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Saudi Arabia Persuades Pakistan to Abandon Iran-Pakistan Pipeline

Around 4000 - 5000 tons. Remember we are a major agriculture exporter and there is tons of waste created by agriculture after crop harvesting. Infact our Sugar & wheat mills are feeding tens of megawatt of energy into the grid by utilizing agri waste.

We did our feasibility study through reputable institutes but the zardari government backed off from the support. We met some high ups of Allied Bank who were personally interested to fund the project with their private fortunes and become share holders in the company but once again the government refused to provide any support in terms of facilities or assistance.

Poor country can build pipelines to import foreign gas but cannot utilize its home grown resources to harvest energy. You should think with your long brain before making a technical statement :)

Iranian gas is like 10% more expensive than the market price isn't it. And this project has been in shelve for a long time as Pak gov shifted its focus to TAPI. The only reason this project is being boosted under current government is for reasons which cannot be stated on PDF anymore.. But lets add a few hints, corruption, kick backs & social associations.

Oh by the way Saudis just offered Pakistan help with its energy crisis, the logic of dragging Iran into it is perhaps figment of an imagination by Press TV impressed journalist.

There is nothing to discount the theory that after this pipe line is complete, we will be virtual hostage to typical Tehran black mailing tactics and as sanctions take a bite on Tehran economy the gas will continue to become more expensive.

Ok. I do not think we are going to get anywhere by lying. Only facts and figures please. You just make stuff on the go.

First of all we are not a major agricultural exporting country by any stretch of imagination. Most of what we produce except a few items, we eat them all. In fact Pakistan is not even in top 15 exporters either. And please stop joking with us about 4000 tonnes of waste. It can never power up the entire Pakistan. No country in the world today is running its energy policy on waste reprocessing. There are some novelties in some small municipalities in well off countries producing a few tens of Megawatts, but I have never heard Europe is to replace its gas supply by processing waste. You can not produce tens of thousands of MW of electricity out of waste. Besides gas has other uses for example Pakistan uses 18% of its total gas to make fertilizers for agriculture. Without gas here will be no agriculture and subsequently no agri waste either. So stop misguiding people here. First start running your own family on agri waste for five years entirely then talk about Pakistan. As I said the lies will not get us anywhere. We need tens of thousands of MW. Not just few tens made out of sugarcane machines.

I have answered the rest of your comment already, which are mostly based on your raw and hardly disguised prejudices which we all know about here. After all you are a Saudi lover. But the truth is Saudis have not offered us anything. No cheap below market price oil. No offer to build a submarine pipe to Pakistan. No nothing. They just want to give a loan with interest. And we all know where those loans end up. Here I put my explanation again as the answer to second part of your comment:


I guess there are some misconceptions here about this pipeline. Let me clear them here for you with facts and figures since those who are against this pipeline can never bring up facts and figures for their side of arguments.

1- Iranian gas is going be cheaper than any other gas we have access for importation including TAPI gas as well as LNG. Though Turkmenistan has offered half of the gas volume that Iran offers at 9% lower price than the Iranian gas but that is not even enough to cover the transit fees to Afghanistan. So at the end the TAPI gas is going to be higher priced than the Iranian gas. Even the Baluchistan government has already agreed that all land required for the transmission of this pipeline will be given for free and thus not even inter-provincial royalty will be paid for the Iran pipe line. For TAPI Afghanistan will never give free pass.

2- Iranian pipeline is going to deliver over 16 billion cubic meters of gas each year only to Pakistan while TAPI can only carry under 10 billion cubic meters of gas per year and some of that even has to be given to Afghanistan and India to be exact over half of it. Both are high pressure underground pipelines placed some 3 or 4 meters underground but by comparison Iran gas pipe line delivers more gas and only to Pakistan.

3- TAPI passes over mountainous regions of Afghanistan and crossed the whole country from north to South. No feasibility studies have ever been done on it. The pipe line has to literally go up and down thousands of mountains. Not even a single engineering study has been done on it. Not even a single meter of it been built. In contrast, the Iran pipe line has been half built and only the Pakistan portion of it remains and its feasibility is proven. It travels over flat land and its geography is simple. So the Iran pipe can be built quicker and with less money.

