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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

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This is the imposed British clownness Europe has to face because of the UK.

Spain can't have nukes, Modi can, because of the Spanish Armada.
Denmark can't have nukes because of the Vikings, Modi can.
Italy can't make nukes because the Italians killed Mussolini and Mussolini/Italy wanted to kill Hitler to protect friend Dollfuss from nazis, Modi gets to have nukes though.
Germany can't make nukes because of an Austrian Jewish Painter.
Austria can't have nukes because of the same Austrian Painter.
Romania can't have nukes because of Vlad the Impaler.
Greece can't have nukes because of the Byzantine Empire
Bulgaria can't have nukes because they are not gun-toting, bible-thumping, trumpers who support Putin. "Shame on them" for not being Modites.
Poland can't have nukes because of Warsaw Pact.

Sh*t excuses why EU (x UNSC France) cant make nukes.

Would the US accept bans on the US developing nukes during the cold war because USA was mean to the American Indians and thus should not develop nukes. Would the US accept gales of stupid laughter about having ICBM numbers equal to the Soviets or comparable to the Soviets. No, those holding the US back would be seen as enemy states.

If you are holding back the EU from developing as many nukes as Russia, then we must view you as the Americans viewed those who demanded the US to disarm during the cold war.

Russia wants to nuke the EU. This much is known. MAD works. That is known too.

This British clown-ness is going to get Europe nuked.

Preventing the EU from getting nukes proves the world wars was about the UK holding back Europe from rivaling the UK.

A Manufacturing War Between the UK and Germany in the 19th Century Set the Stage For Today’s Trade Crisis​

Dariusz Stusowski - June 5, 2017
Today, the word “globalism” is on everyone’s’ mind. Some fear a world increasingly dependent on foreign trade. Others worry about domestic industries dying due to over-seas competition. Many are anxious about what a changing economy will mean for their material prospects. Do we allow free trade to flourish despite possible negative consequences for some of our industries at home in the hopes that other domestic business will change and grow as the world becomes more interdependent?
Do we tax imports in order to make our own goods and services more competitive? Or perhaps should we retreat, at least a little bit from global trade in order to reverse the trend of interdependence and globalism?
These questions and concerns seem so modern; so current. And indeed they are. However, they are not as modern as they seem. For centuries, politicians, economists and everyday citizens have been asking the same basic questions. Even more importantly, they have been coming up with many of the same solutions, often with disastrous results.
A Manufacturing War Between the UK and Germany in the 19th Century Set the Stage For Today’s Trade Crisis
German became known for their engineering and technological breakthroughs as is exemplified by creation of the first automobile. Benz Patent Motor Car – The first automobile (1885-1886). daimler.com

One such misadventure took place in Great Britain, home of the industrial revolution and birthplace of the modern economic world. In the 19th Century, the British were known for their quality manufactured goods. In fact, as far back as the late 1700’s Great Britain was known as the “workshop of the world”. Revolutions in transportation, plentiful human labor, easy access to key raw materials, rapid advancements in technology and engineering combined with a sympathetic government made a perfect recipe for the creation of the first modern economy.
Finished goods from Britain were the best in the world, known for their quality and value. Everything from large items like railroad parts and locomotives to a multitude of smaller items like furniture, mirrors, silverware and linen were sold throughout the world. Even trivial items such as belt buckles, buttons and little ribbons flooded domestic and international markets. This dominance lasted decade after decade. The British were so used to their business superiority that many began to panic when a new competitor began to challenge the dominance of the British economic colossus. What was the name of this culprit? Germany.
Germans were experiencing massive changes as well. For most of history, a unified German state like the one that we know today did not exist. Instead, a series of smaller, regional states collectively made up a German cultural and language area in the middle of Europe. These smaller German countries were usually unable to threaten lager countries like Great Britain or France due to high taxation and general lack of coordination between states.
All this changed radically in 1871. That year, a powerful politician by the name of Otto Von Bismarck succeeded in a final push to unify Germany, creating a massive and powerful new state right in the center of Europe. It was not long before a greater Germany began to flex its business muscle.
A Manufacturing War Between the UK and Germany in the 19th Century Set the Stage For Today’s Trade Crisis
Steel manufacturing was just one area in which Germans excelled by the late 19th Century. Essen Krupp Bessemer , circa 1880. University of Oregon

