run.

Nothing wrong of being colonized. If there is something wrong in colonization then you might want to blame the Brits for the heinous crimes they committed against the people of the subcontinent.

The cow argument is twice dull as well. The argument you should have made is that the concept of the cow in Hinduism is utterly different from the Abrahamic Faiths.

Think of it like the Non-Hindu awkward religious rituals such as the Jewish Prayer at the Wailing Wall, Muslim circling through Mecca, and the Roman Catholic Christian piglrims to the Vatican.

Sorry, I took the bait again. I don't really like abusing any nationality or race but the phrase "cow piss drinker" pisses me off beyond anything.
Sorry, I took the bait again. I don't really like abusing any nationality or race but the phrase "cow piss drinker" pisses me off beyond anything.

There is nothing to apologize for.

@al-Hasani and IamBengal took it too far.
@IamBengali think about our own country first

do you know how indians see us? you will understand it by behaviour of BSF

hitting on arabs is not gonna do us any good actually they dont even care
There is nothing to apologize for.

@al-Hasani and IamBengal took it too far.

. It's just one of the words that really gets me pissed. You could write 2 pages of abuses on Indians or me without mentioning cow and I would hardly brake a sweat. But as soon as someone uses cow piss ,I just forget my manners :lol:. I guess there are some words like that. I've heard in Jamaica , you could get away with calling someone a mother****er , however , if you call someone a "fagg*t" , you would most probably get shot. :lol:
Sorry, I took the bait again. I don't really like abusing any nationality or race but the phrase "cow piss drinker" pisses me off beyond anything.

Sarthak bro, don't get offended by any abuse from Saudi Arabians. They will abuse you by saying you are 'Cow piss' juice drinker but in many Saudi stores they sell 'Camel Piss' Juice in packed bottle. If you start abuisng them saying they are Camel piss drinker you will get racial comments from them.
Honestly, I am not against death penalty.

In fact, the main problem is the fair trial of someone suspected. If the rapists of Nirbhaya are given public executions, I will be actually very happy.

All true Indians who want their daughters, wives, mothers and sisters to be safe, will be happy.

If such death penalty can be levied on the likes of Ajmal Kasab and his handlers, then we all will be happy so that they remember what it means to kill innocents.

Saudi regime is an unfortunate case of the other end of a spectrum but death penalty is good.

In fact, indian politicians are sold to so-called rights groups who are nothing more than funded arms of CIA and NATO countries.

The day we have a leader with real guts, we can actually hit back politically and restore death penalty and implement it on enemies of India and Indian society.
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