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RAW trained Crusader 100 in action in Bangladesh

Desh ta jodi amar moner moto hoto tahole desh ta ke onek valobastam. But it's full of misguided people who feel false independence in a country where there is no independence right now. Moner moto desh means a country without Dalals/traitors. And I have made myself distinguished from those people by claiming myself as some another type.

@ What independance we have now !!! Yes we have independace in the following sectors:

1. Only singing songs of Robindra Sanget.
2. Celebrating "Nobobarsho".
3. Going for "Mongal Jatra" and for "Rot Jatra" as a "Chagoler 3 no bachcha".
4. Opening any function with "Mongol Prodip".
5. Giving a "Shidur/Tilak" on the forehead in any function.
6. Celebrating 21 February,7th March(mass address of Mujib), 26 March(Shadhinota Debosh), 14 April (Nobobarsho),17 April (Mujibnagar Sarkar), 15 August, 21 August(Grenate attack), 16 December (Victory Day), Jonmo Debosh of Sk Mujib, Birth Day of Sk Hasina and what not. Besides we are celebrating almost all Hindu Pujas in a grand fashion in every month. Moreso so we made almost all weeks of the year as history, the history of liberation war which will remain for uternal period. But in practice everyday our people are being killed by BSF in the border areas. And now-a-days they are throwing grenate on our common mass. What a soveriegnity !!!!!!!
Rogue regime smashing democracy in Bangladesh

by Jessica Fox

( April 24, 2012, Dhaka, Sri Lanka Guardian) Something is wrong in a small South Asian nation, where a authoritarian regime is gradually enforcing series of anti-people policies, making direct threat to country’s democracy, which had been repeatedly disrupted by bloody and bloodless military coups since it got liberated from Pakistan in 1971. Bangladesh, though a small nation with a total 160 million homogenous population is heading towards another playground of Marxists and Stalinists, who grabbed power through an engineered election in 2008 with the help of military junta. Many of the political experts on South Asian affairs fear, Bangladesh could become the second Communist ruled nation after Nepal within the span of next two years. The current regime of Bangladesh Awami League led leftist coalitions have already exhibited tendencies of totally ignoring the West, including the United States, thus aligning with neighboring India as its political guru.

After a bloody war of nine months, the country named Bangladesh was created with 75 million populations. The first political party, Bangladesh Awami League, which formed the government under the leadership of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman continued committing series of political and diplomatic blunders while Mujib opted for establishing one-party rule thus banning freedom of expression, rights of citizen as well as encouraging secret killings of the political opponents. He also attempted for making stronger ties with anti-West nations such as Cuba or Palestine for example, with the ambition of becoming another Fidel Castro in South Asia . During his rule, on an average, more than ten thousand people were subjected to secret killings, while grabbing properties of religious minorities as well as various forms of state-patronized intimidation of different opinions were already at the worst-ever alarming level. It was further added by acute food crisis and famine, as well as corruption and lawlessness at every level, which at some point even risked the independence and sovereignty of the country. In 1974, Bangladesh experienced the deadliest famine ever, which killed around 1.5 million Bangladeshi people from hunger. The Bangladesh famine of 1974 is a major source of discontent against Mujib's government. Bangladeshi people feel ashamed, insulted and demoralized as a nation for this famine that was not due to a food crisis but, according to Nobel laureate Amartya Sen -- due instead to the lack of governance and democratic practices. Intense criticism of Mujib arose over lack of political leadership, a flawed pricing policy, and rising inflation amidst heavy losses suffered by the nationalized industries. Mujib's ambitious social programs performed poorly, owing to scarcity of resources, funds and personnel, and caused unrest amongst the masses. BAKSAL (the one-party rule established by the government) was protested by different groups but they were punished by Mujibur Rahman. It was known that Mujibur Rahman never accepted any criticism against him. Mujib was widely accused for the responsible of 40000 killings by his Rakkhi Bahini (the para-militia force created for cleansing political opponents of the ruling class). On January 25, 1975 Mujib declared a state of emergency and his political supporters approved a constitutional amendment banning all opposition political parties. Mujib assumed the presidency and was given extraordinary powers. His political supporters amalgamated to form the only legalized political party, the Bangladesh Krishak Sramik Awami League, commonly known by its initials - BAKSAL. The party identified itself with the rural masses, farmers and labourers and took control of government machinery. It also launched major socialist programs. Using government forces and a militia of supporters called the Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini, Mujib oversaw the arrest of opposition activists and strict control of political activities across the country. Members of Jatiyo Rakkhi Bahini were granted immunity from prosecution and other legal proceedings. The militia known as Rakhi Bahini and police were accused of torturing suspects and political killings. While retaining support from many segments of the population, Mujib evoked anger amongst veterans of the liberation war for what was seen as a betrayal of the causes of democracy and civil rights.

