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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Exactly, these shameless Europeans not only won't apologize for their ancestors' crimes, return the plundered and looted wealth and treasures to the origin countries, and compensate to the victims for their conquest and colonial war crimes and killings, but, these Europeans are committing some of the same heinous crimes their ancestors did to Africans and others today. Totally despicable and shameless these modern days looters and killers, have the audacity to talk of other people's human rights all the time !
You most be spending alot of time fueling this hate. My guess is none of those alleged western crimes affected your life, yet you feel entitled to blame the entire western world of something some ancestors did.
Honestly, I wonder why some of you are in such a hurry pointing your finger at the west, completely ignoring the history of the rest of the world.
Not did but doing too.
Present European generations are direct beneficiary of crimes (& exploitation of colonies etc) of their ancestors.
If present European generations are morally good human beings, as you claim, then Europe should apologize & should give looted wealth (& other assets) back to their former colonies. But what we see is, ironically, some European countries like France are still levying Tax on their former African colonies.

Muslim history of the last 14 centuries is full of massacre of other nations (starting from Banu Qurayzah), and taking their women and children as slaves and then raping the women.
Have Muslims ever apologized for the crimes of their ancestors?
Are Muslims of present generation not beneficiaries of the looted war booty of their ancestors?
Have Muslims apologized to Hindus while your ancestor Ghaznavi looted their temples?

Has your Hero Putin apologized to what Soviet Union did to other countries including Ukraine (where it killed millions of Ukrainians)?

If you cannot show apologies from present Muslims for the crimes of their ancestors, why then you demand an apology from the present generation of Western countries to apologize for the crimes of their ancestors?

Double Standards?

Reality doesn't change that the present Western countries show many times more humanitarian behavior than countries like Pakistan, who even didn't give refuge to the stranded Pakistanis in Bangladesh, or kicked out Afghan refugees even after their kids were born in Pakistan and raised in Pakistan.

The fact is not going to change that only Western countries are today giving asylum and then citizenship and equal human rights and even social benefits to them. And they are not bound to do it under any law, but all that has been done in the name of humanity.

Do you have any shame left?
USA + European Countries are actively supplying ammo to resist 'Russian Aggression' while simultaneously supplying ammo (& finances & technology etc) to assist in 'Israeli Aggression' against Arabs?

Israel is a grey area and not all went according to real charter of UN.

You invaded Afghanistan bcz OBL was given asylum there but you yourself give asylum to our criminals like Altaf Hussain.

Do you really compare Altaf Hussain to the terrorist network of OBL and al-Qaida?

Altaf Hussain got asylum while it was proved that Pakistani State was also involved in State level terrorist activities against MQM, where state was making thousands of false cases against its members, and killing and torturing them. Even Pakistani courts themselves declared thousands of such state made cases to be false, and they set its members free. Pakistani State is itself has to be blamed while nobody trusts in its justice system.

Secondly, Pakistani State killed perhaps thousands of times more Bangali people in East Pakistan as compared to the killings of MQM.

But still there are no apologies from Pakistani State for their atrocities against the Bangali people.
And even Western countries are unable to punish Pakistani State for its atrocities against Bengalis, as nothing is Perfect in this world.

Surely, western countries have not given asylum to MQM members while their INTENTION is to spread any terrorism in Pakistan, but it is solely due to the reason that Pakistani justice system is not good enough to be trusted.
Talk of human rights you want to talk about ? How many millions of people have you West mass killed and how many immoral wars have you the evil West waged against other countries in the world since WW II, from Korea war, to Vietnam war, to Iraq war, Afghan war, Libya war, Syria war and so on ! And how many wars have China waged in the past 40 years ? None. You think you people are innocent all together ? You think people in the world are stupid to forget what heinous crimes you people's ancestors did to others in the conquests and colonization of the world in the past centuries, you think you are not the direct heirs to your ancestors' criminal legacies that you people are still directly benefiting today ? The lands you European descendants,

