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Russia’s Choice: Power Balancer or China’s Canada?

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But those brainwashed average TV viewer elect the government. Any russian that read this article will certainly seethe with anger.

Russia is not a proper democracy. Besides, why would an average Russian care what VOA thinks of the Russia-China relationship? They would be more interested to hear from Russian and Chinese sources first-hand.
It is very demeaning to even say something like that about your benefactor ...Remember when nobody in world knew China and China was poor ..it was Russia who helped you untill you had fall out . You owe a lot to Russia ....I find it surprising why you being so ungrateful to a country who was once friendly to you ...why are you getting worked up if I say something good about Russia. In my opinion Russia is a first rate power and I am entitled to my opinion .
We are on international forum we should express our views with care and dignified way !

Your wrote some good article recently, but now I'm amazed at your poor knowledge of history. After WW2 was over, Russia didn't help ****, even during Korean wars in the 50's, they refused to send troops. From there, relationship began to break down. Mao's four modernization and our thermo-nuclear and ICBM missile program were developed indigenously. By the 60's, we had went on our separate way. Russia even threaten invasion. In fact, we fought a 7 month war in 1969. We owe as much to Russia as we owe the Africans.

We are on international forum you should express your view with care, based on a proper understanding of history
Are you kidding me?
Do you even understand what is nuclear blackmail?
It is just talk nothing else basically trying to intimidate or scare your opponent.

I do not underestimate them and yes they can damage US very badly but without nuclear weapons,the will suffer a huge defeat.

That's the very purpose of nuclear weapons in modern days...to scare your opponent. Something which Pakistan has been doing ...Something which forced us to keep Kargil war low profile ....For us it was 'Nuclear blackmail'- for Pakistanis it was 'nuclear deterrence' given their inferiority in Conventional war .

It does not matter how you phrase it ...it serves same purpose ! It scares the opponent and limits the prospect of war ...
That's the very purpose of nuclear weapons in modern days...to scare your opponent. Something which Pakistan has been doing ...Something which forced us to keep Kargil low profile ....For us it was Nuclear blackmail for Pakistanis it was nuclear deterrence given their inferiority in Conventional war .

It does not matter how you phrase it ...it serves same purpose !

Did you read my first post i said that any conventional war with US is a guaranteed defeat for Russia.
Did you read my first post i said that any conventional war with US is a guaranteed defeat for Russia.
US can not even achieve victory in Korea and Vietnam,let alone Russia.US strength is in navy and airforce,its ground force is not really that unbeatable.
US can not even achieve victory in Korea and Vietnam,let alone Russia.US strength is in navy and airforce,its ground force is not really that unbeatable.

South Korea still exists and North Vietnam invaded South Vietnam after U.S. pulled troops out in violation of the peace treaty. The U.S. troops and Marines prevented the NVA from conquering South Vietnam multiple times. Same as in the Korean war when North Korea invaded while American and South Korean troops were outnumbered along with other UN participants.
Your wrote some good article recently, but now I'm amazed at your poor knowledge of history. After WW2 was over, Russia didn't help ****, even during Korean wars in the 50's, they refused to send troops. From there, relationship began to break down. Mao's four modernization and our thermo-nuclear and ICBM missile program were developed indigenously. By the 60's, we had went on our separate way. Russia even threaten invasion. In fact, we fought a 7 month war in 1969. We owe as much to Russia as we owe the Africans.

