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Real story of Kargil war

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Leaving most of the crap posted here on this thread..

The war is simple to sum up..
In the first few weeks of the war .. due to surprise.. Pakistan held high ground overlooking IA supply lines.
And was able to wreak havoc on a jugular of the IA's Kashmir ops.
However.. like all misadventures before it.. the PA under Musharraf only thought of the first few weeks.. and not what would happen when the giant woke up..
the result was that the infiltrators and regular troops took a pounding by the IAF..
They were still kept supplied so they could have held out(only JUST..but casualty figures before the withdrawal were below what was expected..testament of PA medevac pilots).. but the Indian leadership clearly told ours that the war would not stay in Kargil for long..that the LOC would be breached and an all out exchange was possible. This shook up the PA command as they(as usual) had not planned for things not going according to plan.. and Nawaz Sharif was told by a nervous Musharraf to go and ask the US to intervene.
When the US simply said that the PA must withdraw back to its previous positions
Musharaaf complied.. but since there was no cease fire... so when the IA took those peaks back.. they had the higher ground..
and literally mowed down our retreating troops.(of the approx 4500 lost by PA.. 2/3rds were during the retreat).
Men and equipment had to be left behind..
And the Zee Tv propaganda machine did the rest.
Leaving most of the crap posted here on this thread..

The war is simple to sum up..
In the first few weeks of the war .. due to surprise.. Pakistan held high ground overlooking IA supply lines.
And was able to wreak havoc on a jugular of the IA's Kashmir ops.
However.. like all misadventures before it.. the PA under Musharraf only thought of the first few weeks.. and not what would happen when the giant woke up..
the result was that the infiltrators and regular troops took a pounding by the IAF..
They were still kept supplied so they could have held out(only JUST..but casualty figures before the withdrawal were below what was expected..testament of PA medevac pilots).. but the Indian leadership clearly told ours that the war would not stay in Kargil for long..that the LOC would be breached and an all out exchange was possible. This shook up the PA command as they(as usual) had not planned for things not going according to plan.. and Nawaz Sharif was told by a nervous Musharraf to go and ask the US to intervene.
When the US simply said that the PA must withdraw back to its previous positions
Musharaaf complied.. but since there was no cease fire... so when the IA took those peaks back.. they had the higher ground..
and literally mowed down our retreating troops.(of the approx 4500 lost by PA.. 2/3rds were during the retreat).
Men and equipment had to be left behind..
And the Zee Tv propaganda machine did the rest.

Cowardly actions by India as usual. Thanks for telling the truth.
the foolhardy attitude of the PA leadership at the start.. and its cowardice in abandoning its troops at the end top all that.

Musharaf's cowardice. However our men were brave, and even the Indians recommended them for awards.
Indian Navy blocked all sea routes to Pakistan.......with what? A human chain of Indian Navy Sailors floating in life-jackets? You probably believe that Indian Air Force blocked all air routes to Pakistan and Indian Military blocked all land routes to Pakistan!!

LOL....every once in a while, an Indian joker comes along who actually posts something funny unlike the rest of the jokers!!!!

Indian navy launched operation talwar in which eastern and western fleets were launched in order to protect indian naval assets against a potential pak naval attack,and all sea routes to pakistan was blocked,cutting fuel supplies to pakistan and potential help from other friendly countries to pakistan.

Better choice of words will be good. You may not agree with what i am saying,but express it in a better way.
Thank you
Musharaf's cowardice. However our men were brave, and even the Indians recommended them for awards.

That is true and no one is denying that .
I remember there was one soldier on Pakistan side which was recommended by Indian Army..

Thing is.. IT was a stupid move on Musharraf's part to test the limits of Indian Army..
Tactical brilliance but Strategic blunder..
the foolhardy attitude of the PA leadership at the start.. and its cowardice in abandoning its troops at the end top all that.

BTW, Oscar most of the troops involved on the Pakistan side were from the very same NLI now in the tragedy at Giyari. Just that the PA labelled them as insurgents. And just disowned them when the tables turned so dramatically. That accounts for that refusal to accept bodies etc. and the refusal to cite them for gallantry awards till much later (when eventually the NLI was accepted in to the ranks of regular forces); it was that 'non-state actors' script under the "doctrine of plausible deniability" playing itself out as usual.

And it was'nt the first time that GHQ had indulged in a rank misadventure, biting off more than they could chew. Also Oscar, don't forget that the IN was mobilised in full strength and had a blockade in place along with the IA and IAF to move across the LOC in force, while the then state(?) of the PAF is common knowledge [check out Aeronaut's (the real one) blog]. About the state of the PN at that time, I need say nothing. :)

In the end Nawaz Sharif's (uninvited) desperate trip to Washington (was it to see the 4th of July fire-works? ;)) and Bill Clinton that pulled Musharraf and PA's cojones out of the fire. Should we lose sight of that?

How Musharraf later repaid his benefactor Nawaz Sharif is now part of Pakistani History.
That is true and no one is denying that .
I remember there was one soldier on Pakistan side which was recommended by Indian Army..

Thing is.. IT was a stupid move on Musharraf's part to test the limits of Indian Army..
Tactical brilliance but Strategic blunder..

Whiskey and studying strategic history don't really go well together.
Indian Navy blocked all sea routes to Pakistan.......with what? A human chain of Indian Navy Sailors floating in life-jackets? You probably believe that Indian Air Force blocked all air routes to Pakistan and Indian Military blocked all land routes to Pakistan!!

LOL....every once in a while, an Indian joker comes along who actually posts something funny unlike the rest of the jokers!!!!

Naval Operations
While the Army and the Air Force readied themselves for the battle on the heights of Kargil, Indian Navy began to draw out its plans. Unlike the earlier wars with Pakistan, this time the bringing in of the Navy at the early stages of the conflict served to hasten the end of the conflict in India's favor.