4- TAPI passes over Afghanistan a region that has not seen peace since the time of Alexander. The pipeline will be periodically hit with traditionally weak Afghan governments unable even to repair it on time. The mountains and harsh weather specially in winter will make the access to repair the pipe ever more difficult. The warlords will have to be bribed from time to time and all kinds of security related issues will make the pipe line fail in its first months. The gas can not be stored and its reliable transmission is vital. Whenever the pipe line explodes in Afghanistan the whole of Pakistan will come to a standstill. With all Indian consulates in Afghanistan the pipe line will turn out to be a monster for Pakistan economy.

5- Pakistan will have to depend on importation of gas and oil since local resources are not going to be enough for our growing population already at 190 million which is to become 360 million by 2050. We will have to import them and that is the only way just like Europe imports them. Iranian option is safe. The life of pipeline is estimated to be over 50 years and Iran has plenty of gas to supply Pakistan through all those 50 years. This can not be said about TAPI.

6- Saudi offer is meaningless. They have offered a "Loan" and an oil delayed payment facility. That is very "generous" of them. Oil is extremely expensive in relation to gas. Infact we are suffering load shedding here because our thermal power plants run on oil they can not afford. So just delaying the payment for 3 months and a paltry loan with hefty interests to be paid by our children is hardly wisdom. We already have enough loans. What we need is a long term solution and that is the Iran pipe line. The Saudi offer is a joke at best. If they were serious they should have offered one and half million barrel of oil delivered to Pakistan for the price of natural gas through pipe line for the next 50 years. Then that would be equal to the amount of energy the Iran gas pipe line carries for the same price for the same duration. Alas, Saudis have joked with us with their offer.

7-Turkemenistan already has China gas projects and does not need Pakistan for them since Pakistan is not in the middle geographically. One good thing about the Iran gas pipe line is that if we extend it to China then there will more cooperation between Pakistan, Iran and China. With TAPI we will have to cooperate with Afghan war lords and Indian politicians. So TAPI is a fail.

8- Natural gas is the future of Pakistan. We are an agri country needing fertilizers which use natural gas as feed stock. The whole of Pakistan's agriculture is fed by natural gas. We need gas for our industries such as cement, steel and textiles. We need gas for cooking and heating homes. And we need gas to run cheap electricity power plants for cheap electricity. Not only that but increasingly our national transport is also becoming reliant on natural gas with Pakistan having the largest number of CNG green vehicles around the world since it is cheaper to run cars and buses on natural gas than on oil. Some comparisons below:

Natural gas transmission costs:


Comparison of electricity generation by different methods:



At the end I must say that without this pipe line our economy will suffer beyond belief and our people will have to start cooking on wood. This pipe line is a strategic level stuff for our country. Not even US or KSA should be allowed to mess with it. It is time we start to tell our true friends from not so true friends.
Around 4000 - 5000 tons. Remember we are a major agriculture exporter and there is tons of waste created by agriculture after crop harvesting. Infact our Sugar & wheat mills are feeding tens of megawatt of energy into the grid by utilizing agri waste.

We did our feasibility study through reputable institutes but the zardari government backed off from the support. We met some high ups of Allied Bank who were personally interested to fund the project with their private fortunes and become share holders in the company but once again the government refused to provide any support in terms of facilities or assistance.

Poor country can build pipelines to import foreign gas but cannot utilize its home grown resources to harvest energy. You should think with your long brain before making a technical statement :)

Iranian gas is like 10% more expensive than the market price isn't it. And this project has been in shelve for a long time as Pak gov shifted its focus to TAPI. The only reason this project is being boosted under current government is for reasons which cannot be stated on PDF anymore.. But lets add a few hints, corruption, kick backs & social associations.

Oh by the way Saudis just offered Pakistan help with its energy crisis, the logic of dragging Iran into it is perhaps figment of an imagination by Press TV impressed journalist.

