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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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Double murder-accused US diplomat was on a 'task' in Pakistan

The US diplomat charged with double murder in Lahore has told the Pakistani investigators that he was on a 'task' assigned to him.

On Thursday, three people were killed when US consulate worker Raymond Davis opened fire on motorcycle riders and hit another with his car in an attempt to escape from the scene at Mazang Chowk in Lahore.

Well-placed sources close to the police investigators revealed that 40-year-old Davis was virtually upset over the incident as the investigators questioned him in a pleasant atmosphere while serving him black coffee and delicious bakery products, The Nation reports.

"I told you that I was going to fulfil the task, assigned to me in my capacity. That's all," a highly placed source quoted the accused as having told the investigators.

Reportedly, the accused snubbed the investigators when they repeated the question where he was going and as to why he was carrying a loaded and sophisticated gun with him.

Crimes Investigation Agency (CIA) police chief Omar Virk said the accused was cooperating with the police.

"We are interrogating him. He has to respond to our queries and we will produce him before the court when his remand expired," he said.

However, Virk declined to comment on what Davis had confessed before them or what he had explained in his recorded statement.

"This is a high profile and sensitive issue and we cannot disclose anything at this stage. We are investigating," he maintained. (ANI)
He actually has put his life and the life of other Americans in Pakistan in danger by firing. The objective of robbers is to take your possessions, not kill you. If they fire, they attract attention to themselves. Had he not reacted with a gun, the worst would have been him losing his possessions. 3 cellphones and a glock? big deal.
In Pakistan; robbers are known to kill people upon resistance.
The same swine and 3 others were arested in 2009 trying to enter cantonment area with sophisticated weapons in a vehiclw with fake number plate.
I have a question. What is Pakistan going to do with him?

As far as I believe, it's nearly impossible to keep an American in jail for life in countries like Pakistan and India which largely toe the US line.
I have a question. What is Pakistan going to do with him?

As far as I believe, it's nearly impossible to keep an American in jail for life in countries like Pakistan and India which largely toe the US line.

buddy if proven guilty, he will be hanged
LAHORE: The US diplomat who claims to have shot two people dead in Lahore on Thursday only to defend himself in a robbery incident stands a good chance of avoiding prosecution under the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations (April 18, 1961), if one studies the past precedents in this context.

This article is assuming he is a diplomat. At this moment, the Government of Pakistan and the Government of the Punjab are both disputing his diplomatic status.
An American in Lahore
By Salman Masood
Published: January 30, 2011

The writer has covered Pakistan for The New York Times since 2002 and was part of the reporting team that won the 2009 Pulitzer Prize for coverage of Pakistan and Afghanistan salman.masood@tribune.com.pk

The shooting in Lahore has all the potential to erupt into another public relations disaster for America in Pakistan, where anti-Americanism is already high, whipped up by rightwingers and nationalists as a convenient bogey all the time. The US is held responsible for everything that goes awry in this ‘land of the pure’.

America-bashing has taken the shape of a master craft, which is well-rehearsed and constantly repeated. In such an atmosphere of mistrust and acrimony, a shooting spree that leaves more questions asked than answered is a troubling development and couldn’t have come at a worse time.

One cannot deny that American citizens have to be cautious and wary about their security in the country. They often encounter hostile behaviors and political and religious sentiments override many social interactions. American motives are under constant scrutiny. The alliance with the US is perpetually judged in black and white. Religious and nationalistic rhetoric presents a distorted and skewed relationship between the two countries.

American officials are often labeled as ‘Blackwater operatives’ by some sections of the local media, and this has endangered their lives.

The fact that many Americans and other diplomats carry arms while travelling inside the country, keeping in mind the precarious security situation, is not a secret, and known to both the public and the local law enforcing authorities.

It is still not exactly clear what really happened in Lahore on January 27. Raymond Davis claims that he acted in self-defence. But is he guilty of using excessive force? Could he have acted with more restraint? What is his actual background? Pakistani officials also need to thoroughly investigate the two motorbike riders. Initial accounts by police say that two weapons were found with the two dead. Street crime is nothing new. Is there any credence in the claim by the family of one of the deceased that one weapon was licensed and carried due to a family feud?

The facts need to be ascertained but, more importantly, made open to the public. The law should run its due course.

