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Russia threatens to bomb Qatar and Saudi Arabia

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Cant Believe irani wants the russian's to bomb the muslim countries :/ .... And The indian guy who wants russians to bomb mecca . Believe me do it... U will see that bomb wont even hit Mecca. It's Islams most sacred city. Furthermore Even if Lets say russians are successful Than let me tell u Muslims all over the world will Kick Russia's arse.

which muslims countries are you talking about ? those who support Zionist ? those who are supporting world terrorism which giving rest of the muslims bad name and supporting USA to set bases around the world so that they can rule and dominate on others ? those does not care about other muslims ? those who believe in kingdom but always do propaganda of bringing democracy in other countries ? that so called muslims should be bombed.

and Mecca is out of question, no one will touch it
which muslims countries are you talking about ? those who support Zionist ? those who are supporting world terrorism which giving rest of the muslims bad name and supporting USA to set bases around the world so that they can rule and dominate on others ? those does not care about other muslims ? those who believe in kingdom but always do propaganda of bringing democracy in other countries ? that so called muslims should be bombed.

and Mecca is out of question, no one will touch it

sir give it a try this would lead to end off all those who will attack Saudi Arabia
sir give it a try this would lead to end off all those who will attack Saudi Arabia

i am sure you also support suicide attack :tup:
Nobody is supporting Suicide attacks its coward and pathetic to do. And Saudi Arabia is not involved if some of the fools citizen of SA are supporting terrorism. Look at your own country recently US is thinking of halting assistance to your country and your government is crying out loud for it. That makes your govt The Zionist supporter too.

It Saudi Arabia giving jobs to Bangladeshi's even your govt is not providing poor people jobs ...
Nobody is supporting Suicide attacks its coward and pathetic to do. And Saudi Arabia is not involved if some of the fools citizen of SA are supporting terrorism. Look at your own country recently US is thinking of halting assistance to your country and your government is crying out loud for it. That makes your govt The Zionist supporter too.
It Saudi Arabia giving jobs to Bangladeshi's even your govt is not providing poor people jobs

1.bold part: well said , thank you come again.
2. US halt GSP facilities which will affect only 1% of our export to USA. USA is not our main market. What kind of Assistance are you talking about ? Army ? sorry we do not have much tie with USA, we have tie with Russia and China.
3. Govt. is not crying, it is USA who is crying for TICFA agreement over the decades. Your country will be badly affected if USA withdraw assistance from you. you are heavily depended on USA not we.

and talking about jobs ? it is just another business ? what do you think why they takes labors from bd? it is because to maintain labor cost low for manufacturing products to survive in competetive markets.

sir I support jihad and Muslims off Syria who are fighting against terrorist bashar and hezbollah

define two things: jihad and terrorist.
sir case off Saudi Arabia is completely different attack on Saudi Arabia would be considered attack on Islam and this would lead to end off Russia

Saddam did this and what happened !? nothing ...
even Arab countries wait till NATO come and save their arse ...

except for Mecca and Medina , other places is not important ....

Hejaz was holly place by some level but Saudi reduce it to regular land when they let none Muslims made their military base on it ... so I don't care about it ... if USA has military bases in it , then let Russia attack it and I won't care personally ( except Mecca and Medina ) ...

anyway , I'm sure Wahhabi Muftis would celebrate the destruction of Mecca and Medina ( especially Prophet grave ) ....

When Muslims let some little Zions ocociped their first Qablla then they won't do anything against an nuclear super power .... this is fact .... Muslims are going to die and it thanks to PGCC and their Brittani father ....

sadly Muslims are busy to kill each-others ... they have no time to take arm against none Muslims ...
1.bold part: well said , thank you come again.
2. US halt GSP facilities which will affect only 1% of our export to USA. USA is not our main market. What kind of Assistance are you talking about ? Army ? sorry we do not have much tie with USA, we have tie with Russia and China.
3. Govt. is not crying, it is USA who is crying for TICFA agreement over the decades. Your country will be badly affected if USA withdraw assistance from you. you are heavily depended on USA not we.

define two things: jihad and terrorist.

fighting against cruel leaders and those forces off kufr who attack Muslims and Islam and for west that is terrorism
IF u hate USA so much Why even getting lil help from them Strash them out.

Sorry dude it will affect alot 1% is the funniest thing u ever said. LOL you are so funny.

You seem to be like terrorist and we J I H A D I's. Tell me Why ur Location info is on stealth mode ... LOL . :P just kidding dont get angry :P
Saddam did this and what happened !? nothing ...
even Arab countries wait till NATO come and save their arse ...

except for Mecca and Medina , other places is not important ....

