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Saudi Arabia wanted to buy Pakistani submarines

We would be assisting ourselves as well by improving and developing a manufacturing base.

We would be assisting ourselves as well by improving and developing a manufacturing base.

That's not the point of your post. Such positives could be developed even further without discriminating, or giving priority on a religious-base. Africa is one example that sticks out like a sore spot.

You seem to want to hail the Sauds and other Dynasties of the Arabian World, based on the fact they're muslim. What have they done for Pakistan? They are simply looking out for their own interests. Neither is Saudi Arabia 'Islamic' in the least in terms of its ruling set up. One dynasty should not be permitted to monopolize the holy places of a religion for its own, twisted political purpose -- where was this so called epitomy of goodness and all that is Islam when the Gaza Strip was reduced to rubble by Israel? And why, oh why, do they choose to instigate a ruckus with Iran (or vice versa, Iran's not exactly a role model either) based on racial grounds?

So, now we are the devil killing people in Pakistan and Syria? Where in the world did you bring this nonsense from? I think you read the news upside down.. .. Still, not surprising from someone with your country flag.

I advise you to learn more about Saudi Arabia than what you get from your inspired Mulla's.

But who funds these mullahs? The financial source leads back quite close to home, doesn't it?
Hi, PN did this blunder, there are 3-4 A-90B in French dockyard, the earlier ones retired in late 90s the last one retired in 2001 all were-are in great condition, instead of procuring PN went ahead with upgrades of A-70. procuring A-90s and upgrading them to A-90Bs would have been one of the best deals, fund are no problem why do you think PN is going after 6 Chinese submarines. I am not sure Chinese are fools to fund every procurement of Pakistani Armed Forces, meanwhile PN get its Chinese submarines, those A-90s would have served well for the next 10+ Years.


The reason A-90s got retired were French going for ballistic-Nuclear submarines to cut the cost they retired them.

You are right. Even I suggest that PN should have done a deal with the French that they are going to buy those two A-70s only and if they would allow PN to build 5 more in Pakistan and go for a JV with A-90s with French also.
That's not the point of your post. Such positives could be developed even further without discriminating, or giving priority on a religious-base. Africa is one example that sticks out like a sore spot.

You seem to want to hail the Sauds and other Dynasties of the Arabian World, based on the fact they're muslim. What have they done for Pakistan? They are simply looking out for their own interests. Neither is Saudi Arabia 'Islamic' in the least in terms of its ruling set up. One dynasty should not be permitted to monopolize the holy places of a religion for its own, twisted political purpose -- where was this so called epitomy of goodness and all that is Islam when the Gaza Strip was reduced to rubble by Israel? And why, oh why, do they choose to instigate a ruckus with Iran (or vice versa, Iran's not exactly a role model either) based on racial grounds?

But who funds these mullahs? The financial source leads back quite close to home, doesn't it?

Ask Iran who funds their Mulla's not me.
Mossa if this is correct I would de very disappointed. I would say we should try those in Pakistan who refused this for treason of the greatest order. They should be hanged. But I would also find it very difficult to believe

Refusing to sell any thing does not come under the definition of treason, and if you try one... it sets example for future.
Imagine those being hanged for treason, who declined U boat negotiated yb previous govt.!!

This is why, state affairs shall be handled by sane heads.

On the subject, i doubt that this situation ever arise..... i would never believe DAWN rather would look for a second source from counter side.

However, I'm glad Saudi Arabia did not ventured into buying Augusta.
Augusta were brokered by Zardari for Pakistan Navy otherwise on merit they are not worth money.
Hi, stop being anti-Pakistan, because I am about to zip your mouth.

Clinton Administration refused to to sell 100 F-16s requested by RSAF due to isreali concerns, Yet idiots in al-saud family proceed with US equipment buy of $60B and previous $20B in 90s-2012 that is well over $85B and then you cry for couple of submarine worth peanuts $700M. Finger point at the culprit that is al-saud kingdom-US not Pakistan.

You negative view against Pakistan is unwelcomed, you sing the idiotic tunes of washington.

another idiot. btw I'm not crying over any. why would I cry? its u guys screaming why saudi arabia is not buying from us.
Now when you are talking about saudi arabia don't forget to add the rest of the GCC countries. so it means we are talking about the Peninsula Shield Force which includes:

Military of Bahrain> operates f-16
Military of Kuwait
Military of Oman operates >f-16
Military of Qatar
Military of Saudi Arabia
Military of the United Arab Emirates operates> f-16

now FYI saudi arabia never requested f 16 and never deals with single engine fighters. now regarding israel's pressure on the US is totally expected but what happened at the end the contract got singed( Money talks ). the deal wasn't on the f-16 as you claim..

btw saudi arabia operates weapons from US-china-Europe-africa-russia-turky. saudi can go anywhere to buy weapons now the US don't won't to lose us. being close to your enemy is called wisdom.

