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‘90% of Beggars Arrested Abroad are Pakistanis’, Secretary Overseas

You know this forum is crazy when you realize a 12 y/o was raped in India going door to door begging for help- as expected no one helped
Yet this thread goes on for 5 plus pages as Pajeets thought this stuff required all their attention

Idk man, just don't think we can have genuine, constructive conversations in this environment as Pakistanis

All our issues are turned into troll fests

Pisses me off to no end
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Beggary isn't necessarily about poverty. A person can be starving poor with honorable character, who may beg as a last resort, or not at all because he hates it, while another does it as a form of scam.

Two people have panhandled me inside a mosque. A shifty Lebanese guy beside me who pretended to pray, then asked for $5 after I finished praying. No one else was in the prayer room. I was afraid he might mug me. Similarly, when no one was around, a middle aged Afghan refugee praying behind me started a conversation after I finished. It was few years before Taliban took over. He hated Pakistan for the war in his country (every Afghan does), then asked for $20 saying his brother is in hospital for back surgery, and he has a leg problem. I told him to go to the mosque office. He said he has been there few times, and they gave him about 6 or 7 thousand dollars. That is a lot and apparently they had enough of him. He panhandled me again for $20 months later, he had forgotten me.
Open a thread on the subject and I will comment on it. I don’t derail threads to hide my shame like you do.

Crying already? Go ahead and report me to mods. I am not here to your mercy.

You have still not understood that this thread is not about India. Knock knock knock.

This thread is about 90% beggars from Paksatn.
Hey Indiot, go to an Indian forum, you do not need to spread your shit here. Nor are we at your mercy.

@waz @LeGenD
Please take care of this Indiot @VkdIndian , he is crossing his limits.

My quote of the CNN article is relevant, just because some stupid Indian member posted something bad about Pakistan, we too can post bad things about India.

Now Get lost.

Open a thread on the subject and I will comment on it. I don’t derail threads to hide my shame like you do.

Crying already? Go ahead and report me to mods. I am not here to your mercy.

You have still not understood that this thread is not about India. Knock knock knock.

This thread is about 90% beggars from Paksatn.
Get lost Indiot. I have already called the mods to deal with you.

What are you doing on a Pakistani forum? Stop spreading your shit here, and go to your shitty Indiot forum. :lol:
Does the news anchor provide any source for this or is it just anecdotal?
Please take care of this Indiot @VkdIndian , he is crossing his limits.
Please don’t cry when argument doesn’t suit you. Did I break any forum rules? Have I used foul language? Did I derail this thread? The answer is NO.

While you have done all these.

What are you doing on a Pakistani forum?
To be on an open forum and do quality discussion. In that process, spot and call out spammers and liars like you.
But why would anyone beg overseas while buying expensive tickets living in a country with higher cost of living?

Did you actually take time to read my post

I know the world isn't as simply as you thought Indian. It's a lot more complicated.

They went there as cheap labourers jobs have dried up or disappeared. We’re Promised good regular work there : What ever, they have probably borrowed large loans to fly and work in Saudis Arabia. Still have to pay them off. So are doing what they can until they find new employment . Don’t get hang up on expensive tickets and roaming begging gangs from Pakistan that’s not what happened to these poor souls.
Pakistan and India have different definitions of poverty you idiot. :disagree:

Pakistan's 40% is like India's 60% in poverty you moron. :lol:
Why not look at how world bank looks at poverty? Don't they use the same yardstick to measure poverty?
If I recall Pakistan has about 39% and India 15% poverty.
It's an organised business. Feudal Lords send these pilgrims out for the exercise and rake in the money after their successful return. Half a dozen districts from Central Pakistan have made this a profession.
It's an organised business. Feudal Lords send these pilgrims out for the exercise and rake in the money after their successful return. Half a dozen districts from Central Pakistan have made this a profession.

Beggary has certainly gone professional. A few days back a group of non-turbaned Sikhs extracted Rs 100 from me on the pretext of funding langar food. They even issued a flimsy receipt and gave me a photo of Guru Nanak as a momento. They were carrying QR code and I paid through phone. Punjabis are certainly very enterprising.
Beggary has certainly gone professional. A few days back a group of non-turbaned Sikhs extracted Rs 100 from me on the pretext of funding langar food. They even issued a flimsy receipt and gave me a photo of Guru Nanak as a momento. They were carrying QR code and I paid through phone. Punjabis are certainly very enterprising.