There is nothing to discount the theory that after this pipe line is complete, we will be virtual hostage to typical Tehran black mailing tactics and as sanctions take a bite on Tehran economy the gas will continue to become more expensive.

Dear mate,
I think this govt really like KSA, because they are the perfect commision paying agents of America, just think about BB,NAWAZ SHARIF! They are the clear examples how they had been treated, & kept in safe heavens in KSA & UAE, Why?
It was dubai where gen.muhsaraf went to talk with BB, who was in contact with. Fromer US sectry of state , its their history, I mean arab history, they are became virtual satallite slaves of america, belive me this govt is push by so, called angels to go to iranian side, because angels need a power which, stand besides them, in every situation,& can't be dictated by anyone!
With arabs now we have a problem, no matter ! How much we kiss their cheeks, still they see. US as their unholy father, which they can't disobey!
Chances of getting kick backs, very higher with arabs, bt with Iran its nearly zero, their track record, much more visible,even under the 30 years old sanctions, they didn't cracked up? Right
All this showing of govt, of the opening of the relations with , iran is not their will,they(GOP) are the supportors & paid agents of america, because they has been brought into pakistani power structure by. CIA, jst try to check out memo gate,& the permissions, like abottabad missions, are enough exaMples, to follow up,this govt & this dam opposition, is fully resposible , whts happening in pakistan.
Since the arrival of Iranian president in IslamabaD, Usa is pushing pakistan, not to join Iran in any form of agreement, because they know, if pakistan & iran join hands it will be imposibLe for usa to continue its occupation of both Iraq & afghanistan, but also america, can't fullfill the wishes of its unholy baby( israel) , who want to see 2 last most strongst muslim states been ,destroyed by fake & pr0xy warS , which america with its crusading allies have done , with muslim states all over the world?
So the chances of getting gas from iran , with a bit high price, are reall, but if we check the other tag attached with, it! On which its clearly written , gruntee, we can see, that in any case, under any situation, even under state of wAr supplies of iranian gas will never be stopped, is the biggest satisfaction, we can get?
After all its pakistan nukes, & iranian nucler capabilities & iranian, will to hit israel, the bounding issue, in last!
KsA is only a holy place,for muslims! & that's it!
It hAvnt have ability to lead muslim worlD, any way around, any way just chcek that, “ARAB lege” out , a bunch of badoos, dancing with music , americans are playing on!:hitwall:
In a way sanction on Iran would mean they will have only one customer..Pakistan..so with all the gas for ourselves we can negotiate a good price due to economies of scale. For any one confused I am not against IP pipeline, it is the most reliable means of getting energy theoretically but ground facts are way different than theory. None the less the pipe line should continue and we will see the results in coming here whether it was fruitful or just emptied our treasury for nothing.

6- Saudi offer is meaningless. They have offered a "Loan" and an oil delayed payment facility. That is very "generous" of them. Oil is extremely expensive in relation to gas. Infact we are suffering load shedding here because our thermal power plants run on oil they can not afford

The Saudis did not stop us from buying the gas, its our money and we will buy from whever we wish. Heck even Saudis buy tons of stuff from Iran. They just offered to pinch in some help. And after all Iranians are not giving us gas for free either. We are buying it with hard earned cash so this is business as usual. No need to involve politics and religion into this.
In a way sanction on Iran would mean they will have only one customer..Pakistan..so with all the gas for ourselves we can negotiate a good price due to economies of scale. For any one confused I am not against IP pipeline, it is the most reliable means of getting energy theoretically but ground facts are way different than theory. None the less the pipe line should continue and we will see the results in coming here whether it was fruitful or just emptied our treasury for nothing.

The Saudis did not stop us from buying the gas, its our money and we will buy from whever we wish. Heck even Saudis buy tons of stuff from Iran. They just offered to pinch in some help. And after all Iranians are not giving us gas for free either. We are buying it with hard earned cash so this is business as usual. No need to involve politics and religion into this.

