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Saudi Terror & Executions - World Leaders Too Scared To Act For Humanity

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Wahabi cult has done maximum damage to Islam. Our Islamic scholars in Bangladesh say Saudi Arabia is the cancer of Muslim world. Off course they are true.
From the posts of this guy, they also seem to be massive racists.
Wahabi cult has done maximum damage to Islam. Our Islamic scholars in Bangladesh say Saudi Arabia is the cancer of Muslim world. Off course they are true.

It's a shame that nobody outside of Bangladesh follow your scholars or them supposedly saying this nonsense in the first place.
I don't know what so-called "Wahhabism" is since I just follow normal traditional Sunni Islam of the Shafi'i fiqh. As my ancestors have done for over an millennium from what I know of. This particular fiqh that is.
Most Bangladeshis ignore him because of his openly subservient attitude towards India, and his consistent animosity towards Muslims. He himself bragged about his hardcore pro-India feelings.

Maybe he is Bangladeshi, or maybe an Indian from Indian Bengal who is very familiar with Bangladeshi politics. Hard to tell.

By continuous spreading of misinformation, especially about the views of mainstream Bangladeshis, the likes of him always seek to alienate a friendly country/people from Bangladesh and Bangladeshis. This serves their master's agenda of ostracizing Bangladesh from genuine friends.
What a bunch of nonsense. All schools of Sunni and Shia Islam originate in KSA as do most of the Imam's. All outside of Abu Hanifa (ra). KSA is using the Hanbali madhab which is 1 of the 4 recognized Sunni madahib in KSA. At the same time we have Sunni Muslims that follow the Shafi'i fiqh which is the most popular in my home-region (Hijaz), and all the Southern Provinces of KSA among the Sunni Muslim population there. In the Northern provinces we have pockets of Hanafi followers and in the Eastern Province we also have followers of the Maliki madhab. In short all 4 Sunni Muslim madahib are followed NATIVELY by our people.

Now when it comes to Shia Islam we have 3 of the main Shia sects as well. The Zaydi's in the Southern Provinces among the Shia Muslim population, the Ismaili's in Najran and the Twelver school among the Shias of the Eastern Province.

There is nothing called Wahhabi and Najdi's are not Bedouins and there is nothing wrong with being a Bedouins since that are just pastoral/nomadic Arabs. Today only 5 million Bedouins are left in the Arab world out of population of 450 million Arabs.

Muhammad ibn Abdul-Wahhab al-Tamimi was neither an Bedouin but belonged to the ancient Banu Tamim tribe that can trace its ancestry to Prophet Ibrahim (as) as can all the other Adnani tribes.

I am a Sunni Muslim of the Shafi'i fiqh for your interest as are most Hijazis.

abdul aziz aal ash shaykh [ the great abdul wahab najdi ] the current grand mufti [ or muftari ] of saudi is a wahhabi

so was ibn uthaymeen, bin baz etc.

The Prophet salAllaho alaihi wa alihi wa sallam said, the horn of Shaytan will rise from the east, pointing to najd.

Najd is the centre of all Kharafaat. in the province, not far from Dar'ayya, and 'Uyaynah, lived Musaylima al Kadhhab, pretty much all the leaders of the khawarij, and finally the modern khawarij, the different kinds of wahabis, be they Madkhali or Qutbi.

I know every inch of Eastern Province, and every inch of Northern Provinces. There are NO Hanafi groups there, and neither any Malikis in Eastern Province except for a few families in Hufuf.

The only Hanafis in Saudi are in Hufuf, and a few families in Jizan.
From the posts of this guy, they also seem to be massive racists.

Our Bangladeshi workers are beaten by this Saudi cult racists every day. Even recently there were news of Saudis torturing Bangladeshis like dogs. Its really embarrassing to see some BDeshis on PDF lick Saudi Arabia 24/7 like Kalu_Miah. Shameless.
Our Bangladeshi workers are beaten by this Saudi cult racists every day. Even recently there were news of Saudis torturing Bangladeshis like dogs. Its really embarrassing to see some BDeshis on PDF lick Saudi Arabi 24/7 like Kalu_Miah. Shameless.
I owned him at his BS history lesson and he hasn't responded. Ignore him mate, Arabs like him are a stain on all Arab people.
abdul aziz aal ash shaykh [ the great abdul wahab najdi ] the current grand mufti [ or muftari ] of saudi is a wahhabi

so was ibn uthaymeen, bin baz etc.

The Prophet salAllaho alaihi wa alihi wa sallam said, the horn of Shaytan will rise from the east, pointing to najd.

Najd is the centre of all Kharafaat. in the province, not far from Dar'ayya, and 'Uyaynah, lived Musaylima al Kadhhab, pretty much all the leaders of the khawarij, and finally the modern khawarij, the different kinds of wahabis, be they Madkhali or Qutbi.

