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Real story of Kargil war

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well, they are blinded by false propaganda, let them be, even if after over 2 decades they haven't learnt, then I find it humbling to see them believe in what they do

But I must also add, that there are plenty in Pakistan who wish to normalize relations with Indians, and while some Pakistanis think of themselves as descendants of XYZ, it is not untrue to say we both share common ancestors on a majority and have descended through a very similar culture.

There are ethnic similarities between Punjabis on both sides of the border but that is about it. The cultures are pretty different.
Yea it would dumbass! There would no more of you left to propagate your false propaganda or boast in vain of false pretenses....

And for your pseudo mighty afghani DNA, one advice.... don't mess with the Sikhs!!! Remember Maharaja Ranjit Singh :D
Just our small state of Punjab can take care of your afghani genome, what will you do about the other 27 states!?:pop:

care to read my whole post?
Why did the Americans loose war after killing millions of Afghanis? dumba$$!!
Are you kidding me? We have Punjabis do. What would yours make a difference? :rofl:
Kid just don't mess with Pashtuns. They defeated every single super power that ever existed in this planet!! Your sikhs were doing nothing but chilling in gurdawaras...
There are ethnic similarities between Punjabis on both sides of the border but that is about it. The cultures are pretty different.

how exactly.... similar households in both, similar domestic culture
similar food (my personal taste goes for Pakistani but too oily!!)
similar clothes

Perhaps the level of similarities is much higher between the bordering states and Pakistan but even then the rest of India is not too different from them either.
Let us not troll, let us be clear , my dear pakistani friends what was the objective of the Kargil War / conflict, who initiated it, did the army or mujahadeens attain thier objective, how was it concluded , answer for all the above questions will give the clear answer -- As per me it was a good idea without a proper planning , initially pakistan had success but later they were not able to gather the full support of the political & media establishment that could properly counter Indian propagandas-- In war or conflits media is one of the main weapon that will create your image & support with other countries of the world - rift between the political & army leadership
care to read my whole post?
Why did the Americans loose war after killing millions of Afghanis? dumba$$!!
Are you kidding me? We have Punjabis do. What would yours make a difference? :rofl:

When did US loose the war in afghanistan? and when did it kill millions of afghanis???

I was talking about Sikh warriors, but even your punjabis... by your logic are inferior to the mighty afghans?
have you read your history right?? these punjabis of yours were part of the Sikh Empire in 18/19th century and faught against the afghans to butcher them. All afghans can hope for is friendly relations with Pakistani punjabis but I doubt they will ever be as close as other than in press release.
US JUDGE-PAKISTAN lost wars with India on Kashmir.

The judge also said: "He (Fai) clearly knew, he is being paid... Pakistan has lost wars with India on Kashmir and so Pakistan is looking for other means to achieve its objectives."
When did US loose the war in afghanistan? and when did it kill millions of afghanis???

I was talking about Sikh warriors, but even your punjabis... by your logic are inferior to the mighty afghans?
have you read your history right?? these punjabis of yours were part of the Sikh Empire in 18/19th century and faught against the afghans to butcher them. All afghans can hope for is friendly relations with Pakistani punjabis but I doubt they will ever be as close as other than in press release.

haha you know nothing. Punjabis on our side resisted moghul rule, whereas yours became hopeless.
Afghanis? We are the same people. We have the same Pashtuns. And buddy they defeated every single super power that existed on this planet till now
haha you know nothing. Punjabis on our side resisted moghul rule, whereas yours became hopeless.
Afghanis? We are the same people. We have the same Pashtuns. And buddy they defeated every single super power that existed on this planet.

hai allah...... go through the thread again.
Pakistan lost wars: 47, 65, 71, 99
so what exactly did your pashtuns achieve??
During the moghul invasions the Sikh Empire(comprising of present day NWFP, Pakistan-Punjab, Indian-Punjab) resisted moghul rule and forced conversion. After partition the descendants of the people of that empire moved base to India. You only have the location not the generation.
wow what a thread a great pakistani general owt of the box thinks to intrude another country

..the fun starts when Indian intellegence is cought off gaurd but some how manages to regroup & counterattack

then the world is shocked & Pakistan is suddenly seen as a foolish & unrelaible ally..

then PA deu to pressure withdraws & IA pay's back them in same way ....

the hight is deu to there inflated & bruised egos PA refuses to take back dead bodies of its soldiers & looses all the trust that was left with foreign powers & de moralises the ranks even further

now after almost 12 years PA wakes up & decides celebrates its achievments in Kargil (basically to boost moral in ranks which was very badly mutilated by Americans & there very own assets)

Last but not the least we have some very distinguished Pakistani memmbers thumping there chest over there Great victory ......What a great Logic...:rofl::rofl:
hai allah...... go through the thread again.
Pakistan lost wars: 47, 65, 71, 99
so what exactly did your pashtuns achieve??
During the moghul invasions the Sikh Empire(comprising of present day NWFP, Pakistan-Punjab, Indian-Punjab) resisted moghul rule and forced conversion. After partition the descendants of the people of that empire moved base to India. You only have the location not the generation.

