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Salman Rushdie takes on Imran Khan over 'immeasurable hurt'

who is BUTT HURT by IK s decision?
IK is least bothered but evidently poor ol Rudhdi is jumping with pain....

nice decision IK..puts the.devil in his rightful place....agony.
I've come to think that this Salman Rushdie is an alternate version of Anjem Choudry :D
I cannot believe an Indian is talking about Pakistani politicians... Oh wait, you never wanted Pakistan to succeed, that's why you are talking crap about a good person you hardly know.

Dude.. I said I disliked Rushdie talking trash about Imran.. Pay attention...
I am very straightforward even with my sisters muslims friends I openly tell them I hate them and give bollocks to what they think of me.

Who cares what a Hindu Fanatic thinks about us !!! Defienately Devil Is Against God and his Commandments.
Who cares what a Hindu Fanatic thinks about us !!! Defienately Devil Is Against God and his Commandments.
get a life pls..Hindu fanatic is not issuing fatwas in Pakistan but Muslim fanatic in India does..
and believe me god do not take sides and devil is devil just because he doesnt believe in ur Imaginary GOD!!
get a life pls..Hindu fanatic is not issuing fatwas in Pakistan but Muslim fanatic in India does..
and believe me god do not take sides and devil is devil just because he doesnt believe in ur Imaginary GOD!!

dont turn this into a "show me God" thread.
Isn't boycotting an event part of free speech as well?

Rushdie should accept Imran Khan's free speech just as others tolerate his personal attacks. He did the same with Chetan Bhagat who made some scholarly criticism of his work and other policians who couldn't or wouldn't want to come.
I mean what is so courageous about bashing politicians, 1Billion Indians bash politicans including Congress politicians everyday.

He is a bit too touchie for a person who advocates for free speech.

At the same time, its good that his event in Delhi just shows how much of a non-entity he is for Indian Muslims and how the media had unnecessarily hyped his visit to Jaipur in January. There was NO threat to his life which was manufactured. Even Muslim groups who were protesting against him clearly mentioned that they will protest peacefully and take other means like petitioning the courts and PM but NOT resort to violence.
Muslims must also realise that its stupid to be stuck in a time warp. For example some of the most scathing criticism on the IRaq war came from Rushdie. He was also very critical of Modi and the 2002 riots in which he was probably as much if not more critical of Modi as compared to Imran Khan. Religion, as ever, is the poison in India's blood | Books | The Guardian

So to people who think Rushdie is just anti-Muslim are wrong as well. He is a mediocre author who is an attention seeker. And just going into convulsions of anger at him which a micro-minority of Muslims do are just being foolish. Similarly, the media and people who focus on just this micro-minority and hype up by adding masala like death threats and what not are even more foolish.
Very idiotic comparison.. Rushdie is a Muslim and he talks about his own interpretation of Islam and its shortcomings. Why would he talk of Jews or any of their issues.. That would ideally be done by a jew...

I think Imran Khan got caught out on this and did not have a good answer

what r u talking about. his reply was AWESOME. he was so calm and collected unlike that rushdie loser. he also stated his arguments in a civil manner. all rushdie cud do was personally attack imran khan and try to malign him like an immature teenager. it's clear how lonely and offended this loser must've been when half the pple attending cancelled.

btw it's completely absurd to say that it was his own interpretation of islam and its shortcomings. if you know anything about islam it would be clear to you that this was a fictional and derogatory account of islamic history. u must be hallucinating to have gotten this interpretation of islam through islamic sources. i don't know what this rushdies fellows intentions were of doing this...maybe controversy=fame? but if imran khan is offended...why wud he attend? he has the right not to. it's his personal choice. just as it was rushdies right to express himself and write that offensive book. rushdie wanted to make a point with his books, he did. and imran wanted to make a point by not attending the conference. rushdie offended others and now when others offend him, he's crying like a baby. he's lucky that imran is civilized enough to protest in this way and not through bricks and bats or a hitman
What is Im, the Dim?

Imran Khan used to be called "Im the Dim" by people in the social circles he mingled with. It basically indicates that he was not very bright, a dim witted person and people referred to him as such.

Salman Chushti's potshots are also motivated by envious personality. Back in the 80's, Im and Salman were shameless competitors in the "bed the young drunk girl" market and Im was more successful.
I cannot believe an Indian is talking about Pakistani politicians... Oh wait, you never wanted Pakistan to succeed, that's why you are talking crap about a good person you hardly know.


He is just referring to Rushdie's comment that back in his old playboy days Imran was known in London by the nickname Im the Dim and now he is placing the same intellect at the disposal of his country. Personally i think Rushdie should not have got so much personal with Imran Khan.Now he should not mind it if Imran gets personal with him.
It's funny how Rushdie has tried to mock Imran's looks, when Rushdie himself resembles a bald pig with sinister facial expressions.
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