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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Depends on your agenda....................... From what I know they dont publish BS.myyself. Just must be done based on truth, whatever ever that may be.
That being said, I ll repeat
Edit: You stand controverted. See my next post.Lets see what you come up with next!

I don't have any agendas mate,its just that the "fake wiki leaks" news that came out from some Pakistani media outlet has made me skeptical when it comes to Pakistan media. Specially when the Dawn could have easily published a much clearer image of the "Visa". It just seemed like blurred image was put up to mislead people. I don't have sharp eyes as such, I just used an image editing software to make the image clearer.

I for one would like to see Mr Davis punished if he has over stayed his visa and was in Pakistan illegally. No diplomat overstays their visa. At least not the ones from countries like US, unless they have some other nefarious "business" to attend to.
Yeah that is the one i am referring to tareymareyikmarzi. This guys was staying in Pakistan illegally and they "US Embassy" had requested a Non Diplomatic ID for his during his stay but the F.O had refused following the incident in Lahore last year.

Can someone please find and post a copy of that request letter.

Many thanks in advance.

RR, what news entry was it under at Dawn?
I can ask them if you dont remember...................
I don't have any agendas mate,its just that the "fake wiki leaks" news the came out from Pakistan media has made me skeptical when it comes to Pakistan media. Specially when the Dawn could have easily published a much clearer image of the "Visa". It just seemed like blurred image was put up to mislead people. I don't have sharp eyes as such, I just used a image editing software to make the image clearer.

I for one would like to see Mr Davis punished if he has over stayed his visa and was in Pakistan illegally. No diplomat overstays their visa. At least not the ones from countries like US, unless they have some other nefarious "business" to attend to.

I ll ask Dawn if they can ask the insider to bump up the dpi while rescanning. It is pretty clear to read though . So no worries, no one here is concerned about you not believing. That fact is in line with GOP etc have maintained all along.
He might not have overstayed his visa. He got his visa extended multiple time, That picture can be that of previous extension.
RR, what news entry was it under at Dawn?
I can ask them if you dont remember...................

Dunya News. Ran all day day before yesterday and yesterday aswell. Please do try to get the copy or a video clip of it. Please

Also lest we forget the Human Tragedy in this event:
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He might not have overstayed his visa. He got his visa extended multiple time, That picture can be that of previous extension.

Dude, that is the only visa that was issued in DC. That is the original vida. At this time his overstay is not an issue. Regardless, it does not say he is a Diplomat.
Even the yankee self defence story is coming out as concocted as he has fired on the killed persons from behind.


anyway the killer will be set free but its unfortunate that old Americans are coming up with lame excuses in support of the killing
i dont know if the story is correct or not.
But if there are two men on a motorbike then to stop a car they have to be on one side on better in front with a pistol in the hand of the back seater.
I would hope no diplomat from Pakistan serving here in the USA would have to face armed criminals in a hold up and threat on his life event.

However, I can assure you that in the US self defense is allowed. And if a diplomat shot and killed an armed robber the Pakistani diplomat would not be arrested nor jailed if they claimed Diplomatic Immunity. Nor would there be a firestorm of false allegations against the poor innocent victum of attempted armed robbery.

look at this guy what he is saying... even Americans are not safe in their own country ... armed robbers are very common in USA....
He is probably an undercover Xe operative...

He should be hanged in public on a chowk in Lahore...
Lahore shooting: Some questions

By Ejaz Haider

Published: January 31, 2011

The writer was a Ford Scholar at the Programme in Arms Control, Disarmament and International Security at UIUC (1997) and a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution's Foreign Policy Studies Programme

Two boys shot dead by Raymond Davis, an American national, in the Mozang area of Lahore; one biker crushed to death by a speeding US consulate vehicle that arrives on the scene presumably to rescue Davis, who tries to escape but is captured. The consulate vehicle escapes after overrunning the unfortunate biker.

The incident has left a trail of three bodies and several questions.