This unfortunate episode provides a window of opportunity to the US as well. Instead of maintaining a silence, which would result in furthering poisonous rumour mongering and conspiratorial speculations, US officials need to be transparent and open. Their silence would be heard loudly and presented as a testimony of guilt by those who oppose the US in an almost knee-jerk reaction. One incident, if badly handled, can wash away all the good that the United States has done recently for the flood victims in the country.

The shooting has already put the Pakistani government under pressure and officials have tried to dismiss the impression that the US citizen would be meted out any preferential treatment. Mr Davis has been charged with murder. The trial and its proceedings should make for riveting headlines.

Published in The Express Tribune, January 30th, 2011.
Who dares point a finger at an American .. Its so stupid of Pakistanis to even hate americans for cleaning up population through drone strikes,torturing many innocent in gitmo, Instead they should be thankfull to the american who are bombing there country through hellfires , Blackwater mercanaries of a christian cult moving around like kings,
How dare Pakistanis hate america for torturing Afia Siddiqui in Jail through sick interogations carried out by a sick scum.
How dare the Pakistanis hate America for exploiting Religious fanatics for its imperialistic ambitions ...How dare they...!!!!
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I recall this bit of history in downtown London from 27 years ago in about 1984.


Originally Posted by niaz

Before all of us get carried away in blind hate of the Americans. Let me recount what happened in UK in front of my eyes 27 years back.

There was a peaceful demonstration in front of the Libyan Embassy by Libyan Nation Front opposed to Col Qaddafi. UK Police were on duty to keep the peace. Shots were fired from inside the Libyan Embassy and a police woman called Yvonne Fletcher died as a result. This happened in the St James Square, London. My office was at 3, St James Square; we came out when we heard the shots and I saw PC Yvonne Fletcher lying dead. Despite the furore in the British media, the said diplomat was allowed to go free as diplomatic immunity was claimed. This was the time when Libya was considered an international pariah. Only thing that happened was that Libyan Embassy was closed and reopened 3 years later at a different location.

On a personal note; knowing the Law& Order condition in Pakistan, if I was in his place and found a motorbike rider following me, I would do the same. For Heaven’s Sake! Even the Pak Army generals are being gunned down and leaders such as BB assassinated. Americans are the choicest targets of the TTP and Al-Qaida. If I think I am being followed, you expect me sit quietly and be shot! You might but I wouldn’t.

Rather this than have a US diplomat shot. Best thing to do is to ask for compensation. As long as we are part of the International community, we have to follow diplomatic protocol. Suppose if a Pakistani diplomat is being followed by a Shiv Sena thug in Delhi, would you condemn him as much as you are doing in this case. Remember diplomats are immune from prosecution in host country and this also applies to Pakistani diplomats in the US as well as in India.
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Before all of us get carried away in blind hate of the Americans. Let me recount what happened in UK in front of my eyes 27 years back.

There was a peaceful demonstration in front of the Libyan Embassy by Libyan Nation Front opposed to Col Qaddafi. UK Police were on duty to keep the peace. Shots were fired from inside the Libyan Embassy and a police woman called Yvonne Fletcher died as a result. This happened in the St James Square, London. My office was at 3, St James Square; we came out when we heard the shots and I saw PC Yvonne Fletcher lying dead. Despite the furore in the British media, the said diplomat was allowed to go free as diplomatic immunity was claimed. This was the time when Libya was considered an international pariah. Only thing that happened was that Libyan Embassy was closed and reopened 3 years later at a different location.

On a personal note; knowing the Law& Order condition in Pakistan, if I was in his place and found a motorbike rider following me, I would do the same. For Heaven’s Sake! Even the Pak Army generals are being gunned down and leaders such as BB assassinated. Americans are the choicest targets of the TTP and Al-Qaida. If I think I am being followed, you expect me sit quietly and be shot! You might but I wouldn’t.

Rather this than have a US diplomat shot. Best thing to do is to ask for compensation. As long as we are part of the International community, we have to follow diplomatic protocol. Suppose if a Pakistani diplomat is being followed by a Shiv Sena thug in Delhi, would you condemn him as much as you are doing in this case. Remember diplomats are immune from prosecution in host country and this also applies to Pakistani diplomats in the US as well as in India.

