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Religious scholars vows to resist liberalisation of pakistan

Yes, to varying degrees in different countries - Pakistan has of late made some progress in reversing the poison from these Mullahs. One only has to look at the state of a majority of Islamic societies to understand the damage done from allowing 'religious scholars' to define the rules by which we live.

The most advanced Muslim majority countries are those, like Turkey, that have not allowed religion to destroy the fabric of their societies. Of course Turkey is currently struggling to resist creeping Islamization under the AKP...

Mixing matters of religion with matters of state is always bad policy. Until and unless Pakistan revokes the Objectives Resolution and all the legal structures based off that mistaken foundation, it will continue to go downhill.
Va bhai kiya baath kihai! And don't tell me your fanatical self is a liberal at heart. You barbarians are so deluded in the Christendom thinking that you've forgot to look at yourself in the mirror. We are Pakistani, brown skinned not gora wannabies like our Indian brothers who have a inferiority complex like you secularists and liberals.
'Christendom thinking'? The religious Christian right wing in the West is almost as bad as the Islamic right wing in Muslim majority States - the Christian Right wing promotes intolerance and bigotry in the West (albeit without the violence we see in Muslim States), and I speak out against them just as vociferously. The 'values' of free-speech, equality for all and tolerance are basic human values, that all religions talk about, but for some reason most religious scholars refuse to actually implement in real life.
Bhai Agnostic, bara Pakistan ka nara lagarahiho, do you wear salwar kameez? This is our national dress and identity.
Identity doesn't come from wearing a particular kind of clothing, and it isn't 'Islamic Ideology or Hindu ideology or Jewish ideology' that will make Pakistan, India and Israel strong nations, it is their ability to allow their citizens to live and think freely without fear. The proof is right in front of your eyes, but many Muslims refuse to see it - just look at the levels of scientific advancement and development in societies and nations that have minimized the role of religion in the government (US, EU, Turkey, Malaysia etc) and then look at the pathetic state of Muslim societies where religion plays a major role in government.

Mixing matters of religion with matters of state is always bad policy. Until and unless Pakistan revokes the Objectives Resolution and all the legal structures based off that mistaken foundation, it will continue to go downhill.
I disagree (as I have before on this subject) - society isn't being poisoned by Mullah's because of the 'Objectives Resolution', it's being poisoned because we've allowed the Mullah's to disseminate their poison without check in Mosques and madrassas, and even allowed it to permeate the State run educational system.

In fact, key principles of the Objectives Resolution, on freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith, worship and association, need to be implemented in letter and spirit as part of a national drive to eliminate the poison of the Mullah's.

No matter how many qadyanis are here! they are same as TTP and other terrorists. Qadyanis attacked Muslim students of Nishtar Medical College Multan in 1974 when their train stopped in Rabwah. Many were injured from where this movement started and their true face was uncovered.
That is a complete distortion of the events leading into the violence in 1974, but a very typical and dishonest response from religious extremists. The NMCM violence was instigated by anti-Ahmadi elements, and the events over several years leading to that violence and terrorism against Ahmadi's were caused by anti-Ahmadi 'Ulema and Muslim hate-mongers'.
I disagree (as I have before on this subject) - society isn't being poisoned by Mullah's because of the 'Objectives Resolution', it's being poisoned because we've allowed the Mullah's to disseminate their poison without check in Mosques and madrassas, and even allowed it to permeate the State run educational system.

In fact, key principles of the Objectives Resolution, on freedom of thought, expression, belief, faith, worship and association, need to be implemented in letter and spirit as part of a national drive to eliminate the poison of the Mullah's.

What do you think gives Mullahs the wherewithal to challenge the writ of the State and demand their own religious beliefs to be put above civil society for imposition?
What do you think gives Mullahs the wherewithal to challenge the writ of the State and demand their own religious beliefs to be put above civil society for imposition?
The lack of strong government institutions that can enforce security and hold Mullahs accountable for fomenting and supporting violence and the lack of a clear government stance (military or civilian) over the years that religious entities are bound to follow the same laws and rules as others.
The lack of strong government institutions that can enforce security and hold Mullahs accountable for fomenting and supporting violence and the lack of a clear government stance (military or civilian) over the years that religious entities are bound to follow the same laws and rules as others.

