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Saudi Arabia to facilitate Pak in every sphere of life

No thanks I'd rather be just ignorant and not "truly ignorant" -- anyway when you come back and you will, just remember this, for your laack, I'll have crore and that I'm ignorant

You are the same type of scum that would alienate Ahmedis as well. You are an extremist, just not a religious one.

Have crore of what for me?

The Quaid didn't fight for this country so that jokers like you whether they be religious extremists, or liberal fasicts could go alienate and insult different people.

You are a clown.

Telling me to leave my land?
You are the same type of scum that would alienate Ahmedis as well. You are an extremist, just not a religious one.

Have crore of what for me?

The Quaid didn't fight for this country so that jokers like you whether they be religious extremists, or liberal fasicts could go and alienate and insult different people.

You are a clown.

Telling me to leave my land?

Get out of my country, 'Bhabi'...I mean 'Wahabi' ! Aaab tou hair-cut karva lei deekh slip of the tongue bheee kaisaa ho raha hai ! :woot:
We have to separate the people from the state. Arabs love Pakistanis, and we love them. it's as simple as that. I have met many Arabs and they show nothing but love.

As for the state, I agree to the extent that they are puppets, but even still they have helped Pakistan out a lot. They have given us war materials, money and oil. The problem is that they should not need to do that, Pakistan needs to stand up on its own and not be beggar.

I agree with you mate but on here I face personal insults for suggesting this. We curse Zardari and co all day long. But the minute you do the same with Saudi leaders both the Saudis on here and Parabians get excitable as if it is blasphemy to be critical of those who really bow only to hedonism

Pakistanis are divided.

Pakistani Shias and Pakistani anarchists love cooperation (read f'ing by) with Iran and Ayatooolahs. Even when Khomeni was the first to send petro-dollars for Shia-terror in Pakistan.

Pakistani Sunnis on the other hand love cooperation (read f'ing by) with Sunni Arab Mooolahs. Even when Arab so-called charitis have been sending petro-dollars for Sunni-terror in Pakistan.

Funny in someway and sad in real sense, thing is that Pakistani Shias innocents are massacred by Arab-funded terrorists, and yet Shias turn around and blame Amreeka,

Pakistani Sunnis and Shias then run Amuick and kill innocent Ahmadis. And then Ahmadis turn around and blame Amreeka and ISI for their miseries.

So now my dear braather-khurd, you know the full story of our "lovely" cooperation with two biggest petro-dollar led freaks in the so-called virtually speaking Islamist world.

Truly between a rock and a hard place. eh?

peace to you braather, peace to you.

Not really. Pakistanis are not divided in sects. The issues we face as far as sects go is externally created and by a few idiots who listen to external voices. How can we as sons of Pakistanis ever forget that at partition when Hindus cut the throat of Muslim they never asked if they were Shias or Sunnis.

We also Sunni and Shias Pakistanis owe so much and rever the Quaid who was a Shia
I agree with you mate but on here I face personal insults for suggesting this. We curse Zardari and co all day long. But the minute you do the same with Saudi leaders both the Saudis on here and Parabians get excitable as if it is blasphemy to be critical of those who really bow only to hedonism

Surely there is some difference between Zardari and Abdullah (or whoever is King right now) ! Zardari gobbles up every ounce of resource that he can get his hands on whereas the Saudi Government is at least investing back into their People and if anecdotal evidence is anything to go by - they're investing quite handsomely !
Next time anybody says that Saudi Government is really good, try living there for a month.

First hand experience, nothing beats it.

ANd BTW, the law that Non-Muslims are not allowed in Mecca and Medina, well , there are hundreds of Hindus in both those cities. And in other cities, when a Hindu's house is raided and a statue of a god is found, then it's really bad for that guy.

SO, Saudia is not a really good place to live in IMO.
Not really. Pakistanis are not divided in sects. The issues we face as far as sects go is externally created and by a few idiots who listen to external voices. How can we as sons of Pakistanis ever forget that at partition when Hindus cut the throat of Muslim they never asked if they were Shias or Sunnis.

We also Sunni and Shias Pakistanis owe so much and rever the Quaid who was a Shia

He may follow and agree with the Jafri School of Jurisprudence but he was, by his own admission, neither a Shi'ite nor a Sunni ! I don't have the source right now but somewhere in G.Allana's biography of Jinnah an incident was mentioned whereby he was asked, I think by someone from a newspaper in Bombay, as to whether he was a Shi'ite or a Sunni and he replied : If the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was a Sunni then I'm a Sunni; if he was a Shi'ite then I'm a Shi'ite !