We were talking about the Human Rights that were given by the Western (Civilian) Population for all those who live there (including asylum seekers from all over the world).
But you intentionally take it to the wars of Government.
And there too, you showed the double standards where you blame the wars of Korea and Vietnam and Afghanistan solely upon West, but forgot the role of Communist Soviet Union.
You also forgot the invasion of Sadam Hussain upon Kuwait and solely blame West for attacking Sadam Hussain.
And Bashar al-Asad and Qadhafi were also the dictators, along with Saddam Hussain and Taliban of Afghanistan, and it were Muslim population of these countries which itself was involved in wars against all these Muslim dictators in one way or the other.

And you forgot Bosnia, where West attacked in order to save the genocide of Muslims against the Russian backed dictator.

Americans and Australians live today in the Americas and Australia are stolen dfrom the native people there ! Why don't you people return then your ancestors plundered and looted wealth and treasures to those victim countries ? Don't pretend that you are so dumb that you don't know these facts. You think that you people can just whitewash and forget your ancestors' crimes like snap of a finger ? Just don't be shameless hypocrites you Indians lick up to your white masters, you people are the most disgusting lackeys in the world indeed.

This is stupidity to ask the present Americans or Australian people to evacuate these lands due to their ancestors.
I once again say so that you comprehend: The present generation of Western people is not responsible for what their ancestors did.

I don't know if you are a Muslim in disguise or not, but do you consider present day Muslims responsible for the Islamic aggressive wars and Islamic slavery of the last 1400 years?

Present Western people can only be held responsible if they don't give EQUAL human rights to the native American population or the native Australian population. And indeed, they have a humanitarian system in the West today, which is based upon justice. So, what to talk about the native Americans/Australians, even millions of people from your lands migrate to these Western countries today due to this justice system for which we are proud of, while you people are jealous and just try to undermine it by doing all type of criticism without looking at your own faults.

... just BS ! Few brainwashed by the West people want to migrate to the West, that's their problem !
Do really Just FEW migrate to the West?
And those who migrate, are they really Brainwashed?

You are a stupid person if you believe in what you have written.

There are not few, but millions who migrated to the West.
And if they are allowed, then half of the Muslim population of Islamic countries will migrate to the Western countries.
And when did the West brainwash them or REQUESTED them to migrate to their countries? Do you have any proof of such brainwashing or request on the behalf of the Western countries?

The Truth is, the Western system is based upon Humanity, Justice and Equity and that is the reason that millions of people from all over the world want to migrate to the European countreis, and not any so-called brainwashing as you are shamelessly blaming.

Now, look at the widespread racial violence, hatred and discrimination against coloured minorities and immigrants in the West such as the US and EU, you should be ashamed of the conducts of you countries indeed !

No one is perfect.
Of course, there are a few problems. But reformation is taking place and discrimination is being fought against the colored minorities.
And normally other minorities have no problems (except for perhaps the Muslim migrants, and they are also at fault while they refuse to integrate in the local society and want to impose Sharia laws in the Western countries).
A big number of Chinese are living in US and other countries, and there is hardly any discrimination present against them. Thus, if Muslim migrants have some problems, that the blame cannot be put upon the Western countries for their non-integration as the Chinese have achieved).
Muslim history of the last 14 centuries is full of massacre of other nations (starting from Banu Qurayzah), and taking their women and children as slaves and then raping the women.
Banu Qurayzah changed sides during Battle of Trench (They broke peace treaty with Muslims) . And they met their fate.

