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Russia, China and Pakistan for flexible ties with Taliban, India ignored

India isn't interested in any ties with the Taliban, no matter how fruitful it is, Taliban are a lunatic bunch of medieval cave rats.
But they are interested in forming alliance with ISIS? Nice work dude

What lies?.. you think Pakistan can entice UAE, Saudi, US, NATO or any other decent state by producing the taliban lollipop again and again? You seem to be indulging in conspiracy theories about Osama, but the world knows the truth.

It was Pakistan that took the taliban to the US in the first place, it's Pakistan's madrassas and training grounds that produced the taliban...now don't tell me the US and India forced you to do it.

One would have imagined that Pakistan would have learnt its lessons by now that you don't feed and promote snakes..but then, they seem to have found a new buyer for the taliban peace talks theory..and we know how it ends.

Standing up in support terrorists, butchers, medieval cave rats. The taliban are killing poor afghan folk on a daily basis, and you guys are advocating a future under taliban for the poor afghan because it's suits your narrative?.

I guess what the taliban did to Pakistan wasn't lesson enough.

Lol calm down dude I can feel your pain. But ranting against Pakistan much faster then Eminem is not good for health.

Now to answer your question ask any Afghani why in the world did they send their army in 1960's to capture what they called Pashtonistan . They started to mess with us and we made sure they don't do that again. Like we are making sure India can't repeat Bangladesh episode with us by irking you any way possible. Bitter truth
I don't expect anyone here to accept it because most here are Pakistanis, it's what the Afghan and the international audience thinks that matters.

Nice to see you ignoring the rest of my post.
Brokering ties with the Taliban to all and sundry is not really a strategy of the deep state . It's actually quite pathetic.

Look at the fallouts - the saudis, UAE, the Americans, NATO - no one wants anything to do with the Taliban.

Thinking that China's OBOR will pass through talibani territory is like handing over your most ambitious project's balls into the hands of the lunatics.

India will not even touch the Taliban with a barge pole - because the taliban mofo's are bad press. You don't want to be associated with beheading lunatics in any way so thanks but no thanks.

  1. Talibans or Pastun Tribals what ever you call them are part of Afghan society and power equation.
  2. Void created by absence of Taliban could not be full filled by anyone..the power vacum is temporary held together by influx of foreign force and money...once it wears out..Taliban will be back in power or Afghanistan will be lost to long civil war anyways...
  3. The Kabul government and its rag tag proxies are completely failed in enforcing law..rather resorting to blaming Pakistan...and if Pakistan has to take the blame..then it can prove its mettle by working with a viable faction...
  4. The lack of seriousness and corruption has made the case clear for everyone that Afghanistan is ruled by bunch of clowns...

Brokering ties with the Taliban to all and sundry is not really a strategy of the deep state . It's actually quite pathetic.

Look at the fallouts - the saudis, UAE, the Americans, NATO - no one wants anything to do with the Taliban.

Thinking that China's OBOR will pass through talibani territory is like handing over your most ambitious project's balls into the hands of the lunatics.

India will not even touch the Taliban with a barge pole - because the taliban mofo's are bad press. You don't want to be associated with beheading lunatics in any way so thanks but no thanks.

  1. Talibans or Pastun Tribals what ever you call them are part of Afghan society and power equation.
  2. Void created by absence of Taliban could not be full filled by anyone..the power vacum is temporary held together by influx of foreign force and money...once it wears out..Taliban will be back in power or Afghanistan will be lost to long civil war anyways...
  3. The Kabul government and its rag tag proxies are completely failed in enforcing law..rather resorting to blaming Pakistan...and if Pakistan has to take the blame..then it can prove its mettle by working with a viable faction...
  4. The lack of seriousness and corruption has made the case clear for everyone that Afghanistan is ruled by bunch of
There is no good taliban..The only good one is a dead one. The pastuns can better be represented by civilian elected leaders rather than ak 47 wielding scum who kill for enjoyment.
I don't think 9/11 types are possible . It would end with decapitation of saudi arabia.
Honey try decapitating arabia and see what happens, i pledge to u that 1 billion muslims will set the entire world to fite before they let any illintent towards medina and makkah be succesful, the west knows and hence why they have never tried going after arabia, even in ww1 they launched a rebel group and planted a vessel govt but they themselves didnt dare to touch arabia, no christian and zionist army can ever enter atleast medina, i promise u that boy..

Only in indian logic are people who fight for their homeland animals and those who invade foriegn lands painted fairies..
There is no good taliban..The only good one is a dead one. The pastuns can better be represented by civilian elected leaders rather than ak 47 wielding scum who kill for enjoyment.
Will Russia and China give weapons to Taliban for fighting Afghan Government

No ; so these talks mean nothing
I see a lot of Defense purchase pull-back threats by Indians. So much for isolation of Pakistan, they are isolating themselves.

Will Russia and China give weapons to Taliban for fighting Afghan Government

No ; so these talks mean nothing
It's something above your head! so you wont understand it.
There is no good taliban..The only good one is a dead one. The pastuns can better be represented by civilian elected leaders rather than ak 47 wielding scum who kill for enjoyment.
As if Pakistanis on PDF really give a slightest flying hoot about an Indian's opinion on Talibans.
There is no good taliban..The only good one is a dead one. The pastuns can better be represented by civilian elected leaders rather than ak 47 wielding scum who kill for enjoyment.
The history repeats itself first as a tragedy,then as farce. look the fact is as long as they support taliban it is good for us. These prehistoric animals will ensure pakistan never progress. All that we need to do is build a big barrier to shield ourselves.
The history repeats itself first as a tragedy,then as farce. look the fact is as long as they support taliban it is good for us. These prehistoric animals will ensure pakistan never progress. All that we need to do is build a big barrier to shield ourselves.

