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Saudi official injured in brawl at Islamabad airport

Enough already ....
Why do you people need a reason to go at each other ?
Why don't you spend half of that effort in understanding each other and letting things go.

yet another Islamican ploy -- after all what is there to understand when instead of presenting arguments, Islamicans resort to Ahmadi, Shiah, Jew, Hindu and when that fails, as we can see in this thread, to point to Iran -- basically, Islamicans have divided Muslims and unleashed terrorism not just against Muslims but the whole world -- and now they want to be "understood" - The time for that is past, now Muslims must confront Islamicans, and if necessary bury them.
A great moment for pakistan this is exactly how they should be treated if they break the law good job. 1 for south asians 0 for racist gulf arabs.
hello and good morning folks . still we are bashing each other for this issue or i can go to job with peace of mind :D
''This is not Saudi airport or Saudi city, where you can beat up a Pakistani, this is Pakistan.
I have lived in Saudi Arabia for 7 years, you should see the way they treat Pakistanis, Bangladeshis, Filipinos, and Indians; not only at their airports but in day to day affairs.''

Thats great.
Clearly the lune brigade of arabized Pakistanis has no monoploy on faulty reasoning -- eyewitness = conjecture??

Enforcing compliance is not always clean, especially when confronted with a Saudi ruffian

How about when a Punjabi lands in Baloch, or a Sindhi lands in Pashtun territory? Should they all rough up each other in case some1 insults their provincial or tribal identity?

and you still havn`t responded to my earlier message.
make new airport damn quickly so ASF guys have new cool office :partay:
Yeah sure, Charity begins at home. People are screaming about westerns or arabs abusing Pakistanis like they are not abused within Pakistan, Have you seen how people specially the labor class (who is actually the victim of ill treatment in other countries) is being treated on our own airports by these so called ghairatmand professional airport staff? Are you not aware how Pakistanis treat laborers within Pakistan? are you not aware how wadaras and sardars keep people literally as slave of ancient times? How our ruling class and govt. treat Pakistanis, I don't know hows your experience with Pakistani embassy but i would say they also don't give any respect unless you are someone special or have links. never to mention our PM have already said FCUK OFF to 33% of Pakistanis, is it not shame and disrespect? If we ourselves can't give respect to country men than how we can expect others?

I have been in arab countries and iran as well, none has disrespected me or acted raciest towards me, but being a Punjabi i have experienced it in my own country by my own countrymen multiple times.

Professionalism says that ASF must have arrested him and charged him as per law instead of fighting like street boy. We must not encourage our already unprofessional ASF & Police for their idiotic acts.

definitely agree with first part of your post.......

by the way, in any country if some official were struck his immediate reaction may be to strike back in defence.......at least he didnt pull out a service pistol or anything like that

incidents like these are very unfortunate though, i hope it would never repeat again
How about when a Punjabi lands in Baloch, or a Sindhi lands in Pashtun territory? Should they all rough up each other in case some1 insults their provincial or tribal identity?

and you still havn`t responded to my earlier message.

As usual, Pakistanis can't think past their tribal mindset, first they went sectarian, then Xenophobic, back to ethnic and tribal -- what about the word "ALL" do you not understand?? ALL must comply with lawful requests of law enforcement officers
Same here....... but the uniformed man should have followed protocol.

Have you ever heard of business term... customer is boss!

Point is when you are on job, you follow protocol, even when it is civil and would take every thing from your customer with smile!

Same was for this uniformed man.. he should have acted as professional not a street hardy.

In Pakistan, we condemn a unformed man of highest authority for signaling punch, in a speech. Than how is it acceptable of a uniformed security man injuring a foreign vip. Apparently, only because he was an Arab!!!! :sick:

nationality has NOTHING to do with it

the fact that he hailed from a friendly county, i think the issue will be buried under the rug and resolved behind closed doors.,..the incident shouldn't be over sensationalized

i do however think ASF acted within norms....but i can never say 100% certain unless i saw the CCTV footage; quite frankly, no reason for them to get physical unless they felt threatened....and when a guy clean shaven or bearded - well dressed or poorly dressed takes a swing or slap or any form of physical and verbal intimidation then action is warranted....

if he had diplomatic immunity he couldnt be detained - simply deported and never allowed back.
We Pakistanis are a civilized nation. When the time comes for war,we are ferocious as anyone can imagine,but to assault people is low class behavior. No matter what the guy said, our security official should exercised proper judgement, protocol, and force.

Obviously you don't know PK people react when they are hit by a foreigner... We are fierce people, ASF guy was probably a Pushtun did you see the bruises? :P
We Pakistanis are a civilized nation. When the time comes for war,we are ferocious as anyone can imagine,but to assault people is low class behavior. No matter what the guy said, our security official should exercised proper judgement, protocol, and force.

You insist on misrepresenting the facts - is there no limit to your TC attitude - the arab physically attacked the officer and the officer defended himself - had the officer not put the crazed arab down, perhaps the crazed arab would have hurt others.

Obviously you don't know PK people react when they are hit by a foreigner... We are fierce people, ASF guy was probably a Pushtun did you see the bruises? :P

at this i agree with you even on foreign land we pakistanis become mad when someone hit our brother pakistani .no matter a sindhi balouchi pathan punjabi we unite at war :lol:
Muse, I'm not sure if you have served in the military or any organized defence unit, but my father said this to me.

"we were not even allowed to take a ****, unless our commanding officer gave us permission".

Does this assault make you proud?

I know for a fact our guys can beat and humiliate any Arab, or Iranian, or sia, or Sunni.

But does that mean they were in the right?
Muse, I'm not sure if you have served in the military or any organized defence unit, but my father said this to me.

"we were not even allowed to take a ****, unless our commanding officer gave us permission".

Does this assault make you proud?

I know for a fact our guys can beat and huniliate any Arab, or Iranian, or sia, or Sunni.

But does that mean they were in the rig

Does the assault make me proud?? certainly not, I condemn the crazed arab who defied lawful requests and procedures and resorted to physically attacking a Pakistani law enforcement officer, duty bound to uphold the law and protect all -- this assault upon a Pakistan officer deserves the harshest of condemnations, though there are TC who cannot bring seem to stand on two feet.

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