Sheikh Mujibur Rahman is possibly the only leader of his contemporaries, who turned into a dangerous dictator from being a most-popular leader of the people. Though Mujib still is considered as a towering personality in South Asia for his courageous role in leading the nation towards attaining independence, the subsequent actions of his government, which mostly went against the people, had certainly labeled him as a good leader but worst administrator or even a ruthless dictator. The era of Mujibur Rahman came to an end following a military coup in 1975, wherefrom the country went through decade-long suspension of democracy, thus entering number of dictatorial military regimes. Things once again started changing in 1990, when military dictator and Islamist pal General Hussain Mohammed Ershad was ousted from power through a mass revolt. Since then democracy continued to crawl again. But once again, the high ambitious military men in Bangladesh put democracy into dictatorial clutches in 2007 by seizing power from a constitutional government thus continuing numerous forms of anti-democracy actions, including attempts of eliminating the mainstream political parties and leadership. It also got involved in criminal actions like extorting industrialists, entrepreneurs and businessmen, including social elites thus establishing a total reign of terror. International community became extremely critical of such actions of the military junta and started putting pressure for restoring democracy. Sensing severe consequences, the military junta attempted to bargain with the political parties about getting indemnity to all of their misdeeds during the dictatorial rule of two years. Few meetings took place overseas between the representatives of the military controlled junta and Bangladesh Awami League, while Bangladesh Nationalist Party rejected any such secret compromise formula. Moreover, international patrons of the military controlled junta, particularly India were putting emphasis in seeing Bangladesh Awami League installed into power for implementation of a number of Indian agendas, which include, letting New Delhi get the corridor facilities from Bangladesh for transporting its commercial and military cargoes to the North-Eastern region. It is rightly predicted by the political forecasters that such facilities were extremely necessary for India to maintain its tight grip over the North-Eastern region, thus eliminating the existing struggles of independence. Should India did not get the corridor facilities from Bangladesh for another 2-3 years, few Christian dominated independent nations would already emerge within the map of Indian sub-continent.

Secondly a pro-Indian mere puppet government in Bangladesh was essential for letting Indian security forces and intelligence agencies enter the territory of Bangladesh in discreet manner to hunt for anti-Indian elements within the country and gradually eliminate them thus continuing offensives on the anti-Indian notions and sentiments.

Thirdly, such government in Bangladesh was required by New Delhi to somehow dampen Bangladesh Army as well as paramilitary forces, which is once again important for New Delhi to establish Indian dominance within South Asia.

The long-cherished dream of India turned true with the victory of Bangladesh Awami League. It is authentically proved by various sources that India aspires to see the current government in Dhaka to continue in power at least up to 2021, when a submissive Bangladesh can be totally ensured. Though India proclaims to be the largest democracy in the world, it has agenda of establishing one-party authoritarian rule in Bangladesh with a brute administration, thus greatly and blindly compromising the interest of Bangladesh in every level. This is now a win-win situation for India while a real agony forthe people of Bangladesh seeing a government in Dhaka, which puts more emphasis on implementing Indian agendas, instead of paying minimal attention to the interest of Bangladesh. When Bangladesh completed its fourth decade of independence recently, it is justly feared by many that the nation of 160 million people are now destined towards losing its own dignity and pride, thus letting the rogue regime in scraping democracy and establishing the one-party dictatorship with fullest and dedicated agendas of serving the purpose of India.

Sri Lanka Guardian: Rogue regime smashing democracy in Bangladesh
Mujib was an idiot front man, Indian govt. was the puppet master behind the creation and running of RAWamy League. His incompetence and mismanagement during 1971-1975 period was proof positive that he had no brains to pull off what he did to win the election of 1970.

