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Saudi military equipment is on its way to Jordan to arm the Free Syrian Arm

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lol just last month two saudi typhons had crashed
atleast our crashed planes are f-5lol
well the most advanced air attack in the world is done by AIF.(H3 attack)
and the most Successful air combat is also done by AIF(one f-14 one missile 4 shot)
unlike you arabs in air combats AIF has the most talented and trained pilots in the world.
so dont compare yourselves with us
What are talking about? don't you realize that its 2012 where the world started acquiring 5th generation weapons?

lol just last month two saudi typhons had crashed
atleast our crashed planes are f-5lol
A couple of incidents don't mean anything unless it becomes regular.
What are talking about? don't you realize that its 2012 where the world started acquiring 5th generation weapons?
yes i realized!
when some arab country like ksa or sudan are studing how to make a simple glider.we have made AESA radars for fighters and we have made one 5gen fighter(shafaq) and we have another plan for making more "advanced than shafaq" fighter..lol
And you have been under sanctions for how long?

The Exact reason why we will succeed, We are not under sanction...
Funny that you compare Sanctioned iran against Turkey.

I think most iranians also agree with me when i say they are forced to produce crap, For that reason there industry is not a match against Saudi, Pakistani, Indonesian and Turkish in the islamic world. So unless Iran is free of Sanctions there is nothing to discuss here imbeccile...
What are talking about? don't you realize that its 2012 where the world started acquiring 5th generation weapons?

A couple of incidents don't mean anything unless it becomes regular.
that isnt one couple of acidents..
The Exact reason why we will succeed, We are not under sanction...
Funny that you compare Sanctioned iran against Turkey.

I think most iranians also agree with me when i say they are forced to produce crap, For that reason there industry is not a match against Saudi, Pakistani, Indonesian and Turkish in the islamic world. So unless Iran is free of Sanctions there is nothing to discuss here imbeccile...

Dude. You do not have any rocket technology. Iran has gone to space. When you go to space you come here and talk. Otherwise do not embarrass yourself anymore.
yes i realized!
when some arab country like ksa or sudan are studing how to make a simple glider.we have made AESA radars for fighters and we have made one 5gen fighter(shafaq) and we have another plan for making more "advanced than shafaq" fighter..lol
AESA!!! FOR ONCE! 5th gen jets! :girl_wacko:
Yah, china and Russia should have bought those tech from Iran rather than wasting time developing them. My friend, even Iranians in Iran defense forum don't believe this BS. Arabs in several defense forums put such claims in "funny and hilarious" thread because thats just impossible and I have many proofs.
What are talking about? don't you realize that its 2012 where the world started acquiring 5th generation weapons?

Do not worry. They will make them too. What about you? What have you done? Gone to space? Built a nuclear reactor? I guess that sums it up.

Saudi Arabia has been financing and arming the FSA for months. Fact. This IS a national security issue for us.
The only reason we haven't secured a safe zone with Jordan in south Syria, is because of Israel holding on to Butshar.
This is a battle we are fighting along side the Syrian people against virtually everyone. Iranian claws will be ripped from Syria,
and the Syrians will then take care of Hezbollah.

Oh, you mean this national security. Dude, first control your country before coming here and become a tekedar for the world:

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Dude. You do not have any rocket technology. Iran has gone to space. When you go to space you come here and talk. Otherwise do not embarrass yourself anymore.

Then please explain the SOM AG Missile which has 500Km Range, With Domestic Tubitak Sage Engine on the way whic has 4-6Kn, Same as the First Iranian made JET engine.

I dont denie that iran currently has the edge on missle technology, But with the 2500Km Cruise and Ballistic missile within only 2 years that is going to change real soon. We currently had Yildirim Ballistic missile from china which can be technologicly helpfull.
Dude. You do not have any rocket technology. Iran has gone to space. When you go to space you come here and talk. Otherwise do not embarrass yourself anymore.

