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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

Russia is so big, the Russians have more than lands I don’t understand why they want to steal lands from other. Making the stolen lands into gulags is not ok.

No one ever have enough land, especially historical land. Wars are fought over land. Every day since 200,000 years ago there is war somewhere in the world.

Dayum.. It looks like Russia is now going to come inside Ukraine with even more forces.. Putin is rallying the Russian civilization. They wanna repeat another WW2 victory scenario in Ukraine. Hence the mobilization will be big in the coming days and weeks imho..

Russia realize this is serious and they won't gamble
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No one ever have enough land, especially historical land. Wars are fought over land. Every day since 200,000 years ago there is war somewhere in the world.
Historically russian land belongs to dinosaurs.
Seriously, how will Putin win this war? That’s hopeless from the beginning. Now it’s more hopeless. The best troops are dead or wounded. Best weapons are used off or captured. Money runs out. All major foreign companies pulled out. Europe stops buying.

Sending more hooligans, rapists, fresh young men to die in Ukraine is worthless. I bet Putin will give some primitive rifles because little to nothing is left in inventory.
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What is ironic is that India has more nukes than Germany has German made nukes. And Pakistan has more nukes than Spanish and Italian made nukes together.

Nobody finds this strange.

USA tolerates NK getting nukes, yet if Poland gets nukes, that is "escalation" or some such vomit.

India "can have 160 nukes". Yet if Germany and the EU get their nukes apart from UNSC permanent members in Europe, it is viewed as bad. India "needs" as many as their foe Pakistan. Europe needs as many nukes as foe Russia.

Would Pakistan tolerate 16 nukes vs Indian 160 nukes. We must never tolerate 10 times less nukes than Russia for Germany and the EU. This is common sense. If Germany gets nuked, would France retaliate for Germany, I doubt this. So Germany would need the same as Russia.
Read up about the non-proliferation treaty, and you will stop posting things like this.

I have as many nukes in my personal possession as Germany, Spain and Italy have domestically produced nukes combined.
Germany, Spain and Italy does not have any nukes because they made that choice.
You are not allowed to have nukes.
Time to ignore.
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Israel is not part of the NFT.

They are nearly worshiped around the globe.

If you are getting threatened with nuclear annihilation by Russia, Germany and Italy can leave the NPT, and piss off the UK and US who refuse to defend them with their US arsenal of nukes if Russia nukes Germany and Italy.

"Oh, no!" "Only UNSC permanent members and a few other approved nations can get nukes, or else UK dies of a heart attack." "Oh, no"

Germany can't get nukes because they are not on the big boyz table with the UK and US, who decides no more nukes as us and uk.

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If I were a betting man, I bet on Russia. Russia has 4 times the population of Ukraine. That's 4 times the man power.
I would like to gamble with you
Putin spending tens of billions on their Russian weapons, barely any tweets about banning that. Germany re-arms and anybody loses their minds. It proves the enemy was always outside of Germany. The the pre-war reason for the world wars was to keep Germany down. Can Japan rearm in the next thousand years against China and Russia. Putin is threatening nuclear annihilation of Europe. "Germans don't have the right to defend themselves because of a Jewish Austrian Painter." Step up to defend Germany from nuclear annihilation or shut up on EU getting nukes.
please dont insult Germany by falsely claiming hitler was jewish. USA wont allow Germany to get nukes. They have some US built nukes that they cant use without activation codes.
Dayum.. It looks like Russia is now going to come inside Ukraine with even more forces.. Putin is rallying the Russian civilization. They wanna repeat another WW2 victory scenario in Ukraine. Hence the mobilization will be big in the coming days and weeks imho..

Russia realize this is serious and they won't gamble
what happened to the 3 day special operation?
Germany can't get nukes because they are not on the big boyz table with the UK and US, who decides no more nukes as us and uk.
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"We permit ourselves the victors of WWII to have nukes. Putin's Russia is allowed to have nukes, as Putin threatens the EU with nukes. Don't question Russia on the UNSC and having nukes. Know your place EU Europeans (xFrance). Germany does not get nukes because that is what has been decided FOR them by the US and UK, victors of WWII"

Only "us responsible" US, UK, Ruzzia, France and Communist China should have nukes as "we" decide.

Sheer clownery and buffonery to accept such nonsense.

Five nations (were) permitted (themselves) to have nukes—the U.S., Britain, France, China, and Russia—and the rest were not.

These are the same clown nations that brought you the Iraq War, Afghan War, Libyan War, Syrian Civil War, and the planned war against Iran. "The 'responsible nations' that can have nukes, the victors of WW2. You obey us, what we decide in the UNSC is international decision that you must obey. Obey no nukes with the NPT too."

This is concurrently as Russia threatens to nuke Germany with Germany needing defensive nukes. So what the US, UK, France, Russia and Chinese Communists say is dog sh*t.

Either protect the EU from being nuked, or else, obviously the EU (x UNSC France) has to look for other defenses from nukes, most importantly the MAD strategy of getting as many nukes as Russia.

Mention Russia needs to give up nukes and you get attacked that Russia would start WWIII to prevent that, defending that Russia deserves nukes being WWII victors. Then mention Germany should get nukes to defend themselves, and the same trolls lose their minds at the mere thought of Germany getting nukes. Since the US is not defending Germany with full arsenal of nukes, and Russia is not disarming their nukes, then Germany/EU needs as many nukes as Russia.

There were two countries that wanted war with Hitler's Germany in 1934, these two nations should be the only nations that get to have nukes, decided by me. Those two nations are Italy and Austria.

please dont insult Germany by falsely claiming hitler was jewish.
That was the British press and EU scientists.
"We permit ourselves the victors of WWII to have nukes. Putin's Russia is allowed to have nukes, as Putin threatens the EU with nukes. Don't question Russia on the UNSC and having nukes. Know your place EU Europeans (xFrance). Germany does not get nukes because that is what has been decided FOR them by the US and UK, victors of WWII"

I wonder why France is allowed nukes considering France fell after only a few months and did just about nothing for the rest of the war.
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