Are Muslims of present generation not beneficiaries of the looted war booty of their ancestors?
Muslim Empires didn't loot their conquered lands.
Brits used to call Subcontinent 'Golden Bird' during Mughal Turks Empire. (i-e: Mughal developed this land instead of looting)
Jews were persecuted in many European countries but Muslim Andalusia (Spain).
Muslims conquered North Africa & developed it (development at par w.r.t that time) instead of looting like what France is currently doing.
You most be spending alot of time fueling this hate. My guess is none of those alleged western crimes affected your life, yet you feel entitled to blame the entire western world of something some ancestors did.
Honestly, I wonder why some of you are in such a hurry pointing your finger at the west, completely ignoring the history of the rest of the world.
tell us when the rest of the world killed nearly 100 million people in world wars?
. .
We were talking about the Human Rights that were given by the Western (Civilian) Population for all those who live there (including asylum seekers from all over the world).
But you intentionally take it to the wars of Government.
And there too, you showed the double standards where you blame the wars of Korea and Vietnam and Afghanistan solely upon West, but forgot the role of Communist Soviet Union.
You also forgot the invasion of Sadam Hussain upon Kuwait and solely blame West for attacking Sadam Hussain.
And Bashar al-Asad and Qadhafi were also the dictators, along with Saddam Hussain and Taliban of Afghanistan, and it were Muslim population of these countries which itself was involved in wars against all these Muslim dictators in one way or the other.

And you forgot Bosnia, where West attacked in order to save the genocide of Muslims against the Russian backed dictator.

This is stupidity to ask the present Americans or Australian people to evacuate these lands due to their ancestors.
I once again say so that you comprehend: The present generation of Western people is not responsible for what their ancestors did.

I don't know if you are a Muslim in disguise or not, but do you consider present day Muslims responsible for the Islamic aggressive wars and Islamic slavery of the last 1400 years?

Present Western people can only be held responsible if they don't give EQUAL human rights to the native American population or the native Australian population. And indeed, they have a humanitarian system in the West today, which is based upon justice. So, what to talk about the native Americans/Australians, even millions of people from your lands migrate to these Western countries today due to this justice system for which we are proud of, while you people are jealous and just try to undermine it by doing all type of criticism without looking at your own faults.

Do really Just FEW migrate to the West?
And those who migrate, are they really Brainwashed?

You are a stupid person if you believe in what you have written.

There are not few, but millions who migrated to the West.
And if they are allowed, then half of the Muslim population of Islamic countries will migrate to the Western countries.
And when did the West brainwash them or REQUESTED them to migrate to their countries? Do you have any proof of such brainwashing or request on the behalf of the Western countries?

The Truth is, the Western system is based upon Humanity, Justice and Equity and that is the reason that millions of people from all over the world want to migrate to the European countreis, and not any so-called brainwashing as you are shamelessly blaming.