I know every inch of Eastern Province, and every inch of Northern Provinces. There are NO Hanafi groups there, and neither any Malikis in Eastern Province except for a few families in Hufuf.

The only Hanafis in Saudi are in Hufuf, and a few families in Jizan.

Complete and utter nonsense. I obviously know my country and its geography, having visited most provinces, than an foreigner like you do with all due respect. What you are saying is nonsense and simply not truth but whatever makes you happy.
It's a shame that nobody outside of Bangladesh follow your scholars or them supposedly saying this nonsense in the first place.
I don't know what so-called "Wahhabism" is since I just follow normal traditional Sunni Islam of the Shafi'i fiqh. As my ancestors have done for over an millennium from what I know of. This particular fiqhn that is.

When Saud came with his armies to Madeena Munawwarah, one of his wahabi soldiers went up the Green Dome of RASOOLALLAH, and he tried to hit it with a hammer, but you know what happened to him? He dropped dead. Another one climbed and tried it, but you know what happened to him? He dropped dead too. Since, then, no wahabi has ever tried to think about hurting the resting place of our Habeeb salAllaho alaihi wa alihi wa sallam.

Instead, the followers of Abdul Wahab Najdi went to Jannat ul Baqi, and broke down all the blessed Maqams of the Ahl al Bayt and Awliya Allah, even the Maqam of Sayyiduna Uthman radiallahu anhu.

They cleansed Najd of any sign of Sunnism.
It's a shame that nobody outside of Bangladesh follow your scholars or them supposedly saying this nonsense in the first place.
I don't know what so-called "Wahhabism" is since I just follow normal traditional Sunni Islam of the Shafi'i fiqh. As my ancestors have done for over an millennium from what I know of. This particular fiqh that is.

By God, this @IamBengali guy is a liar and is always spreading misinformation about Bangladesh and Bangladeshis. Don't engage in conversations with him assuming he is speaking the truth.
I owned him at his BS history lesson and he hasn't responded. Ignore him mate, Arabs like him are a stain on all Arab people.

Actually there is a Hadith where Prophet says he was sent as last prophet to a barbaric society. They even behead children. Can you imagine how barbaric and inhumane Saudi Arabia is? Its unimaginable. Humanity is a foreign word for most Saudis and I can post thousand reports to back me. Most Saudis are utterly racists. See, when I posted this report al-Hasani was ordering me to use whitening cream first then talk to him as if I was a black. I am fairer than him and I swear Allah, most Bangladeshis look handsome than most Saudis including al-Hasani.
@IamBengali aka Awami servant

Afro-Arabs are not Arabs by descent. You are obviously on average much more darker hence the prevalence of whitening creams in South Asia, mainly India and Bangladesh, which is non-existent in the Arab world or ME. :rofl: Not that there is anything wrong with that.

In any case you are an Awami servant and cretin.

Keep posting propaganda articles with ludicrous claims of 2500 executions.

Feed your millions of poor before you stick your nose into the ancient ME region.

Stop the corruption, anarchy, crime rates, acid attacks, rapes etc.
You yourself is Afro-Arab from habasha go hang with your Somali pirates

Wannabe Arab Farsi and half Gypsy:

Just because you as a half Farsi and half Gypsy is desperately trying to associate yourself with us Arabs it does not mean that you become one. For that you need not to make grammatical errors when you attempt to write Arabic.

Just because we used various people in slavery, including both of your people (Farsi and Gypsy) does not mean much. As did all world powers and influential people back then.

I am a Hashemite and I have no relation to the Horn of Africa let alone having visited it but I do like some Somali dishes that I tried here in Copenhagen. :rofl:
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Wannabe Arab Farsi and half Gypsy:

Just because you as a half Farsi and half Gypsy is desperately trying to associate yourself with us Arabs it does not mean that you become. For that you need not to make grammatical errors when you attempt to write Arabic.

Just because we used various people in slavery, including both of your people (Farsi and Gypsy) does not mean much.

I am a Hashemite and I have no relation to the Horn of Africa let alone having visited but I do like some Somali dishes that I tried here in Copenhagen. :rofl:
Stay classy...:lol:
By God, this @IamBengali guy is a liar and is always spreading misinformation about Bangladesh and Bangladeshis. Don't engage in conversations with him assuming he is speaking the truth.

You should do something to stop him. He is damaging the reputation of Bengali people and Bangladesh here.

Stay classy...:lol:

Just replying to his nonsense. But he is indeed half Farsi and half Gypsy. He told so before while I have no connection to Africa. He barely can write Arabic and probably learnt it in some school in Iran since it is obligatory aside from being a world language and in the top 5 of most spoken langauges.
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