We are on international forum you should express your view with care, based on a proper understanding of history

Immediately after establishment of PRC , Soviet union supported men ,machine all expertise and technology that was needed to kickstart industrialization. Scores of Russian technicians and experts worked in China . It was the only ally the china had that time . Infact Sovereign recognition to PRC was first among all nations was given by Soviet union . Soviet union gave away its naval bases in Port Arthur and Dalian to China as part of Sino -Soviet Friendship treaty . Without Soviet help Mao could not have initiated process of industrialization. Remember PRC had just been born after tumultuous period. These are true undeniable facts .
It is true that after Sino Soviet split Russia withdrew all assistance . And it is also well known that Chinese always contest amount of assistance that they received during this period . Don't forget that soviet Russia gave 300million dollar loan to China at its most difficult time .Sure there have been ups and downs in Sino - Russian history through out the period. I am well aware of Sino- Russian war. The Russian doctor I met on Antarctica expedition had served in Sino-Russian war . Yet to deny the help given by Russia at China's most critical period will be ungratefulness on part of China.
If Russia had been China's enemy why should've it made its launch vehicle available for China's mars mission. Despite the changing relations today Russia and china are working together ... my point is that even as you compete with Russia ...don't belittle their achievments ...and don't belittle whatever little help they to gave to China . For they helped you when nobody else helped !!!!

I have always conducted myself well. I watch my words ..make sure that they won't be hurtful ..Your friend said " First rate power ...my foot " . That's why I said that we should use words carefully ...again I said ..." we should " and not " you should " I implicated both of us ...by saying we should watch our words carefully ...Is there anything wrong to say so ?

I do not believe in distorting facts or spreading lies ...I say only what I know ...if I don't know I check facts ....it is possible that I may miss some facts ..it's also true I don't know all history of all countries ....

But I just said to other guy ...that it's my opinion that Russia is first rate power ...why he should be intolerant of my view or opinion ..
Did you read my first post i said that any conventional war with US is a guaranteed defeat for Russia.

I have read all your posts ...again and again you are harping on conventional war ....

War between powers wielding nuclear arms is war ...not conventional ....or nuclear...the line gets blurred ...

That's the basis of MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction ...that any conflagration ..have risk to get escalated to nuclear war leading to virtual destruction of both sites ....The principle that averted Cuban missile crisis and kept Cold war ...Cold .

So don't keep on harping ridiculous Conventional superiority ....nuclear weapons erase all such superiority and brings parity.

Same way it has brought parity between India and Pakistan and has made any large scale war unthinkable and improbable .
I have read all your posts ...again and again you are harping on conventional war ....

War between powers wielding nuclear arms is war ...not conventional ....or nuclear...the line gets blurred ...

That's the basis of MAD - Mutually Assured Destruction ...that any conflagration ..have risk to get escalated to nuclear war leading to virtual destruction of both sites ....The principle that averted Cuban missile crisis and kept Cold war ...Cold .

So don't keep on harping ridiculous Conventional superiority ....nuclear weapons erase all such superiority and brings parity.

Same way it has brought parity between India and Pakistan and has made any large scale war unthinkable and improbable .

So you didn't understand my post did you I specifically said Russia with no nuclear weapons cannot win against an US with no nuclear weapons.
So you didn't understand my post did you I specifically said Russia with no nuclear weapons cannot win against an US with no nuclear weapons.

In your own language Russia can give tough fight to US with or without Nuclear weapons ....!!!

Do you even have any idea about size of non conventional weapons that Russia commands ? Go and check wikileaks ....

If at all US will lose a lot in war with Russia ...because look at the land mass of Russia ....and that of US ....
All Russian resources are spead across 12 time zones ?....do you have any idea what 12 time zones means ....

Conventional or nuclear ...in both kinds of war with US ....Russia won't lose ....

That's my view . Take it or leave it !!!
Immediately after establishment of PRC , Soviet union supported men ,machine all expertise and technology that was needed to kickstart industrialization. Scores of Russian technicians and experts worked in China . It was the only ally the china had that time . Infact Sovereign recognition to PRC was first among all nations was given by Soviet union . Soviet union gave away its naval bases in Port Arthur and Dalian to China as part of Sino -Soviet Friendship treaty . Without Soviet help Mao could not have initiated process of industrialization. Remember PRC had just been born after tumultuous period. These are true undeniable facts .
It is true that after Sino Soviet split Russia withdrew all assistance . And it is also well known that Chinese always contest amount of assistance that they received during this period . Don't forget that soviet Russia gave 300million dollar loan to China at its most difficult time .Sure there have been ups and downs in Sino - Russian history through out the period. I am well aware of Sino- Russian war. The Russian doctor I met on Antarctica expedition had served in Sino-Russian war . Yet to deny the help given by Russia at China's most critical period will be ungratefulness on part of China.
If Russia had been China's enemy why should've it made its launch vehicle available for China's mars mission. Despite the changing relations today Russia and china are working together ... my point is that even as you compete with Russia ...don't belittle their achievments ...and don't belittle whatever little help they to gave to China . For they helped you when nobody else helped !!!!