Central Pakistan is in a bit of a struggle. Floods, famine and lack of Industrialisation has resulted in a humanitarian crisis. The population explosion did not help the botched urbanization attempt.
View attachment 956439
Zeeshan Khanzada, Secretary Overseas Pakistanis reportedly provided some troubling figures regarding the indigent country’s foreign population in a recent Senate Standing Committee meeting on Foreign Pakistanis. He disclosed that a significant portion of overseas Pakistanis engage in begging which puts many of them in legal trouble, adding a massive stain to Pakistan’s already disgraceful record.

He asserted that several Pakistanis who indulged in international beggaring had run into legal issues. He divulged that 90% of the beggars caught abroad were from Pakistan. The ambassadors of Saudi Arabia and Iraq complained that their jails were overcrowded as a result of these arrests which also raised concerns about human trafficking.

He mentioned that many of the pickpockets nabbed inside the Masjid al-Haram in Saudi Arabia were Pakistanis and frequently used Umrah visas to visit the place for begging.

Reports also mention that the Arab countries have asked Pakistan to stop sending beggars disguised as pilgrims. Authorities in these countries have asked Pakistan to take back all the beggars, adding that 90% of the beggars caught in the countries are Pakistanis.

The subject of Pakistan’s relatively low presence among skilled employees in nations like Japan was brought up during the discussion by Senator Rana Mahmood-ul-Hasan. He stated that barely 200 Pakistanis had been deployed despite Japan’s request for 340,000 skilled personnel from diverse nations. This sparked reservations about the country’s workers being underutilised in international job markets.

About 1.5 million skilled employees from India and 91,000 from Nepal were sent to the east-Asian country. A competent workforce has also been sent there from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. He highlighted that Pakistan has a workforce of about 500,000 engineers and Nepal has a population of 30 million. However, the latter has dispatched workers to Japan where many of them are learning the Japanese language.

Approximately 3 million Pakistanis are employed in Saudi Arabia and while the government is drafting a plan, the Gulf state is currently hiring proficient workers rather than unskilled labour, according to the senator. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia is establishing skill centres in Pakistan due to the lack of skilled personnel. Around 200,000 Pakistanis are employed in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) which has offered to send 50,000 skilled workers to Pakistan.

The representatives from Overseas Pakistanis briefed the committee that Pakistan inked a contract with Japan in 2019. The latter has confirmed that Pakistan’s workforce should receive language training.

Senator Sherry Rehman stressed the necessity for Pakistanis to improve their abilities and drew comparisons to Nepal which had been sending mountain shepherds to Pakistan which lacked experts in surveying and mountaineering. She voiced worry about the lack of comprehensive training programmes and the competency level of Pakistani workers.

Zeeshan Khanzada further conveyed to the committee that there are many Pakistanis residing abroad with Bangladesh and India outpacing them in terms of emigration. He added that the majority of beggars who are apprehended are his fellow countrymen and that many are being imprisoned for begging in the Islamic holy cities.

He proclaimed that most of the people arrested for stealing wallets inside sacred sites are Pakistanis who enter on religious visas but end up begging.

He noted that many Pakistanis were employed in nations like the UAE and Qatar and that Pakistan had developed a skilled centre in Saudi Arabia. According to him, many Pakistanis were prepared for the workforce and were willing to pay high sums of money, up to 5 million rupees to land jobs abroad.

This meeting primarily concentrated on Pakistan’s emigration concerns, including discussions on the necessity to send skilled labour abroad and resolve different issues involving Pakistanis living abroad.

Notably, former Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif famously referred to the country as a beggar when he replied, “Beggars can’t be choosers,” in April of 2022 after Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf supremo and ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan Niazi called him a “slave of America”.

He then reiterated the same in September of the same year when he announced, “Today when we go to any friendly country or make a phone call, they think that we have come to beg for money,” while speaking at a lawyers’ convention. “Where does Pakistan stand today after 75 years,” he asked and added, “Even smaller economies have surpassed Pakistan and we have been wandering for the past 75 years carrying a begging bowl.”

The South Asian country has been simultaneously and unsuccessfully battling severe economic crises, inflation bombs, political instability and terror attacks for quite some time now with no end to its mounting troubles in sight.

Could there be some error in reporting? I mean could it be that 90% of all overseas Pakistan arrested, are beggers?
View attachment 956439
Zeeshan Khanzada, Secretary Overseas Pakistanis reportedly provided some troubling figures regarding the indigent country’s foreign population in a recent Senate Standing Committee meeting on Foreign Pakistanis. He disclosed that a significant portion of overseas Pakistanis engage in begging which puts many of them in legal trouble, adding a massive stain to Pakistan’s already disgraceful record.