Who is Davis — accredited diplomat or a civilian contracted by the US consulate for ‘technical advice’, a term that can cover a broad range of activities? Why was he carrying a pistol, a Glock 17 I am told, which is a 9mm semi-automatic weapon that packs the punch with 17 rounds in a standard magazine. It is used by pros and Davis does seem like one.

Why did Davis try to run away from the scene after displaying the calm ability to shoot a pistol with a steady hand, get out of the car, make a video of the bodies, and talk to someone on the wireless?

From what’s known so far, it does not appear that the killed boys intended to shoot Davis. They were carrying local-made pistols (terrible choice); one didn’t have bullets in it, while the other had five rounds of local ammo, another bad amateur choice. There is no indication that they tried to fire at Davis. It is interesting to note where Davis fired from, in what direction and where the boys took the bullets.

Davis fired from inside his car, slightly above the steering wheel and towards the right. That would mean the boys were parked ahead of his car, probably close to the right edge of the bonnet. Not exactly the right place if you want to shoot down a driver. Most of the bullets, it appears from the autopsy, entered their bodies from the back — that would mean they were facing away from the shooter, or were trying to escape at the time they were shot down. If this is correct then, at least at the moment Davis shot them, they were not a threat to his life. Itchy fingers perhaps?

One source told me the ammo he used was hollow-point; another says it was ballpoint. With hollow-point the boys stood no chance at all. The round enters the body and flattens, causing terrible tissue damage.

Glock pistols have a two-stage trigger safety mechanism because there is no external safety catch. The weapon will fire when the trigger is depressed normally beyond the first stage afforded by the internal trigger safety mechanism. Why did he fire 7 shots if the idea was to incapacitate? Since Davis has claimed self-defence he will have to prove that his life was in grave danger when he shot the boys.

People are angry. There is a sense, not entirely wrong, that Americans act haughty, even though the blame for this must go to Pakistani governments. If the governments fail to observe the protocols, too eager to roll out the red carpet even for lower ranking American officials, one can’t blame the Americans for taking Pakistan for granted.

Consider the attitude of the public affairs officers at the US embassy and the consulate in Lahore. They have refused to ID Davis. Instead of helping in investigating the killing of three Pakistanis, the US embassy has now demanded that this guy be immediately released. And pray, how and why, unless all these questions are answered? The government should clarify when, how, why, and if at all, a foreign national can carry a weapon? What exactly is the status of this man, his ID and the nature of his work here? What is the protocol for the movement of American nationals, whether in official or personal capacity? Are the Americans using SOPs for their protection that may violate local laws? If so, why?

The government should set up a website, giving information on all legal and other questions thrown up by this violent incident. It must also tell the people why the US embassy has made such a demand. The US government cannot spring the guy until all legal issues are settled. Neither can the federal and Punjab governments afford to let him walk away just like that.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 31st, 2011.
Question for Americans

Apart from their US person involve in this incident what they have to say for the families of victims?
say something for 2 person killed by firing
say something for 1 person killed by car.

lets hope these Americans have some good words for the victims who lost their life...
Also is it allowed in USA to kill a robber when ever you feel like?
One thing our sell out government should do is not allow Americans to roam the streets of Pakistan anymore...

That would cause a lot of problems for their underground activities however...
Country Fellows,
what do you think till now,
will the devil get the punishment or not.
look at this guy what he is saying... even Americans are not safe in their own country ... armed robbers are very common in USA....

The above comment is idiotic and absurd by a youth who claims to be a Pakistani but was born in the UK where he is now a student radical trouble maker.

While this young fool safely in the UK pretends to know it all another suicide bombing in Peshawar area, this time, has happend murdering the area Chief of Police and 5 other innocent Pakistani Police officers , while many more innocent Pakistanis were wounded at the site of this terrorist suicide bomber blast.

Meanwhile the terrorists have likewise used suicide bombers to blow up the Kohat Tunnel on the highway from the North into Peshawar...this collapsed the auto tunnel from the inside, blocking a major traffice artery to ordinary Pakitani citizen's use.

There have been other bombings in Karachi as well.
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