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Sanctioning Pakistan can backfire, US lawmakers warned

These Americans are living in an entirely different universe. This is not the Pakistan of the eighties or nineties. Sanction as much as you like. They didn't even work back in the day. They aren't going to work today. The desperation by the Americans is insane. They are holding Pakistan related seminars each week it seems. All these senators discussing Pakistan like their lives depend on it. They have nothing better to do it seems.

These pathetic therapy sessions by the Americans proves only one thing. They are desperate to get Pakistan on board in all of their failed adventures, but realize that this won't happen anymore. The Pak army is wise enough to know what happened last time. Their withholding of F-16s and pathetic aid packages hasn't made an iota of difference. They are even admitting it in these hearings. It is all bluff. They will only talk and waste a lot of energy. At the end of the day, we know that they cannot pull the plug. It is nothing, but sour grapes. A whole lot of sour grapes.

The Americans are better off with India. They should keep their friendship intact with India and leave Pakistan alone. Our path diverts on many critical issues. We have other more reliable allies. No need to cry over a failed relationship. Just time to move on. You back-stabbed us and we did the same to you. Just leave it at that.
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These are not abusive words, rather a fact. And there is no argument here or wining or loosing. Either you take it or you leave it. Again hitting below the belt etc, you are so keen on winning. I must let you know this, I am your chanakya! And I will have my way by hook or by crook. Your words and emotions and desperation regarding 'winning' arguments means nothing.
Using abusive words, hitting below the belt and sarcasm are the signs of losing an argument. I got into the debate to put forth my point of view and not win or lose an argument. In either case, I end up learning something. No hard feelings.

The 'hot' beds...
Pakistan is Not a HOT bed for Terrorism...
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These Americans are living in an entirely different universe. This is not the Pakistan of the eighties or nineties. Sanction as much as you like. They didn't even work back in the day. They aren't going to work today. The desperation by the Americans is insane. They are holding Pakistan related seminars each week it seems. All these senators discussing Pakistan like their lives depend on it. They have nothing better to do it seems.

The Americans are better off with India. They should keep their friendship intact with India and leave Pakistan alone. Our path diverts on many critical issues. We have other more reliable allies. No need to cry over a failed relationship. Just time to move on. You back-stabbed us and we did the same to you. Just leave it at that.

These pathetic therapy sessions by the Americans proves only one thing. They are desperate to get Pakistan on board in all of their failed adventures, but realize that this won't happen anymore. The Pak army is wise enough to know what happened last time. Their withholding of F-16s and pathetic aid packages hasn't made an iota of difference. They are even admitting it in these hearings. It is all bluff. They will only talk and waste a lot of energy. At the end of the day, we know that they cannot pull the plug. It is nothing, but sour grapes. A lot of sour grapes.

Believe me if we had a better leader than the one we got who is an absolute moron when it comes to everything but lets remain to foreign policy matters, Pakistan would had snub US along ago and than on every other occasion specially related to nuclear just to remind them this isnt the same Pakistan and if US can move towards India and ignore all our concerns than we have other options as well.

Every time US pulls the plug on something, they actually do us a favour something there are now realising that this isnt helping them achieve anything but Pakistan is quietly but steadily moving away and is no more doing their bidding. They have even now started an advertisement campaign in Pakistan on Hum tv showing how US has helped Pakistan. Desperate Mofos they are.

On another note i do hope that Pakistan prepares for an eventual showdown with the US. Its going to happen one way or the other knowing well the US history, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan. A 2nd strike capability and an ICBM is the need of the hour before they threaten us again to bomb us back to the stone age.

would they sanction Afghanistan for failing to stop terrorists in border regions? :lol:

I say bring on the sanctions Iran and Cuba prospered :D (our economy is not exactly export driven lmao), besides its funny how they expect us alone clean up their job where 32 nations and 130,000 troops failed.
US, India & Afghanistan are all on one page to destabilise Pakistan, so Pakistan has all rights to protect itself from all evil policies applied by US on Pakistan. US has failed in Afghanistan & they are trying to dump their failures on Pakistan, apart from that US, India & Afghanistan have formed alliance to harm Pakistan, with US watching & India-Afghanistan playing their dirty games.
Sanctions will make Pakistan an Afghanistan of 90s which is not good for regional peace. What I feel is that Modi Govt. is trying to make things embarrassing for the allies and sympathisers of Pakistan.