P.S One of the People he admired greatly - Iqbal - practiced Islam as per the Sunni fiqh too ! And if I'm not mistaken his (Jinnah's) funeral prayer was conducted by a Sunni cleric on the insistence of Jinnah ! All of which is to say that he - Jinnah - transcended this non-sense of Sunni-Shi'ite divide and identified himself as 'a Muslim only' !
Its time that Arab counties invest their money in Muslim countries for their and our sake instead of keeping them in western banks

Or Its Time for people like you to wake Up and smell the coffee + Arabs have been investing heavily in Pakistan and pay special attention to education.

Target killing of engineers doctors SUPARCO scientist and professors plus other educated personals is all financed by Saudi dollars and don't forget blowing up kids schools ,if that doesn't say Saudi Arabia facilitating Pakistan then Nothing will.
Oh nahi khudaiya ! She, as in Raykalm, is hardly 20 whereas Aryan has a kid of his own and is happily married so I'm not sure if the comment was appropriate or will be well received, even if it was said in jest.

Mrs B checks the forum sometimes lol. Allah has blessed me with two boys who are age 4.5 and 3.
He may follow and agree with the Jafri School of Jurisprudence but he was, by his own admission, neither a Shi'ite nor a Sunni ! I don't have the source right now but somewhere in G.Allana's biography of Jinnah an incident was mentioned whereby he was asked, I think by someone from a newspaper in Bombay, as to whether he was a Shi'ite or a Sunni and he replied : If the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was a Sunni then I'm a Sunni; if he was a Shi'ite then I'm a Shi'ite !

P.S One of the People he admired greatly - Iqbal - practiced Islam as per the Sunni fiqh too ! And if I'm not mistaken his (Jinnah's) funeral prayer was conducted by a Sunni cleric on the insistence of Jinnah ! All of which is to say that he - Jinnah - transcended this non-sense of Sunni-Shi'ite divide and identified himself as 'a Muslim only' !

I don't wanna go off Topic But Iqbal Jinnah Both shias,

After 1947, Pakistan adopted the position of denying that the population of the country was divided between Shias and Sunnis, among others. The census that followed took account of Muslims and non-Muslims but ignored the sects: it was also an indirect pledge of the state that it would not discriminate on the basis of sect. The founder of the state, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, although himself a Twelver Shia , was wont to describe himself in public as neither a Shia nor a Sunni. His stock answer to a query about his sect was: was Muhammad the Prophet [pbuh] a Shia or a Sunni? Yet when he died in 1948, it was necessary for his sister Miss Fatima Jinnah to declare him a Shia in order to inherit his property as per Jinnah’s will. (Sunni law partially rejects the will while Shia law does not.) She filed an affidavit, jointly signed with the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Liaquat Ali Khan, at the Sindh High Court, describing Jinnah as ‘Shia Khoja Mohamedan’ and praying that his will may be disposed of under Shia inheritance law. The court accepted the petition. But on 6 February 1968, after Miss Jinnah’s demise the previous year, her sister Shirin Bai, moved an application at the High Court claiming Miss Jinnah’s property under the Shia inheritance law on the ground that the deceased was a Shia.
Surely there is some difference between Zardari and Abdullah (or whoever is King right now) ! Zardari gobbles up every ounce of resource that he can get his hands on whereas the Saudi Government is at least investing back into their People and if anecdotal evidence is anything to go by - they're investing quite handsomely !

Not really mate one is gobbling up slowly and the other is doing it slowly. One has more that's about the short an long of it.

You are the same type of scum that would alienate Ahmedis as well. You are an extremist, just not a religious one.

Have crore of what for me?

The Quaid didn't fight for this country so that jokers like you whether they be religious extremists, or liberal fasicts could go alienate and insult different people.

You are a clown.

Telling me to leave my land?

Maybe your and Muse's understanding and or interpretation of Mr Waahebs book is at odds.

I like you and I love Muse. There is room for both of you in my land of live and let live in Pakistan.
Not really mate one is gobbling up slowly and the other is doing it slowly. One has more that's about the short an long of it.

Maybe your and Muse's understanding and or interpretation of Mr Waahebs book is at odds.

I like you and I love Muse. There is room for both of you in my land of live and let live in Pakistan.

Wahabi means keeping Islam pure.

So how are my family extremists If we don't want to pray at the graves of others?

We don't condemn anyone else for doing so.

Muse is bs TT.
K.S.A is working under the pay-roll of US and in order to curtail the IPI pipeline, KSA is rendering its services. Damn, when will we Muslim come out of sectarian issues???
No that's not fair. He is by far the best and cleverest amongst the TT's. Perhaps you guys should talk by pm

Devs not too bad either.

Attacking one for their beliefs is the fundamental thing that is wrong in our society.

How is he any better than the Mullahs he criticizes?

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