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Report: Turkish frigates to confront Israeli ships in Mediterranean

Why Frenchs protest all the time? Since security problems of Israel are solved, peope can think now about other issues. :wave:

so jews think they are french! its funny that you choose frenchs to compare yourself! indeed, you guys remind me Frenchs in a way; Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!:wave:
but I afraid you are still in the same league with your arab cousins!

since security problems of israel are solved? are you for real! since israel is the only place on earth where houses have shelters! :wave:

feeling not secure is the big part of being a jew in israel or being a jew in general and the rest is religious orthodoxy therefore you have more in common with iran than any other country

start your democratization process like your arab cousins, write a constitution (hope you will not dare to compare yourself with UK, home of magna carta, this time ), establish a secular state, return war criminals to Hague, sign nuclear non proliferation treaty,stop illegal constructions, make peace with palestine and keep entertaining me :wave:

The Turkish Navy is planning to dispatch three frigates to the Eastern Mediterranean to ensure freedom of navigation and to confront Israeli warships if necessary, a Turkish news report said on Monday.The Turkish frigates, to be dispatched by the Navy's Southern Sea Area Command, will provide protection to civilian ships carrying humanitarian aid to Gaza, blockaded by Israel since 2007, the Turkish daily Sabah reported. If the Turkish warships encounter an Israeli military ship outside Israel's 12-mile territorial waters, they will advance up to 100 meters close to the ship and disable its weapon system, in a confrontation that resembles dogfights in the Aegean Sea with Greek jet fighters, according to the report.

The report comes days after Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan announced that Turkish warships will escort civilian aid ships headed to Gaza to prevent a repetition of last year's Israeli raid on a Turkish-owned ship that killed eight Turks and a Turkish-American, setting the stage for a potential naval confrontation with its former ally.

Turkey announced a set of sanctions against Israel after it refused to apologize for the 2010 raid, expelling the Israeli ambassador and other senior diplomats and suspending military agreements with Israel. Turkey also promised to take measures to ensure freedom of navigation in the eastern Mediterranean.

Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor said Erdoğan's remarks were “harsh and serious,” but stressed that Israel was not interested in a war of words with its once-close ally. “Our silence is the best response. I hope this phenomenon will pass,” he said on Friday.

Report: Turkish frigates to confront Israeli ships in Mediterranean


İbrahim Bilgen (61)

Çetin Topçuoğlu (53)

Cengiz Songür (47)

Fahri Yaldız (43)

Cengiz Akyüz (42)

Ali Haydar Bengi (39)

Cevdet Kılıçlar (38)

Necdet Yıldırım (32)

Furkan Doğan (19)

so jews think they are french! its funny that you choose frenchs to compare yourself! indeed, you guys remind me Frenchs in a way; Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!:wave:
If Israelis take territories they are bad aggressors if they reterat they are also bad. :lol:

You dont understanbd simple thing: we capture these territories not because we have nothing to do and want to oppress poor Arabs, but simply for security purposes. If we think that security can be achieved without territories we retreat. This happened several times: in 1949 we captured territories in Lebanon and retreated. Then in 1978 again captured territories in Lebanon and retreated, then in 1982 we created security zone till 2000, then again in 2006. If there will be security need we will capture again. But so far Lebanese behave well.

since security problems of israel are solved? are you for real! since israel is the only place on earth where houses have shelters! :wave:
Unfortunately our enemies can forget how they were beaten and start again. Also our enemies have a habbit to target civilians. Thats why we need to be ready.

In same time security in Israel is very high. Sife expectancy in Israel is one of the highest in the world, even compare to other developed countries.

start your democratization process like your arab cousins, write a constitution (hope you will not dare to compare yourself with UK, home of magna carta, this time ), establish a secular state, return war criminals to Hague, sign nuclear non proliferation treaty,stop illegal constructions, make peace with palestine and keep entertaining me :wave:
Remove the beam from your eye first. :wave:


İbrahim Bilgen (61)

Çetin Topçuoğlu (53)

Cengiz Songür (47)

Fahri Yaldız (43)

Cengiz Akyüz (42)

Ali Haydar Bengi (39)

Cevdet Kılıçlar (38)

Necdet Yıldırım (32)

Furkan Doğan (19)

Good that you know names of 9 violent Hamas supporters. Do you know names of many thousands of innocent Turks killed by Syrian proxy PKK? Do you know names of 42 Turkish sailors saved by Israel in 1974?
all I want to know is why you seem trying hard to hate Turks?

