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S Arabia arrests 10 Iranian ‘spies’

Give them to him brothers, every one sticks to his own hole.

Dafuq is wrong with you?, why are you obsessed with people's and mines hole ?
Are you going to participate in the stoning ceremony too ? Do you want them to stone me to death?.

Back to the topic, Iran should mind its own business :)
Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Iraq
Mahdi Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Turkey
Iranian spies in Turkey

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Yemen
Iranian spy cell arrested in Yemen - Yemen Post English Newspaper Online

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Egypt
BBC News - Egypt deports Iran diplomat accused of spying

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Syria
Iran's Revolutionary Guards commander says its troops in Syria | Reuters

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Lebanon
Hezbollah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Kuwait
Kuwait to oust 3 Iranian diplomats in spy row

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Bahrain
Bahrain sentences three Iranian spies to 10 years in jail, says newspaper - The National

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Saudi Arabia
S Arabia arrests 10 Iranian

Iran ia sending terrorists and spies to Kenya
allAfrica.com: Kenya: Court Gags 'Iranian Spies'

Iran is sending terrorists and spies to Nigeria
allAfrica.com: Nigeria: SSS Busts Alleged Iran-Linked 'Spy Network' (Page 1 of 2)

And most recently Bosnia got its share of Iranian terror
Bosnia expels Iranian regime's diplomats suspected of spying
Journalist reveals names of 300 Iranian spies in Bosnia | intelNews.org

So yeah i'm sure all these countries are cooking up stories against Iran, Lol. And the funny thing is all these countries that Iran spy on are Muslim countries, so much for the so called Islamic Republic, you just need to admit that Iran is an utter Hell-Hole and need to be removed from the world, then peace in the Middle East will come.
so you googled and found all the claims from zionists and dictatorships?:omghaha: just search for "saudi arabia terrorist" and you can find thousands of them against yourself.
for example would you enlighten us, where is this official news about Iranian diplomats in Bosnia.
Ministry of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina
pathetic Wahhabi or should I say Zionist.
uffff pathetic...

no brother dnt say this we muslims always faught with eachother ...thats y we are behind from all the world even from jews which we hate the most...
can u plz tell me ottomen ampire was a sunni empire or that also was wahabis......
I haven't study the ottoman empire, I just know that they were Sunni but their kings mostly were thinking about nationalism instead of religion, the more pan-Turkish ideas extended, weaker they became, and that's why this empire collapsed.
Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Iraq
Mahdi Army - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Turkey
Iranian spies in Turkey

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Yemen
Iranian spy cell arrested in Yemen - Yemen Post English Newspaper Online

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Egypt
BBC News - Egypt deports Iran diplomat accused of spying

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Syria
Iran's Revolutionary Guards commander says its troops in Syria | Reuters

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Lebanon
Hezbollah - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Kuwait
Kuwait to oust 3 Iranian diplomats in spy row

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Bahrain
Bahrain sentences three Iranian spies to 10 years in jail, says newspaper - The National

Iran is sending Terrorists and spies to Saudi Arabia
S Arabia arrests 10 Iranian

Iran ia sending terrorists and spies to Kenya
allAfrica.com: Kenya: Court Gags 'Iranian Spies'

Iran is sending terrorists and spies to Nigeria
allAfrica.com: Nigeria: SSS Busts Alleged Iran-Linked 'Spy Network' (Page 1 of 2)

And most recently Bosnia got its share of Iranian terror
Bosnia expels Iranian regime's diplomats suspected of spying
Journalist reveals names of 300 Iranian spies in Bosnia | intelNews.org

So yeah i'm sure all these countries are cooking up stories against Iran, Lol. And the funny thing is all these countries that Iran spy on are Muslim countries, so much for the so called Islamic Republic, you just need to admit that Iran is an utter Hell-Hole and need to be removed from the world, then peace in the Middle East will come.

crap like always.

such a funny salafi you are that say Iran is sending them... :) all those people are iraqi, arabs,and .... not Iranian.

because of being shia or criticizing their fat-A$$ dictators, Their regimes accuse them for spying for iran. such a shame for loosers.

I'm sure the only thing they counting now is the remaining hours before their heads are chopped Lol. :)

Dont need to show how mush salafies and wahabis are savage, we are seeing their actions in syria and Iraq.
I haven't study the ottoman empire, I just know that they were Sunni but their kings mostly were thinking about nationalism instead of religion, the more pan-Turkish ideas extended, weaker they became, and that's why this empire collapsed.
BS,they were more involved in women and poetry.
The Pan-Turkish idea came from a group of Young Turkish officers who saw the collapse of the empire.
Get your facts right,if you havent studied it then dont comment on the issue.
The rest of Europe was industrialising(modern military)and our Sultans used all the time and money to court women.
BS,they were more involved in women and poetry.
The Pan-Turkish idea came from a group of Young Turkish officers who saw the collapse of the empire.
Get your facts right,if you havent studied it then dont comment on the issue.
The rest of Europe was industrialising(modern military)and our Sultans used all the time and money to court women.
We had the same problems than your sultans with the Qajar ... stupid people spending all their money in Paris and for fun
not speaking that they were even worst than your Sultans since they sold territories!
Dafuq is wrong with you?, why are you obsessed with people's and mines hole ?
Are you going to participate in the stoning ceremony too ? Do you want them to stone me to death?.

Back to the topic, Iran should mind its own business :)

stoning is much more difficult to survive for women don't worry ;) lol
seriously stoning always have been stopped ... indeed it is more a local problem in Iran that should be solved once and for all
(local justice i mean)
BS,they were more involved in women and poetry.
The Pan-Turkish idea came from a group of Young Turkish officers who saw the collapse of the empire.
Get your facts right,if you havent studied it then dont comment on the issue.
The rest of Europe was industrialising(modern military)and our Sultans used all the time and money to court women.
pan-Turkish is just a radical version of nationalism and this Idea of pan-Turkish specially started from 1860 by Jewish agent 'Vámbéry Ármin' and he praised the Turkish empire so you can't say it was because of improvident sultans. of course an empire who leaves religion for nationalism would fall, specially when the base of this empire is religion. courting women was just a side effect of weaken religion.
Of course they are spies.Perhaps they have been reading an article about Iran in Wikipedia or searching 'Iran vs Saudi Arabia' on Google when suddenly mighty special and counter revolution forces break in to their house and catch them red handed.

This is an old trick mates, doesn't work anymore.Come up with something more innovative.
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