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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments PART 2

UK is in indeed an Island , therefore they don't have many tanks to spare . This is clearly a demonstrative move , to influence Germany to free their leopard 2 ,

Everyone has an obsession with Germany. This was not Berlin's war; this was an American-British-led war. Germans are victims of this war. Their Nord Stream pipeline II was destroyed. It was done to ensure Russian gas backing the Euro monetary system doesn't go forward. Instead, the Anglo-American elites want the the petrol-dollar system to remain the fiat money of the world. So, if anyone is paying attention, this should let you who is behind the explosion(s) that destroyed the Nord Stream II pipeline.

With that in mind, the Germans should drag their feet in any way possible and shouldn't provide any meaningful weapons to the Ukrainians. They themselves are victims of this war imposed on Russia. Therefore, it makes no sense for them to prolong this manufactured conflict by the Americans and the Brits. And if the American and British elites want the war to go on, they should pay for it and provide the arms. No reason to make any demands to the Germans or anyone else.
10 tanks can make a difference my friend. At least at Bakhmut. Not that easy to target the western tanks. They are very agile very protected. With western tanks coming Ukraine will adopt NATO standard of “Gefecht der verbundenen Waffen” or combined arms battle. The tanks will not run alone. They run along with aviation and infantry.

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I have neither seen nor heard a nation in the midst of a war, facing a powerful army, who bet everything on dozen tanks and non-existing aviation. These tanks are sitting ducks for Russia's guided anti-tank weapons, some of them can be fired at least 3 or 4 KMs away. So get real, a dozen tanks from UK and France, and 50 IFVs from the US wouldn't alter the balance of power.

Russians have transformed their industry into a war production, meaning most of their factories are geared towards winning this war. Their factories are working 24 hours, and anyone with a technical degree is directed to work in the arms industry. They're rolling artillery pieces, tanks, ammunition, and helicopters in a rate that you can't imagine.

Russians are also filling the gap in their arms industry by reaching out to countries like Iran, China, and DPRK, and acquiring whatever that was missing in the puzzle. This is where those Shaheed-136s/131 drones and DPRK's artillery pieces come into the picture.

So when you compare Russia getting into war production mode with Ukraine getting different weapons from different countries and the time they need to learn them, it is obvious you can't compare the two. You may not like it but the conclusion of this war on who the winner will be is very obvious.
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Almost the same
Verdun is France’s strongest defense on the eastern flank, same for Bakhmut for Ukraine. Neither France nor Ukraine can’t afford to lose. Strategically both Verdun and Bakhmut are not important. Cities with few thousands inhabitants, no industrial no weapons manufacturing. It’s just symbolic for the population the gov can say hey! Look, our armies will defend the fortress until the bitter end, no matter the costs.

It is stupid for Ukraine to lose 10s of thousands of men to defend a small place like Bakhmut. It is really makes no any military sense to lose over 35,000 soldiers in a place that has no significant population or an industrial base.

Instead, the Ukrainians could've opened a second front where they could've relieved the pressure from Bakhmut. They could've also focused on cutting down the Russian supply lines that sustain the grinding Bakhmut offensive.

As for the Russians, it makes perfect sense to pool their resources on this front and maintain the grinding and the gradual assault on the huge Ukrainian soldiers who were all gathered in Bakhmut. This is a perfect chance for Russia to kill or cripple the most experienced Ukrainian forces, and as we can all see it is all going well.

So when you compare the tactical and strategies that these opposing armies are pursuing in Bakhmut, you can see the Russian approach makes perfect sense. This is the reason why the Ukrainian casualty rate is far higher than the Russians in Bakhmut.

This should also explain why Russians withdrew the East side of Kherson. They didn't want this front to distract their offensive in the Bakhmut front, and it is paying dividend.
It is stupid for Ukraine to lose 10s of thousands of men to defend a small place like Bakhmut. It is really makes no any military sense to lose over 35,000 soldiers in a place that has no significant population or an industrial base.

Instead, the Ukrainians could've opened a second front where they could've relieved the pressure from Bakhmut. They could've also focused on cutting down the Russian supply lines that sustain the grinding Bakhmut offensive.

As for the Russians, it makes perfect sense to pool their resources on this front and maintain the grinding and the gradual assault on the huge Ukrainian soldiers who were all gathered in Bakhmut. This is a perfect chance for Russia to kill or cripple the most experienced Ukrainian forces, and as we can all see it is all going well.

So when you compare the tactical and strategies that these opposing armies are pursuing in Bakhmut, you can see the Russian approach makes perfect sense. This is the reason why the Ukrainian casualty rate is far higher than the Russians in Bakhmut.

This should also explain why Russians withdrew the East side of Kherson. They didn't want this front to distract their offensive in the Bakhmut front, and it is paying dividend.
So we have months long frontal assaults on fortified urban defenses manned by better trained defenders.

Assuming higher ukranian casualties (let alone much much higher…) is pure copium going against all military logic.


