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Raymond Davis Case: Developing Story

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U need to edit the Pakistan gov part my friend, rather they should be called America's Concubine's. And I am being very generous with my words.

Well sir, that is something only Pakistanis can do something about.

For an outsider like me, it is and shall be treated as the govt. of Pakistan.
The tea shop story is 100% a lie.

All you have to see for now is the photo in this same Thread of the bullet riddled windshild of the US officials car. He fired back in self defense, which was the sane thing to do vs. letting himself be murdered by these twit terrorists.

The Pakistani Police have photos and related evidence in hand now, so all these "tea shop" and"vendor" made up after the event lies are pointless to say the least. These merely aid and abet terrorism and terrorists and these folks might be looked into by the security officials?

And you know every (thing as I am going to be disrespectful to you now) as you have a crystal ball stuck up your back that tells you what had happened, and every one else is a liar.
Well sir, that is something only Pakistanis can do something about.

For an outsider like me, it is and shall be treated as the govt. of Pakistan.

I understand and I appreciate it, but if these b@sterds dont start to take things seriously it is getting to a point where it will be a bit too late.
Sir please try to answer a simple question of mine:

Why will a diplomat panic?

May i take the liberty of reminding you of the Hoo Haa created when Indians were savagely beaten in Australia or the treatment of one of your top diplomats at a backwater airport...

Those protests were for what? to will a diplomatic panic? to score points or to drive home a message... Don't trifle with our emotions and national pride.

So answer me this, does Pakistan not have any such right... Do Pakistani's not have the right to express their frustrations?

Why did the turk's attack the Israeli Embassy in Istanbul following the flotilla raid?

Yet don't you think us Pakistani's are a far more tolerant lot, despite this there has been restraint...

This is just public frustration and it is ringing loud and clear for Constitution Avenue, Awan-E-Sadar and Capitol Hill... "Don't Trifle with us".

It's a powder keg at the moment, this retard has only made a delicate situation far worse. There is a reason they have well designed protocol's..

Breach them and this is what you get.
May i take the liberty of reminding you of the Hoo Haa created when Indians were savagely beaten in Australia or the treatment of one of your top diplomats at a backwater airport...

Those protests were for what? to will a diplomatic panic? to score points or to drive home a message... Don't trifle with our emotions and national pride.

So answer me this, does Pakistan not have any such right... Do Pakistani's not have the right to express their frustrations?

Why did the turk's attack the Israeli Embassy in Istanbul following the flotilla raid?

Yet don't you think us Pakistani's are a far more tolerant lot, despite this there has been restraint...

This is just public frustration and it is ringing loud and clear for Constitution Avenue, Awan-E-Sadar and Capitol Hill... "Don't Trifle with us".

It's a powder keg at the moment, this retard has only made a delicate situation far worse. There is a reason they have well designed protocol's..

Breach them and this is what you get.

I can understand your frustration with your govt. but ultimately these matters are only to be discussed between governments of sovereign states.

I cannot pass a judgement here.

What I would like though, is to read a version of the events from both sides.
I can understand your frustration with your govt. but ultimately these matters are only to be discussed between governments of sovereign states.


Democracy = For the people, by the people. Where is the "people" in this Pakistani Demo Crazy!

The power of questioning is the most valuable weapon we have. As long as there are unanswered questions, it is worth asking... It it worth seeking.

The power's that be need to be reminded once in a while that the foundations of their thrones rest on the shoulders of the populace.
So any official statement from GOP or all is hush hush?
From what you are telling me, all I can figure out is this:

I do not know about what transpired before the death of the first two men.

The death of the third man, though, seems to be the result of a nervous man who panicked.

Why he panicked remains to be seen.

You surely being an Indian is just posting blindly without knowing that the third innocent Pakistani was hit by the second car driven by rest of Americans who came to cover up the killer American and in meanwhile the second car full of americans crushed the third person to death.

oh yeh panicked :tdown:

Democracy = For the people, by the people. Where is the "people" in this Pakistani Demo Crazy!