In drawing up its strategy, the Navy was clear that a reply to the Pakistani misadventure had to be two-pronged. While ensuring safety and security of Indian maritime assets from a possible surprise attack by Pakistan, the Indian imperative was that all efforts must be made to deter Pakistan from escalating the conflict into a full scale war. Thus, the Indian Navy was put on a full alert from May 20 onwards, a few days prior to the launch of the Indian retaliatory offensive. Naval and Coast Guard aircraft were put on a continuous surveillance and the units readied up for meeting any challenge at sea.

Time had now come to put pressure on Pakistan, to ensure that the right message went down to the masterminds in that country. Strike elements from the Eastern Fleet were sailed from Visakhapatnam on the East Coast to take part in a major naval exercise called 'SUMMEREX' in the North Arabian Sea. This was envisaged as the largest ever amassing of naval ships in the region. The message had been driven home. Pakistan Navy, in a defensive mood, directed all its units to keep clear of Indian naval ships. As the exercise shifted closer to the Makaran Coast, Pakistan moved all its major combatants out of Karachi. It also shifted its focus to escorting its oil trade from the Gulf in anticipation of attacks by Indian ships.

As the retaliation from the Indian Army and the Air Force gathered momentum and a defeat to Pakistan seemed a close possibility, an outbreak of hostilities became imminent. Thus the naval focus now shifted to the Gulf of Oman. Rapid reaction missile carrying units and ships from the fleet were deployed in the North Arabian Sea for carrying out missile firing, anti-submarine and electronic warfare exercises. In the absence of the only aircraft carrier, Sea Harrier operations from merchant ships were proven. The Navy also readied itself for implementing a blockade of the Pakistani ports, should the need arise. In addition, Naval amphibious forces from the Andaman group of islands were moved to the western sea-board.

In a skilful use of naval power in the form of 'Operation Talwar', the 'Eastern Fleet' joined the 'Western Naval Fleet' and blocked the Arabian sea routes of Pakistan. Apart from a deterrent, the former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharief later disclosed that Pakistan was left with just six days of fuel (POL) to sustain itself if a full fledged war broke out.
We can all agree that Kargil was the effort of one man that would have gone to the depths of hell for recognition. That man was Musharraf.

Dear Indians,

I understand that it may hurt your ego, but please look at the number of our forces and your forces.

Please do not lie about it.

It was a humiliation of your army.

Dear Mate,

In lot of your posts you have mentioned that Indians were humiliated.. But would like to remind you that, War heros of our side were hounered; and from your side, even the corpses of the brave one were not accepted... Dont find any better example to show how much humiliation your army had, since they disowned the bodies of the soldiers who got martyred for their nation...
state of the PN at that time, I need say nothing. :)

How PN senior sea-going officers begged medical specialists to declare them unfit for war due to knowledge of certain death.
This still does not relieve them of their cowardice... These are no officers.. some of which even made it to the top.
The officers that were, gentlemen.. and all.. are now gone... or very rare.
Those that do display potential ..fall prey to careerism or are whittled out by sycophantic suckups ..
Which is why I say.. and I will be the target of all sorts of accusations .. but I stand firm by.. that taking Pakistan(if no for the nukes) today or breaking it in pieces will be a cakewalk for India compared to 71.
Dear Mate,

In lot of your posts you have mentioned that Indians were humiliated.. But would like to remind you that, War heros of our side were hounered; and from your side, even the corpses of the brave one were not accepted... Dont find any better example to show how much humiliation your army had, since they disowned the bodies of the soldiers who got martyred for their nation...

They were not accepted as it was supposed to be a covert operation that Musharaf had planned. Whether that was good or bad I will leave that up to you.

However, did India not take it one step further when the coffin scandal was exposed?

How PN senior sea-going officers begged medical specialists to declare them unfit for war due to knowledge of certain death.
This still does not relieve them of their cowardice... These are no officers.. some of which even made it to the top.
The officers that were, gentlemen.. and all.. are now gone... or very rare.
Those that do display potential ..fall prey to careerism or are whittled out by sycophantic suckups ..
Which is why I say.. and I will be the target of all sorts of accusations .. but I stand firm by.. that taking Pakistan(if no for the nukes) today or breaking it in pieces will be a cakewalk for India compared to 71.

Until we destroy and rebuild, separate the cowards from the Patriots, this will remain as the sad fate of Pakistan. However, I see hope around this upcoming election.
Predicting future is difficult but predicting what happened in 1998 is still debatable?? wtf????:blink:
How PN senior sea-going officers begged medical specialists to declare them unfit for war due to knowledge of certain death.
This still does not relieve them of their cowardice... These are no officers.. some of which even made it to the top.
The officers that were, gentlemen.. and all.. are now gone... or very rare.
Those that do display potential ..fall prey to careerism or are whittled out by sycophantic suckups ..
Which is why I say.. and I will be the target of all sorts of accusations .. but I stand firm by.. that taking Pakistan(if no for the nukes) today or breaking it in pieces will be a cakewalk for India compared to 71.

While I have some (informed) opinions on this matter, I shall refrain from comment.

Oscar the last para is redundant, Its simply not worth (Nukes or no Nukes) an exercise for India to break Pakistan into pieces. Hurt Pakistan yes, maybe even by those much vaunted "thousand cuts" and all that jazz. Because Pakistan can do enough damage to itself (Post-Zia) as has been amply demonstrated. India might seek an ailing neighbor not a terminal one. Because that will affect India majorly. And right now India and her populace seeks economic power much more than military power.

Let me add that those "fancy-dancy" Nukes are as much a Bane as they are a Boon for Pakistan. But everybody can have an opinion on that fact.
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