Regional Peace? which Region ?

US is getting tough on Pakistan, coming days will be interesting although I don't think much will happen

Tough in what sense?
It is only a fantasy of some extreme Pakistan haters to sanction it or declare it a state sponsor of terror. To them I say, "dream on".

Pakistan is too important a nation worldwide to be treated like that.
as for Drone strikes are concerned .. they are NOT against our own people.. our own people are evacuated and settled in Pakistan while our own army took on the terrorists in waziristan operations . American drones only complimented the WOT fight to which we are signatories. the US drones are not targeting our people but "your" people who your terrorist national security adviser very gleefully admits to have been funding.
They why did your SOOPERMAN Rahil Shareeeef and the other shareeeef cry to US when drones struck this year and killed "our" guy in Pak-Afghan border?


I guess shareeeeef people were concerned about "our" people backed by our not so shareeef NSA.
Sovereignty is a relative term. Handing over Saksgam Valley to China and letting US drones bomb your own people and territory is also a sovereignty. Its up to a nation to decide what legacy it wants to leave for its future generation.
Abay kumar please don't show your retardiness. Go dig tons of thread where your indian army and media propaganda has been exposed naked. Pakistan gave no territory to any nation infact it gained.
US lawmakers are being increasingly frustrated lately. Till a couple of years back, India and Afghanistan used to carry out attacks in Pakistan using proxies. Repeated attempts by Pakistan to make US understand that Pakistan is suffering at the hands of India and Indian puppet Afghan government but Pakistan later realized that US was part of the ploy against Pakistan. Now since we have controlled their proxies, they are getting mad.

Go ahead US, we are ready for any misadventures.
No matter how much india become pe you pe pe why of US, US will never sanction Pakistan. Sanction will mean Pakistan finally getting to make independent policies without US conditions and also a complete blackout on what Pakistani govt and military is thinking and doing.
'Terror' is being developed and countered in the world strategically. One person's terrorists are other person's assets. Our honorable superpowers have their hands deep in this dirt. So no need to single out the moon and the star, everyone is playing this game specially in middle-east.

someone need to answer them like Duarte, but we dont have people like him
According to Gallup's annual World Affairs survey, India is perceived by Americans as their 6th favourite nation in the world, with 71% of Americans viewing India favourably in 2015

In 2015, the US exported $21.5 billion worth of goods to India, and imported $44.8 billion worth of Indian goods

After cold war and recently US considers China as their biggest enemy which also a reason align more close to india than pakistan and both country share common interest in business.With highest growth rate and potential to become 3rd most powerful country by all means in a decade, brings both countries even more closer.

@Vapnope @haviZsultan @saiyan0321
Sovereignty is a relative term. Handing over Saksgam Valley to China and letting US drones bomb your own people and territory is also a sovereignty. Its up to a nation to decide what legacy it wants to leave for its future generation.

Just to let you know that Saksgam valley was never in custody of Pak. It was already in the custody of China when Pak had signed the treaty in 1960s.
“They would need to consider the possibility that coercion could backfire, raising tensions and making Islamabad less willing or able to advance any constructive agenda.”

Pakistan is valuable regional player. USA's exit plan depends on Pakistan. Without Pakistan, USA cannot move forward while keeping in mind of the growing diplomatic relationships of Pakistan with Iran, Russia, Turkey and China.

Unfortunately, Indians haven't been able to understand the ground reality and neither has Trump. :D

USA is the largest market for China
Turkey is NATO member
Putin has refused to show up in Islamabad
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