Next up:

MQ 9s
Black Hawk

#PrayForRussia @Hassan Al-Somal

You'll have these 3 anti-tank guided weapons waiting for them: 1) The"Vikhr" Anti-tank Missile; 2) the Khrizantema; 3) the Kornet anti-tank missile.

The Strykers IFVs will be a joke in this conflict. Perhaps you should read the below article. 👇

So we have months long frontal assaults on fortified urban defenses manned by better trained defenders.

Assuming higher ukranian casualties (let alone much much higher…) is pure copium going against all military logic.

This pretty much sums up. 👇 The Bakhmut meat grinder has taken its toll on the Ukrainians.

Better trained soldiers who were sitting ducks for aerial, artillery, and grand assaults.
This pretty much sums up. 👇 The Bakhmut meat grinder has taken its toll on the Ukrainians.

Better trained soldiers who were sitting ducks for aerial, artillery, and grand assaults.

So why is Russia wasting so much ressources on Bakhmut if this town is without any significant importance ? Why are Russians dying in thousands in frontal wave assaults ? Meat grinder but the field is so full of Russian bodies. Despite total Russian superiority in terms of cannon fodder, aviation, artillery those incompetent drunkards have advanced something like hundreds meters since the summer, a great performance indeed that will probably go down in history.

The battle of Bakhmut shows totally the Russian military incompetence, wasting so much ressources on Bakhmut and diverting important forces while Ukraine is preparing to outflank them in the north of the Luhansk oblast and will soon probably start a southern offensive once the weather conditions are optimal for armored assaults.
Russian woman explains frustration with being hated everywhere.

This looks terrible for Russian people who are good at keeping their silence in the face of suffering which in turn makes them look strong. Videos like these show they are not immune to pressure.
Russians have transformed their industry into a war production, meaning most of their factories are geared towards winning this war. Their factories are working 24 hours, and anyone with a technical degree is directed to work in the arms industry. They're rolling artillery pieces, tanks, ammunition, and helicopters in a rate that you can't imagine.

Russians are also filling the gap in their arms industry by reaching out to countries like Iran, China, and DPRK, and acquiring whatever that was missing in the puzzle. This is where those Shaheed-136s/131 drones and DPRK's artillery pieces come into the picture.
All done for a 3 day operation. wow.
I think the most feasible short term solution would be ta achieve a ceasefire. That would lead its way to negotiations and possible agreemnents in the long term with different Ukrainian, Russian governments. No one can force Ukraine to agree on losing those regions but at least a ceasefire can be achieved. The situation would be tense like North and South Korea but at least further escalation of war would be averted.

Everytime ceasefire subject is brought up Ukraine side gives the excuse of Russia can plan another offensive gathering resources and further mobilisation so they can't remove their grip from southern regions to keep Russian forces focusing there. This needs to be clarified by Russian side officially from the top to remove this excuse by saying that there won't be further operations and expansions into Kharkiv, Sumy, Kiev, Odessa or in any other part of Ukraine after the ceasefire including Bakhmut. The SMO aims and limits should be declared officially as an initial step with its limits and there wont be further advances or aims by Russia.

Additionally eventhough the regions are recognized by Russia the borders are not recognized yet. In Kherson and Zhaporijia Russia can leave downward to much smaller sector and northern parts of Kherson,Zaporijia would be a buffer zone stationing UN peace keeping forces leaving administration of those regions to Ukraine as well almost as before the pre-war conditions. The buffer zone would be a security guarantee for Crimea as well which Russia wants. Ukraine wont be forced to recognize Crimea or Donbass and economic sanctions are the price for keeping those regions for Russia to solve this issue with future agreements with Ukraine. At least the current meat grinder situation for both sides and a possible Crimea based nuclear escalation situation can be averted now instead of later which can be too late.
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I think the most feasible short term solution would be ta achieve a ceasefire. That would lead its way to negotiations and possible agreemnents in the long term with different Ukrainian, Russian governments. No one can force Ukraine to agree on losing those regions but at least a ceasefire can be achieved. The situation would be tense like North and South Korea but at least further escalation of war would be averted.

Everytime ceasefire subject is brought up Ukraine side gives the excuse of Russia can plan another offensive gathering resources and further mobilisation so they can't remove their grip from southern regions to keep Russian forces focusing there. This needs to be clarified by Russian side officially from the top to remove this excuse by saying that there won't be further operations and expansions into Kharkiv, Sumy, Kiev, Odessa or in any other part of Ukraine after the ceasefire including Bakhmut. The SMO aims and limits should be declared officially as an initial step with its limits and there wont be further advances or aims by Russia.