No one is perfect.
Of course, there are a few problems. But reformation is taking place and discrimination is being fought against the colored minorities.
And normally other minorities have no problems (except for perhaps the Muslim migrants, and they are also at fault while they refuse to integrate in the local society and want to impose Sharia laws in the Western countries).
A big number of Chinese are living in US and other countries, and there is hardly any discrimination present against them. Thus, if Muslim migrants have some problems, that the blame cannot be put upon the Western countries for their non-integration as the Chinese have achieved).
So what you are saying is benefitting from crime is ok as long as you didn't commit it? What sort of warped Indian ideology is that? By definition of modern law it makes you into an accessory:-"An accessory after-the-fact is someone who, knowing a crime was committed, receives, relieves, comforts, or assists the offender or in any manner aids them to escape arrest or punishment."
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You don't seem to get how SAM systems work...
You know, Patriot's PAC-3 ranges only 20km and PAC-3MSE 35km
Buk is just good at shooting down airliners like the MH-17, the Tu-22M and eventually heavily loaded Su-25 that end stuck under 5G manoeuvres:
Buk has very heavy 690kg missiles that only do 19-20 G manoeuvres, and 24 G for the latest 9M317 missile.You need to pull the quarter a missile can manoeuvre to dodge it. I suppose that the UkrAF MiG-29 shot down in 2016 was probably heavily loaded too, or simply w.o. RWR like all the jets sold 2nd hand by Belarus, BTW, the AMRAAM long range record kill was an ex-Belarus MiG-29 owned y Serbia.
I'm extremely dubious about the claimed results over Syria against Tomahawk missiles as well as against Israeli weapons. Why?
- With a target acquisition between 60m and 25,000m altitude, how do you lock-on a terrain-hugging cruise missile at 10-30m?
- On near all of videos of alleged interceptions of Israeli aerial weapons on SANA [Syria] TV, you don't see a secondary blast and the explosion is timed about the same time the Buk or the Pantsir reaches its max range and self destroys... Moreover, RosoboronExport boasts positive tests against Scuds and heavy artillery rockets, unserstand: similar to the large Weishi WS-41 AKA M-302 AKA Khaibar-1.
The capabilities of the IRIS-T SL are way more extended...
Thus, I'd have opted for the MICA-VL especially with the MICA-NG getting 50% more range and new seekers: the IRIS-T may be a little more manoeuvrable with 60G vs 50G, which aerial target can do 12.5G dodging manoeuvres? For the remainder, capabilities are rather similar but MICA-NG has longer range than AMRAAM-C and obsolete MICA is on par with AMRAAM-B but with about the double no escape zone of the AMRAAM-C, moreover, MICA-NG adds a dual pulse engine, so expect fuel to be left rather close to the max range. MICA may also re-lock if dodged and both do U-turns. No known jamming method, if you're in the NEZ, you have a "Looney Tunes" missile after you and you'll be toasted.

Visibly, IRIS-T missile can also be loaded into NASAMS and AMRAAM seems not so great against cruise missiles.
only if i knew who gave you that nonsense information on how AA missile works.
Numb numb, if he doesn't invade Ukraine, NATO will expand further into central Asia, it will be at our borders. Absolute power is dangerous, you as a Vietnamnese should opt for a multipolar world so each superpower will balance out each other and smaller countries can get a better deal. Putin is not stupid, NATO gave him no choice.
Sounds good balancing great powers. However that is theory, never existing in reality. As small fishes you are at the mercy of great sharks. Where is the balance between Russia and Georgia? Between China and Philippines?
NATO is expanding because small countries want to join not because the US wants the expansion.

Putin attacks Ukraine just because of greediness. He seeks lands, resources, people. He is just a thief. NATO, Nazi, oppressing of ethnics, all lame excuses. When Japan invaded China the Japanese had similar excuses.
tell us when the rest of the world killed nearly 100 million people in world wars?
The rest of the world participated in the killings during the World Wars.
That is why they were called World Wars.
The responsibility for the wars lies with Germany, the Soviet Union and Japan.
Most of ”the West” were fighting them.

So what you are saying is benefitting from crime is ok as long as you didn't commit it? What sort of warped Indian ideology is that? By definition of modern law it makes you into an accessry:-"An accessory after-the-fact is someone who, knowing a crime was committed, receives, relieves, comforts, or assists the offender or in any manner aids them to escape arrest or punishment."
As You live in the United Kingdom, You obviously ”benefit” from the colonial past.
What have You done to compensate the world for your crime as an accessory?
if buk can't that missile also don't change it much . buk engage up to 40km away and at altitude of around 27km
Iris has the same range. So what is the difference between Iris and Buk? What makes Iris better? You don’t know? I give you a hint: it’s like when you buy a German car and Russia car. When driving a German car you feel great. In Russia car you don’t feel so much greatness. Your life is at risk.
We were talking about the Human Rights that were given by the Western (Civilian) Population for all those who live there (including asylum seekers from all over the world).
But you intentionally take it to the wars of Government.
And there too, you showed the double standards where you blame the wars of Korea and Vietnam and Afghanistan solely upon West, but forgot the role of Communist Soviet Union.
You also forgot the invasion of Sadam Hussain upon Kuwait and solely blame West for attacking Sadam Hussain.
And Bashar al-Asad and Qadhafi were also the dictators, along with Saddam Hussain and Taliban of Afghanistan, and it were Muslim population of these countries which itself was involved in wars against all these Muslim dictators in one way or the other.

