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Sanitary Workers Job will be Given to Religious Minorities in pakistan.


May 30, 2013
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Pakistan Christian Congress president Dr. Nazir S. Bhatti has condemned the statement given by Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) nominated chief Pervez Khatak that sanitary workers’ job will be given to religious minorities in KPK province.

According to The Lahore Times, Imran Khan led PTI claims of providing social justice in Pakistan irrespective of caste, creed or religion, however, Khatak’s statement reflect the contrary as he had said that only sanitary workers’ (cleaning drains, streets and roads) job will be given to Christians, Hindus and Schedule castes.

Bhatti said that before formation of Pakistan in 1947, Pushtun were cleaning roads and streets of Peshawar and other cities of NWFP along with schedule caste neither Hindus nor Christians.

The report said that before partition Christians used to run schools and hospitals in KPK province, but after the partition, Muslim majority turned Christians to be second-class citizens and forced them to perform cleaning or sanitary worker jobs.

Bhatt said that in every municipal committee or Municipal Corporation of KPK province, there are 15 percent Muslims who are on the payroll of sanitary workers adding that Khatak failed to see the fact and has hurt feelings of Christians of KPK.

According to the report, Bhatti has urged Christians to stay away from PTI as it may announce separate dress for non-Muslims in KPK as Jamat Islami (JI) an ally party of PTI in government of KPK has demanded separate assembly for women and minorities.

Bhatti further demanded immediate clarification from Imran Khan on Khatak’s statement and to announce equal job opportunities for Muslims, Christians and Hindus in the province, the report added.
- See more at: Sanitary Workers Job will be Given to Religious Minorities in KPK Province.
PTI goes from humiliation to humiliation - Naya Pakistan run by fogeys? With attitudes that should have no place in Naya Pakistan? For PTI to decide

This topic had already been posted many days back and discussed.

Sir i will repeat my comment for your ease here

1. Its a good decision because in the recent years Muslims had been employed on these posts leaving non Muslims unemployed.

2. This may be one of the demand by minority MP/rep in KPK that Muslims should be excluded from this department so that his community could not be deprived of jobs.

3. Muslims are eager to fill these posts in sanitation department as it has a good package for uneducated or even educated unemployed person. The workload is not much heavier. Our municiple worker or to say sweepers come in the morning only and that too not cleaning street much but just fulfill the formality. And the entire day is their disposal wherein they do other private jobs.
this is highly condemnable if true.... PTI should take back such nonsensical decision

1question u signature can u explain whats its meaning

This topic had already been posted many days back and discussed.

Sir i will repeat my comment for your ease here

1. Its a good decision because in the recent years Muslims had been employed on these posts leaving non Muslims unemployed.

2. This may be one of the demand by minority MP/rep in KPK that Muslims should be excluded from this department so that his community could not be deprived of jobs.

3. Muslims are eager to fill these posts in sanitation department as it has a good package for uneducated or even educated unemployed person. The workload is not much heavier. Our municiple worker or to say sweepers come in the morning only and that too not cleaning street much but just fulfill the formality. And the entire day is their disposal wherein they do other private jobs.

instead of providing jobs quota only for dirty jobs why cant u guys reserve job quota in every government jobs why only sanitaary its show how u guys respect minorities in pakistan
While Nawaz and Talented Bro are coming up with national schemes and international investments, PTI plays to old prejudices - For defenders, the point to consider is that their base is youth - why let old prejudices define the PTI?
1question u signature can u explain whats its meaning

instead of providing jobs quota only for dirty jobs why cant u guys reserve job quota in every government jobs why only sanitaary its show how u guys respect minorities in pakistan

We dont have quota system here. They are free to apply for other jobs on open merit just like other Pakistanis. But looking at the literacy rate here in our country both Muslims-Non-Muslims lack education and majority miss the higher jobs.

2. Its not about disrespecting because equal number of Muslims are working in sanitary field here.

The decision is aimed at doing away with deprivation of jobs to this community in this field.

I live here and know the community and the situation about the department so what i am saying, saying it with 200% conviction.

If the govt reverse the decision you will see hundreds of inductions of Muslims in sanitary department and the other community will start agitating.
When did you people started classifying which Job is Good & which is Bad ?? last i heard there is no Disgraceful job if done with integrity & honesty .

Instead of spouting your venom against your rival party , try to think the reason for thsi statement .

remember .. a Job is better then Unemployment .
This topic had already been posted many days back and discussed.

Sir i will repeat my comment for your ease here

1. Its a good decision because in the recent years Muslims had been employed on these posts leaving non Muslims unemployed.

2. This may be one of the demand by minority MP/rep in KPK that Muslims should be excluded from this department so that his community could not be deprived of jobs.

3. Muslims are eager to fill these posts in sanitation department as it has a good package for uneducated or even educated unemployed person. The workload is not much heavier. Our municiple worker or to say sweepers come in the morning only and that too not cleaning street much but just fulfill the formality. And the entire day is their disposal wherein they do other private jobs.

No- this is discrimination against non-muslims
While Nawaz and Talented Bro are coming up with national schemes and international investments, PTI plays to old prejudices - For defenders, the point to consider is that their base is youth - why let old prejudices define the PTI?

Sir i know situation of my province and situation of the department and dynamics of job politics here, so dont think am supporting it for the reasons which you wrongly presumed.

Let me narrate a true incident from last year. I joined this new media outlet as head and one day there was noise under my office on road. One of my staffers went down to check whats going on. He came back and told there are women Municiple workers (all of them were Christians) demanding raise in salary and were asking they be interviwed. I told him ok go ahead do it, he laughed and said kindly help inducting me in their department as sweeper. I asked what happened. He said the ladies were asked how much they are getting and they replied "putar sirf pachee hazar". He came backed saying heck i am getting only 17k.

The point i am trying to tell you is that there is thekadari system here in Peshawar/KP viz a viz sanitation areas. The thekadar is one of their own and he decides handing over areas to workers and salary. (like all Pakistanis they also practice favouritism), so workers try to please their thekadar.

The main point here is NOT prejudice but accepting demand of the community regarding throwing away Muslims and stopping them frome eating their jobs.
While Nawaz and Talented Bro are coming up with national schemes and international investments, PTI plays to old prejudices - For defenders, the point to consider is that their base is youth - why let old prejudices define the PTI?

I don't understand the logic of some people here. Having a job is better than NO JOB.

When I first came to the US in the 70's as an International student, the only jobs available to me were working in the University cafeteria and cleaning cafeteria Toilets. I considered it a blessing to at least have a Job. It did not make me a lesser person. it was simply a job that helped me pay my bills as I studied at the University.

I do appreciate that you have a different and more developed understanding of the job dynamics - - What I think you do not appreciate is how the story is playing - and really it cannot but play that way.

Naya Pakistan in which Untouchables are religious minorities -- a whole lot like old Pakistan
When did you people started classifying which Job is Good & which is Bad ?? last i heard there is no Disgraceful job if done with integrity & honesty .
Instead of spouting your venom against your rival party , try to think the reason for thsi statement .
remember .. a Job is better then Unemployment .
So why this job to Religious Minorities ?
I mean Majorities are also suffering from unemployment, aren't they ?
It should be given to anyone, especially the section which is getting involved with terrorist organizations.
Terrorists recruits from unemployed pool.

@Pakistanisage Was the job given to you on the basis of your religion ?
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