İbrahim Bilgen (61)

Çetin Topçuoğlu (53)

Cengiz Songür (47)

Fahri Yaldız (43)

Cengiz Akyüz (42)

Ali Haydar Bengi (39)

Cevdet Kılıçlar (38)

Necdet Yıldırım (32)

Furkan Doğan (19)


Yes, these Shaheeds must be remembered and emulated.
Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has reiterated that an Israeli raid on a Turkish aid ship last year, which resulted in the deaths of eight Turks and a Turkish-American, was a cause for war and said Turkey can even go to war if necessary.

“The killing of nine people is in fact a cause for war. But we did not see it that way and, as a grand nation, acted with patience,” Erdoğan said on PBS' Charlie Rose Show on Wednesday evening. When asked to confirm that he sees the 2010 raid as a cause for war, Erdoğan said, “That could be done if necessary,” and added: “But we decided to act in line with Turkey's grandeur and showed patience. I wonder if the US would welcome the killing of its nationals in international waters.”

Erdoğan also reiterated that there will be no normalization in Turkey's relations with Israel unless Israel apologizes for the deadly raid, pays compensation for families of the victims, and lifts the blockade of the Gaza Strip, in place since 2007. “These three conditions must be fulfilled,” he said.

Erdoğan also defended his rhetoric against Israel and referring to the country as a “spoiled boy,” when asked if his rhetoric was helpful in resolving the dispute. But he said the Israeli government, not its people, is responsible for the crisis in ties with Turkey.

“I am talking on the basis of the facts. Israel is the spoiled child of the West, I repeat this,” he said, noting that Israel has ignored several resolutions passed in the UN against it. “Sudan, for instance, faced international pressure. But the same pressure was not imposed on Israel. This approach was unfortunately not displayed in the Israeli-Palestinian issue,” he said.

Responding to a question on whether his anti-Israeli rhetoric stemmed from a desire to boost his popularity among Arab states, Erdoğan said: “We have no interest in popularity. We have to tell the truth, this is what justice requires.”

Turkey signed a deal with the Turkish Cyprus on Wednesday to pave the way for offshore gas exploration in a move set to escalate regional tensions over Mediterranean energy reserves.

On Tuesday, the Greek Cypriot administration, which has been at loggerheads with Turkey since its military intervention of north Cyprus in 1974, said drilling had begun in a southeastern offshore block, adjoining a gas field in Israeli waters reputed to be the world's largest find of the past decade.

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan described the offshore gas drilling by Greek Cyprus and Turkey's estranged ally Israel as "madness" before signing the deal with the Turkish Cypriots to clear the path for Turkish exploration off northern Cyprus.

"The continental shelf delimitation agreement between Turkey and Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (KKTC) has been signed now in New York between Erdoğan and Derviş Eroğlu," an official at the prime minister's office told Reuters, referring to the Turkish Cypriot leader.

Cyprus has been split since the 1974 intervention in the aftermath of a brief Greek-inspired coup in Nicosia, and Turkey maintains a military presence in the Turkish Cypriot state.

Turkey argues that the Greek Cypriot administration should not have started deciding maritime borders before reaching a settlement in reunification talks with the Turkish Cypriots, and that the mineral wealth belonged to both communities.

"The Greek Cypriot administration and Israel are engaging in oil exploration madness in the Mediterranean," Turkish state news agency Anatolia quoted Erdoğan as telling Turkish journalists in New York on Wednesday.

"Actually, the Greek Cypriot administration's drilling activity is nothing but sabotage of the negotiation process between Turkish Cypriots and Greek Cypriots," he added.

Peace talks between the two sides were launched in 2008 but progress has been slow. The United Nations is tentatively eyeing a settlement before July 2012 when Greek Cyprus is due to assume the European Union's rotating presidency.

Turkey is the only country to recognise the Turkish Cypriot state, while the Greek Cypriot administration is internationally recognised and represents the island in the European Union.

Spokesman of Greek Cypriot administration Stefanos Stefanou said in New York that "Turkey has committed yet another unlawful act, signing an agreement with an illegal entity.

"With this unlawful act, Turkey is trying to prevent the Cyprus republic from exercising a self-evident right which is recognized by the entire international community," he added. "The international community is asking Turkey to respect international law.

Unfortunately, Turkey continues to be in violation of the law."

"We are protesting Greek Cypriots' irresponsible, provocative and unilateral step," Erdoğan said after signing the deal.

He said the Turkish Cyprus would issue licenses for oil and gas search in the Mediterranean, but did not say when.

Erdoğan said Turkey has sent warships to the area before the deployment of a research ship.

Greek Cyprus licensed US-based Noble Energy to search for oil and gas near recently discovered Israeli offshore fields that contains more than 450 billion cubic meters (15.9 trillion cubic feet) of natural gas.

Erdoğan said energy firms that work with Greek Cyprus could be barred from Turkish projects and face unspecified sanctions.

US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton told Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu in New York on Monday that the island's recognized administration had a right to decide how it exploits its resources, according to officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the meeting was private.

The row over hydrocarbon reserves erupted as relations between Turkey and Israel abruptly broke down over Israel's refusal to apologise for killing Turkish activists aboard a ship carrying aid to Palestinians in Gaza last year.

Under Erdoğan, Turkey has become increasingly assertive in the region and it disputes the offshore territorial agreement struck last year by Greek Cyprus and Israel.

Texas-based Noble Energy which is carrying out the drilling operations for Greek Cyprus, has been conducting offshore drills in the eastern Mediterranean for Israel since 1998.

Turkey has said it would use its navy and air force to escort any gas exploration vessels it may dispatch in the Mediterranean if Greek Cyprus pressed ahead with drilling.

Erdoğan again referred to Turkey's military muscle on Wednesday: "Our assault boats and frigates are already in the region," Anatolia quoted him as saying.

Last week the Turkish leader said warships could be sent to the eastern Mediterranean any time and Israel could not do whatever it wants there.

The United Nations is trying to unite Cyprus as a federation and wants the talks to conclude by mid 2012. The European Commission has called for Greek Cyprus and Turkey to show restraint in the gas row and work toward a settlement on the island.

Greek Cyprus has said it will block negotiations Turkey began in 2005 to join the European Union if Ankara continues to oppose its gas exploration. Turkey has said it will freeze relations with the EU Presidency if Greek Cyprus is given the role next July before a settlement over the island is reached.

Turkey could handle Israel alone, but incase of a conflict there will be countries like iran/saudi/pakistan/egypt backing them. All america can do then is bitc*
Turkey could handle Israel alone, but incase of a conflict there will be countries like iran/saudi/pakistan/egypt backing them. All america can do then is bitc*

Yes turkey can handle israel alone , if israel had no USA they would be nothing , also i dont understand why the hell these jews on this forum hate turks or turkey if it wasnt for us (im not 100%sure)but as far as i know spain kicked you out and threatened to kill all jews and they came to turkey also in WW2 alot of jews came and there is a film called Passaport or something about jews coming to turkey there stories even albert einstein said something famous and sent a letter to turkish PM thanking him but cant remember
Yes turkey can handle israel alone , if israel had no USA they would be nothing , also i dont understand why the hell these jews on this forum hate turks or turkey if it wasnt for us (im not 100%sure)but as far as i know spain kicked you out and threatened to kill all jews and they came to turkey also in WW2 alot of jews came and there is a film called Passaport or something about jews coming to turkey there stories even albert einstein said something famous and sent a letter to turkish PM thanking him but cant remember

Is this the movie you are talking about?

Turkish Passport (film) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Turkish Passport (2011) - IMDb
He is putting Turkey in a position to look foolish. All Israel has to do is wait for the ships to enter territorial waters and board them with Turkish ships nearby unable to act.

What Israel needs to do next time is take the ships and cut them up or sell them off. Ship owners will not risk their ships then. Nor would they be able to get insurance coverage.

Thomas Sir,

What in your opinion is not right with food, water, blankets and aid to Homo Sapiens who need it? Its actually unthinkable that why there resistance to support these people and why you back Israel on that?
Thomas Sir,

What in your opinion is not right with food, water, blankets and aid to Homo Sapiens who need it? Its actually unthinkable that why there resistance to support these people and why you back Israel on that?

There is nothing wrong with it. And they can get those things through the Egypt crossing now As well as through Israel. The sea lane though has seen repeated attempts to smuggle large amounts of weapons from Iran. Israel has a legitimate reason to keep the sea lane to Gaza closed.

January 3rd, 2002: Karin-A


"The Karin-A was intercepted in the Red Sea, heading towards the Palestinian Authority in the Gaza Strip. It carried 80 submersible containers containing 50 tons of weapons, including: RPG-7 rockets, RPG-18 anti-tank rocket launchers, Iranian-made anti-tank and anti-personnel mines, 2200 kilograms of high explosive demolition blocks, Sagger anti-tank launchers and missiles, as well as rifles, machine guns, AK-47s, 735 hand grenades, 700,000 rounds of small ammunition, and diving equipment. The submergible containers were to be dropped into the sea and then washed ashore to the Gaza Strip or picked up by a smaller vessel and delivered to the Strip.

The Palestinian Authority was heavily involved in the smuggling attempt, especially Yasser Arafat’s former Chief Financial Officer and confidante at the time, Fuad Shubaki. The crew of the Karin-A also included senior members of the P.A . , indicating Arafat’s direct involvement. The ship was purchased in Lebanon and sailed to Sudan and Yemen to pick up civilian goods (watermelon seeds, sesame seeds, rice, toys, and clothes) to disguise the weapons aboard."

June 8th, 2002

"Two Palestinians were found swimming along the northern Gaza Strip shore armed with four grenades, an AK-47, and four ammunition magazines in an attempt to infiltrate an Israeli community

August 4th, 2002

IDF naval forces identified an armed Palestinian wearing a oxygenated scuba diving suit and carrying an AK-47, 8 grenades, 4 ammunition magazines, who was on his way towards an Israeli community from the Gaza coast.

November 23rd, 2002

After many attempts to communicate with an unknown Palestinian fishing boat heading from the Gaza Strip towards the direction of Israel, the bomb-laden boat exploded near an Israeli security patrol boat, moderately injuring three and lightly injuring one.

January 7th, 2003

A suspicious life raft found floating along the northern Gaza Strip coast was found to be booby-trapped with explosives."

May 21st, 2003: Abu Hasan

The “Abu Hasan”, intercepted in waters west of Haifa, was sailing from Lebanon to Egypt carrying a Hezbollah operative specializing in explosives bound for the Gaza Strip. The boat itself was a fishing boat, used purposefully to disguise its intentions. Cargo contained: a radio-activation system to detonate bombs remotely, CDs of directives on how to carry out suicide bomb terror attacks, five boxes with rocket fuses, and 25 Katyusha rocket detonators. The masterminds of the arms smuggling attempt were connected to Arafat’s Palestinian Authority and Hezbollah.

May 9th, 2006

Early in the morning of Israel’s Independence Day, the Israeli Navy spotted a suspicious vessel crossing from Egypt into the southern Gaza Strip. After ignoring repeated warnings issued by the Navy, the Navy opened fire towards the vessel, whose crew then steered the boat to hide behind a Palestinian civilian boat. The crew was then spotted to be tossing large sacks off the vessel into the water. The Navy ceased fire out of concern that the Palestinian civilian boat would be hit, and the suspicious vessel escaped. The large sacks tossed overboard were later found by an underwater robot to contain over 500 kilograms of explosives.

May 14th, 2006

The Israeli Navy spotted a suspicious Palestinian vessel off the coast of the southern Gaza Strip and issued warnings ordering the crew to stop the vessel. Upon receiving the warnings, the crew began to toss large bags off the ship into the water. The Navy apprehended the vessel and detained the crew for questioning. The bags were later found to contain several hundred kilograms of explosives.

March 15th, 2011: Victoria

Iran's Bid to Destroy Israel - YouTube

"The Victoria, a German owned ship, was discovered by the Israeli Navy to be carrying over 50 tons of weapons in three containers, concealed behind bales of cotton and sacks of lentils, including 60 mm and 120 mm mortar shells, C-704 anti-ship missiles, and ammunition for Kalashnikov assault rifles. Most of the weapons, including the C-704 missiles, were manufactured in Iran and came with Farsi-language instruction manuals which sported symbols of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards on their covers."
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