Additionally eventhough the regions are recognized by Russia the borders are not recognized yet. In Kherson and Zhaporijia Russia can leave downward to much smaller sector and northern parts of Kherson,Zaporijia would be a buffer zone stationing UN peace keeping forces leaving administration of those regions to Ukraine as well almost as before the pre-war conditions. The buffer zone would be a security guarantee for Crimea as well which Russia wants. Ukraine wont be forced to recognize Crimea or Donbass and economic sanctions are the price for keeping those regions for Russia to solve this issue with future agreements with Ukraine. At least the current meat grinder situation for both sides and a possible Crimea based nuclear escalation situation can be averted now instead of later which can be too late.
What you asked is reasonable, but there is a risk.

Prior to WW II, China was weak on the international stage, and JPN occupied Manchuria. The US, believing that China was essentially a nobody, spoke for China and conceded Manchuria to JPN. The result were the atrocities the JPNese committed to the Chinese in Manchuria.

History is not kind to concessions.
I think the most feasible short term solution would be ta achieve a ceasefire. That would lead its way to negotiations and possible agreemnents in the long term with different Ukrainian, Russian governments. No one can force Ukraine to agree on losing those regions but at least a ceasefire can be achieved. The situation would be tense like North and South Korea but at least further escalation of war would be averted.

Everytime ceasefire subject is brought up Ukraine side gives the excuse of Russia can plan another offensive gathering resources and further mobilisation so they can't remove their grip from southern regions to keep Russian forces focusing there. This needs to be clarified by Russian side officially from the top to remove this excuse by saying that there won't be further operations and expansions into Kharkiv, Sumy, Kiev, Odessa or in any other part of Ukraine after the ceasefire including Bakhmut. The SMO aims and limits should be declared officially as an initial step with its limits and there wont be further advances or aims by Russia.

Additionally eventhough the regions are recognized by Russia the borders are not recognized yet. In Kherson and Zhaporijia Russia can leave downward to much smaller sector and northern parts of Kherson,Zaporijia would be a buffer zone stationing UN peace keeping forces leaving administration of those regions to Ukraine as well almost as before the pre-war conditions. The buffer zone would be a security guarantee for Crimea as well which Russia wants. Ukraine wont be forced to recognize Crimea or Donbass and economic sanctions are the price for keeping those regions for Russia to solve this issue with future agreements with Ukraine. At least the current meat grinder situation for both sides and a possible Crimea based nuclear escalation situation can be averted now instead of later which can be too late.
Problem is, as always "Trust"

There are no trust left between Russia and Ukraine, each side will see the other side of lying, on the other hand, you have Russian doing not really a good job to warrant a cease fire to begin with (it's not like Russia is in anyway threaten Kyiv) so without one side at underhand, and both sides don't trust each other, there can never be negotiation.

The only thing can push Ukraine into Negotiation (as I said, Russia is not really at a position advantage enough to call for one) is NATO, Ukraine will most likely talk if NATO guarantee their security future, but then would Russia comply? Seeing not wanting Ukraine join NATO is one of the reasons why Russia invaded.

So, the end result sadly is, Ukraine won't trust Russia for not ever going to attempt this again, and Russia will not trust Ukraine not to join NATO, hence the war continue.

The only reasonable point this war is going to have a cease fire is one side dominating the other. And at this stage, neither Russia nor Ukraine have the upper hand.
Russian sources are saying that British women are trading sex for heat and food. Can you confirm or deny this? Are you in the UK?
The same RUSSIAN sources and Russian government itself have always claimed the srebrenica massacre was a lie and made up. Yet funny enough they used it to also justify their intervention in Ukraine saying they wanted to avoid a srebrenica like massacre in Ukraine . Lol

However, if you are a Bosnian Serb, then it makes sense to believe "Russian sources" due to obvious reasons of closeness with Russia.
So i won't even bother with Russian Propaganda/disinformation, since its quite common and i know their tricks.
What you asked is reasonable, but there is a risk.

Prior to WW II, China was weak on the international stage, and JPN occupied Manchuria. The US, believing that China was essentially a nobody, spoke for China and conceded Manchuria to JPN. The result were the atrocities the JPNese committed to the Chinese in Manchuria.

History is not kind to concessions.

If Russia retreats from Kherson and Zaporijia southwards to a much smaller sector as well as some smaller new taken area north of Donetsk Luhansk leaving those areas as a buffer zone stationing UN forces it would be almost return to pre-war conditions where they had control in Crimea and Donetsk Luhansk already so there wont be further escalation in those Russian controlled regions in my opinion and the situation won't change much. They would get the security guarantee for Crimea,Donbas regions but with continuing price of economic sanctions that would continue unless they make agreement with Ukraine.

Both sides can accuse locals as collaborating with other side so both Ukraine in regained administrative regions in Kherson Zaporijia should not start an arrest spree of locals as collaborators as well as Russia in its currently controlled regions hunting accused resistance fighters etc. No further arresting operations should be made that should be agreed beforehand. Also Russia won't be turning into Japan of WW2 and start gaining more land since I believe the officials already understood the consequences of starting a war in asymmetric warfare conditions even facing much smaller forces of Ukraine and the difficulty of getting out of it once it starts.
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