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Saudi Arabia to facilitate Pak in every sphere of life

And my assessment is simplistic?

And what do you call blind following then? What are the maderesas then? No country on earth allows a foreign entity to educate its people. These schools are teaching stuff that are too radical for even the arabs.

Anyway, do as you please, it's your country, but I think that even you know what's really happening but you're too proud to admit it. Your leaders are so corupt that they're selling your country away for a quick buck.

Would you rather have people like these

or these

I love it when it hurts :lol: why u guys along with indian feel itchy from such news.
And my assessment is simplistic?

And what do you call blind following then? What are the maderesas then? No country on earth allows a foreign entity to educate its people. These schools are teaching stuff that are too radical for even the arabs.

Anyway, do as you please, it's your country, but I think that even you know what's really happening but you're too proud to admit it. Your leaders are so corupt that they're selling your country away for a quick buck.

Would you rather have people like these

or these

Have you ever been to Saudi Arabia or UAE? Arabs are not bad people and their countries are very safe. All problems of terrorism in Pakistan started after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. It had nothing to do with Saudi Arabia.
Saudi Arabia is a friend of Pakistan since Pakistan's independence and we will not lose this friendship.

Pakistan have problems with only india, the rest of the world are welcomed to be our friends.
with friends like these, who needs enemies eh??

The Americans helped Iran industrialize to a point, but they also introduced ideologies that were counter productive to our long-term survival as a nation. Guess what, we overlook the monetary contributions and decided to make an issue out of their wrongdoings.

I can never understand why Pakistan has made its own country a safe haven for the taliban and arab ideology. Every trace of khalijee terrorism should be exterminated, but instead, you try to invite in.
cooperation between universites will increase the cultural ties. I think have these ties ith Iran,China,Turkey too along with KSA.
Have you ever been to Saudi Arabia or UAE? Arabs are not bad people and their countries are very safe. All problems of terrorism in Pakistan started after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. It had nothing to do with Saudi Arabia.
yeah I've been to UAE twice. Of course it's a safe country. So is Saudi Arabia. What does "safety" have anything to do with anything? I'm talking about the extreme ideology that is exported to Pakistan in the form of the Bin Ladens, the talibans, the maderesas, the salafi/wahabis, the suicide bombers, the shia killers etc...

I love it when it hurts :lol: why u guys along with indian feel itchy from such news.
well it's truly a shock when people find khalijee culture worthy. Even arabs don't want you khalijees in their countries.
Aryan's kid is 20 years old ??? Really ??? :blink: I thought he himself was in 18-24 age group ...

Oh nahi khudaiya ! She, as in Raykalm, is hardly 20 whereas Aryan has a kid of his own and is happily married so I'm not sure if the comment was appropriate or will be well received, even if it was said in jest.
Have you ever been to Saudi Arabia or UAE? Arabs are not bad people and their countries are very safe. All problems of terrorism in Pakistan started after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. It had nothing to do with Saudi Arabia.

False, terrorism existed in Pakistan before the war on terror.
Once economy is on track Pakistan will face less extremism. Our society as a whole suffers from a mercenary mentality. Both Pakistanis and Afghans are like hired guns in the world. Provide infrastructure, and safety, then watch this problem die out by itself.
Crore Lanat - TC Scum like you need to be shipped to Saudi where you can live your ****** wahabi lives of terror - leave pakistan in peace, go back to arabia - wahabi

You are a joke. TT my ***.

My family all have been Wahabi. Since my grandfather and his father as well. Never have we been extreme or unwilling to accept others.

I guess my wahabi uncle that died as a soldier to protect this country is worthless to you as well.

My wahabi father in the PAF served so that your ignorant *** could go to the UK and spill venom.

I dare you liberal fascist scum to make me leave my land. I am a son of the soil. You are just a hateful person, and have a complex and lick boots of the white man.

You are an extremely ignorant person and I doubt you have been to Pakistan more than twice in your pathetic life.
My family all have been Wahabi. Since my grandfather and his father as well. Never have we been extreme or unwilling to accept others. .

Well that's your own problem, and it's up to you whether you will want to continue to live in shame or not - After all life did begin with your family - But since you are willing to accept others, check out arabia, there are many more wahabi there and people say they are nice Beople.

Never does one read Wahabi ever condemning TTP, SSP, LeJ terrorists, all funded by Wahabis, never does read Wahabis condemning the murders of fellow Pakistanis who are not Wahabis - perhaps it is because they are extremists -- and the answer to extremists is Arabia, of course

When TT's troll.

You are an ignorant person, and I hope mods will take some action.

Anyway I'm off because instead of engaging in name calling with you, I will not. Have not been raised this way.

If you are truly ignorant, read about what is a wahabi, otherwise keep your hateful opinions to yourself and in the UK.
Have you ever been to Saudi Arabia or UAE? Arabs are not bad people and their countries are very safe. All problems of terrorism in Pakistan started after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan. It had nothing to do with Saudi Arabia.

Actually It does..... Saudi as people are not bad people. No nation is... Its the leaders and in this case the leader of saudi (who BTW want democracy in other countries where it helps them and keep their own country a kingdom) are responsible for funding terrorism and insurgency through out the world.
There is not that much wrong with Wahabi in it's fundamental sense, Wahabis are basically ahle hadeeth. I used to be a Wahabi/Salafi too untill I realised that thier logic is flawed, not because they're evil or anything. I suggest you guys watch this lecture, it's pretty long but it will help you understand sects better.

Guy explains it all, even barelvi, deobanni and salafi. Most of our Pakistanis are just educated with hate about Wahabi so it will be good you watch all the parts.
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If you are truly ignorant, read about what is a wahabi, .

No thanks I'd rather be just ignorant and not "truly ignorant" -- anyway when you come back and you will, just remember this, for your laack, I'll have crore and that I'm ignorant.

Most of our Pakistanis are just educated with hate about Wahabi so it will be good you watch all the parts.

That's unfair - most Pakistanis don't care about Wahabi or Martian, because lets face it, Pakistanis are pretty easy going, live and let live types -- but the deep relationship between Wahabis and terrorism in Pakistan and their intolerance for all others , has brought these people into disrepute.

It's Pakistan, you can be whatever you want to be, whatever your conscience directs you to be, but that does not mean you support terrorists, that you support sectarianism, that you weaken the foundation of the state and the judicial system - we are slow to anger, but we have a remedy for that kind of stuff
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