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Reactivation of P3C Orion Aircraft


Nov 8, 2006
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Reactivation of P3C Orion Aircraft
Lt Cdr SALMAN ALI traces the history of the induction, the grounding
and reactivation of PC3 Orions in Pakistan Navy.

In the present day geo-political scenario the sea plays a pivotal role in a country’s economic growth and stability. Safe and secure sea routes are not only important for growing economic activities but also for ensuring internal peace and security. Pakistan, by virtue of its geographical location acts as a bridge between Central Asia and the rest of the world. This geo-political situation has enhanced the role of Pakistan Navy beyond its area of responsibility and to meet these challenges successfully, it has been focusing on strengthening all its dimensions including the aviation wing.

Over the years Pakistan Naval Aviation has been undergoing various transformation phases in terms of assets as well as capability. From acquisition of aircraft and helicopters to gaining professional skills and technical expertise in operating and maintaining these platforms, Pakistan Naval Air Arm has taken remarkable steps forward towards strengthening and modernizing this important dimension of Pakistan Navy.

With an aim to make naval aviation more effective and useful, Pakistan Navy during late 80s embarked on a program to purchase three P3C Orion aircraft from USA. The aircraft were manufactured in 1990 at Lockheed’s plant in California. Training of the air and ground crew was also undertaken in USA in 1992 however, due to military sanctions on Pakistan at the end of the cold war, this program could not mature and the aircraft were preserved in Tucson, Arizona in the USA. Upon lifting of sanctions, the aircraft were flown to Pakistan in 1997. During 1999, training of air crew was undertaken and subsequently 28 Maritime Strike Squadron actively participated in fleet operations.

P3 C Orion is a four engine, highly maneuverable, all weather aircraft primarily designed for reconnaissance, anti-submarine and anti-surface vessel operations. It is one of the fastest turbo prop aircrafts and most widely used in Long Range Maritime Patrol (LRMP) in the world. The aircraft is 116 ft. long with a maximum speed of 410 kts. Its distinguished features are long endurance, multiple role capability, variety of integrated sensors and above all the capacity to carry a wide array of anti-surface and subsurface weapons like harpoon, torpedoes, depth charges, mines and rockets. By virtue of its extraordinary weapon carrying capability, P3C is known as “Airborne Destroyer”.

These aircraft last flew at Pakistan Navy’s aviation base PNS Mehran during 1999 for 10 months. With the Standard Depot Level Maintenance (SDLM) of the aircraft becoming due, and due to re-imposition of military sanctions, the aircrafts were again grounded for a period of five years till a contract to perform SDLM on two aircraft was signed between Lockheed and the US Navy on 25th January 2005. The work on the first aircraft started on 2nd February 2005. The personnel assigned to this task were Lockheed Engineers and technicians from OGMA Portugal. Besides this, PN personnel were also deployed with OGMA and Lockheed to provide assistance and acquire on-job training in rotation.

The number of man hours spent on this challenging task of re-activation were nearly double than the hours spent on a normal overhaul. The cost for each aircraft overhaul is estimated close to 16 million dollars which also includes spares, support equipment, labour, technical assistance, administration charges, publications and training of ground and air crew.

Upon completion of Standard Depot Level Maintenance, the first aircraft PC-82 was re-inducted in Pakistan Naval Aviation. An impressive roll out ceremony was held at PNS Mehran wherein Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Afzal Tahir performed formal re-induction of the aircraft. Among others, the US Consul General, officials of Lockheed Martin and OGMA and senior officers and aviators of Pakistan Navy were also present.

By undertaking this gigantic task, Pakistan Navy has been able to develop infrastructure of depot level activity and its engineers and technicians have acquired on-job training to support future depot level maintenance of P3C in Pakistan.

This roll out is the first step in the process of developing a full fledged P3C capability based on acquisition and modernization of nine aircraft. This capability will augment Pakistan Navy’s commitment to the maritime component of operation “Enduring Freedom”. Operationalization of P3Cs will contribute significantly to the global war on terrorism, besides Pakistan Navy ships which already make an important part of Coalition Maritime Campaign Plan.

About the Author
Lt. Cdr. Salman Ali, Inter Services Public Relations DTE (Navy) at HQs Comkar, Karachi.
A ceremony was on september 13th at Pakistan Naval Station Mehran marked return to service of the PN two previously grounded P-3C Orions. Work is also underway to refurbish 8 former US Navy P-3cs for Pakistan, the first batch is due for delivery next month.
The P-3C is a dedicated anti-submarine (and now anti-surface as well) aircraft designed to provide advanced warning of enemy assets and to provide a way with which to deal with those threats.It utilizes a number of devices for the detection of enemy assets including sonar, sonobuoys, and its Magnetic Annomally Detector (MAD) boom. The P-3C can use the AGM-84 Harpoon anti-ship missile, in addition to torpedoes, to deal with surface threats and can use depth charges and torpedoes to counter underwater threats. Here is the link for some information from the US Navy on the P-3C:

http://www.navy.mil/navydata/fact_display.asp?cid=1100&tid=1400&ct=1 .
Is Pakistan continuing the induction of the 8 P-3Cs from earlier or is Pakistan inducting 5 P-3H aircraft that were allocated to Pakistan under Excess Defense Articles?
I believe the latter. Eight Orions were allocated to Pakistan under the EDA program, first will be delivered on the 18th.
Islamabad, Jan 13, IRNA

Pakistan Navy to get first P-3C Orion on January 18: Naval Chief
Pakistan-US Aircraft

Pakistan Navy (PN) will get the first of eight American-made long-range maritime surveillance aircraft P-3C Orion on January 18, Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Afzal Tahir said on Saturday.

