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Saudi Arabian Women's Conference... With Not A Female In Sight


Nov 4, 2012
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Iran, Islamic Republic Of
United States
An image of a conference in Saudi Arabia on the topic of “women in society” – with not a single female present - has gone viral.

The picture features row upon row of men in traditional headscarves and white thobes. A single Westerner in a flannel shirt is the only person breaking up an otherwise uniform sea of what appear to be Arab men.

We traced the picture back to Beladalorb.com, which says it was published in Saudi newspaper Okaz last year.

The conference on the subject of 'women in society' was notable for its lack of women

The conference was reportedly held at the University of Qassim and was apparently attended by representatives of 15 countries.

Much is being made of absurdity and hypocrisy of the image, but when you consider Saudi Arabia is a country where women are not permitted to drive, it seems less so.

Religious police in the Gulf Kingdom which is governed by Sharia Law only recently lifted a ban on females riding motorbikes and bicycles – as long as they wear the full-length veil and are accompanied by a male relative.

It is illegal for Saudi women to travel abroad without male accompaniment. They may only do so if their guardian agrees by signing a document know as a 'yellow sheet' at an airport or border crossing.

In November 2012 it emerged women were being electronically monitored with authorities using SMS to track them and inform their husbands of their whereabouts.

And it was only in 2011 that women were given the right to vote and run for office in municipal elections in 2015.

Saudi Arabian Women's Conference... With Not A Female In Sight (PICTURE)

Is this your thread number 200 about Saudi Arabia, IraniMALE2? All you have been able to come up with has been shooting of terrorists, death penalties to murderers and other non-important issues that you think will change anything.

Let us not even start with talking about Iran, the land with the highest number of drug addicts in terms of percentage, especially heroin, the land of poverty, corruption, torture, public hanging with cranes that can take up to 2 minutes before the condemned dies, machines that cut peoples hands/fingers off in public, the land of stoning (until very recently), land with most car accidents, land of crime, hypocrisy and heretic beliefs most importantly. Nor to mention a country that is condemned worldwide, under sanctions, political isolation and hatred in the whole Arab and Sunni world including the West by large.

Don't you have some videos to post of thousands of Iranians banging their heads while they curse the West, Sunnis and Arabs every Friday?:omghaha:

Regarding the topic then you have no clue about what that conference was about. Secondly the Qasim province is one of the most conservative province in KSA and there is nothing wrong with it. It is a very beautiful province.

Regarding Saudi women then they are the most educated in the Arab world and among the best educated in the whole of Asia.

Also we do not care what Safavids and heretics say about us. You have no importance to us nor do we care of the opinion of foreigners, non-Muslims and non-Arabs. You are not even our neighbors to begin with.

In short find another hobby.

Saudi Women: in Focus - YouTube
I'm not disrespecting Islamic views, since my country is Islamic as well.

BUT If this was a Women's conference , Women of all ages should've been invited.

Maybe not a speaker, but as least as an audience.
lol am I missing something? or is it just my overfed brain? are all these beautiful bearded masculine women really women? why aren't they wearing the hijab. Astaghfirullah. SHowing their ankles aswell. wah kiya women conference hai.
Huffington post? Seriously? KSA bashing is like the bread and butter of such sites. Any way westerners should mind their own business than spewing venom against a country where women have more freedom, safety and respects than in the rape capitals of the western world.
Huffington post? Seriously? KSA bashing is like the bread and butter of such sites. Any way westerners should mind their own business than spewing venom against a country where women have more freedom, safety and respects than in the rape capitals of the western world.

Then you have no right to interfere when the western countries make curbs on hijab or minarahs. (btw I strongly disagree with the restrictions. If your going to defend this stupid farce of a "women" conference then do say logically, I might be missing something here but if it supposed to be a women's conference then the million dollar question is where are the women? or horribly these are the women of Saudi Arabia ?(in the picture):what:
Then you have no right to interfere when the western countries make curbs on hijab or minarahs. (btw I strongly disagree with the restrictions. If your going to defend this stupid farce of a "women" conference then do say logically, I might be missing something here but if it supposed to be a women's conference then the million dollar question is where are the women? or horribly these are the women of Saudi Arabia ?(in the picture):what:

Saudi Women: in Focus - YouTube

Why do people believe everything that they read? This is not a "women conference". That was a conference last year that concerned the role of females and males in a contemporary society and the difficulties both sexes face in the future in a increasingly demanding and rapidly chancing society and world. In Al-Qasim, one of the most conservative provinces in KSA and in the heartland of Najd, of all places.

Women were present in another conference intended for women.
Then you have no right to interfere when the western countries make curbs on hijab or minarahs. (btw I strongly disagree with the restrictions. If your going to defend this stupid farce of a "women" conference then do say logically, I might be missing something here but if it supposed to be a women's conference then the million dollar question is where are the women? or horribly these are the women of Saudi Arabia ?(in the picture):what:

Well westerners are the ones who brag and lectures about democracy and individual freedom. SO obviously muslims can point out their hipocrisy and also stand up for what is legally their fundamental right and also religious obligation. Now don't come up with the argument about allowing nudity in the streets of KSA or other conservative muslim states, as Islam has seperate set of of criterias of individual freedom and human rights perfectly customized for Humans by our creator.

Now on KSA issue, I don't agree with them not allowing women to drive (now they lifted the ban). But they pretty much follow all the major aspects of sharia law and hence should be respected for that. Its none of the western countries business to scrutinize KSA on whether they allow women in such a conference. And who knows if women are indeed in the conference hall in seperate premises. Papers like huffington post can not be trusted in such cases.

Edited: Thanks to explanation by al-Hasani. It seems that it wasn't a women's conference after all and just another western propaganda attempt.
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