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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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The meeting, convened by the president was attended by Prime Minister Gilani, Babar Awan, Rehman Malik, Shah Mehmood Qureshi and the DG ISI Gen Shuja Pasha. The president was given an exhaustive overview of the entire situation but quite early in the meeting it became evident that two of the men were standing on the wrong side of the prevalent dominant wisdom and desire of somehow finding a way to retrospectively cough up diplomatic immunity for Davis and to just wish away all the four deaths and the lingering crisis. But since one of the ‘erring’ two dared not be arbitrarily fired, poor Qureshi’s fate stood sealed.

So it seems that the military does not want this murderer to be released unconditionally , this issue is far from over , the matter is in the court and all indications are that he will remain behind bars for the foreseeable future.
You have your facts backwards. The two Pakistani thieves shot in action attempting robbery of Mr. Davis were found to have and been using illegal weapons, a pistol found with each man, together with stolen goods, two cell phones just stolen off of two Pakistani gentlemen by these two thieves, prior to the then attempted second robbery that same day against Mr. Davis.

You point a gun in a crowded setting at a stuck in traffic American in his car and tell him to hand over his money...and you get a proper response of defending one's self from threats then and there against his life. He fired in self defense and that is what happened. Mr. Davis was armed as per his US Department of State job requirements. He had what many Americans have to use in cities like Lahore a GPS, Pakistani-focused a commercial product to get around lahore in a car. He had his own cell phones, routinely a part of his US diplomatic job requirement. This is childish junk trying to make anything out of what happened...other than what it was, a damnable robbery attempt on Mr. Davis, who has and by international law must be admited to have diplomatic immunity.

Again, Mr. Davis has diplomatic immunity. The Pakistani Foreign Office is derelict in it's duty to admit his diplomatic immunity status, and all stories about or from the FO don't change this fact. The Pakistani courts do not have legal standing ever to judge diplomatic immunity, that is controlled by international law and treaties which to date the GOP is defying in a most wrongful manner.

Two known now crooks who supported their families by robberies as no loss to society. All the blather about courts is wrong as the courts have to defer to diplomatic immunity and turn Mr. Davis over to the US Embassy officials so he can be deported from Pakistan permanently back to the US.
That is no reason to blame RD for 4 deaths. He is accused of shooting TWO, no more , no less. Playing fast and loose with facts only serves to undermine the process, as much of a farce as it is already.

Suicide is HARAAM in Islam by the way. According to some reports, Shumaila may have been pregnant. If four, then why not FIVE deaths? Or should she be blamed for the murder of her own unborn child? You see Sir, 'tis a slippery slope indeed that which you choose to tread.

but raymond killed her husband, do you realize the feeling of the widower, how she was with her husband death, a family supporter dead, a life sharer dead, children without future hope, no money no food, please consider this before opening your stupid mouth and before giving islamic fatwas becoming mullah, idiot.. and now tell your american master to spend more on you for becoming traitor to your own blood people.. and enjoy govt support if u r unemployed, such things dont happen in pakistan
Ramon the murderer Davis should be beaten up and sleep deprived to ask who else was on his team , and what was his mission ? May be he was the guy who also bombed mosques and religious sites in Pakistan ? His equipment looks like he was operating rouge

I doubt his real name is even Ramond Davis ...

He must have came along with 10-20 operatives

I always questioned the logic to allow CIA operatives to come to Pakistan as embassy workers

You don't hear Pakistani Diplomat killing US citizens with guns
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ramond deamon as lahore police called him what a name by our punhabi brothers they hit on target ,we all know vchen is not pak and this american eagle is blind me thinks he cant even see his own dirty claws.
Who do you think you are kidding? The suicide widow had been married to her robber husband less than six months and they of course had no children and she was not pregnant either.

