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Saudi military equipment is on its way to Jordan to arm the Free Syrian Arm

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That's the problem with these Arabs, specially the Saudis and their supporters. They fund and support extremist version of Islam along with terrorist organizations like Al-caeeda and Osama, while they themselves party, get drunk, fornicate, and their princess and princesses dress un-Islamic.

I just hope to God that Saudi Arabia, all of the GCC countries, as well as Jordan go through what Pakistan and Afghanistan have been suffering from for the past 30+ years, maybe then they will realize the taste of their own medicine.

Do you support an United Arab Nations from North Africa to Middle East?

If so, who should be the leader of the United Arab Nations? :coffee:
We have long suffered from such dirty terrorists ourselves! we are fighting them even more than you.
150 killed and injured civilians in Amman by Qaida in 2005, I remember how traumatizing that day was, but we got our revenge though...:devil:
Of course, even that much loss of life is tragic, but have you lost 40,000 people in terrorist attacks like Pakistan has? Have you lost more than 60 billion dollars worth of damage in infrastructure? Of course not, you people don't know what it feels like to have your countrymen brainwashed with a foreign ideology and manipulated to blow themselves up killing hundreds of fellow countrymen, our young men, our children, and whole generation lost to extremism, its remarkable that Pakistan is still existing as a country despite all of this.

I really feel sad for Afghans, they are suffering yet again from another war due to foreign extremist ideology.
Do you support an United Arab Nations from North Africa to Middle East?

If so, who should be the leader of the United Arab Nations? :coffee:

Pakistan would be the most likely candidate. It is neither a Shia state nor a Sunni state, so can act as a mediator between Shia and Sunni divide. Such an union would require defence protocols which would in turn require nuclear weapons, which only Pakistan has.
Do you support an United Arab Nations from North Africa to Middle East?

If so, who should be the leader of the United Arab Nations? :coffee:
Only an Arab can answer this question, i'm not Arab. However i can tell you this much, judging from history, Arab's wont have a easy time deciding the leader of such a union.
Pakistan would be the most likely candidate. It is neither a Shia state nor a Sunni state, so can act as a mediator between Shia and Sunni divide. Such an union would require defence protocols which would in turn require nuclear weapons, which only Pakistan has.

Well, but Pakistan is not an Arab state, would the Arab nationalists allow Pakistan to rule over them?

But Pakistan to be the leader of the Muslim World does make sense.
Of course, even that much loss of life is tragic, but have you lost 40,000 people in terrorist attacks like Pakistan has? Have you lost more than 60 billion dollars worth of damage in infrastructure? Of course not, you people don't know what it feels like to have your countrymen brainwashed with a foreign ideology and manipulated to blow themselves up killing hundreds of fellow countrymen, our young men, our children, and whole generation lost to extremism, its remarkable that Pakistan is still existing as a country despite all of this.

I really feel sad for Afghans, they are suffering yet again from another war due to foreign extremist ideology.

It would be a mistake to blame the Arabs for extremism. The real Takfiri ideology has been planted by CIA and Mossad operatives, disguising themselves as "Mullahs".

UAE has some hand in the insurgency in Balochistan though.
Only an Arab can answer this question, i'm not Arab. However i can tell you this much, judging from history, Arab's wont have a easy time deciding the leader of such a union.

That's why i am asking this question to Black Eagle for his enthusiastic motive to overthrow Assad's regime and Iran.
Well, but Pakistan is not an Arab state, would the Arab nationalists allow Pakistan to rule over them?

But Pakistan to be the leader of the Muslim World does make sense.