Hejaz was holly place by some level but Saudi reduce it to regular land when they let none Muslims made their military base on it ... so I don't care about it ... if USA has military bases in it , then let Russia attack it and I won't care personally ( except Mecca and Medina ) ...

anyway , I'm sure Wahhabi Muftis would celebrate the destruction of Mecca and Medina ( especially Prophet grave ) ....

When Muslims let some little Zions ocociped their first Qablla then they won't do anything against an nuclear super power .... this is fact .... Muslims are going to die and it thanks to PGCC and their Brittani father ....

sadly Muslims are busy to kill each-others ... they have no time to take arm against none Muslims ...
they themselves first fought and stopped attack and all wahabi love hazrat Muhammad saw you sh.. hate rasool saw and his companions
you and bashar would be defeated soon
fighting against cruel leaders and those forces off kufr who attack Muslims and Islam and for west that is terrorism

really ? is that written in our holly book Al-Qur'an ? :P

IF u hate USA so much Why even getting lil help from them Strash them out.

Sorry dude it will affect alot 1% is the funniest thing u ever said. LOL you are so funny.

You seem to be like terrorist and we J I H A D I's. Tell me Why ur Location info is on stealth mode ... LOL . :P just kidding dont get angry :P

what so funny ? do you know anything about trade between USA and BD ? study then talk.

and last thing.. yea yea.. ever heard of Dajjal and its follower issue ? thats you :D
@Yzd Khalifa sorry bro i like you but not your king and kingdom :)
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Some people are being a little too emotional about it.

Some desert kingdoms have no significance in the eyes of civilized and technologically advanced countries anywhere in the world.

Bomb the desert camel riders' tents to oblivion, all that you want, and nobody would lift a finger so long as the real 'security guarantor' of those desert kingdoms looks the other way.

Iraq contains many holy sites for Shia Muslims, it was attacked, the response from Muslim world? Zilch.

So called "Israel" controls Al Quds/Jerusalem, the response from Muslim world? Some of its neighbours actually recognize so called "Israel" in return (most prominent being Egypt and Jordan).

Some Americans threatened to nuke Mecca, the response from desert dwellers? Still sitting on American kafirs' laps. :lol:

Nuking Mecca - Campus Progress


In fact, this news (if true) does not even talk about nukes, but simply bombing.

This news does not mention any holy sites, just a few kingdoms.

However, the American rats talked about nukes on Holy site of Mecca.

What is the response from Muslims?

How many Muslim majority countries are still 'allied' (stooges) of American rats?
fighting against cruel leaders and those forces off kufr who attack Muslims and Islam and for west that is terrorism

How can you fight against cruel dictators under command of other cruel dictators? That means cruel dictator - is just a false pretext. And how we should call people who kill Muslims, children and women under false pretext?
really ? is that written in our holly book Al-Qur'an ? :P

what so funny ? do you know anything about trade between USA and BD ? study then talk.

and last thing.. yea yea.. ever heard of Dajjal and its follower issue ? thats you :D
@Yzd Khalifa sorry bro i like you but not your king and kingdom :)
that what jihad is and when you will do jihad west would label you as terrorists simple sir

Some people are being a little too emotional about it.

Some desert kingdoms have no significance in the eyes of civilized and technologically advanced countries anywhere in the world.

Bomb the desert camel riders' tents to oblivion, all that you want, and nobody would lift a finger so long as the real 'security guarantor' of those desert kingdoms looks the other way.

Iraq contains many holy sites for Shia Muslims, it was attacked, the response from Muslim world? Zilch.

So called "Israel" controls Al Quds/Jerusalem, the response from Muslim world? Some of its neighbours actually recognize so called "Israel" in return (most prominent being Egypt and Jordan).

Some Americans threatened to nuke Mecca, the response from desert dwellers? Still sitting on American kafirs' laps. :lol:

Nuking Mecca - Campus Progress


In fact, this news (if true) does not even talk about nukes, but simply bombing.

This news does not mention any holy sites, just a few kingdoms.

However, the American rats talked about nukes on Holy site of Mecca.

What is the response from Muslims?

How many Muslim majority countries are still 'allied' (stooges) of American rats?

sir for muslims it is everything ask Russia to make this founded you will know the result
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sir for muslims it is everything ask Russia to make this founded you will know the result

Sir, it is only emotional response.

What was the response of Muslims when the abovementioned American rats threatened to nuke Mecca?
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