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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Diplomatic immunity for and of a US diplomatic employee in Pakistan coupled with two robbers with history as robbers trying to hold him up at gun point (both crooks had guns) leaves everyone yelling on here with a foolish position of favoring crooks and law breakers over a self defense victum of attempted crime with shooting violence on his person.

Get some rest and by 1 Feb. the complete and clear facts will be known and all this fake posturing will end.

Meanwhile how about a little respect for the continued loss of innocent Pakistani life to terrorist suicide bombers?

These al Qaida inspired radical Taliban elements aren't going away and will take you down if you don't get in line with their heretical to Islam ideology. Talk about blasphemy laws, if such will ever be used then getting rid of the terrorists who are blasphemers of the first order comes first.
now someone tell me what will happen if a pakistani diplomat shootout in USA for protect himself?
now someone tell me what will happen if a pakistani diplomat shootout in USA for protect himself?

I would hope no diplomat from Pakistan serving here in the USA would have to face armed criminals in a hold up and threat on his life event.

However, I can assure you that in the US self defense is allowed. And if a diplomat shot and killed an armed robber the Pakistani diplomat would not be arrested nor jailed if they claimed Diplomatic Immunity. Nor would there be a firestorm of false allegations against the poor innocent victum of attempted armed robbery.
Diplomatic immunity for and of a US diplomatic employee in Pakistan coupled with two robbers with history as robbers trying to hold him up at gun point (both crooks had guns) leaves everyone yelling on here with a foolish position of favoring crooks and law breakers over a self defense victum of attempted crime with shooting violence on his person.

Get some rest and by 1 Feb. the complete and clear facts will be known and all this fake posturing will end.

Meanwhile how about a little respect for the continued loss of innocent Pakistani life to terrorist suicide bombers?

These al Qaida inspired radical Taliban elements aren't going away and will take you down if you don't get in line with their heretical to Islam ideology. Talk about blasphemy laws, if such will ever be used then getting rid of the terrorists who are blasphemers of the first order comes first.

Tell me how, two men, shot in the backs were a threat.........both man had legal rights to Firearms, and were licence holders, they don;t need a reason for carrying firearms as they had a license unlike the US contractor who was carrying an UNLICENSED firearm with UNLICENSED ammunition..........he has then ran over an innocent man in order to made goo dhis escape following his scene of terror attack...........the point here and thread here is the Official killing three Pakistanis, if you wish to raise other points, then please start a new thread or go away..........
Diplomatic immunity for and of a US diplomatic employee in Pakistan coupled with two robbers with history as robbers trying to hold him up at gun point (both crooks had guns) leaves everyone yelling on here with a foolish position of favoring crooks and law breakers over a self defense victum of attempted crime with shooting violence on his person.

Get some rest and by 1 Feb. the complete and clear facts will be known and all this fake posturing will end.

Meanwhile how about a little respect for the continued loss of innocent Pakistani life to terrorist suicide bombers?

These al Qaida inspired radical Taliban elements aren't going away and will take you down if you don't get in line with their heretical to Islam ideology. Talk about blasphemy laws, if such will ever be used then getting rid of the terrorists who are blasphemers of the first order comes first.

Please stop repeating ur self like a broken record. We all here know exactly what ur POV is because u have repeated it a million times stop wasting precious space of defence.pk
by repeating urself again and again. We respect ur opinion and understand u completely. Please have the patience to understand us too. This is an active investigation abd case is in the courts and lets wait and see what happens rather than argue on our assumptions. And rest assured either way ur man will go safely back to ur hometown even if it takes presidential pardon.

Finally stop attacking us on hiw we feel abt suicide bombings and what our thoughts are. We are not insensitive to these attacks. Its in ur head that we are like that, sort it out. Stop insulting and bring quality to ur posts rather than quantity and insults. Dont mix other topics and provide logical arguements only rather then personal attacks. I expect more from a man ur age. Thanks.
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Third death is caused by accident of vehicles and guy on a motor cycle...even though the title of this whole thread refers to 3 killed by American, that is a false statement and almost everyone writing on this topic, pro or con, separates the third traffic death out...only the extemists keep including it to stir up hate and friciton, as it is untrue and absolutely false.

What are you doing do reduce vehicular deaths every day in Pakistan?

Pakistan, the US, all nations have people killed in vehicular accidents every day, all year around, unpleasant as that fact is...it is the price of driving in our crazy traffic world.
Third death is caused by accident of vehicles and guy on a motor cycle...even though the title of this whole thread refers to 3 killed by American, that is a false statement and almost everyone writing on this topic, pro or con, separates the third traffic death out...only the extemists keep including it to stir up hate and friciton, as it is untrue and absolutely false.

What are you doing do reduce vehicular deaths every day in Pakistan?

Pakistan, the US, all nations have people killed in vehicular accidents every day, all year around, unpleasant as that fact is...it is the price of driving in our crazy traffic world.

Cough... cough...... horse shyt...... cough .... cough.
What are you doing do reduce vehicular deaths every day in Pakistan?.