The Only sane reply here i came across....:tup:
Which Pakistan is that?

The one that does not try to regulate ownership and carrying and use of personal fire arms in FATA, NWFP, Balochistan, Swat, all over most of the Provinces of all of Pakistan?

Attempted armed robbery in the US is a self defense tort action where the innocent victum who defends himself is guiltless of anything.

Pakistan today sadly internally is a wild frontier atmosphere including repeatedly of recent dates in Lahore, in Karachi, and elsewhere nationwide.

Armed robberies the same day by the same two thieves.

Armed robbery now used as a fund raising tactic for the Taliban and al Qaida.

Honest Pakistani Muslims blow to bits by heretical terrorists who proclaim theirs is the only true faith and use violence to push their viewpoint, starting with 911.

Where is the outrage by Pakistanis against the terrorists, the robbers?

Where is genuine condolence sympathy due the familes of the day before the failed Lahore robbery of Raymond Davis...for the 35 innocent Lahore natives blown to bits by a terrorist suicide bomber, with 180 other innocent Pakistanis in Lahore wounded?

Pakistan as a NATO ally (Pakistan is formally an Affiliate of NATO for those who don't know this fact) and is in the midst of a hot war. Banks and individuals are being robbed to help fund the Taliban and al Qaida internally there.
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Guys is it true that the died ones had committed a robbery earlier that day and one of them was previously prosecuted for armed robbery?
This may be the only point that is gonna save that american in court,unless it is established that the bullet holes in windshield was made by the bikers firing at him.
On January 27, this year an American employee of the US Consulate in Lahore, identified as David Raymond, shot dead two Pakistani youths, while a third was crushed by the driver of a Parado jeep, who was called by him for help, at Chowk Qartaba. Persons, sitting in the jeep were also carrying weapons. Police arrested David near Old Anarkali Food Street after a chase and registered a case against him on two counts, while a case was also registered against unidentified people.

On the one side, the United States has called for the immediate release of the American diplomat, claiming that Pakistani authorities have detained the diplomat unlawfully and in violation of international law. On the other side, investigators and experts are the opinion that the under-investigation American involved in the murder of civilians in Lahore was in Pakistan on a visit visa and not on a diplomatic assignment�does not qualify for immunity from prosecution.

Sources suggest that David Raymond including his companions were agents of the American CIA and were on an anti-Pakistan mission. In fact, he is part of the illegal activities of the Blackwater whose employees of entered Pakistan in the guise of diplomats.

However, with the help of Indian secret agency RAW and Israeli Mossad, Blackwater has rapidly established its network in Pakistan. It has recruited those Pakistani nationals who are vulnerable and can work on payroll. In this connection, the company has been giving high financial incentives to our people. In this context, some reports suggest that this notorious firm has been recruiting smugglers, employees of the security companies, experts of the psychological warfare, scholars and journalists in order to fulfill anti-Pakistan designs of America including India and Israel.

It is of particular attention that a few days ago, Pakistani security officials have foiled an attempt by the Indian intelligence to enact a fake encounter for implicating Pakistan in incidents of cross border terrorism. The plan was unearthed when a suspect, working for the Indian RAW was apprehended in Sialkot border area, while attempting to cross over to India through the border security fence; an impregnable barbed wire obstacle. Entrance points on the fence are locked and controlled by the Indian Border Security Force (BSF). The suspect has confessed to work as an Indian spy who was tasked to recruit agents from Pakistan to work for Indian intelligence.

Well-informed sources indicate that the suspect whose name has been withheld for security reasons disclosed that his Indian handlers, Mr. Sharma and Mr. Amjad, had asked him to recruit a Pakistani national by offering a large monetary reward, preferably carrying a weapon and send him across the border through the border barbed wire fence after liaison with the BSF troops. Mr. Sharma had assured him that all the details of border crossing would be finalized by him and duly taken care off at his end. The suspect also disclosed that the Indian Intelligence had planned a fake encounter to kill the border crosser and exploit the episode as proof of subversive elements launched by Pakistan’s spy agency, ISI crossing over from Pakistan to commit acts of terrorism in India. He also pointed out that he had held a few meetings with his Indian handlers in Islamabad as well.

