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Saudi official injured in brawl at Islamabad airport

As expected that is what we talk about liberal bias against Islam and Muslims of liberals of Pakistan he was from embassy with immunity and ASF morons thrash him with already Pakistan in trouble these things will prove last nail in our coffin

WTF are you talking. He mis-behaved with a Pakistani ASF official and he got what he deserved. This is sub-continent, not Arabistan where these fat sheikhs can treat our people like dirt and get away with it.

I personally have witnessed laborers from subcontinent being hauled like animals for even handing the passport the wrong way and such nonsense stuff.
^^ Our people!!!!! seriously.. don't count us in you.
Well, according to the Saudi official we Pakistanis are a "servant class". But i still support a thorough and unbiased investigation into the matter.
Jihad, you missed the point... anyhow lets move on and wait what comes about because this would be defining an example for future.

I get the point, but you also need to understand that in some cases, restraint is indeed needed, but tough measurements too.
I guess a standard has now been set.

An American friend of mine once said, "don't start no sh-i-t, won't be no sh-i-t."
And this saying applies to this case I guess.
You people make me laugh.
Try this act in the Netherlands in a dutch airport, and you'll get your *** handed to you, detained, and you'd spend some good jail time or most likely get deported immediately.

But not before they make you feel the fist of the law.

Regardless of nationality indeed, this Arab felt the Pakistani fist of law. :lol:

Besides, it is no secret that certain arabs are quite the arrogant bastards, and this person seems no exception.
They should've called me, I'd love to smack some sense into him.

We Pakistanis are proud people, and should never accept anyone who looks down upon us, even the slightest bit. If you want to make a statement in this world and be a recognizable force, you as people need to stand up and show your guts.

That doesn't mean to go all out ballistic mode, but just, at the right moments use necessary force to draw a line. We are not 2nd or 3rd grade citizens, but equal citizens inhabiting this planet.

The next time he'll think twice before doing anything stupid at a Pakistani airport.

Whilst I do not agree with use of force or in corporal punishment but if I am honest I have to admit I could not help but laugh when I saw that video.

Everyday millions of our poor Pakistani's toil in Arab countries working for these camel riders on whom nature blessed oil riches. They are treated like sub humans and this extends to all South Asians. The same Arabs who treat Pakistani's like dirt look upto white European or Americans.

They refer to Pakistani as 'Miskeen'. A poor Pakistani comes to the 'Kaffir' UK and in 5 years he will get the Queen's passport. In law he will be equal to every other Briton, white, brown or black. Should he get sick he will get the full care by NHS Hospitals as another white Briton who will have paid a lifetime of taxes. He and his children will get every favour and benefit that any other Briton gets.In law he will be equal to all.

In this so called Ummah brother country of Saudia Arabia a Pakistani can be born there, live all his life there, pay taxes, but he will not get Saudi Passport. The law will treat him second class. He could be kicked out within days from Saudia without any reason. So yes, I must admit at a visceral level I did draw pleasure from seeing for once the tables being turned on these arrogant camel drivers.

As avid boxing fan I have seen punches by boxers do less damage than this guy's slap. If he ever gets tired of slapping Arab diplomats I would suggest he sign up in a boxing club. I would pay to see him in a boxing match.

Now like somebody said in this forum, popcorn, coke in hand and time to replay that slap video for the 10th time !!!
sir I wont be too smug about it

Arabs never forgive or forget like a camel. specially Saudis.. for them the South Asians are slaves ( yes INDIANS too :woot:)
they wont let it pass

there will be backlash in Saudia against the Pakistani citizens

brace yourself for many incidents with similar or more severity.
Arabs are like camels?!
Can I report a moderator?:what:
I have only seen this story here in this forum, no news no backlash. Backlash for what?! a fight in the airport?!:hitwall:
That's children attitude...
Who gave him the right to react like this to the normal procedures, these people consider all non-arabs as inferior.....we are proud people...a nuclear power...no desert bedouin has a right to slap our officer in our country.

CCTV footage has confirmed that he was the first to slap and then his son joined in. Pakistanis are by nature agressive, they mistook our love for Muslims as weakness...the picture of saudi official with blood stained clothes..will send a powerfull message across Saudi Arabia, that never mess with Pakistanis on Pakistani soil. He thought he would get away with it just like Raymond Davis, thats America, thats different...u can't compare Saudi Arabia to US.
^^ Our people!!!!! seriously.. don't count us in you.