The support for tailban by Pakistan means Pakistan turns into jihadi resort again..fata and northern areas become scum training facility again.

about an Indian's opinion on Talibans.

You think I wouldn't have figured that in 5 years, the only entity pdf pakistanis support is their army and all its antecedents.

Only in indian logic are people who fight for their homeland animals and those who invade foriegn lands painted fairies..

Surprisingly there's only one nationality in the world for whom terrorists are heroes and freedom fighters.

Now to answer your question ask any Afghani why in the world did they send their army in 1960's to capture what they called Pashtonistan . They started to mess with us and we made sure they don't do that again. Like we are making sure India can't repeat Bangladesh episode with us by irking you any way possible. Bitter truth

Simple answer for your question.

Because Pastonistan belongs to them.

Pakistan is an artificial state created from lands belonging to Baluchistan, Afghanistan and India by the British.

The afghan don't believe in artificial boundaries created by foreigners.
68 is a favourite number of mine, guess there is something in numerology
Hahah i could just see 2 even numbers together . Whats special in 68:bounce::unsure:?
The support for tailban by Pakistan means Pakistan turns into jihadi resort again..fata and northern areas become scum training facility again.

You think I wouldn't have figured that in 5 years, the only entity pdf pakistanis support is their army and all its antecedents.

Surprisingly there's only one nationality in the world for whom terrorists are heroes and freedom fighters.

Simple answer for your question.

Because Pastonistan belongs to them.

Pakistan is an artificial state created from lands belonging to Baluchistan, Afghanistan and India by the British.

The afghan don't believe in artificial boundaries created by foreigners.

Hahah Yeah right and I think the entire India Belongs to us . As it was Muslim Mogul empire before british wanna play that game?
Obviously China and Russia are getting a bit desperate. Putin has to start walking carefully with Trump if he has any hopes of getting sanctions limited and not have oil prices tank more. China is desperate to find some place to safeguard whatever money is left - they are a bit stuck investing so much of their wealth in the USA and UK. May be buy some cheap Russian assets.Discussing ISIS, Taleban, Af-Pak etc are just the ruse. Neither China nor Russia really care about these things except when it would give them a cookie point against the USA.
Honey try decapitating arabia and see what happens, i pledge to u that 1 billion muslims will set the entire world to fite before they let any illintent towards medina and makkah be succesful, the west knows and hence why they have never tried going after arabia, even in ww1 they launched a rebel group and planted a vessel govt but they themselves didnt dare to touch arabia, no christian and zionist army can ever enter atleast medina, i promise u that boy..

Only in indian logic are people who fight for their homeland animals and those who invade foriegn lands painted fairies..

What? suicide attacks? mass protests....... that would be it

1 billion muslims will set the entire world to fire

Do that and there will be mass ban on muslim immigration to all secular countries. If it escalates , superpowers won't bat a lid using bio and chem weapons against invading muslim countries

Obviously China and Russia are getting a bit desperate. Putin has to start walking carefully with Trump if he has any hopes of getting sanctions limited and not have oil prices tank more. China is desperate to find some place to safeguard whatever money is left - they are a bit stuck investing so much of their wealth in the USA and UK. May be buy some cheap Russian assets.Discussing ISIS, Taleban, Af-Pak etc are just the ruse. Neither China nor Russia really care about these things except when it would give them a cookie point against the USA.

Russia is lately obssessed with ISIS. Once isis is destroyed ,russia will destroy taliban. Pakistan won't utter a word as their chinese lords will support russia in that endeavor. As for trump, he likes putin,

The support for tailban by Pakistan means Pakistan turns into jihadi resort again..fata and northern areas become scum training facility again.

You think I wouldn't have figured that in 5 years, the only entity pdf pakistanis support is their army and all its antecedents.

Surprisingly there's only one nationality in the world for whom terrorists are heroes and freedom fighters.

Simple answer for your question.

Because Pastonistan belongs to them.

Pakistan is an artificial state created from lands belonging to Baluchistan, Afghanistan and India by the British.

The afghan don't believe in artificial boundaries created by foreigners.

Russia is using divide and conquer to destroy ISIS. After ISIS is destroyed ,russia will buy out or destroy the taliban.
Honey try decapitating arabia and see what happens, i pledge to u that 1 billion muslims will set the entire world to fite before they let any illintent towards medina and makkah be succesful, the west knows and hence why they have never tried going after arabia, even in ww1 they launched a rebel group and planted a vessel govt but they themselves didnt dare to touch arabia, no christian and zionist army can ever enter atleast medina, i promise u that boy..

Only in indian logic are people who fight for their homeland animals and those who invade foriegn lands painted fairies..
If you think that Saudi Arabia cannot be touched due to fear of riprisals from Muslims worldwide than you are understimating the will of potential enemies. I will give you a few examples.

1. Iranian Shia elements lockeddown Masjid Harum in Mecca during 1970.

2. Iraqi army invaded Saudi territory during the Persian Gulf War (1991).

3. Houthi rebels have fired missiles into Saudi territory during the ongoing war.

In-fact, according to a hadith, a time will come when Hajj will stop. Something horrible will happen.

Allah Almighty has been merciful on Meccans for a long time. Let us hope that they don't take Allah's mercy for granted.
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