There were 3 wars : 47, 65 and 71.

47: Kashmir divided: Pakistan from beginning was bankrupt. In an agreement with the British in the middle, Indians were supposed to give money that was advantaged from Pakistan and weapons. Unfortunatley we didn't get anything in our hands. both sides killed each other near borders. It is unclear who won because the U.N intervened eventually. It is said that before partition India got most of Kashmir because the British sold it to Indian jagidaars...

65: Even your own people admit that 65 war was won by Pakistan. Indians crossed Lahore and were pushed back hard. In the end, it was India who first called ceasefire. This was a proper man to man war between 2 countries, with NO absolute easy task and nor with any foreign assistance.

71: India won. Managed to break East Pakistan. Again it was an easy task. East Pakistan does not even border with powerful West Pakistan. With India in the middle, it was just matter of blowing air.

99: Not a war. Pakistan Army and Air force were not taking part. Instead, there were few Kashmiri Mujahadeens from G.Baltistan who choose to fight independently.
no only army did not know about---only musharaff & a few of his cronies knew about it -----i.e. no real planning was done---no planning for forces needed in light of Indian force levels and capabilities; no planning about logistics: resupply, maintaining supplies; --no operational planning---if the indians decided to take AK or widen the war to all of pk as they would have done if their attempt to retake kargil had failed or pk had really threatened indian position in occupied kashmir----PAF was not on board----Fo was not on board-----in short a total and utter fiasco - front line troops were sent to die much like Enver Pasha,s eastern offensive in 1914 when he sent 90,000 ottoman soldiers to die and then ran away after the attack failed---all senior officers involved in planning (GOC FCNA, Corps Comd, COAS etc need to be courtmartialled and punished)......

if more ppl would have involved in the incursion, it would have leaked hence india would have taken preemptive majors like we took in 65 , sia-chin.
Yes, it was very brave of the Pakistanis to attack pregnant women and burn children alive. When push came to shove and they faced an equipped opponent, they were killed like dogs in Bombay.

And you didn't kill poor innocent children, mothers, old in Samjhotha Express?
There were 3 wars : 47, 65 and 71.

47: Kashmir divided: Pakistan from beginning was bankrupt. In an agreement with the British in the middle, Indians were supposed to give money that was advantaged from Pakistan and weapons. Unfortunatley we didn't get anything in our hands. both sides killed each other near borders. It is unclear who won because the U.N intervened eventually. It is said that before partition India got most of Kashmir because the British sold it to Indian jagidaars...

Financially situation was same on either side of border.
Whatever suits you better as you know nothing about history.

65: Even your own people admit that 65 war was won by Pakistan. Indians crossed Lahore and were pushed back hard. In the end, it was India who first called ceasefire. This was a proper man to man war in between 2 countries.

Anyone of them?
We could not invade lahore as simple as and forget about push back :lol:. Again refer some independent sources.

71: India won. Managed to break East Pakistan. Again it was an easy task. East Pakistan does not even border with powerful West Pakistan. With India in the middle, it was just matter of blowing air.

How many of you have seen such easy tasks?

99: Not a war. Pakistan Army and Air force were not taking part. Instead, there were Kashmiri Mujahadeens from G.Baltistan who choose to fight independently.

With army ID cards backed by artillery shelling on NH 1 :lol:?

And you didn't kill poor innocent children, mothers, old in Samjhotha Express?

Colonel Purohit has been charged with makoka act. Case was investigated by our agencies and culprits are being executed as per our law. What about yours?
There were 3 wars : 47, 65 and 71.

47: It is said that before partition India got most of Kashmir because the British sold it to Indian jagidaars...

65: Even your own people admit that 65 war was won by Pakistan.

99: Instead, there were few Kashmiri Mujahadeens from G.Baltistan who choose to fight independently.

1st bolded part...read history of kashmir...

2nd bolded part...whole world knows who lost...ignoring that fact makes you look like a fool...you started war,we are nearly captured Lahore..so...who won???

3rd part...not mujahidin..SSG and Northern Light Infantry..
How many of you have seen such easy tasks?

You ask how a task can become easy?

Well let me tell you something. Lets say there is a British Island in the Carribean. Its clear that British do not have an army, air force, or nuclear weapons stationed there. Now tell me how easy will it be for U.S Navy and Air Force to go there, few hundred Km away to help the natives achieve Independence? :lol:
This is exactly the same situation that has happened in West Pakistan and East Pakistan case except India was U.S.
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