Ok. About the prices, small discounts happen all the time in all kinds of trades. But to expect Iranians giving their future generations wealth for free is a folly. A fair price should be the goal. And this is easy to set given its linkage to international prices of energy. As I have already noted the Iranian gas is going to be the cheapest available to Pakistan and most secured as well. And Pakistan is not Iran's only gas customer. Already an Iranian pipe line goes to Caucasus and another is supplying Turkey and one is being constructed by Switzerland to Alps. In addition to these Iraq has plan to import Iranian gas for power generation freeing their oil for export. So by no means we are going to be their only customer.

It is Saudis that have here to stop us buying gas. So they brought race and religion into it not me. They instead of offering to finance the project are trying to bribe the Pakistani government out of it. So nice of them to think of Pakistan's public and their sufferings. As for the trade we do as Islam tells us to do. Fair and square.
It is Saudis that have here to stop us buying gas. So they brought race and religion into it not me. They instead of offering to finance the project are trying to bribe the Pakistani government out of it. So nice of them to think of Pakistan's public and their sufferings. As for the trade we do as Islam tells us to do. Fair and square.

The worst type of blackmail. Did they feel guilty when they went to deals with India??

The worst type of blackmail. Did they feel guilty when they went to deals with India??


After so much corruption guilt does not set in. It is all being done to pressurize Pakistan on behalf of US to allow permanent bases in Afghanistan and permanent route to Afghanistan. That is their objective. Pakistan providing the route. KSA wants to convince us that we should give up a chunk of sovereignty and become like them.
We need to buy it we need it Iranians have to sell it. What is the matter with third parties. Mind your own damn business

These third parties are pushing for American line on Pakistan to pressurize it abit more. After Americans got disappointed and could not get Pakistan out of this deal they sent these third parties.
After so much corruption guilt does not set in. It is all being done to pressurize Pakistan on behalf of US to allow permanent bases in Afghanistan and permanent route to Afghanistan. That is their objective. Pakistan providing the route. KSA wants to convince us that we should give up a chunk of sovereignty and become like them.

Well along with refusing to wear skirts like them I think Pakistan should give them short shrift
Well along with refusing to wear skirts like them I think Pakistan should give them short shrift

It is really hard to try make a big fat ugly nuke wearing a skirt. No matter how pink and beautiful the skirt, still the ugly nuke shows out. Pakistan is a nuclear armed nation and does not accept others interfering in its affairs.
It is really hard to try make a big fat ugly nuke wearing a skirt. No matter how pink and beautiful the skirt, still the ugly nuke shows out. Pakistan is a nuclear armed nation and does not accept others interfering in its affairs.

Even if we sold a nuke to them they would be scared to take them to Saudi. We should start swapping tech transfer with Iran and do some JV. We could learn from each other
:lol: That statement simply cracked me up !!! Tell that to your erstwhile Commando who shivered in fright and pissed in his pants with a single phone-call the result of which is the sheer amount of diwalis seen in FATA and the weekly violations by them mighty ababeels.

ready to wear pink?? You have been reported
well we should without a doubt give them priority since tapi will have alot of transit fee and this one wont and we could give it to china also plus relations with iran will be better it would be better if we are strategically tied with each other

ready to wear pink?? You have been reported

i also reported him nice
Dear mates,
Just try to understand, Ksa involvment in pakistan!
KSA is trying its best, to convience pakistan to open NATO US supplies, because KSA knows if, it happens,Iranians will be attackeD & pakistan would be disolved into smmaller pices, so there will be only sole power of islamic countries, & that would be KSA?
That's the hidden agenda , behind it!
What & why baluchistan been became a center of continued voilence?
Who is passing resolutions of the freedom of , baluchistan?
We all know, that's is crystal clear! One way USA is pushing baluchis to get independence from pakistan, with a price , if they get freedom, they are going too give. AmeRicans basses against both IRan & pakistan?
Even the talk of pakistan getting, gas from iran is now making them , out of their dam minds, & dam baddoos, are with USA.
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