In the beginning, even before German unification, many of their items were either of poor quality or directly copied by secretly replicating successful British business practices. German industrial spies were cunning and ruthless. Famous businessmen such as steel magnate Alfred Krupp, entered Britain under a false name and immediately began taking notes. He used flattery and behaved as nicely and kindly as possible, winning the trust of his British hosts who happily and proudly showed this kind German man all of their successes.
Krupp himself wrote: “the proprietor was flattered that two such smart friends should deign to visit his works.” Germans like Krupp came back from their “study tours” flush stolen information, eager to start competing with their foreign rivals.
The British soon saw German goods flooding markets all around the world, including their own. Many of these items were not just cheaply made, but were mislabeled as well. Some German factories were creating products falsely labeled as made in Great Britain. When it was discovered that Germans were marking scissors, knives and other cutlery as “Sheffield Made”, British businessmen were outraged. Dining ware made in Sheffield was the pride of British manufacturing. A movement began to punish Germans for their shameful theft of industrial ideas and iconic brands.
But there was an even greater, more long-term problem that the British faced when it came to German products. While some German products were poorly-made, or fraudulent, other products were steadily growing in quality. As time went on, many were often as good as or even better than the domestic items that Britons were used to buying.
A Manufacturing War Between the UK and Germany in the 19th Century Set the Stage For Today’s Trade Crisis
Even the simplest items like this cake knife were coveted by foreign consumers, due to the high quality of German manufacture. Interestingly, this example possesses a star of David trade stamp. 19th century antique German cake knife from Mann and Federlein , Solingen Company. i offer

The paradoxical combination of good, high-quality German imports as well as mislabeled foreign fakes of German origin prompted British politicians to take action. By 1887 the worry was so great that British lawmakers passed the “Merchandise Marks Act”, which forced manufactured goods to state the country of origin. Clearly, this law was passed in order to protect domestic manufacturers. However, there was an unintended consequence to this action.
Though the bill was supposed to protect against cheap knock-offs, something surprising happened. British consumers already developed a taste for German goods. Once the act was passed, even more Britons than before were aware of the amount of German goods they were actually buying. Even the patriotic impulse to buy domestic goods could not stop the desire to buy increasingly excellent German products. Instead of slowing down the consumption of German products, German exports continued to increase. Slowly but continuously, the manufacturer’s mark “Made in Germany” developed into a mark of quality.
By the early 20th Century, the “Made in Germany” mark was already seen as a powerful and recognizable marketing tool. A newspaper article from the Spectator (of British origin) published a conversation occurring in 1907, in which a British man traveling in Germany had a discussion with a German merchant about trade between their two countries. The German exclaimed:
“Now look at your Merchandise Marks Act! It didn’t do what was meant… You passed it to protect your industries, but in fact it has protected ours, for …it showed the traders of the world where the goods were really made”. The same merchant went on to claim that international trade was making Germany so strong that soon there would be a military showdown between to two countries for dominance of the seas, and that the completion may even result in a general war. His remarks are now chilling as war between Britain and Germany as well as many others, broke out just seven years later, with the beginning of WWI.
A Manufacturing War Between the UK and Germany in the 19th Century Set the Stage For Today’s Trade Crisis
Germans goods were known for their unrivaled quality and intricacy, as seen with the knife – featuring more than 100 tools including a gun. Daily Mail

130 years ago, the British demanded a labeling campaign in an attempt to dissuade domestic consumers from buying foreign goods, out of fear that Germans were selling too many products. Similarly, just a generation ago many Americans were terrified of the Japanese and their auto and audio-visual industries. It did not help that by the 1980’s the Japanese were using their profits to invest in U.S. real estate.
Today, trade with places like China is a big source of concern and stress. Just like early German products, Chinese goods are considered cheaper and of lower-quality. And yet, Americans buy these items with a voracious and unyielding appetite. The Chinese are even known for stealing American intellectual property, much in the same way Germans copied and mislabeled their products so long ago.
As a result, some loudly call for restrictions on trade in a variety of ways. But will changes in trade policy stop inappropriate Chinese practices? Perhaps they may. However, the Chinese may shift their focus to higher-quality products, making them irresistible to Americans markets no matter what our policies may be, thusly transforming the Chinese economy into an even more powerful force, as did the Germans.
Just like the government action that led to labeling demands in Britain, artificial trade barriers have an odd way of causing all sorts of unintended consequences. Material desire is far more powerful than the fanciful aspirations of politicians. Perhaps excitable politicians should be careful for what they wish…

The US UK want no rivals. The purpose of trump and putin are to shut down the EU and China.

Putin nuking the EU is a huge shut down of the EU. The nuking of Europe is a net positive for Trump/Putin.

