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Religious scholars vows to resist liberalisation of pakistan

Unless you put a face(or faces) to your claim about these rightly guided individuals, your point of view cannot be taken seriously

You have a valid point but I will not subject them to people who lack class and upbringing. Sorry! When the time is right you'll know who they are, and they might not even be the Ulima Ikram I have in mind; whoever they are will be better than the corrupt we've got now insha'Allah.
No, because these people don't believe in the constitution or the parliamentary democracy it has created . How else do you think they plan on achieving a 'peaceful change of power into the hands of Mullahs'?

The constitution is merely just another thing for religious extremists to distort and misinterpret like the Quran, and if the Quran isn't safe from these degenerates, the constitution stands no chance, regardless of whether the OR is part of it or not.

Nobody in Pakistan gives the Constitution the respect and implementation that it deserves, not just these extremists. And everybody misinterprets the Quran to use it for their nefarious purposes too. The end result is before the world to see.
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