What can anybody do when the Mullahs have the legal foundation created by the Objectives Resolution? They must kowtow, and the Mullahs know it.
The lack of strong government institutions that can enforce security and hold Mullahs accountable for fomenting and supporting violence and the lack of a clear government stance (military or civilian) over the years that religious entities are bound to follow the same laws and rules as others.

Agno, you guys make things more difficult with your saber-rattling wordplay, than what the situation actually requires.

In some ways this chutiyah Vcheng is right. Pakistanis will never have strong instituitons, because we are are a clannish and tribal society. We can screw the nation, If we get money out of it while being in the guise of government. He probably did it to get to the US.

Pakistanis can only understand the danda because we as a people have a primitive outlook on life.

You only live once. Provide all you can for your family and friends. Everyone else does not matter.
Bhai why use this ''Islamist'' gora language. Surely, you qadiyanies claim to come under Islam, so why defame the name Islam.

The propaganda of the secularists is strong but the awam ka eman is strong and the land of the pure will prevail from internal threats posed by the liberal/secularists fanatics as per dictates of foreign gormants.

Oh so now i am a qafiyani .. Not surpsied .. Its old routine and your comments when u cant come back with a logical reply Than step 1. Declare traitor .. Followed by Blaming west .. jews .. Blame hindus if not qadiayani , shia , pepsicola , mc donalds ...

Coming back to the point i said Pakistanis dont give two cents about molvies as you put it they have a very strong eman icing on cake is the masjid on every corner in this country .. ! Why so why dont they vote for the islamists (all kinds) And what made u say that the threating liberals and secular sucide bombers Can leave the country if they dont like it
Liberal muslims are coming to eat your children run
@Zibago What is his @Azad-Kashmiri problem, we have a fine Constitution based on Islamic principles, what more does he want, may be one ought to remind him of the so called Islamic rule of the MMA we witnessed in KPK, hardly a successful advertisement for the Islamist's.
@Zibago What is his @Azad-Kashmiri problem, we have a fine Constitution based on Islamic principles, what more does he want, may be one ought to remind him of the so called Islamic rule of the MMA we witnessed in KPK, hardly a successful advertisement for the Islamist's.
I think he wants swat style re in all of Pakistan
If he wishes such a state he should start his own party and see if people really want it or not
Oh so now i am a qafiyani .. Not surpsied .. Its old routine and your comments when u cant come back with a logical reply Than step 1. Declare traitor .. Followed by Blaming west .. jews .. Blame hindus if not qadiayani , shia , pepsicola , mc donalds ...

Coming back to the point i said Pakistanis dont give two cents about molvies as you put it they have a very strong eman icing on cake is the masjid on every corner in this country .. ! Why so why dont they vote for the islamists (all kinds) And what made u say that the threating liberals and secular sucide bombers Can leave the country if they dont like it
You forgot the ompa lumpas and humpty dumpty
I think he wants swat style re in all of Pakistan
If he wishes such a state he should start his own party and see if people really want it or not
Well yaar if they want to go through the democratic process he is going to have a long wait, as the combined vote of all the Islamists it amounts to no more than 8%.kudos
You have proven that many times !

lol .. Think what u like .. By the way i m not offended if am called a qadiayani they are equally good muslims and country men ! I m better off having them as my neighbor or relate to them than those so peaceful headchopping jihadis
Well yaar if they want to go through the democratic process he is going to have a long wait, as the combined vote of all the Islamists it amounts to no more than 8%.kudos
He wants people who want a better Pakistan out of the country
He wants people who want a better Pakistan out of the country
The problem with zealots is they erroneously believe that only their view is correct and everyone else is wrong, so by definition they (the people who dont share their views) are not true believers and are kafir/apostates hence they have to be put to death, this is a recipe for disaster , one only has to look at Algeria,Iraq etc
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