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Russia Detains 300 Muslims During Prayer

Ḥashshāshīn;4407423 said:
You do know that there are ethnic Russians who are Muslim?

'Majority is the Authority'

I know i am being harsh, but that's the reality my friend.
And who said that? If the FSB comes knocking you probably did something wrong.

Back to the good old KGB days, eh? Straight to the gulag...

That's not the way it works in civilized societies. People are innocent until proven guilty.
Police must state what the charges are for detaining people beyond a limited time.

This is an active investigation, you are not entitled to information, just because the FSB did not call you personally and explain charges of those detained does not mean that those people are not guilty; furthermore, the act of detention is normal in almost all countries. Individuals can be detained for questioning, which means they are not under arrest but merely asked to cooperate with authorities.

Actually, as I explained earlier, unless police prove their case, it does mean that the people detained are innocent. Wild imaginations and TV-fueled public hysteria are no substitute for proper due process.

The authorities just rounded up a bunch of people and will "check for extremist content".

You want an intelligence agency to divulge how they obtain there information during an active investigation? They could have gathered intel many different ways including from informants or undercover agents, so you think the FSB should blow the cover of agents/informants just to make you happy? :rolleyes:

I want authorities to explain why 300 people were detained in a mass raid. Were all 300 involved in a massive conspiracy?

Giving credible reasons does not blow anyone's cover -- no one's asking for specific details.

All those innocent victims being rounded up by FSB happen to always get into shootout and possess illegal weapons :lol:

How many of these 300 people were involved in a shootout?

Oh, I know, these are non-Russian ethnics and they all look alike, so better be safe and round them up just in case.

You are making things up, study the laws, when someone is detained they are not always charged. Someone can be detained for questioning but it does not mean that they are charged with anything.

Even in some western countries police officers can detain individuals for questioning even if they are handcuffed and placed in the back of a police vehicle.

Yes, and police must charge them within a specific time or release them and admit that they made a mistake.

It's Putin's pathetic attempt to boost his sagging popularity at the expense of some random ethnics.
Of course, these people are Muslims, so no one's going to lose sleep over it.

Isn't it the other way round?

It is a news only because they happened to be Muslims. Otherwise their religion won't be an issue.

Not for Muslims and not for non Muslims.

PS: Why is it an implicit assumption with you that if it involves Muslims, it must always be a conspiracy?

Be it 9/11, be it Boston or anywhere else?

Are Muslims never guilty? Is it just physically impossible?
Isn't it the other way round?

It is a news only because they happened to be Muslims. Otherwise their religion won't be an issue.

Not for Muslims and not for non Muslims.

PS: Why is it an implicit assumption with you that if it involves Muslims, it must always be a conspiracy?

Be it 9/11, be it Boston or anywhere else?

Are Muslims never guilty? Is it just physically impossible?

Arresting 300 people in a raid is not normal behavior.

When police do such actions, there is reasonable cause given.

If they had said, this raid was to round up suspected illegal migrants, that would be one thing. But to claim that these people are all Islamist extremists and then say "we will check for extremist literature" is backwards.
Arresting 300 people in a raid is not normal behavior.

When police do such actions, there is reasonable cause given.

If they had said, this raid was to round up suspected illegal migrants, that would be one thing. But to claim that these people are all Islamist extremists and then say "we will check for extremist literature" is backwards.

There were two parts to my post and your post has addressed none of them!

Russia has been a bit of an authoritative state for a long time. I don't see this kind of actions as being specifically anti Muslim.

Different countries have different modus-operandi (sometimes dictated by the societal conditions) and we have to accept that. I see no need to interpret it as an "islamophobic" act as some people are trying to.
There were two parts to my post and your post has addressed none of them!

Both points have been addressed. These people were arrested during a Muslim prayer, which means the raid was focused on Muslims.
No, they were not.

And now, even this new post lies unaddressed. ;)

From the original post:

Russian police rounded up 300 people at a Muslim prayer room in Moscow on Friday after President Vladimir Putin ordered a crackdown on radical Islamists
third targeting Muslim places of worship in Moscow or St Petersburg this year

Guilt or innocence is determined by trial and a charge sheet, not media inferences. When police keep people detained beyond a time frame, then specific charges must be filed. Otherwise, it becomes a KGB scenario.
From the original post:

Guilt or innocence is determined by trial and a charge sheet, not media inferences. When police keep people detained beyond a time frame, then specific charges must be filed. Otherwise, it becomes a KGB scenario.

I have seen this. I will summarize my posts again.

1) Why claim that "Of course, these people are Muslims, so no one's going to lose sleep over it."?

Isn't it the other way round?

2) Why assume conspiracy anytime Muslims are involved in a crime?

3) Don't Russian authorities take a similar stance against non Muslim suspects? How are you sure they are not criminals or conspirators?
1) Why claim that "Of course, these people are Muslims, so no one's going to lose sleep over it."?

Isn't it the other way round?

Can you show me where mainstream Russian media is demanding answers and raising concerns about the rights of those detained?

300 people detained in a single raid in Moscow is big news. It should be on all the talk shows 24/7.

2) Why assume conspiracy anytime Muslims are involved in a crime?

No conspiracy. The raids were indirectly ordered by Putin himself.
And, until police prove their case, no one is "involved in a crime".

3) Don't Russian authorities take a similar stance against non Muslim suspects? How are you sure they are not criminals or conspirators?

Again, since the good old KGB days, show me cases where hundreds of people were rounded up at a social setting?

Surely the Russian police has the resources to arrest people at their house or elsewhere. The raids on mosques during prayers is very symbolic.
Can you show me where mainstream Russian media is demanding answers and raising concerns about the rights of those detained?

300 people detained in a single raid in Moscow is big news. It should be on all the talk shows 24/7.

Are you tracking the Russian media? How do you know what they are saying?

And any24/7 coverage can cut both ways. More likely they would be whipping up hysteria if that happened.

May not be so bad there is no hysteria.

No conspiracy. The raids were indirectly ordered by Putin himself.
And, until police prove their case, no one is "involved in a crime".

I mentioned the track record. 9/11, Boston etc. Not sure how you have this inside information about "The raids were indirectly ordered by Putin himself"!

Again, since the good old KGB days, show me cases where hundreds of people were rounded up at a social setting?

Surely the Russian police has the resources to arrest people at their house or elsewhere. The raids on mosques during prayers is very symbolic.

May be just paranoia or assumptions. Let's wait for the details before pronouncing judgments based on such factors.
Are you tracking the Russian media? How do you know what they are saying?

I found no mention on the internet of any major noise by the media about the rights of those detained. At least their online media is not too bothered about it.

If you have evidence to the contrary, then present it.

Not sure how you have this inside information about "The raids were indirectly ordered by Putin himself"!

Because the OP states that these raids are part of a crackdown ordered by Putin himself. Putin loosened the rules of engagement.
I found no mention on the internet of any major noise by the media about the rights of those detained. At least their online media is not too bothered about it.

If you have evidence to the contrary, then present it.

I am saying the "lack of a major noise" (if it is there) may be a good thing. The major noise would have been likely about creating hysteria against these people.

Not sure you would want that! More likely you would likely be trumpeting it as Islamophobia and part of the initial conspiracy.

Because the OP states that these raids are part of a crackdown ordered by Putin himself. Putin loosened the rules of engagement.

Putin has been doing that for as long as one remembers.
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