Well, its not really "ruling over the Arabs". Take the example of NATO. US provides nukes and majority funds and weapon tech. But does US actually "rule" over all NATO members? Well, US is the dominant force in NATO, but not literally. Arab countries will still have their own sovereignty under this model but Pakistan would be the "dominant" force owing to its self sufficiency in the production of Tanks, Jet fighters, other equipment and Nuclear weapons by which the Arab countries would benefit as well.
Well, but Pakistan is not an Arab state, would the Arab nationalists allow Pakistan to rule over them?
True, Pakistan is not a Arab country so no point in bringing it into this. However, considering the political as well as Tribal divide amongst the Arabs, would the Arabs allow one another rule over them let alone Pakistan?
Well, its not really "ruling over the Arabs". Take the example of NATO. US provides nukes and majority funds and weapon tech. But does US actually "rule" over all NATO members? Well, US is the dominant force in NATO, but not literally. Arab countries will still have their own sovereignty under this model but Pakistan would be the "dominant" force owing to its self sufficiency in the production of Tanks, Jet fighters, other equipment and Nuclear weapons by which the Arab countries would benefit as well.

In the same way, Pakistan would also benefit from technologies Arabs have. Pakistan would also benefit from the Oil of Arabs. Pakistan would also be a gateway for China's access to the Middle east. So many possibilities.
Well, its not really "ruling over the Arabs". Take the example of NATO. US provides nukes and majority funds and weapon tech. But does US actually "rule" over all NATO members? Well, US is the dominant force in NATO, but not literally. Arab countries will still have their own sovereignty under this model but Pakistan would be the "dominant" force owing to its self sufficiency in the production of Tanks, Jet fighters, other equipment and Nuclear weapons by which the Arab countries would benefit as well.

I am asking a leader for the United Arab Nations, so Pakistan is indeed not part of this.
Well, its not really "ruling over the Arabs". Take the example of NATO. US provides nukes and majority funds and weapon tech. But does US actually "rule" over all NATO members? Well, US is the dominant force in NATO, but not literally. Arab countries will still have their own sovereignty under this model but Pakistan would be the "dominant" force owing to its self sufficiency in the production of Tanks, Jet fighters, other equipment and Nuclear weapons by which the Arab countries would benefit as well.

Please, no Pakistan in such a Union, Pakistan already has enough of its own problems, how can we take lead of such a union composed of 22 Arab countries with population of more than 300 million with its own divide and problems?
Of course, even that much loss of life is tragic, but have you lost 40,000 people in terrorist attacks like Pakistan has? Have you lost more than 60 billion dollars worth of damage in infrastructure? Of course not, you people don't know what it feels like to have your countrymen brainwashed with a foreign ideology and manipulated to blow themselves up killing hundreds of fellow countrymen, our young men, our children, and whole generation lost to extremism, its remarkable that Pakistan is still existing as a country despite all of this.

I really feel sad for Afghans, they are suffering yet again from another war due to foreign extremist ideology.
Plz remember that when KSA sent those to Afghanistan for fighting communist forces, they were not meant to be terrorists but then they got back on even Al Saud and calling them traitors and infidels as you know. Most Saudi clerics renounced them. If they didn't then no one would listen to them because those terrorists are our enemy as well. I feel so sorry for Pakistan and Afghanistan and I hope we just get rid of those terrorists. But you should also blame US for inflaming such extreme thinking due to civilian killing and provoking Islam by peeing on Afghan dead bodies and Quraan and so on.
I am asking a leader for the United Arab Nations, so Pakistan is indeed not part of this.

United Arab Nations cannot be a realistic model. There is already GCC, OPEC and other Arab unions, which have not achieved that much clout. Without a mediator in between (Pakistan) for Shia and Sunni and other divides and DEFENCE (the most important thing), Arab Union is not possible

However, United Islamic nations can, and this was the model I was talkiing of.
True, Pakistan is not a Arab country so no point in bringing it into this. However, considering the political as well as Tribal divide amongst the Arabs, would the Arabs allow one another rule over them let alone Pakistan?

Those Arab nationalists, who want an United Arab Nations like Saddam/Hafez/Gaddafi, are not under the religious motivation, instead they followed the Arabism.

Wonder which Arab state wants to become the leader of the United Arab Nations.
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