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Russia warns anyone - attack on Iran will be attack in Russia

The Russians are idiots if they think that supporting Iran to go nuclear is in their interest. No one is going to view such a statement as credible.

How would Americans feel , if Russian built a base in Toronto , or Niagara Falls?

Or perhaps Russia moved 10 nuclear subs by Cuba south of Miami ?

The problem is USA is fighting a quiet war with Russia over 20-40 years and its goal is to build bases and surround Nations like China and Russia , so it can force them to submit to its commands

I mean clearly the agressor is USA and NATO and its clear to most people now only one who believe in NATO bull shiat is perhaps Media in USA
More empty statements from Russia. In case of a military conflict, neither Russia nor China will get involved. They will just keep issuing silly 'protests'.

It doesn't mean they don't like or understand Western dominance. It just means they are powerless to resist it.
So did Russia actually say they gonna go to war if there is an attack on Iran???
Russia is not at all supporting Iran to go nuclear.
If we wanted to support them, don't you think our government could have just passed on a few nukes from here and there with ICBM's or at the very least help them build them build their own.
Rogozin never stated that Russia would do anything in case of a NATO attack on Iran anyway.
Just a bunch of War mongerers changing the title and some stupid americans even taking their word.
Russians never issued any comment as described in the title. Also, Russia would never march into war over some country like "Iran"
How would Americans feel , if Russian built a base in Toronto , or Niagara Falls?

Or perhaps Russia moved 10 nuclear subs by Cuba south of Miami ?

I mean clearly the agressor is USA and NATO and its clear to most people now only one who believe in NATO bull shiat is perhaps Media in USA

Typical over-the-top analogies from you. Canada would NEVER agree to such a thing. Canadians share the same world view as Americans, nearly 100%. And, if the Russians station 10 nuclear subs off Miami, we would say GREAT!! That would save us a lot of effort in keeping track of them. The USA and Russian are not enemies. We would never attack them and they would never attack us. Iran is a Russian customer, but not an ally.
Typical over-the-top analogies from you. Canada would NEVER agree to such a thing. Canadians share the same world view as Americans, nearly 100%. And, if the Russians station 10 nuclear subs off Miami, we would say GREAT!! That would save us a lot of effort in keeping track of them. The USA and Russian are not enemies. We would never attack them and thy would never attack us. Iran is a Russian customer, but not an ally.
Finally a good reply from atleast one sane american.
This thread is absolutely BS and built on a lie.
Can you please delete it.
Then why don't you go for it then. Stop stalling.

I doubt he has the authority to start a war.

Russia is not at all supporting Iran to go nuclear.
If we wanted to support them, don't you think our government could have just passed on a few nukes from here and there with ICBM's or at the very least help them build them build their own.
Rogozin never stated that Russia would do anything in case of a NATO attack on Iran anyway.
Just a bunch of War mongerers changing the title and some stupid americans even taking their word.

Wouldn't that violate the NPT?
Russia is bullshitting. We don't believe in their words. What about S-300 deal off, Russia/US sanctions, exercises with Israel joints?

Any Western attack on Iran will be attack in Russia.

Any Western attack on Pakistan will be attack in China.


You cant blame others for your coward-ness. “China didn’t help those Pakistani troops who were employed on the border to protect their territory and were killed one by one but their own Pakistani military didn’t help their friends while those NATO’s helicopters remained on the spot for over 1.5 hours?” Only those get help who may help themselves. Your friendship with China only insults China. Even if Iran needs help, then it is possible only when they would come with something to say that, “Iran has sunk a US’s AC and now what Iran would do?” and then China or Russia would talk to US/ West. And I hope Iran is capable enough to defend itself and protect honor of her friends like Russia/ China also, which Pakistan couldn’t.
Russia is bullshitting. We don't believe in their words. What about S-300 deal off, Russia/US sanctions, exercises with Israel joints?

Any Western attack on Iran will be attack in Russia.

Any Western attack on Pakistan will be attack in China.


Indian nuclear scientist Mr Bhabha requested Mr Nehru for a nuclear test in 1959 but he refused as nuclear test by India could damage reputation of Gandhi’s India. But when 5 countries who did nuclear test became nuclear powers, by NPT which was introduced in 1967, but not India as India didn’t do nuclear test, then while visit of Soviet Premier Alexei Kosygin to India in 1968, when he received red carpet welcome and was asked by Indian PM Indira Gandhi, “what type of law is this that India didn’t do nuclear test so India is not a nuclear power but those who did nuclear tests became nuclear power as per NPT?”. Soviet Premier then asked Indira Gandhi, “Five countries did nuclear tests so they became nuclear power. Can you also do the same? Do you have strength to do so?” Indira Gandhi said, “Yes”, then he replied, “then do nuclear test and become nuclear power, this is right.” Then Indira Gandhi did nuclear test 'Smiling Buddha' in 1974, making India the sixth nuclear power………....

On the eve of Mr Putin's visit, sources said Dr Singh will accord a red-carpet welcome to Mr Putin like his Soviet-era predecessor Alexei Kosygin was received by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1968.
Putin to visit India today

US/ West believe in publicity of greatness, without any credibility and proper educational background. US won WW2 because they dropped nuclear weapons on the Japanese civilians walking on the streets to make the Japanese troops surrendered as even if Japan didnt surrender after 1st nuclear attack, the second nuclear attack within 3 days had given them a sense that all the women and kids of Japan would die by more nuclear bombs by US if Japanese troops don't surrender. And if Germany also lost in WW2 then it was because of Russia only. And since WW2, US just lost in the different parts of world, (Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan, and also in many African countries where US with other UN’s troops are facing continuous defeat from the local militants.)

Cowardness doesn’t have any argument and you cant blame others for your weakness. Just wait for a response by Iran and let the US lose her one AC and see how things change…………
Russia don't Want USA forces in his Neighbor (Iran). Existence of USA forces on his neighbor is the threat for Russia. Russia is Protecting his own interest, not for Iran. These are Play cards, USA will prefer for Dominance in Iran, to ensure close existence against Russia. Russia is playing "Iran Card", to keep away USA from this region.

Afghanistan. US is alreasy present in neighbourhood. What you talking about dude ?
Stupid are those who think russia will jump into war with nato for iran.
Russia will do nothing, even if missiles and stealth air craft start flying over iran.
More empty statements from Russia. In case of a military conflict, neither Russia nor China will get involved. They will just keep issuing silly 'protests'.

It doesn't mean they don't like or understand Western dominance. It just means they are powerless to resist it.
I also dont think Russia/China will be openly involved, but I'm 110% positive they would help Iran with weapons and whatever it needs under the table. And if anyone thinks Russia/China doesnt have weapons to make US/NATO sweat, is kidding himself.
If the USA did Attack Iran what would be the reaction of the UN, USA got away with Attacking Iraq ? Russia would likely supply weapons.
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