At the end call it whatever you wanna call it >a negative view or the truth that hurts<

but the Q is why did pakistan accept the US pressure ?
another idiot. btw I'm not crying over any. why would I cry? its u guys screaming why saudi arabia is not buying from us.
Now when you are talking about saudi arabia don't forget to add the rest of the GCC countries. so it means we are talking about the Peninsula Shield Force which includes:

Military of Bahrain> operates f-16
Military of Kuwait
Military of Oman operates >f-16
Military of Qatar
Military of Saudi Arabia
Military of the United Arab Emirates operates> f-16

now FYI saudi arabia never requested f 16 and never deals with single engine fighters. now regarding israel's pressure on the US is totally expected but what happened at the end the contract got singed( Money talks ). the deal wasn't on the f-16 as you claim..

btw saudi arabia operates weapons from US-china-Europe-africa-russia-turky. saudi can go anywhere to buy weapons now the US don't won't to lose us. being close to your enemy is called wisdom.

At the end call it whatever you wanna call it >a negative view or the truth that hurts<

You can boast all day long about the sizes of your weapons, the turbines that power them and the quality of ammunation that causes them to burst in the air. But the truth is, each of the countries in the PSF are responsible for the death of civilian protestors, for fighting against their regime peacefully; regimes that are not elected by their people, that exploit religion to justify themselves.

Sure, continue stock piling your weapons and building your egos. But at the end of the day - when was the last time you actually used them for good?
You can boast all day long about the sizes of your weapons, the turbines that power them and the quality of ammunation that causes them to burst in the air. But the truth is, each of the countries in the PSF are responsible for the death of civilian protestors, for fighting against their regime peacefully; regimes that are not elected by their people, that exploit religion to justify themselves.

Sure, continue stock piling your weapons and building your egos. But at the end of the day - when was the last time you actually used them for good?

all of your post is irrelevant to the topic but I'm going to answer the last Q. the saudi weapons are to protect the GCC nothing els.
all of your post is irrelevant to the topic but I'm going to answer the last Q. the saudi weapons are to protect the GCC nothing els.

How is it irrelevant? You're just evading the simple facts: Saudi Arabia is interested only in the projection of its Dynasty's power.

Protect the GCC? From whom? Its own people; or other muslim nations? Let's be frank here, Saudi's only in it for themselves. Why else would they've funded the Gulf War against Iraq?
btw saudi arabia operates weapons from US-china-Europe-africa-russia-turky. saudi can go anywhere to buy weapons now the US don't won't to lose us. being close to your enemy is called wisdom.

At the end call it whatever you wanna call it >a negative view or the truth that hurts<

but the Q is why did pakistan accept the US pressure ?

First of all, watch your mouth when logging into a professional defense forum, it might be a custom on arabian third class local forums Not here.

Being close to enemy is wisdom so you Agree that you are befriends with israel.:lol:

No get over it, Pakistan refused to sell it, period why cry river over it, you say saudis can go anywhere to procure anything so where are you submarine procurement its 2012.

At the end of the day it is saudi members that are hurt, no point is asking questions did you not just say saudis don't care they can go beg someone else anyday.
[/QUOTE]Protect the GCC? From whom? Its own people; or other muslim nations? Let's be frank here, Saudi's only in it for themselves. Why else would they've funded the Gulf War against Iraq?[/QUOTE]

It seems you haven't been updated since 1980's.
Thank you for exposing the true feelings of Pakistani regarding Saudi Arabia.

This forum is run by anti Arab brigade.

Whole idea of provocation and baseless blames is to create a divide among Pakistan and Arab.

Don't loose hope... this is era of misinformation and deception.

Because Iraq invaded us pure and simple.

Don't answer off topic rants... let them expose themselves to the fullest.
This forum is run by anti Arab brigade.

Whole idea of provocation and baseless blames is to create a divide among Pakistan and Arab.

Don't loose hope... this is era of misinformation and deception.

let them expose themselves to the fullest.

Really Batman ? Why do you bother to post here then ? Run to some Arab forum !