Rocket technology is no benchmark and why getting so proud of a state which have history of sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan!
Do not worry. They will make them too. What about you? What have you done? Gone to space? Built a nuclear reactor? I guess that sums it up.
I guess Russians and North Koreans built nuclear reactors in Iran. And the hell is with space thing, its just a rocket with 30 kg payload. Its like you are saying Iran is invading the space and going to take over Mars!. Egypt, Algeria, and KSA built their Satellites along time ago.
AESA!!! FOR ONCE! 5th gen jets! :girl_wacko:
Yah, china and Russia should have bought those tech from Iran rather than wasting time developing them. My friend, even Iranians in Iran defense forum don't believe this BS. Arabs in several defense forums put such claims in "funny and hilarious" thread because thats just impossible and I have many proofs.
this is why i always advice you not to comparing yourselves with us!
why dont you ask my other Iranian friends about that bullshit you claimed?
Oh! is that true?
Man just be logical for once and stop this arrogance. Because I can say that Iranian jets is like donkeys who carry 1000 books. So this is just BS. At least Saudi pilots got the highest scores in international air drills with superpower such as Red and Green flags exercises. While, all we know about Iranian pilots that their jets fall down every 3 months. My friend, your Persian ancestors were not less arrogant and they called the same people "shepherds and scums" but they were badly defeated tens of times by them. as well as what happened in Gulf war 1 when Saddam beat the crap out of your army although Iranian army was in its best conditions.
Saddam beat the crap out of our army???Man you are so god damn high.If Saddam defeated us,where is he now?He got hung by his own people and Where is Iran now?Saddam couldn't take even one centimeter of our soil,we kicked him out of Iran in just 1.5 years after the war.Saddam used chemical weapons on our people and even his own people,but we never bombed Iraqi cities,Khomeini had ordered that people of Iraq should not suffer because of this lunatic's acts.We destroyed almost all Iraqi navy after 3 months in to the war,we shot down nearly 450 Iraqi jets,we took near 45000 of Iraqi's army as prisoners of war.And all of this happened while Iraq had support from all major powers,Arab dictatorships and others while Iran couldn't even buy spare parts for its jets.Get out of your hole and get your facts right.Saddam was defeated and humiliated in the war so bad,he couldn't achieve even one of his goals and after the war he was like a injured dog,so he attacked Kuwait,his former supporter in war with Iran.
Yeah this is how most Arabs treat each other.They even betray each other in their face.
BLACKEAGLE;2709288]I swear to God that you hate Arabs and Al Saud

Wow what was your clue number one & I have no problem with Arabs i just have a problem with rats infestation In Arab lands.

in specific because they are a thorn in every sun-nah enemy's eyes

Noting says sun-nah more then house of Saud and there life styles.I cant believe you will sink this low obviously you have no respect for Our prophet and his teachings.

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّبِيُّ إِنَّا أَرْسَلْنَاكَ شَاهِدًا وَمُبَشِّرًا وَنَذِيرًا وَدَاعِيًا إِلَى اللَّهِ بِإِذْنِهِ وَسِرَاجًا مُّنِيرًا" O Prophet! We have sent you as a witness, a bearer of good tidings and of warning, as a caller to Allah by His leave and as an illuminating lamp," [Qur'an (33:45 - 46)

not because terrorism and other BSs.

Are you for real you are the one celebrating Al-Qaeda Terrorist and cheering terrorist attacks in Syria but what you are saying is if i was with you and celebrating terrorism i would be against terrorism.

Your loyalty is for Khomeini not for Pakistan.

You are so desperate looking for a leaf to hold onto before sinking to new lows.

I see you desperately support Iran and Syrian regime more than Pakistan itself

In other words if i wanna show i love Pakistan i must hate Iran and love House of Saud & watch them kill humanity and not question it.

Most Wahhabi terrorist In Pakistan were doing exactly that blowing up their motherland to please house of Saud.If that's called patriotism i pass ,but you might have noticed we have been sending most of those patriots to hell and i can see why that makes you upset with the help of Americans and its a appropriate missile named Hell fire.

Someday Pakistanis will realize this about you all but I am afraid it will be late

I am glade to see more and more Pakistanis waking up and realizing who our and Muslims enemy is and yes you should be afraid we are all on to you.
Saddam beat the crap out of our army???Man you are so god damn high.If Saddam defeated us,where is he now?He got hung by his own people and Where is Iran now?Saddam couldn't take even one centimeter if our soil,we kicked him out of Iran in just 1.5 years after the war.Saddam used chemical weapons on our people and even ts own people,but we never bombed Iraqi cities,Khomeini had ordered that people of Iraq should not suffer because of this lunatic's acts.We destroyed almost all Iraqi navy after 3 months in to the war,we shot down nearly 450 Iraqi jets,we took near 45000 of Iraqi's army as prisoners of war.And all of this happened while Iraq had support from all major powers,Arab dictatorships and others while Iran couldn't even buy spare parts for its jets.Get out of your hole and get your facts right.Saddam was defeated and humiliated in the war so bad,he couldn't achieve even one of his goals and after the war he was like a injured dog,so he attacked Kuwait,his former supporter in war with Iran.
Yeah this is how most Arabs treat each other.They even betray each other in their face.
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