The power of questioning is the most valuable weapon we have. As long as there are unanswered questions, it is worth asking... It it worth seeking.

The power's that be need to be reminded once in a while that the foundations of their thrones rest on the shoulders of the populace.

Sir democracy does not come overnight. Look at us, even after 63 years of nearly uninterrupted democracy, we still are far from being a true democracy.

Democracy has to be nurtured. You have to be patient with democracy.

Democracy is a slow and messy thing but it works.
These yanks are not worth arguing with.
I know what I saw with my two eyes and reported the same in my witness statement to the police. God knows why they are covering up all this?
That haraamzada David opened fire at the back of those two guys. I was there munching on a spring roll, leaning aginst my car when all this broke lose barely 20 yards away from where I was parked. I saw it all and nothing will change the truth no matter how much the govt and the yankie baastards try to cover it up.
I was there at the hospital as well and talked to a couple of relatives of one of the deceased. A guy named Faisal. The gun with which they are using to conveniently paint the guys as dacoits is a licensed piece which Faisal carried for self protection as his brother had already been killed due to a family enemity about 4 months back.
No Sir, we are better than that. One cannot fight ignorance and absurdity with the same.

With due respect...
I hate this chaplosi and Sir Sir routine, and this is one of the main reasons america get away with it, we as new generation are sick of these low life attitudes and that much involvement of america in our internal, external and strategic issues.

Banda merwa k bhi uthae jao bus :angry:
These yanks are not worth arguing with.
I know what I saw with my two eyes and reported the same in my witness statement to the police. God knows why they are covering up all this?
That haraamzada David opened fire at the back of those two guys. I was there munching on a spring roll, leaning aginst my car when all this broke lose barely 20 yards away from where I was parked. I saw it all and nothing will change the truth no matter how much the govt and the yankie baastards try to cover it up.
I was there at the hospital as well and talked to a couple of relatives of one of the deceased. A guy named Faisal. The gun with which they are using to conveniently paint the guys as dacoits is a licensed piece which Faisal carried for self protection as his brother had already been killed due to a family enemity about 4 months back.

So the other witnesses at the scene are lying as well? That and you happen to be 20 yards away and also at the hospital. Plus the police are in some elaborate cover-up lying about the two assailants criminal records? Is it common practice to issue gun licenses to people with criminal records?
zindage may itne mainay galyaan nahe den jitne aaj mainay is mulk kay hukmaran aur Army ko deen hain FRANKLY SPEAKING!!


200 Soldiers standing on the footpath just to defend Army general ????? same police! IDIOT THIS ARMY and POLICE ARE HERE JUST TO DEFEND """ONLY""" THIS COUNTRY NOT THESE SINGLE ****

secondly HOW THIS CIA, MOSSAD BLAA BLAA agencies patrolling here ???? where is the ARMY ? where is security DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


killing 1000ss of Iraq'iz Afghanistani'z PAkistani'z!



2. ON LOCAL STREETS (Where not a single EMBASSY etc)

Not killing even 3 also crashed his car in may things (Rickshaw, also hit another motorcycle and car) many people injured!!
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And you know every (thing as I am going to be disrespectful to you now) as you have a crystal ball stuck up your back that tells you what had happened, and every one else is a liar.

Insuling is not allowed on PDF, so you might want to self report and self remove your posting.

All anyone here has to do is look at the pictures of the American's gun shot riddled windshield to put down the lies and falsehoods herein.

It is pretty simple.

Otherwise let the facts speaks for themselves, as all these self made up opinions are not facts and most come from outside of Pakistan (mine included). But you or I or anyone can see the bullet riddled windshield photo the police released. It speaks for itself...the American was flatly attacked, nothing less. To say or suggest otherwise is hate mongering or worse terrorist supporting dialogue which undermines the soverignty and safety of Pakistan as a nation.
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