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Russia warns anyone - attack on Iran will be attack in Russia


Sep 8, 2009
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Russia Warns to Take Tough Action against Military Strike on Iran

TEHRAN (FNA)- Moscow warned the western powers to avoid a military threat against Iran, cautioning that Russia would regard any military intervention linked to Iran's nuclear program as a threat to its own security.

The escalating conflict around Iran should be contained by common effort, otherwise the promising Arab Spring will grow into a "scorching Arab Summer," Moscow's departing Ambassador to NATO Dmitry Rogozin warned on Friday.

"Iran is our close neighbor, just south of the Caucasus. Should anything happen to Iran, should Iran get drawn into any political or military hardships, this will be a direct threat to our national security," Rogozin, who is now Russia's deputy prime minister, said two days after the killing of a nuclear scientist in Tehran by a hitman on a motorcycle.

"We are definitely interested in the non-proliferation of the weapons of mass destruction," Rogozin said on Friday. "But at the same time, we believe that any country has the right to have what it needs to feel comfortable, including Iran."

Dmitry Rogozin, who served as Russia's special envoy to NATO in 2008-2011, was appointed deputy prime minister by Vladimir Putin in December. On Friday he was bidding farewell to his NATO colleagues in the alliance's headquarters in Brussels.

Rogozin, often described as an anti-Western hawk will oversee Russia's defense sector when he returns to Moscow.

The remarks came as Kremlin Security Council head Nikolai Patrushev, who is close to Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, said Israel was pushing the United States towards war with Iran.
About time, I was waiting for Russia to make a statement against further Western aggression into Asia. A Russian General also made a clear warning about the missile defense system US had planned in Poland after the warning US aborted the plan.
Read b4, but great another source ^^'
I dont think russia will anything tbh.

I see china getting involved in some way though.If china gets involved russia might help out aswell
Waiting for another statement like Iran is our Israel.

It has become fashionable for big powers to 'adopt', atleast verbally, one country.
I feel apart from China no one is really looking to help Iran. Russia is just trying to use Iran as a pawn in the chessboard against USA to serve it own national interests...But from the economic impact perspective China/India/Japan and SE Asia should always oppose any form of war as it will seriously impact the economic situation in this part of the world...
Just talk ... not to be taken seriously, i.e. no Russian action is to be expected in the event of military action. They will sit and watch, not necessarily happy, but in consolation they will enjoy more revenues as oil prices go up.
Russia won't let Syria or Iran down, as it doesn't want to lose allies in a region important to it

"If you want to know the odds of a war taking place in the Middle East, just keep track of the statements out of Moscow and Washington and the movements of their respective vessels and aircraft carriers - especially now that Russia is waking up from a period of hibernation and is coming back strongly in the region to protect its interests," the pan-Arab newspaper Al Quds Al Arabi said in its weekend editorial.

It has now dawned on Russia that it was "fooled big-time" into agreeing to the Nato-imposed no-fly zone over Libya. The initial goal was to protect civilians from Qaddafi-regime raids, yet Nato operations turned into a tacit mission for regime change in the North African country, the newspaper noted.

Russia lost a strong Arab ally with the overthrow of the Qaddafi regime. "Having taken stock of such a major loss, Russia is now determined to counter forcefully any US attempts to topple the Syrian and Iranian regimes," the newspaper went on.

Only recently, a Russian ship loaded with weapons was sent to Syria, the paper claimed. In the meantime, "a Russian aircraft carrier and other warships arrived in Syria's Tartous port", which has the only Russian marine base in the eastern Mediterranean.

After receiving a report from the Cypriot authorities, the US administration expressed its worry about the cargo of those Russian vessels and demanded clarifications, a call which fell on deaf ears, the paper added.

"By dispatching an aircraft carrier and shiploads of weapons and other hazardous materials, Russia wants to send out a strong and unequivocal message to Arab governments and the United States, that it will not let down its Syrian and Iranian allies, after it has already lost Qaddafi's Libya and Saddam's Iraq."

Dmitry Rogozin, the Russian envoy to Nato since 2008, who was appointed in December as his country's vice premier for defence industries, said last week that "any military intervention having to do with Iran's nuclear programme will be considered a threat to Russia's national security," the newspaper reported.

Mr Rogozin added a comment to the effect that Iran is a good neighbour and any form of attack against it would not be tolerated by Russia.

"Washington toppled the Libyan and Iraqi regimes because they once offered their oil and trade contracts to Russian, Indian and Chinese corporations," the paper said.

"So Russia knows well that if it gives in to US hegemony plans, its interests will crumble in the world's richest region.

"That also explains its dual Security Council veto - with China - against imposing sanctions on Syria," the paper concluded.

US soldiers' scandal: it's become a pattern

Some like to believe that scandals involving US soldiers engaged in some odious activity - like urinating on dead bodies - need to be treated as isolated cases. But they are not, the Sharjah-based newspaper Al Khaleej stressed in an editorial this weekend.

A video leaked last week shows what appears to be a group of US soldiers joyously urinating on the bodies of dead Afghans.

"This instance is just one among dozens of similar instances that have not made it to the public sphere, showing the amoral, inhumane and uncivilised behaviour of these forces," the newspaper said.

The humiliating treatment of Iraqi prisoners by US soldiers at Abu Ghraib prison several years ago is still fresh in the collective memory. That case showed how US soldiers were having fun dehumanising prisoners in unimaginable ways.

Take the Al Nisour Square incident in Baghdad in 2007, when US soldiers killed more than a dozen Iraqi civilians for no reason. Guantanamo Bay, the newspaper went on, "is yet another flagrant example of the violation of basic human rights."

The latest incident in Afghanistan is not "isolated or individual", the newspaper said. "It is a function of the usual method adopted by the US forces in Afghanistan and previously in Iraq."

Ironically, the paper added, the US will go on lecturing the world about human rights.

Kuwait still waits for an apology from Iraq

"Why does Iraqi officialdom still refuse to apologise formally to Kuwait and its people for the 1990 invasion … which saw gross acts of repression perpetrated against the Kuwaiti people?" Saad Al Ajami asked in yesterday's edition of the Abu Dhabi-based newspaper Al Ittihad.

"Where does Iraq see the harm in apologising to its Kuwaiti brothers as a goodwill gesture and a token of trust?"

Today's Iraqi officials argue that they were not responsible for Saddam Hussein's crimes against Kuwait, or against Iran or the Kurds for that matter. They say they were themselves victims of Saddam's regime and see no reason why they should apologise for crimes they did not commit.

Yet the Iraqi interior ministry did apologise earlier this month to Iraqis for the violations it was responsible for under Saddam.

In a statement celebrating the 90th anniversary of its creation, the ministry said: "Members of the interior ministry's security forces apologise to the Iraqi people for the practices of the defunct regime," the writer reported.

Such an unprecedented move struck a positive note with the Iraqi people, but it leaves the question unanswered: why not apologise to the Kuwaiti people?

Russia protecting its Middle East allies - The National
Im really pleased at this news. It will make the bully boy zionists think twice before bullying themselves into Iran! I think Russia ans China realize the strategic effect it would have if the USA are allowed to continue their bullying antics. Lets commend Russia!!!!

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