Nobody's provoking anybody , the whole point is that Saudi Arabia is a bigger ally of US than Pakistan and I found it almost impossible to believe that the purchase was stopped by Washington ...
They have sold more weapons to Riyadh than you can even imagine !

To enlighten you about one thing , there's no anti-Arab here , there are anti-Al Saud and other GCC monarchies here , always have been ... AND ITS NOT YOUR RELIGIOUS DUTY TO DEFEND EACH AND EVERY WRONG COMMITTED BY THEM ! Like the most of your lot thinks ! Misinformation ? That they sided with Britain against muslim Ottomans , paved the way for the creation of Israel , that they made US $ the reserve currency of the world ! I have more , but I will let you handle these first ! These monarchies didn't even issue a single statement of condolence after Salalah !
Are you being more Arab than Arab themselves now ? :azn:

Expose us or continue to ponder over this unreliable piece of news ? :tdown:

You seem to want to hail the Sauds and other Dynasties of the Arabian World, based on the fact they're muslim. What have they done for Pakistan?

Go easy ! He's not trying to convey what you deduce from it ... And to answer this question nothing ! Except pushing us into an American war for which we are suffering for 3 decades now , providing vital funds and nurturing terrorist on their soil ! Think of it !
The War isn't being fought on Arabian soil , its the Pakistani one ! Today no one blames them , but you ... Just because they have oil , their name is cleared for now !
Saudi Arabia and Malaysia expressed interest in Pakistani-built French Agosta 90-B submarines

Saudi Arabia on other hand has almost finalized the deal . The main problem with the issue is that French and Pakistani engineers have changed Agosta into a platform that can launch nuclear strikes. This irked American Defense Department which was quick to use its ties with Pakistan on this issue. However Pakistan has assured United States that it will sell perfectly safe submarines to Saudi Arabia

DAWN WIRE SERVICE : 18 November 2000 Issue : 06/44

wrong news and very old news
don't answer my Q by another Q. the article clearly stated that now go back to the article read and then give answer if you have.

Did you read the article ? :azn: The link doesn't even mention the sort of things the OP posted !

S. Arabia, Malaysia interested in Agosta
By Shamim-ur-Rahman

KARACHI, Nov 16: Saudi Arabia and Malaysia have expressed interest
in Pakistan's expertise for building the French-designed Agosta 90-
B submarines and explored the possibilities for striking a deal in
this regard.

This was stated by the naval chief, Admiral Abdul Aziz Mirza while
briefing newsmen on navy's efforts for self-reliance at the media
centre of Ideas 2000 defence exhibition on Thursday.

"We have been successful in the sale of midgets and we are also
exploring the possibility of selling Agosta 90-B submarines to a
regional country," he said.

Admiral Mirza added that Saudi Arabia and Malaysia were interested
in the product. Qatar was also a buyer of Pakistan-built midgets,
he said.

Delegation of these countries visited the surface ships and
submarine rebuild and manufacturing facilities at the naval

He said that any tri-lateral deal with regard to Agosta 90-B would
not only boost Pakistan's image and credibility in international
market, but also help in earning sizable foreign exchange, required
for future development programmes of the services.

A deal in this regard would also result in considerable savings for
the prospective buyers, he added.

Admiral Mirza said the navy was looking for regional and other
markets for its products.

He said that the second Agosta, now being built at the dockyard,
would be delivered in 2002 and the third would be commissioned in
2004. Over 750 people were working on the project. Of them 500 had
been trained in France, he added.

As the production gathers momentum, "we will certainly go for
deletions for producing spare parts, which will enable us to reduce
dependence on others", the admiral said.

He said Pakistan believed in transfer of technology and told a
questioner that we have paid for all the assistance on transfer of
technology to France, which figured out at $1 billion and with
mark-up came at $1.4 billion. It included expenses incurred on
setting up of workshops and upgradation of the shipyard.

Pakistan's public sector defence companies and overhaul rebuild
capabilities were engaged in a wide-range of activities that could
be utilized by friendly nations, he said.

The navy, he said, had gone in a big way for indigenization in
shipbuilding with Chinese assistance. He said those countries, who
were using similar type of vessels, could also benefit from
Pakistan's expertise for training of its personnel besides repair
and maintenance of the vessels.

The French authorities had come under pressure from the European
Union, after 1998, but that was a temporary phase which was over
and "we have the best of relationship", the admiral said

The only related things I find in the link are these ... Now go back and read the links ! :azn:
People are very quick and eager to jump on the bandwagon !


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