He was addressing the Annual Efficiency Competition Parade and Awards Ceremony 200 of Pakistan Navy Fleet here, a Navy statement said.

He said the first aircraft will land at Naval Air base Karachi.

An extremely versatile aircraft, the Orion performs well in a multitude of roles including anti-submarine warfare, anti-surface (ship) warfare, maritime surveillance, naval fleet support, search and survivor supply .

Induction of this all weather aircraft will enhance Navy's reconnaissance, anti submarine and anti-surface vessel operation capabilities, Admiral Muhammad Afzal Tahir said.

Reports says that the aircraft will be received under first part of US$ 1.2 billion arms package deal.

The package, announced late 2005, includes eight P-3C Orion naval surveillance aircraft, six Phalanx close in weapons systems and an ammunition complement of 2,000 TOW-2A missiles and 14 TOW-2A Fly-to-Buy missiles.

This was the first major sale of US military hardware to Pakistan.

the US lifted sanctions and named Islamabad a major non-NATO ally in 2004.

The U.S had announced to give Pakistan a $3-billion aid for five years, halved for military purchases and non-military purposes.

What about the P3's with E-2 Hawkeye suite, when are we getting those ones? Have'nt heard anything about them afterwards.
Melb4aust, as far as I know, the aircraft have been requested so far but approval from congress is pending.
Again, the proposal of FMS to Pakistan was presented to the Congress early December 2006.
Congress has 30 days to reject the FMS wich didn't happen, so the deal is only pending from our side.
Pakistan Navy gets P-3 Orion aircraft from U.S.

Thursday January 18

KARACHI (Reuters) - The United States has handed over the first of eight P-3 Orion reconnaissance and anti-submarine aircraft to Pakistan, the navy said on Thursday.

Washington agreed in late 2005 to supply $970 million worth planes to Pakistan, a key ally in its war on terrorism, to help boost its naval capabilities.

A statement from the Pakistan Navy said delivery of the aircraft was a sign of sustained mutual cooperation between the two countries.

The four-engined Lockheed P-3 Orion is a highly manoeuvrable, all-weather aircraft primarily designed for reconnaissance, anti-submarine and anti-surface vessel operations.

The second aircraft is expected to be handed over next month and the entire delivery to be completed in three to four years.

Arrival of the eight new planes will bring Pakistan's fleet of P-3Cs to 10.

Melb4aust, as far as I know, the aircraft have been requested so far but approval from congress is pending.

Its done! The only thing to point out is that the Hawkeye 2000 is Orion based and not the E-2C one.

Pakistan-US strike arms package deal

By Muhammad Saleh Zaafir

ISLAMABAD: A deal between Pakistan and the United States involving a billion-dollar arms package, including TOW-2A anti-armour guided missiles and E-2C Hawkeye 2000 air-borne early warning system, has been through from the US Congress.

The supply of state-of-art defence equipment would take shape in a couple of weeks.

Diplomatic sources told The News here that the Congress had gone in its inaugural session in the first week of this month and did not receive any move against the deal until the deadline.

Such an effort by the Indian lobby failed miserably in July last when the Congress approved the multi-role high-tech fighter F-16 planes for the Pakistan Air Force (PAF).

The TOW-2A missiles, which the Pentagon has said would enable Pakistan to support US operations against terrorist activity along its porous borders, could reach $185 million.

The E-2C Hawkeye 2000 system for three P-3 aircraft which could cost another $855 million will also be provided to Pakistan.

The notification was issued on December 7, less than two days before the outgoing 109th Congress ended its lame-duck session in the early hours of Dec 9. The 110th Congress took office on January 3.

As the deadline for the Congress to block the deal notified by Pentagon ended then, the House of Representatives went into a month-long recess without taking up resolutions by two Democratic lawmakers to block it. The issue never came up before the full Senate.

Just a week before the expiry of the deadline, the House committee on international relations upbraided the Bush administration for what it called a calculated move to diminish Congressional authority over the rushed sale of F-16 fighter jets to Pakistan, but made no move to block it.

Ranking Democrat Tom Lantos, who has taken over as chairman of the panel in the new House and his retiring Republican predecessor Henry Hyde later introduced a bill requiring quarterly updates on the possible upcoming arms sales and enforcing a 20-day consultation period before the State Department formally notifies Congress of a proposed sale.

At the hearing John Hillen, Assistant Secretary of State for Political-military Affairs, admitted that the administration had chosen to waive the 20-day pre-notification period without consulting either Hyde or Lantos, but made no move to end what Democrat Brad Sherman called "this charade" of consultations.

He affirmed that the Congress had no means to stop the deal unless both the House and Senate passed resolutions rejecting it before the 30-day review period ran out and then override a Bush veto.

The sources said the supply according to the deal would begin as early as next month. The supply of the equipment in question would greatly help Pakistan to strengthen its defence, the sources added.

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