I have always conducted myself well. I watch my words ..make sure that they won't be hurtful ..Your friend said " First rate power ...my foot " . That's why I said that we should use words carefully ...again I said ..." we should " and not " you should " I implicated both of us ...by saying we should watch our words carefully ...Is there anything wrong to say so ?

I do not believe in distorting facts or spreading lies ...I say only what I know ...if I don't know I check facts ....it is possible that I may miss some facts ..it's also true I don't know all history of all countries ....

But I just said to other guy ...that it's my opinion that Russia is first rate power ...why he should be intolerant of my view or opinion ..

Sure Russia helped to establish"PRC",NOT China. but if it didnt and gave ROC a chance to consolidate its control over China after the war, can you say for sure that the result would be bad for the Chinese people?Russians just wanted to establish a pro Soviet government in China at the cost of Chinese people,but it was understandable,all countries do things in their own interest.
well,they're "whoppers"...they don't compare reality and jump to the conclusion..only few weeks ago,Chinese members posted "China Dwarfs USA in Space Race".. :rofl: they were rejoicing for their first mini space station..but they ignored the fact that USA is trying to land in Jupiter's moon,let alone the fact that they already had several successful mission in Mars..USA already played their little game half a century ago..now,its not that China's achievement is small..its that they are "whoppers"..

China has probably reached where we were in the 1970's. To be honest, that's probably better than anyone else in the world, with the exception of Russia and the USA. How hard are they trying though? China has largely been taking things "slowly", something they consider to be beneficial to their interests.

Unfortunately, competition doesn't work that way. If China wants to go the "slow and steady route", then we will have colonized Mars before China lands on the Moon.

Even without nukes, they are a force to reckon with. US certainly has an upper edge, but Russia is a technology and military power in its own way and can inflict unacceptable damage to US. Remember 70% India military ware is from Russia

Even the Chinese have surpassed the Russian in naval capabilities. The only thing that the Russians have going for them is a huge ground force, which was a remnant of the Soviet era.

The Russian GDP is only $2 trillion. They don't have that much money to spend on their armed forces, let alone productively, let alone without 40% of it going to corrupt officials.
China has probably reached where we were in the 1970's. To be honest, that's probably better than anyone else in the world, with the exception of Russia and the USA. How hard are they trying though? China has largely been taking things "slowly", something they consider to be beneficial to their interests.

Unfortunately, competition doesn't work that way. If China wants to go the "slow and steady route", then we will have colonized Mars before China lands on the Moon.

Even the Chinese have surpassed the Russian in naval capabilities. The only thing that the Russians have going for them is a huge ground force, which was a remnant of the Soviet era.

The Russian GDP is only $2 trillion. They don't have that much money to spend on their armed forces, let alone productively, let alone without 40% of it going to corrupt officials.

China will emerge as Superpower sooner than US expects ....China is doing well and going at right speed ...
If you guys wish to colonize Mars go ahead....humanity very much will remain grounded on earth ....It matters here not there...
Sure US has technological edge ...and advantage of headstart of half a century ...But given the change in China from what it was in 1950 and where it stands today ...you can safely assume that China will catch up with US very very soon ...the process has already set in ....
China will emerge as Superpower sooner than US expects ....China is doing well and going at right speed ...

China won't catch up with anyone in the developed world in it's current political form. There is a reason that not a single one of the "advanced" nations on this Earth are single party states.
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