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Report: Turkish frigates to confront Israeli ships in Mediterranean

Are Arabs the majority in Israel? only in your wet dreams...

well, then 500 shouldnt ask why Erdogan gets so many votes and his third term. simply because he has a lot of followers in Turkey.

dont understand how that is like Russian, if something is like russian it is israeli democracy. always jewish far right parties that wins elections.

hell.... even i could win the elections if i just said fu*k Palestine.
But what Turkey is doing there? - Nothing. Same what Erdogan is doing now in Arab countriues: talking a lot and giving advices

Like it or not Turkey is an important country and so is our help to Afgan people. We are doing there rebuilding, hospitals, schools, homes, roads, bridges, healthcare to the people, it cost us hundreds of millions dollars but its worth it, in the end of the day we have millions of poor, suffering people all around the world who are all praying for us! All those prayers will be accepted you know what that means? The world isnt only about materialism!

And Erdogan isnt only talking! Your country will learn day by day what it means to kill our people! The process has already been started! Your country is so much weaker today because of us and the truth is we just started!! Ofcourse you wont admit that and hide it!
You have no idea whats happening in Afghanistan, do you?
I have perfect idea: Americans, Brits, Canadians, Australians, Frenchs, Germans, Italians.... etc etc are fighting while Turks sit far from frontline and talke pics with locals.

UK - Margaret Thatcher - 11 years
Spain - Felipe González Márquez - 14 years
Germany - Helmut Kohl - 16 years
France -Jacques Chirac - 12 years
Turkey - Recep Tayyip Erdogan - 9 years
I deliberately added that "also has majority in Palriament".

Finally something we can agree on. Although Syria was an exception for SA assistance, until now.
Why it took so long? :) Syria has anti Western pro Iranian regime. Why would KSA help them? If regime falls Saudis will help them with billions for sure (and Turkey will give advices :lol:).

Israeli investors are frightened, no question about that.
Israel never was part there. Nabucco already has serious delays.

well, then 500 shouldnt ask why Erdogan gets so many votes and his third term. simply because he has a lot of followers in Turkey.

dont understand how that is like Russian, if something is like russian it is israeli democracy. always jewish far right parties that wins elections.

hell.... even i could win the elections if i just said fu*k Palestine.
Erdogan wins through brainwashing in media and bribing of poor people. Russia is same.
Like it or not Turkey is an important country and so is our help to Afgan people. We are doing there rebuilding, hospitals, schools, homes, roads, bridges, healthcare to the people, it cost us hundreds of millions dollars but its worth it, in the end of the day we have millions of poor, suffering people all around the world who are all praying for us! All those prayers will be accepted you know what that means? The world isnt only about materialism!

And Erdogan isnt only talking! Your country will learn day by day what it means to kill our people! The process has already been started! Your country is so much weaker today because of us and the truth is we just started!! Ofcourse you wont admit that and hide it!

Explain how they are weaker? All I see is Erdogan attempting to rally countries who were already pro-palistinian. And getting upset when he didn't get his way at the UN in regards to the flotilla incident. Now he has backed himself into a corner and already back tracked to some degree.

His threat to file a complaint with the international court of justice rings hollow. And shows his lack of understanding on how the court works. He also said he would file the complaint within a week which we still have yet to see. One reason is most likely reality has set in. How can Turkey who is not a signer to the ICJ (international court of justice) bring a complaint agianst another party who is also not a signer to the ICJ. as the courts own website says:

Declarations Recognizing the Jurisdiction of the Court as Compulsory*|*International Court of Justice

"The States parties to the Statute of the Court may "at any time declare that they recognize as compulsory ipso facto and without special agreement, in relation to any other State accepting the same obligation, the jurisdiction of the Court" (Art 36, para. 2 of the Statute).

Each State which has recognized the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court has in principle the right to bring any one or more other State which has accepted the same obligation before the Court by filing an application instituting proceedings with the Court, and, conversely, it has undertaken to appear before the Court should proceedings be instituted against it by one or more such other States."

here is a list of the countries signed onto the court.