He asserted that several Pakistanis who indulged in international beggaring had run into legal issues. He divulged that 90% of the beggars caught abroad were from Pakistan. The ambassadors of Saudi Arabia and Iraq complained that their jails were overcrowded as a result of these arrests which also raised concerns about human trafficking.

He mentioned that many of the pickpockets nabbed inside the Masjid al-Haram in Saudi Arabia were Pakistanis and frequently used Umrah visas to visit the place for begging.

Reports also mention that the Arab countries have asked Pakistan to stop sending beggars disguised as pilgrims. Authorities in these countries have asked Pakistan to take back all the beggars, adding that 90% of the beggars caught in the countries are Pakistanis.

The subject of Pakistan’s relatively low presence among skilled employees in nations like Japan was brought up during the discussion by Senator Rana Mahmood-ul-Hasan. He stated that barely 200 Pakistanis had been deployed despite Japan’s request for 340,000 skilled personnel from diverse nations. This sparked reservations about the country’s workers being underutilised in international job markets.

About 1.5 million skilled employees from India and 91,000 from Nepal were sent to the east-Asian country. A competent workforce has also been sent there from Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. He highlighted that Pakistan has a workforce of about 500,000 engineers and Nepal has a population of 30 million. However, the latter has dispatched workers to Japan where many of them are learning the Japanese language.

Approximately 3 million Pakistanis are employed in Saudi Arabia and while the government is drafting a plan, the Gulf state is currently hiring proficient workers rather than unskilled labour, according to the senator. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia is establishing skill centres in Pakistan due to the lack of skilled personnel. Around 200,000 Pakistanis are employed in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) which has offered to send 50,000 skilled workers to Pakistan.

The representatives from Overseas Pakistanis briefed the committee that Pakistan inked a contract with Japan in 2019. The latter has confirmed that Pakistan’s workforce should receive language training.

Senator Sherry Rehman stressed the necessity for Pakistanis to improve their abilities and drew comparisons to Nepal which had been sending mountain shepherds to Pakistan which lacked experts in surveying and mountaineering. She voiced worry about the lack of comprehensive training programmes and the competency level of Pakistani workers.

Zeeshan Khanzada further conveyed to the committee that there are many Pakistanis residing abroad with Bangladesh and India outpacing them in terms of emigration. He added that the majority of beggars who are apprehended are his fellow countrymen and that many are being imprisoned for begging in the Islamic holy cities.

He proclaimed that most of the people arrested for stealing wallets inside sacred sites are Pakistanis who enter on religious visas but end up begging.

He noted that many Pakistanis were employed in nations like the UAE and Qatar and that Pakistan had developed a skilled centre in Saudi Arabia. According to him, many Pakistanis were prepared for the workforce and were willing to pay high sums of money, up to 5 million rupees to land jobs abroad.

This meeting primarily concentrated on Pakistan’s emigration concerns, including discussions on the necessity to send skilled labour abroad and resolve different issues involving Pakistanis living abroad.

Notably, former Pakistan Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif famously referred to the country as a beggar when he replied, “Beggars can’t be choosers,” in April of 2022 after Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf supremo and ex-Prime Minister Imran Khan Niazi called him a “slave of America”.

He then reiterated the same in September of the same year when he announced, “Today when we go to any friendly country or make a phone call, they think that we have come to beg for money,” while speaking at a lawyers’ convention. “Where does Pakistan stand today after 75 years,” he asked and added, “Even smaller economies have surpassed Pakistan and we have been wandering for the past 75 years carrying a begging bowl.”

The South Asian country has been simultaneously and unsuccessfully battling severe economic crises, inflation bombs, political instability and terror attacks for quite some time now with no end to its mounting troubles in sight.

they are professional beggars.. like modi is a professional mass murderer...
You know this forum is crazy when you realize a 12 y/o was raped in India going door to door begging for help- as expected no one helped
Yet this thread goes on for 5 plus pages as Pajeets thought this stuff required all their attention

Idk man, just don't think we can have genuine, constructive conversations in this environment as Pakistanis

All our issues are turned into troll fests

Pisses me off to no end

It's all the pajeets. They wreck every thread on our forum.
We call them panhandler in America. I never seen an Indian or Pakistani panhandler.
It's usually crackheads and junkies that are looking for their next hit.
Mostly whites and blacks, even Latinos are rare to find panhandling.
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