And you forgot Bosnia, where West attacked in order to save the genocide of Muslims against the Russian backed dictator.

This is stupidity to ask the present Americans or Australian people to evacuate these lands due to their ancestors.
I once again say so that you comprehend: The present generation of Western people is not responsible for what their ancestors did.

I don't know if you are a Muslim in disguise or not, but do you consider present day Muslims responsible for the Islamic aggressive wars and Islamic slavery of the last 1400 years?

Present Western people can only be held responsible if they don't give EQUAL human rights to the native American population or the native Australian population. And indeed, they have a humanitarian system in the West today, which is based upon justice. So, what to talk about the native Americans/Australians, even millions of people from your lands migrate to these Western countries today due to this justice system for which we are proud of, while you people are jealous and just try to undermine it by doing all type of criticism without looking at your own faults.

Do really Just FEW migrate to the West?
And those who migrate, are they really Brainwashed?

You are a stupid person if you believe in what you have written.

There are not few, but millions who migrated to the West.
And if they are allowed, then half of the Muslim population of Islamic countries will migrate to the Western countries.
And when did the West brainwash them or REQUESTED them to migrate to their countries? Do you have any proof of such brainwashing or request on the behalf of the Western countries?

The Truth is, the Western system is based upon Humanity, Justice and Equity and that is the reason that millions of people from all over the world want to migrate to the European countreis, and not any so-called brainwashing as you are shamelessly blaming.

No one is perfect.
Of course, there are a few problems. But reformation is taking place and discrimination is being fought against the colored minorities.
And normally other minorities have no problems (except for perhaps the Muslim migrants, and they are also at fault while they refuse to integrate in the local society and want to impose Sharia laws in the Western countries).
A big number of Chinese are living in US and other countries, and there is hardly any discrimination present against them. Thus, if Muslim migrants have some problems, that the blame cannot be put upon the Western countries for their non-integration as the Chinese have achieved).

Sick and Tired, I am 'sap!

Revisionist history and world view...
a qualitative difference!

Take Belgium for instance... A small nobody really in Europe. And it's small but bloody history of colonization... as I said small!
Their colony too... perhaps because it was peripheral... so the atrocities never amounted to much... Take Conquista of Americas by Spain alone with unmatched bloodshed in history of mankind...
Combined West and just the last century alone it's civil wars amongst themselves and those of aggression outdoes anything in past 1400 years of Muslim MENA region in it's bloodshed, pillage and atrocities!

Colonial wars of aggression... the death, destruction and pillage has never really been reconciled nor an attempt made to quantify it in it's entirety(directly and indirectly attributed). Remember European Colonial states ruled almost all of Africa, entirety of Americas, Australia and most of Asia. Forget how those states or people existed before the invasion... What condition did Europe leave those former colonies? How constructively is it involved in their affairs now?
In fact they remain client states! Just take MENA for instance, creation of borders and installation of their regimes and cultivated leadership! Not to mention French Colonized Africa that exists to this very day!!! Europe still plays it's internal politics in all it's former colonies... involving them and their inhabitants in it's wars of aggression... using their resources and poaching their manpower as cheap labor!

So, instead of lecturing others... I invite you to start reading about your adopted land and it's history and how it came about...
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. .
Deputy Chairman of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev published a map on which Ukraine does not exist, and its territories are part of other countries. .
According to the map, the Ukraine’s territory would limit only to Kyiv region, while the rest would be under the administration of four other countries: Russia, Poland, Hungary and Romania.

Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reports in a press release state that........ "Such attitudes are part of the propaganda and disinformation tools that the Russian Federation has been using for a long time and that was amplified after the start of the illegal and illegitimate war of aggression against Ukraine,”"


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