Junior Partner EU and NATO Europe is to take getting nuked, while daddy USA laughs and does less than nothing to stop it and/or retaliate.

If Russia is threatening Europe with nuclear annihilation and the US/UK refuse to defend from a nuke attack. Each member of NATO and the EU should be allowed to build as many ICBM nukes as Russia has. Or gets the hell out of the way idiots.

If you believe Communist China, Modi and Pakistan get to have nukes, yet Germany does not get to make nukes and ICBMs, you are an enemy of Europe. Russia and China should be kicked off the UNSC and disarmed. Yet Germany is the enemy to imbeciles.

Here are the dime a dozen idiots on twitter:

Putin spending tens of billions on their Russian weapons, barely any tweets about banning that. Germany re-arms and anybody loses their minds. It proves the enemy was always outside of Germany. The the pre-war reason for the world wars was to keep Germany down. Can Japan rearm in the next thousand years against China and Russia. Putin is threatening nuclear annihilation of Europe. "Germans don't have the right to defend themselves because of a Jewish Austrian Painter." Step up to defend Germany from nuclear annihilation or shut up on EU getting nukes.
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You keep saying NATO weapons production is high, then why has NATO reached peak point of supplying Ukraine only after 6 month of war? even US has admitted it is starting to dip into its own ammo stocks to supply Ukraine- same for the whole of EU, but you're just here blabbing and misleading people - the Ukraine war shows NATO's ammo and weapons production is at its peak and cant produce more weapons or produce them fast enough for the war Ukraine is in simple! No wonder Ukraine is using US enemy Iran's ammo to fight Russia- obviously Ukraine doenst have enough ammo from NATO countries it has to go use Pakistani or Iranian ammo. Ukraine is a 3rd world banana republic US has now foolishly inherited because of the greed to expand NATO power on Russia's border.

Talk specifics and stop using bogus generalizations you twist their meaning to suit your agenda!

Are you really that dense?

NATO were not in any sort of mode to supply Ukraine with any weapon. Now, why that is your guess as best as mine. But just look back at what NATO give to Ukraine, that does not even mean 1% of the entire NATO reserve stock. Unless you call a few HIMARS, Pzh2000, MLRS, M777, a few Poland and Slovikia T-72 and the 28 upgraded M55 and several hundred thousand of assorted portable anti tank weapon are "Significant", and then even those weapon can stop an Russian invasion and make counter offensive.....That's how stupid Russian military were.

Where are the 450 M1 Abrams that the Marine just gave up? Where are the 142 M1128 Mobile Guns Platform the Army just retired this year? How about the M270 the Marine replaced with HIMARS? That's just American, there are alot of goodies like the Leopard 1 Tank from Canada, L2A4 tank from Netherland and Germany in storage, T-72 Poland had in storage? Yeah, Poland send some 100 but they had at least 10 times that.

And it wouldn't take a dumbass to figure out you need to send your stock ammo first, are you really expecting US to increase Ammo making capacity and send those newly make shell to Ukraine, sure, come back in a month time and collect your ammo?? LOL Are you for real?

It also would take a dumbass to figure out NATO does not produce 122 shell or 152 shell that Pakistan and Iran send respectively, those are ex-soviet Ammo, NATO don't produce them AT ALL, even China don't produce them, there aren't a lot of country producing them, majority of those are from Russia, I am sure Ukrainian should ask Russian for ammo for its Soviet Era weapon.

Jesus, just exactly how stupid were you? Most of the stuff you ask it wouldn't take 2 seconds to process to figure out. And yet you still ask them anyway....
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Why complaining?
Putin just needs to say to his troops: the war is over, go home, return to families.
Otherwise Ukraine army will continue to fight until they piss off.
About NATO, Russia gets supports from China, Ukraine from the NATO. Win win. Why he doesn’t complain about getting support from China?

Russia annex Kherson, Donetsk, Luhansk. Why not? Theses cities were once part of Russian empire.

Besides, war is a good thing. Without war, humanity will become complacent and devolve. War breeds the strong and weeds out the weak. War drives science and technology and innovation. War drives advancement of society.

no war:


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Russia annex Kherson, Donetsk, Luhansk. Why not? Theses cities were once part of Russian empire.

Besides, war is a good thing. Without war, humanity will become complacent and devolve. War breeds the strong and weeds out the weak. War drives science and technology and innovation. War drives advancement of society.

no war:


Russia is so big, the Russians have more than lands than all countries combined in Europe. I don’t understand why they want to steal more lands from other. For what reason? Making the stolen lands into gulags? Putin instead can spend money and human lives on how to fight global warming.
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