Come off this insulting image you give to outsiders of how irrational Pakistanis must be...as that is the image you create for folks in Pakistan...who I knew quite well during my US Embassy/USAF tour of duty. From sweepers to top level business people the Pakistanis I knew loved both Pakistan and the US for all we then and now did and do to help your nation become better off and more stable.

Al this stuff over a failed robbery attempt does nothing to build a better image for Pakistan. No one over here in the US nor in the West believes the "stuff" folks like you put up on this otherwise useful to us military types historic and current military site. The people of Pakistan do not deserve your immature false remarks one bit. The people of Pakistan, as a whole, are as good and decent as any on earth, just have been repressed due to lack of democratic process...which process does not have a nations court system trying to "rule" the nation. That is nuts!
Former Foreign Minister Qureshi has confirmed that the Pakistani Foreign Office had determined (while he was still Foreign Minister) that Raymond Davis does not have diplomatic immunity from prosecution over the killing of two Pakistanis.
ISLAMABAD: Former Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi has ruled out providing the kind of immunity to Raymond Davis which US called for, adding that the suspect is not a diplomat in Pakistan, Geo News reported.

Talking to Jang Group’s senior journalist, Ansar Abbasi, Qureshi said that Raymond Davis was not a US diplomat according to Pakistan’s official record as Foreign Ministry has searched out complete documents, dismissing likelihood of immunity for suspect which US demanded from Pakistan.
Qureshi dismisses US sought immunity for Davis

That also supports Mohammad Malick's piece with respect to the positions taken by FM Qureshi and the Foreign Office as he articulated them.

If the GoP, under a new Foreign Minister or Minister of State, now comes up with a different conclusion on Davis's diplomatic immunity, the selling out of Pakistan by Zardari and his PPP cronies will be clear and undeniable.
agno please ban this stupid american guy please....

he is running his mouth as stupid as his american gun

As long as he does not violate forum rules, personal attacks, abuse etc. he is doing nothing wrong and merely expressing his opinion on the issue under discussion.

BTW, that POV is also the one taken by the US government, and it is a POV that the US is unofficially threatening to sever diplomatic ties, and cancel all aid, over. It is therefore not a POV that should be ignored or censored - rather it should be countered with facts and arguments supporting the Pakistani position, or at least the position of the Pakistani Military and the Pakistani Foreign Office under Qureshi - can't really speak for the 'aid whores' in the Presidency.
As long as he does not violate forum rules, personal attacks, abuse etc. he is doing nothing wrong and merely expressing his opinion on the issue under discussion.

BTW, that POV is also the one taken by the US government, and it is a POV that the US is unofficially threatening to sever diplomatic ties, and cancel all aid, over. It is therefore not a POV that should be ignored or censored - rather it should be countered with facts and arguments supporting the Pakistani position, or at least the position of the Pakistani Military and the Pakistani Foreign Office under Qureshi - can't really speak for the 'aid whores' in the Presidency.

he is disrespecting the deceased pakistanis, as they are dead, and their dead widow too, is this not violation, how crazy is this forum, allowing american drunk to run his stinky mouth all the time, once twice, thrice but its too much now!!!

he is in a pakistani forum and he is supporting the terrorist american criminal black arse government and their propaganda, nothing has been proved that deceased guys were criminals, so why is this dude allowed to disrespect them??
Raymond Davis itchy fingers on illegal weapon has put both Pakistan and US friendship on hold. He has exposed US interests in Pakistan and put Pakistani Government in tricky situation. every thing was going on under cover but his mistake costed US good will in Pakistani public and Pakistan lost a educated FM.

Oh man! when US embassy in Islamabad will be completed and there will be 600 Raymond Davis living in it and they all will have itchy fingers with hunting license under immunity , how many Pakistani will be killed by them. Time will Tell.

Raymond Davis itchy fingers have given extremist the chance to sell there side of stories against US in Pakistan and people might believe them now.

