If you think that Saudi Arabia cannot be touched due to fear of riprisals from Muslims worldwide than you are understimating the will of potential enemies. I will give you a few examples.
1. Iranian Shia elements lockeddown Masjid Harum in Mecca during 1970.
2. Iraqi army invaded Saudi territory during the Persian Gulf War (1991).
3. Houthi rebels have fired missiles into Saudi territory during the ongoing war.
In-fact, according to a hadith, a time will come when Hajj will stop. Something horrible will happen.
Allah Almighty has been merciful on Meccans for a long time. Let us hope that they don't take Allah's mercy for granted.
I want the alsauds gone too, but i was talking about the holy cities, all the people u mentioned are muslim nations, let us or any other country launch an invasion of arabia and see what happens..
What? suicide attacks? mass protests....... that would be it
Do that and there will be mass ban on muslim immigration to all secular countries. If it escalates , superpowers won't bat a lid using bio and chem weapons against invading muslim countries
Russia is lately obssessed with ISIS. Once isis is destroyed ,russia will destroy taliban. Pakistan won't utter a word as their chinese lords will support russia in that endeavor. As for trump, he likes putin,
Russia is using divide and conquer to destroy ISIS. After ISIS is destroyed ,russia will buy out or destroy the taliban.
Idiot we have nukes, using bio weapons against us??, im talking about pakistan and ban on imigration??, millions of muslims are nationals in those so called satanic secular countries and what superpowers??, we have one sp china in our corner, another sp russia has mutual interests with us and are seeking an oppurtunity to destroy the west, the us itself will be nuked backed to hell if a global conflict starts, some foreign nation tries to attack arabia and do u think nuclear pakistan would sit idle, honey the only reason israel's plans for the greater israel in middle east are on hold cause pakistan stands in their way so wake up, bio and chem weapons lol
Hahah i could just see 2 even numbers together . Whats special in 68

Its easy to remeber,lol..
The support for tailban by Pakistan means Pakistan turns into jihadi resort again..fata and northern areas become scum training facility again.
You think I wouldn't have figured that in 5 years, the only entity pdf pakistanis support is their army and all its antecedents.
Surprisingly there's only one nationality in the world for whom terrorists are heroes and freedom fighters.
Simple answer for your question.
Because Pastonistan belongs to them.
Pakistan is an artificial state created from lands belonging to Baluchistan, Afghanistan and India by the British.
The afghan don't believe in artificial boundaries created by foreigners.
The afghans can believe in golden fairies of they like, **** afghans, we will wipe their nations from the face of the earth, doesnt mean jack if they believe in boundries or not, what r they gonna do yell at us or throw stones, all it takes is some crusie missles, 10-15 jets, a couple hundred tanks, 25k infantry and we will be in kabul,lol, and people who defend their homeland are commonly called freedom fighters look up ur oxford dic for the defination,the Us invaded their country, how are the taliban terrorists??, they are just fighting for their country, the real terrorists are the ones who attack weak nations for power and financial gains, so **** off..