Australia (22 March 2002)
Austria (19 May 1971)
Barbados (1 August 1980)
Belgium (17 June 1958)
Botswana (16 March 1970)
Bulgaria (21 June 1992)
Cambodia (19 September 1957)
Cameroon (3 March 1994)
Canada (10 May 1994)
Costa Rica (20 February 1973)
Cote d'Ivoire (29 September 2001)
Cyprus (3 September 2002)
Democratic Republic of the Congo (8 February 1989)
Denmark (10 December 1956)
Djibouti (2 September 2005)
Dominica, Commonwealth of (31 March 2006)
Dominican Republic (30 September 1924)
Egypt (22 July 1957)
Estonia (31 October 1991)
Finland (25 June 1958)
Gambia (22 June 1966)
Georgia (20 June 1995)
Germany (30 April 2008)
Greece (10 January 1994)
Guinea, Republic of (4 December 1998)
Guinea-Bissau (7 August 1989)
Haiti (4 October 1921)
Honduras (6 June 1986)
Hungary (22 October 1992)
India (18 September 1974)
Japan (9 July 2007)
Kenya (19 April 1965)
Lesotho (6 September 2000)
Liberia (20 March 1952)
Liechtenstein (29 March 1950)
Luxembourg (15 September 1930)
Madagascar (2 July 1992)
Malawi (12 December 1966)
Malta (2 September 1983)
Mauritius (23 September 1968)
Mexico (28 October 1947)
Netherlands (1 August 1956)
New Zealand (23 September 1977)
Nicaragua (24 September 1929)
Nigeria (30 April 1998)
Norway (25 June 1996)
Pakistan (13 September 1960)
Panama (25 October 1921)
Paraguay (25 September 1996)
Peru (7 July 2003)
Philippines (18 January 1972)
Poland (25 March 1996)
Portugal (25 February 2005)
Senegal (2 December 1985)
Slovakia (28 May 2004)
Somalia (11 April 1963)
Spain (20 October 1990)
Sudan (2 January 1958)
Suriname (31 August 1987)
Swaziland (26 May 1969)
Sweden (6 April 1957)
Switzerland (28 July 1948)
Togo (25 October 1979)
Uganda (3 October 1963)
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (5 July 2004)
Uruguay (28 January 1921)

Since when did the US respect decisions made by the ICJ anyways? I remember the US and Israel freaked when the ICJ made a statement about illegality of Israel's settler and barrier policies.

The panel of 15 judges declared the construction of the security fence a violation of international law, called for the immediate end to the building of the "barrier," demanded that the existing sections of the fence be razed, and said the Palestinian civilians suffering damage from the construction must be compensated.


BTW any sitting UN member can bring cases to the ICJ.

Since when did the US respect decisions made by the ICJ anyways? I remember the US and Israel freaked when the ICJ made a statement about illegality of Israel's settler and barrier policies.

Israel firmly rejects ICJ fence ruling - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News

BTW any sitting UN member can bring cases to the ICJ.

after looking at other cases you may be right about any member being able to bring a case. but from what I still see. In order for it to be compulsory both parties need to be signed onto the court. As the courts own website says.
Why it took so long? :) Syria has anti Western pro Iranian regime. Why would KSA help them? If regime falls Saudis will help them with billions for sure (and Turkey will give advices :lol:).
Short answer, blood relatives. Long answer is more complicated than that.

Israel never was part there. Nabucco already has serious delays.
I was talking about "investors" in broader sense, not a particular project.
after looking at other cases you may be right about any member being able to bring a case. but from what I still see. In order for it to be compulsory both parties need to be signed onto the court. As the courts own website says.
Still, even if the USA or other parties doesnt approve the results, as USA did with Nicaragua case, that doesn't change the fact that international community will still see the courts decision as legitimate whether it has a jurisdiction or power to force its judgement.
US on Turkish foreign policies "Rolls Royce ambitions but Rover resources"
reality check;
Greece is bankrupt!
Arabs are in chaos!
iran is under sanctions and mullahs are still in power!
Iraq is divided!
Israel is busy with hamas, hizbullah and Palestinian statehood!
Kurds are as usual!

for God sake we dont even need Rover resources :wave:
What role plays Turkey I failed to see. Troops in Afghanistan? - They dont participate in any combat missions and only take pics with locals.

Only a person with no knowledge of geopolitics, economics and is a product of propaganda would ask this question ESPECIALLY NOW given the regional political map.

I would seriously suggest that you get out of Israel so you dont have to do 2 or 3 years conscript service & go study a degree on geopolitics or economics and then have a look at Turkey once more provided that you can look at anything objectively.

Israel may think that it is the most important ally to the West in the region, heck it even claims that it is a democracy when in fact it is a relic from the NATO - USSR cold war and a modern day theocracy.

The greatest export that Israel gives to the west is repackaged American technology & Islamic fundamentalists who feel they have no choice (no future ambition brought about by collective imprisonment creates hopelessness that directly ties in with fundamentalist) but to fight the "good fight" by resisting Israel and her allies any way that they can.

On another note have you noticed a change in the taste of water yet? Cause no more fresh water for you my brainwashed friend, your gonna have to rely on your own devices to provide clean drinking water for your population!!!
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