This might be the first step in Bridging KSA-Pakistan
Jiwani, Pakistan to Muscat, Oman, (353 Km distance)
Plan-A, is on strategically important position from both sides and also have enough required infrastructure for constructing bridge & tunnel, it will connect hustle bustle city of Muscat, Oman, in a very short time as “
An Hour”, thus it will be then possible for people to take a cup of tea in Oman or Pakistan, within an hour by ultra speed of bullet train, which will be a tremendous achievement & ultimate development, especially for the Corporate World. For Plan-A, the best way of connection is Bridge-Tunnel or Submerged Floating Tunnel, because of its distance & chokepoint, if constructed, it will be the “Longest Bridge or Tunnel” in the world, as this will be the 2nd great honour / title for the Middle East, as the 1st “World Tallest Building” title is also hold by the Middle East.
The proposed Plan-A, will be utilized not only by Pakistan but the countries around the border (i.e. India, China, Afghanistan, & Iran etc), for the purpose of Import, Export & travel, most interesting thing is that the route will also be utilized for “Religious Tourism”, as well as by skilled & un-skilled workers to immigrate across the sea countries for global experience, as the total number of pilgrims (for Hajj at Saudi Arabia), & skilled & un-skilled workers from Pakistan & around the countries are 424,872 & 2,830,500, respectively, which will increase a handsome remittances & foreign investment as part of economic indicator, then, at first, Foreign Investment will increase, due to low exchange rate, availability of reasonable Skilled & Unskilled workers, cheap & fast travel, (within “an hour” visit from Oman), will also attract FDI & Multinational Companies, resultantly, opportunities for growth will raise, eventually GDP, livening standard will be high, in that the “Open Economic System” will start, which will increase the exchange rate. Thus, inflation will decrease and foreign reserves will grow awesomely, which undoubtedly is the symbol of development & prosperity of the Country, business & tourism.
As far as, relations between Pakistan and Oman are concerned, the same are characterized by friendliness, cooperation and common perception over regional and international issues. 30% of Omanis are of Balochi origin, and more than 85,000 Pakistani immigrants’ reside in Oman. However, for more real picture, the Comparative means of transpiration is as under, in which the difference of present & post scenario can clearly be seen: