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Religious scholars vows to resist liberalisation of pakistan

"Religious scholars vow to ensure backward, intolerant and destabilized Pakistan wracked with violence and hatred.'

Really !! This is deception and distraction from the real issues and causes of militarization, weaponization that have caused terrorism and violence in Pakistan due to the war in Afghanistan. The people that have supported, trained and equipped Talibans are also indirectly responsible for terrorism in Pakistan. The members of powerful organization in Pakistan in order to distract attention from themselves when point finger to Ulemas then the other three fingers pointing to themselves.
I should go where? You liberals and secularists have Christendom thinking, so go there if they'll take you. This is the land of the pure and is Muslim land.

Shariat ka nizam will come no matter what! If the liberals like it or not, that's tough! Sabr ki had hothi hai.
Liberal muslims are coming to eat your children run
Fanatical liberal .. lol ... nai ejad .. by the way seems islamist are hated by pakistanis in general as they never vote for these gungho idiots .. seems some one else has to leave

Bhai why use this ''Islamist'' gora language. Surely, you qadiyanies claim to come under Islam, so why defame the name Islam.

The propaganda of the secularists is strong but the awam ka eman is strong and the land of the pure will prevail from internal threats posed by the liberal/secularists fanatics as per dictates of foreign gormants.
Why would you want to threaten your brothers for? The Army relies on us. I suggest you take a breather and look back when the Army was demoralised and risk of breaking when it joined Amrika ki jaang.
The Army was demoralized because of a lack of clear strategy and an inability to understand the fact that religious extremists that use force and violence as political tools are not our 'brothers' and need to be put down like the 'sewer ki aulad' that they are. The mullahs have played no role in stabilizing Pakistan (they even opposed Pakistan's creation to begin with) - but the Mullahs have played a huge role in the terrorism and destruction plaguing Pakistan. The Mullahs and Madrassas can only cause destruction with their current mindest, they are incapable of offering progress, peace and development.
Our loyality is not to the corrupt ginrals in power and saysadan; our loyalty is to Allah and Nabi as'salaathu was'salaam.
Then you are traitors to Pakistan and should be treated like enemies of the State.

An Ahmadi Pakistani, Abdus Salam, was one of Pakistan's foremost scientists, you Mullahs and Madrassa students have given Pakistan (and the rest of the Muslim world) nothing but violence, intolerance, hate and backwardness.

I should go where? You liberals and secularists have Christendom thinking, so go there if they'll take you. This is the land of the pure and is Muslim land.

Shariat ka nizam will come no matter what! If the liberals like it or not, that's tough! Sabr ki had hothi hai.
You hateful, intolerant Neandarthals have ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and since you yourself stated that loyalty to Pakistan does not come first for you, go live with the degenerates of Daesh in Iraq and Syria.

Really !! This is deception and distraction from the real issues and causes of militarization, weaponization that have caused terrorism and violence in Pakistan due to the war in Afghanistan.
And a major component of that terrorism and violence are religious extremists, Mullahs and Madrassa students.
The people that have supported, trained and equipped Talibans are also indirectly responsible for terrorism in Pakistan. The members of powerful organization in Pakistan in order to distract attention from themselves when point finger to Ulemas then the other three fingers pointing to themselves.
The people who trained and armed religious extremists are now changing that policy and, correctly, talking about a progressive and liberal Pakistan, whereas the Mullahs and Madrassa are still stuck in that backward and destabilizing mindset.

The solution here is for Mullahs and Madrassas to change and adapt to the new progressive and libera Pakistan requirements, and not stay glued to the extremist and violent ideology propagated during the Afghan war.

If Mullahs and Madrassas cannot evolve, change and give up violence and hatred, then they need to be exterminated.
If Mullahs and Madrassas cannot evolve.......

That should be ISI and Pakistan Army instead of Mullahs and Madrasahs. Since the Mullahs and Madrasahs teach the same syllabus and Khutba since 1950s. The only thing changed was weaponization and terrorism thanks to the Talibans supported by the ISI.
The Army was demoralized because of a lack of clear strategy and an inability to understand the fact that religious extremists that use force and violence as political tools are not our 'brothers' and need to be put down like the 'sewer ki aulad' that they are. The mullahs have played no role in stabilizing Pakistan (they even opposed Pakistan's creation to begin with) - but the Mullahs have played a huge role in the terrorism and destruction plaguing Pakistan. The Mullahs and Madrassas can only cause destruction with their current mindest, they are incapable of offering progress, peace and development.

Bhai, You are reading history with distorted vision. It is our beloved Ulima Ikram that stood firm against the khawarij and Mufti like Naieemi saab was murdered by them. Our masjid were bombed and yet we did not waiver in holding the torch of truth. We are beacon for all that is good and righteous. Bhai jaan, I've asked you before what is an agnostic Muslim and yet to receive a reply.

Then you are traitors to Pakistan and should be treated like enemies of the State.

So you want to negate my emaan by saying my loyality comes over and above Allah and his nabi as'saathu was'saaam. My Islam is not for sale and my love for Pakistan will and ALWAYS will come after my love for Allah and his Nabi as'salthu was'salaam mere bhai agnostic. Why don't you come to Mirpur and I'll introduce you to Mufti saab and insha'Allah he'll correct you aqeedah.

You hateful, intolerant Neandarthals have ISIS in Iraq and Syria, and since you yourself stated that loyalty to Pakistan does not come first for you, go live with the degenerates of Daesh in Iraq and Syria.

yaar they're not Islami! They would kill me and they're khawarij. On a more important note why should I leave my beloved land of the pure? This is my country more than the secularists and liberals who bring in foreign ideology.
Bribe TTP to do suicide attack when they gather again on one place.
That should be ISI and Pakistan Army instead of Mullahs and Madrasahs.
The Army and ISI has evolved, that's precisely why the Mullah's are complaining and whining now, because their 'protector & sponsor' of the past is no longer interested in 'protecting and sponsoring' them.
Since the Mullahs and Madrasahs teach the same syllabus and Khutba since 1950s. The only thing changed was weaponization and terrorism thanks to the Talibans supported by the ISI.
The syllabus and Khutba's are poison - they need to change precisely because in today's world of information technology and easy availability of weapons and explosives that poisonous mindset is capable of wreaking far more death and destruction than when that mindset only had access to swords, daggers or semi-automatic handguns and rifles.
If Mullahs and Madrassas cannot evolve, change and give up violence and hatred, then they need to be exterminated.

Va bhai kiya baath kihai! And don't tell me your fanatical self is a liberal at heart. You barbarians are so deluded in the Christendom thinking that you've forgot to look at yourself in the mirror. We are Pakistani, brown skinned not gora wannabies like our Indian brothers who have a inferiority complex like you secularists and liberals.

Bhai Agnostic, bara Pakistan ka nara lagarahiho, do you wear salwar kameez? This is our national dress and identity.
The Army and ISI has evolved ......................The syllabus and Khutba's are poison......

Everybody in Pakistan points to Afghan war as the start of terrorism in Pakistan. Talibans are supported, trained and equipped by ISI.
Bhai, You are reading history with distorted vision. It is our beloved Ulima Ikram that stood firm against the khawarij and Mufti like Naieemi saab was murdered by them. Our masjid were bombed and yet we did not waiver in holding the torch of truth. We are beacon for all that is good and righteous. Bhai jaan, I've asked you before what is an agnostic Muslim and yet to receive a reply.
Look, I have no issue with the Ulema peacefully raising their voice against certain laws or policies of the State. If they want to take out 'million man marches', do so as every other entity (including Imran Khan and the PTI) should do, which is by applying for the proper permissions from the government and ensuring that roads and businesses are not blocked and people not inconvenienced in carrying out their daily activities.

What I have a major problem with are implicit and explicit threats of violence and support for violence and terrorism, as these 'Ulema' have done with their support for Mustafa Qadri and arbitrary and nonsensical demands for 'implementing Shariah' when there is no consensus within Pakistan over what constitutes 'Shariah', given that the interpretation of 'Shariah' ranges from the evil and degenerate views expressed by Daish in Iraq and Syria, TTP in Pakistan, to the backward and regressive views implemented in Saudi Arabia. Without a consensus over what 'Shariah' actually means, it cannot be implemented, and Pakistanis have shown time and again that they do not like what the 'Ulema' have to offer ideologically since these 'Ulema' based parties cannot win in the elections, despite the fact that parties like the Jamaat-e-Islami are the best organized parties in Pakistan.
So you want to negate my emaan by saying my loyality comes over and above Allah and his nabi as'saathu was'saaam. My Islam is not for sale and my love for Pakistan will and ALWAYS will come after my love for Allah and his Nabi as'salthu was'salaam mere bhai agnostic. Why don't you come to Mirpur and I'll introduce you to Mufti saab and insha'Allah he'll correct you aqeedah.
Sorry, but your Ulema support terrorism and massacres as a means of shutting down debate and free speech, as can be seen by their support for Mustafa Qadri's murder of Salman Taseer. When they cannot even accept the right of people to think freely, why should I put myself in a physical location where they'll commit murder and then justify it under 'Blasphemy Laws', and then threaten 'million man marches and terrorism' when the government tries to hold them accountable?

Until the Ulema accept the basic principle of allowing free speech, debate and discussion by supporting the repeal of blasphemy laws, they have no argument - they've already lost.
yaar they're not Islami! They would kill me and they're khawarij. On a more important note why should I leave my beloved land of the pure? This is my country more than the secularists and liberals who bring in foreign ideology.
You yourself stated that loyalty to Pakistan is not your primary concern - then what reason do you have to be in Pakistan? It's one thing to state that you are loyal to Pakistan but disagree with the policies and laws, and want to remain in Pakistan to bring about change by working within the system, but you can't even state that loyalty to Pakistan comes first for you.

Everybody in Pakistan points to Afghan war as the start of terrorism in Pakistan. Talibans are supported, trained and equipped by ISI.
And that is the past, the TTP are now being hunted and killed by the same Army and ISI, so the Mullah's and Madrassa's need to change or they too need to be hunted and neutralized like the TTP.
No matter how many qadyanis are here! they are same as TTP and other terrorists. Qadyanis attacked Muslim students of Nishtar Medical College Multan in 1974 when their train stopped in Rabwah. Many were injured from where this movement started and their true face was uncovered.

You call them ahamdis or qadyanis but they are equal to TTP and other terrorists! They are made by same mother, the UK.

What the hell is "extremist liberals"? From what I understand, you seem to want the persecution of minorities.
Islam protects minorities, true Muslims proved it on many occasions. We conquered Jerusalem two times. Both times in peaceful way. But blasphemers can never be spared. This is the decision of Islam. No space for blasphemers on Earth.
And that is the past, the TTP are now being hunted and killed by the same Army and ISI, so the Mullah's and Madrassa's need to change or they too need to be hunted and neutralized like the TTP.

Pakistan Army and ISI spent time and money on training these Talibans and now are again spending time and money on "hunting them". Just goes to show that they never analyze long term implications of supporting militants.
So you want to negate my emaan by saying my loyality comes over and above Allah and his nabi as'saathu was'saaam. My Islam is not for sale and my love for Pakistan will and ALWAYS will come after my love for Allah and his Nabi as'salthu was'salaam mere bhai agnostic. Why don't you come to Mirpur and I'll introduce you to Mufti saab and insha'Allah he'll correct you aqeedah.
You my friend is really manipulated by some random Mufti , but that day is not far when these Muftis will not be able to control our society .. Pakistan well become Land of pure , A land purified by the influence of mullah as the knowledge and wisdom will approach to more peoples. Mullah and religious authorities are most dangerous people for any nation, they have historically used civilians against their own governments and you are practical example of it.
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