Nevertheless, both the above mentioned events prove the involvement of Americans and Indians�under cover intelligence officers stationed in their Islamabad embassies and consulates, and are continuously engaged in espionage activities in grave violation of their diplomatic status.

It is mentionable that in the last three years, Pakistan’s security forces and intelligence agencies have caught a number of foreign spies along with sophisticated weapons, working against the integration of the country. In this respect, a number of times, arms and guns were also captured from Americans, traveling in the vehicles in various cities of Pakistan, camouflaged with dark mirrors.

Although Pakistan’s security forces have successfully coped with the Taliban militants in the Malakand Division and South Waziristan, yet situation has deteriorated in the country where subversive events like suicide attacks, targeted killings, attacks on buildings, oil pipelines, sectarian violence etc. have intensified due to the presence of external spies.

Notably, Pakistan’s civil and military high officials have openly been revealing that RAW, Mossad and other foreign agencies are involved in supporting separatism in Balochistan and acts of terrorism in other cities of Pakistan.

In this respect, on April 23, 2009 in the in-camera sitting of the Senate, Federal Minister to the Interior, Rehman Malik had displayed documentary evidence of Indian use of Afghanistan to create unrest in Balochistan. It is believed that the main aim of in-camera session was also to show the engagement of American CIA and other external agencies as part of a conspiracy against Pakistan because at that stage, Islamabad did not want to publicly point out America.

In this regard, Pakistan’s Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit without naming CIA had revealed, “The evidence of foreign powers’ involvement in the destabilisation of Pakistan will be shared with relevant countries.”

While in the recent past, Governor of Khyber Pakhtoonkhwa, Awais Ghani had disclosed that some world powers were trying to divide Pakistan, adding that if he were not a governor, he would have exposed them.

During the Malakand and Waziristan military operations, ISPR spokesman, Maj-Gen. Athar Abbas has repeatedly indicated foreign hands in helping the insurgents in order to destabilize Pakistan.

It is notable that Pakistan is the only nuclear country in the Islamic World; hence the US, India, Israel and some western powers are determined to weaken it. Notably, despite American cooperation with Islamabad, its main aim along with India and Israel remains to de-nuclearise our country whose geo-strategic location with the Gwader port entailing close ties with China irks the eyes of these powers. Hence, they are in collusion to destabilise Pakistan. For this purpose, a well-established network of Indian army, RAW, Mossad and CIA which was set up in Afghanistan against Pakistan in order to support insurgency in the Khyber Pakhtookhwa and separatism in Balochistan have been extended. However, now, it has been expanded in whole of Pakistan as recent suicide attacks, bomb blasts and targeted killings in Karachi and Lahore have proved.

The fact of the matter is that CIA, RAW and Mossad are collectively working inside Pakistan. In this context, these secret agencies have been spending huge money to train and equip the militants who have been entering Pakistan on daily basis and have been conducting suicide attacks in our country, and assaults on our security forces including targetted killings�inciting sectarian violence.

Besides, these foreign agencies have purchased the services of some Indian Muslims and Pakistanis. Those who did not come up to their terms have been neutralized or murdered. In this regard, in the past few years, some politicians, intellectuals, journalists and religious leaders have been killed by the agents of these external agencies, while some are on their hit-list. Their purpose is to create perennial unrest in Pakistan, while main aim remains to disintegrate the country.

Nonetheless, the incident in Lahore, arrest of an American, David Raymond, and the suspect from Sialkot border�working for Indian spy agency, without any doubt confirms the presence of a well-organized foreign espionage network, based in Pakistan and the same is run by CIA, RAW and Mossad including their undercover agents. While conducting acts of terrorism to weaken Pakistan remains their top priority
Which Pakistan is that?

The one that does not try to regulate ownership and carrying and use of personal fire arms in FATA, NWFP, Balochistan, Swat, all over most of the Provinces of all of Pakistan?

Attempted armed robbery in the US is a self defense tort action where the innocent victum who defends himself is guiltless of anything.

Pakistan today sadly internally is a wild frontier atmosphere including repeatedly of recent dates in Lahore, in Karachi, and elsewhere nationwide.

then why dont you run from islamabad and take your fortress embassy else where

remember its your american dogs that are making worst conditions in pakistan, your covert ops, your drone attacks.. you bloody coward army
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