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Saudi Arabian Women's Conference... With Not A Female In Sight


That's a really nice dress, don't care for the hat though.
Aye, she has some good taste in clothing, i kind of like that hat. Very Ascot!

The hat doesn't fit the face, especially the hairline, nose and eyes. The face has a sharp look to it but the hat is soft and too round. She really should have done without it.

She's as sexy as hell man! Arabian chicks :yay:

She is nice but I don't like her nose and I really hate her calfs as they are wayy to thick. Other than that she is quite nice.
KSA needs reformists ......leaders with liberal view point
I hope Al-Waleed bin Talal will lead KSA some day (Al-Waleed bin Talal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
His father Prince Talal was founder of free princess movement, later due to his stand his passport was withdrawn and property confiscated by government (Talal bin Abdulaziz Al Saud - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)

He has more women employed in his office then men and have to remove burka/hijab once they enter the premises and have to dress professionally
KSA has rule that women cant drive but nothing on flying...so his pilot is a lady :cheesy:
BTW the guy above with that beautifully dressed lady(his wife) is Al-Waleed bin Talal
Safavids :lol:
For example, Mu'tah is legal in Iran, and has been encouraged by sexual-mullah monsters, we on the other hand have our own codes of ethics.

Misyar? :lol: not trying to put anything down or anything but the same words have been repeated a million times. BTW Mutah is mentioned in the Quran (4:24), and was practiced during the prophets time. It was later forbidden by the second Caliph Umar. You seem to misunderstand the concept of Muta so I'll explain it for you.

1-The women must have authority over herself to practice it (divorced women, widows...)
2- the lies about married women practicing it is totally false, there is no such thing.
3 - the "3uda" (waiting some months after separation) is still mandatory for Muta.

And if you attempt to put Shias down by mentioning Muta, I could very well bring out the rotten practices in the Saudi society, but il be nice and keep quite about it for now.

زنا المحارم المنتشر، اللواط المنتشر بكثرة. الزنا من المحصنات بسبب هجرهً من قبل أزواجهن.

Don't want to expose the societies too much, I typed it in Arabic on purpose, but don't be throwing stones when your house is made of glass.

So how about we stay on topic and keep it civilized before it turns out into a secterian debate
زنا المحارم المنتشر، اللواط المنتشر بكثرة. الزنا من المحصنات بسبب هجرهً من قبل أزواجهن.

Spoken like a true Arab Takfiri Sectarian Extremist Shia. Well done.

You are all the same, sectarian extremism is in the core of your beliefs.

Dude, you have no dog in this fight at all.

Spoken like a true Arab Takfiri Sectarian Extremist Shia. Well done.

You are all the same, sectarian extremism is in the core of your beliefs.

I think he misunderstood my post. But I don't think he's extremist :/
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i am failed to understand what you Iranians have problem ?????????? daily 5 threads to bash Saudi ? do your own women reached highest level of freedom ? or your problems over? its better you guys stick on home rather then left right .

Dude, you have no dog in this fight at all.

I think he misunderstood my post. But I don't think he's extremist :/

He would not hesitate for a second to murder you given the chance, they are so full of hatred it is hopeless to reason with them.

Seriously, these kind of people will shower in your blood without second thought, these sectarian extremist shias are the most dangerous in the world.
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