We are tryin to send such people to jail, esp those who drive on a one way road on the opposite side recklessly. Stop protecting them under immunity shield be men enough to allow the judicial system to take its natural course and hand him over. Dont be a hinderence, be helpful to us. If u r abetting such careless drivers urself, then u have no right to mock us. Stop contradicting urself when u do one thing and say the opposite. U cant have it both ways.
I would hope no diplomat from Pakistan serving here in the USA would have to face armed criminals in a hold up and threat on his life event.

However, I can assure you that in the US self defense is allowed. And if a diplomat shot and killed an armed robber the Pakistani diplomat would not be arrested nor jailed if they claimed Diplomatic Immunity. Nor would there be a firestorm of false allegations against the poor innocent victum of attempted armed robbery.

brother, pakistan is very bad evil country, we are just bunch of criminals and terrorists, and the angel americans are spreading peace and democracy in afghanistan, afghanistan and pakistan never saw such wonderful peace before... are you happy now..

and we more than happy if US kicks us out of its alliance, we dont deserve one, US deserves better, like china, russia, those non criminal non terrorist countries, turkey is bad too, they r terrorists, infact all muslims are turban head, burka wearers, midiveal terrorists and US deserves better

now it would be better if u get the out of afghanistan and pakistan as a whole both for us and you, no one invites you here, ok?? comprender???
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the Americans assured Pakistan to offer full cooperation, but I am still waiting for the operator of the Land Cruiser to surrender himself or at least have his location/whereabouts disclosed so he can answer to the courts.

hit & run is a felony in the US and in most countries.........it is quite annoying when foreigners think they can do as they please in the host country; especially when it involves peoples lives
What are you doing do reduce vehicular deaths every day in Pakistan?

Pakistan, the US, all nations have people killed in vehicular accidents every day, all year around, unpleasant as that fact is...it is the price of driving in our crazy traffic world.

this shouldnt even be dignified with a response

nice try though, sir, to deflect the attention and bring up traffic enforcement here

but since you did ask, have you heard of Islamabad (and especially Motorway) trafficpolice? A success story, even by western standards.
hey American Eagle --- how would you have reacted if that Russian diplomat who drunkenly crashed his car @ Dupont Circle (here in US capital) and got away scott-free?

you'd shrug your shoulder and ignore it?

that incident also included a fatality and several major injuries

I found something else that should be of interest. Don't know how true it is but i've bolded the important part of the article: (if already posted then mods/admins are requested to delete my post)

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan

By Ikram Junaidi

ISLAMABAD: It has been a routine that diplomats and embassy officials in the federal capital violate laws while police pressurises the harmed citizens for a patch up.

The episode of US Consulate’s Raymond Davis can be termed as an extraordinary incident as he was involved in gun totting and shooting, otherwise it would have been hushed up in the name of diplomatic immunity. According to sources, on Saturday night a diplomat not only violated a traffic signal but also hit and injured a man. Swiss diplomat, Snyveanne Moundllet, jumped a traffic signal at Radio Pakistan Chowk in her car and hit a watchman, Mahfooz, who was riding a cycle. He was taken to a nearby hospital. Soon after the treatment, police informed him that the diplomat wanted a patch-up and he has to give in writing that he didn’t want to file a case against her.

Sources said police did not arrest the women nor bothered to seize her car despite the fact that the vehicle bore an ordinary registration number. Sources said, on July 25, 2010, a diplomat had killed Jawadur Rehman on Seventh Avenue. On October 28, 2010, an under secretary of the US embassy had knocked down Rahmatullah, an employee of CDA. In both the cases police forced the affected citizens to make a deal, they added.

The Lahore incident will be another example, if it is proved that Davis’ victims were not robbers, Punjab Police will force their families and relatives of the motorbike rider, who as crushed by a car driven by the consulate’s driver to patch up with the “killers”.

Davis had a very bad repute among the officials of federal police. Whenever officials wanted to check his vehicle he abused them. Police officials suspected that Davis carried weapons and a wireless set in his car but he never allowed anyone to check it. Davis joined the US marine force, but later switched over to FBI and served in Iraq and Afghanistan from where he came to Pakistan. He has been living in the country for the last 22 months.

The embassy has declared him a diplomat and said that the Lahore police violated the Vienna Convention by arresting a diplomat.

When contacted, Advocate Razzaq said according to Pakistan’s law a case could be filed against a diplomatic agent if he indulged in any activity outside his official functions.He said Vienna Convention required diplomats that it was duty of all persons enjoying privileges and immunities to respect the laws and regulations of the receiving state.
hey American Eagle --- how would you have reacted if that Russian diplomat who drunkenly crashed his car @ Dupont Circle (here in US capital) and got away scott-free?

you'd shrug your shoulder and ignore it?

that incident also included a fatality and several major injuries

Abu Zolfiqar: I am sure that while drawing analogies and parallels is morally justified, being "first amongst equals" virtually guarantees, in this case at least, a grossly asymmetric outcome. Painful, but the truth nonetheless, no?
the Americans assured Pakistan to offer full cooperation, but I am still waiting for the operator of the Land Cruiser to surrender himself or at least have his location/whereabouts disclosed so he can answer to the courts.

hit & run is a felony in the US and in most countries.........it is quite annoying when foreigners think they can do as they please in the host country; especially when it involves peoples lives

I read that his hand over has been requested to the US embassy if not then the police has claimed they will seek arrest warrants from the courts to arrest him.
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