They treat all South Asians the same ... Just because you are sitting comfortably in Pakistan and dont have an idea of what happens with labors in KSA ... That is no reason to criticize someone !

They refer to Pakistani as 'Miskeen'. A poor Pakistani comes to the 'Kaffir' UK and in 5 years he will get the Queen's passport. In law he will be equal to every other Briton, white, brown or black. Should he get sick he will get the full care by NHS Hospitals as another white Briton who will have paid a lifetime of taxes. He and his children will get every favour and benefit that any other Briton gets.In law he will be equal to all.
Ironically , it is very true !
Irfan Bhai i have seen what these Saudis Do to Pakistanis i have always wished we should be doing to them same.

I assured you at the western airports these Saudis behave and do exactly what they are told but the same people become obnoxious when they are in our countries.

Reason they behave in such a way is simple they no nothing will happen to them but this time obviously this guy Got more then he bargained for.

In Saudi no matter what the evidence is or what CCTV shows police officer or airport officials words is the last word.
What do you mean "these Saudis behave in this way"? how many other similar incidents by saudis in Pakistani airports?

Just make you realize, how others feel.... when yours kind relate Libiya, Israel, US etc .. i don't remember all, you can start from page one without my finger.

No one even remotely mentioned Libya , Israel or USA on this matter ... Yes , from page ONE !

It was your lot who was very keen to drag Iran , India and sectarianism into this simple matter of a Saudi misbehaving at a Pakistani airport with ASF thinking he was in Riyadh or Jeddah ...
^^ Our people!!!!! seriously.. don't count us in you.

Oh believe me, I have no special interest in associating myself with a pakistani, especially one who defends a foreign official thrashing his own country man and finding fault with the ASF official.

Try this stunt in JFK or in Newark and before you knew it you would be rotting your rear in some prison after a nice thrashing.
You people make me laugh.
Try this act in the Netherlands in a dutch airport, and you'll get your *** handed to you, detained, and you'd spend some good jail time or most likely get deported immediately.

True for every country , my friend ... It just happens that some people consider it as their religious duty to defend Arabs for every wrongdoings and try to be more Arabs than the Arabs themselves ! Otherwise , it was a simple matter ...

Oh believe me, I have no special interest in associating myself with a pakistani, especially one who defends a foreign official thrashing his own country man and finding fault with the ASF official.

Try this stunt in JFK or in Newark and before you knew it you would be rotting your rear in some prison after a nice thrashing.

Some people just have " no self respect " ... They cant comprehend that unless there is overwhelming evidence to support the fact that the Saudi guy wasn't at wrong , its " Innocent , until proven guilty " for ASF !

Rotting in prison ? I can imagine a dead body riddled with bursts of Submachine gun fire !
Because knowing the Saudis.. they could have overreacted and simply deported 10000 Pakistanis as reprisal.
When has anything similar happened?
When has SA deported Pakistanis for an incident that happened in Pakistan?
Only Childish Pakistanis think that way.
Some people just have " no self respect " ... They cant comprehend unless there is overwhelming evidence to support the fact that the Saudi guy wasn't at wrong , its " Innocent , until proven guilty " for ASF !

Rotting in prison ? I can imagine a dead body riddled with bursts of Submachine gun fire !

I think you meant, "Guilty until proven innocent".

I have been to Middle East and have seen these numb_skulled airport security surviving on Amiri grants treat south asians like dirt for the flimsiest of reasons. That incurable mentality to symbolically say you are our servants and we are your bosses.

As I said before in one of my posts it was a Pakistani laborer from Sind , he was ahead of me in queue by 3 persons, whose only mistake was he gave the passport the wrong way - it was closed and not opened with the visa stamp page..for that that ch***ya did such a big drama, took his passport, and sent him to meet the higher official....luckily another south asian guy..i did not know his nationality, he looked like well to do and knew arabic held out his neck for this guy and it was solved after 25 miinutes of haggling..

So yes, sometimes it is good to remind them, that they are not in their arabistan desert and cant get away with that mentality..
I think you meant, "Guilty until proven innocent".

You misread it bro ... It was " innocent until proven guilty for the ASF personnel " and the other way around for the Saudi guy !

I am well aware of the treatment meted out to South Asians in general in their day to day lives in KSA !

I have been there with my family and they treated me like **** at the airport and now they are making a big drama out of a small accident !

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