What every happened is not good for Pakistan and US interests in the region.
but raymond killed her husband, do you realize the feeling of the widower, how she was with her husband death, a family supporter dead, a life sharer dead, children without future hope, no money no food, please consider this before opening your stupid mouth and before giving islamic fatwas becoming mullah, idiot.. and now tell your american master to spend more on you for becoming traitor to your own blood people.. and enjoy govt support if u r unemployed, such things dont happen in pakistan

I perfectly understand the plight of the widow. However, I am also wise enough to differentiate between issues.

I see no need to respond to your personal attacks.

My voice speaks only the truth, without regard to color, creed, nationality or religion, and because of this bedrock of truth, I have nothing to fear.

Calling me names does nothing to change my convictions and my love for BOTH Pakistan and USA, which I have confessed openly and consistently from the day I joined this forum.

Further, as long as I abide by the rules, I have as much of a right to voice my opinions as anybody else on this forum, and I trust the Mods and Admin of this website to uphold this principle.

There is nothing wrong in what I said: Suicide is haraam is Islam, and RD cannot be held liable for Shumaila's death. Of course, if you can calm down and engage in intelligent discussion, I would like to hear your arguments refuting my points.

Over to you Sir.
Clinton 'forced' Qureshi to grant immunity to Davis

Islamabad, Feb 13 (IANS) Pakistan's former foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi has said that US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had pressurised him to verify the diplomatic immunity to Raymond Davis arrested for gunning down two men in Lahore.

'Hillary Clinton called me and wanted me to publicly confirm diplomatic immunity of Davis. However, I refused to do so because it was against the factual position in the case,' Qureshi was quoted as saying by Dunya News Saturday night.

'US envoy in Pakistan, Cameron Munter also called in the first week of Feb and demanded confirmation of diplomatic immunity to Davis,' Qureshi said, adding that 'the said request was also denied'.

'Munter threatened that Hillary Clinton would not meet me at the Munich security conference Feb 6, if the request was not granted,' Qureshi recalled.

According to the channel, Qureshi told the US ambassador that 'the issue in any case is now in court and the diplomatic immunity status will also be decided by the court'.

The diplomatic immunity to Davis and his possible handing-over to the US have been challenged in Lahore High Court and the hearing of case is underway.

Davis was arrested Jan 27 for gunning down two Pakistanis. He claimed that he acted in self-defence as the two armed men wanted to rob him. A court in Pakistan Friday sent him to jail on a 14-day judicial remand.

Qureshi, who was dropped from the federal cabinet, also visited the foreign office for a farewell Saturday afternoon. Earlier, he called on President Asif Ali Zardari to apprise him of the situation regarding the Pakistan-US ties and the Davis case.

Zardari requested him to return to the cabinet, but he declined. Qureshi made it clear that no portfolio other than foreign ministry was acceptable to him, the channel reported.

Qureshi's name was in the list of ministers supposed to take oath Friday after the cabinet was dissolved earlier this week to prune it. However, he refused to take oath at the last minute when he was offered water and power ministry instead of foreign affairs, the report said.

Clinton 'forced' Qureshi to grant immunity to Davis
Davis no diplomat

LAHORE – Shah Mahmood Qureshi, the former foreign minister dropped in the truncated cabinet, has confirmed Raymond Davis is not a diplomat and cannot be extended diplomatic immunity, reports a private TV channel.
On his farewell visit to the Foreign Office, Qureshi said US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had asked him to endorse diplomatic immunity for Davis, but he had refused to entertain the demand. The ex-foreign minister said later US Ambassador Cameron Munter called him and threatened the cancellation of meeting with Hillary on the sidelines of the Munich conference if Davis wasn’t freed.
Qureshi said the Foreign Office had checked its record thoroughly. He said the prime minister wanted him to be silent on the Davis issue, as he (the PM) wanted the Interior Ministry to make all statements. Qureshi said he respects the party’s decision of dropping him in the slimline cabinet in the first phase.

Davis no diplomat | Pakistan | News | Newspaper | Daily | English | Online
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