After removal of Mujib from the scene, Hasina was brought back and slowly after years of hard work by our adversary with Hasina as the front person, we are back to the era of 1971-1975, when Bakshal one party rule was declared. We are facing a similar situation now with political repression and killing of opposition to totally obliterate their existence and firmly establish proxy Indian control of Bangladesh.
@ What independance we have now !!! Yes we have independace in the following sectors:

1. Only singing songs of Robindra Sanget.
2. Celebrating "Nobobarsho".
3. Going for "Mongal Jatra" and for "Rot Jatra" as a "Chagoler 3 no bachcha".
4. Opening any function with "Mongol Prodip".
5. Giving a "Shidur/Tilak" on the forehead in any function.
6. Celebrating 21 February,7th March(mass address of Mujib), 26 March(Shadhinota Debosh), 14 April (Nobobarsho),17 April (Mujibnagar Sarkar), 15 August, 21 August(Grenate attack), 16 December (Victory Day), Jonmo Debosh of Sk Mujib, Birth Day of Sk Hasina and what not. Besides we are celebrating almost all Hindu Pujas in a grand fashion in every month. Moreso so we made almost all weeks of the year as history, the history of liberation war which will remain for uternal period. But in practice everyday our people are being killed by BSF in the border areas. And now-a-days they are throwing grenate on our common mass. What a soveriegnity !!!!!!!

If this is what the Bangladeshies are proud of, then sorry, I am never a proud Bangladeshi. I simple do not need to be. The hypocricy is that the same AL minded people who bitched for independence make no sound against India even they kill you everyday. Bunch of low life people.
@ What independance we have now !!! Yes we have independace in the following sectors:

1. Only singing songs of Robindra Sanget.
2. Celebrating "Nobobarsho".
3. Going for "Mongal Jatra" and for "Rot Jatra" as a "Chagoler 3 no bachcha".
4. Opening any function with "Mongol Prodip".
5. Giving a "Shidur/Tilak" on the forehead in any function.
6. Celebrating 21 February,7th March(mass address of Mujib), 26 March(Shadhinota Debosh), 14 April (Nobobarsho),17 April (Mujibnagar Sarkar), 15 August, 21 August(Grenate attack), 16 December (Victory Day), Jonmo Debosh of Sk Mujib, Birth Day of Sk Hasina and what not. Besides we are celebrating almost all Hindu Pujas in a grand fashion in every month. Moreso so we made almost all weeks of the year as history, the history of liberation war which will remain for uternal period. But in practice everyday our people are being killed by BSF in the border areas. And now-a-days they are throwing grenate on our common mass. What a soveriegnity !!!!!!!

Personally I am not against religious and cultural freedom for all people including minority groups, but state of Bangladesh demands loyalty of each and every citizen. If any citizen of Bangladesh is promoting and protecting foreign interest then that citizen is undermining interest of Bangladeshi state and its all citizens. That is what my objection is about RAWamy League and individuals who support it or any other group that follows orders of foreign entity.

Bangladeshi people and our state has a common collective interest and it is in all of our and our future generations interest to protect this interest from any treasonous traitors who sell out our collective interest like Mir Jafar.
Alien invasion of Bangladesh | Opinion

Rumi Ahmed

Alien invasion of Bangladesh

April 24, 2012

Over the last few years, mysterious things started happening in Bangladesh. In absence of any earthly explanation of those incidents, informed people of Bangladesh are seriously concerned that the country is at the receiving end of an alien invasion.

The description of the following events will prove, beyond an iota of doubt in anybody’s mind, that a barrage of attack has been unleashed on the people of Bangladesh.

It first started with a kidnapping by aliens. The first notable victim of such kidnap was an elected official of Dhaka city local government Mr. Chowdhury Alam. Ever since he went missing from Dhaka nearly two years ago, he has never been seen again.

A closer look revealed that Mr. Alam was not the only one who has been kidnapped by aliens. Many young men, opposition activists, students from Sylhet and other areas also went missing. Except for one, none came back. The only lucky one, who could come back alive, sans all the memory of the time of confinement, was the son of a fiery religious figure Mr. Fazlul Haque Amini. It was not clear why the aliens let Mr. Hasnath, son of Maulana Amini let go. However, this event may make a strong case in support of the theory that aliens worship the same God and they had some soft corner for the pastor Mr. Amini.

Very soon, along with kidnappings, killings started to take place. This time another local government level leader of Dhaka city from the opposite political spectrum got killed very mysteriously. The aliens were so intrusive and invasive that they could easily penetrate inside the sport utility vehicle (SUV) of a powerful ruling party MP within the compound of Bangladesh’s national parliament building and kill one Mr. Ibrahim in point blank range.

Not only known faces like Ibrahim or Chowdhury Alam were being killed/ kidnapped in high profile places, mysterious killing started taking place in remote corners of Bangladesh like the Bay near Borguna, Joydevpur, Bhanga region of Faridpur district, Dhaleshwari River near Munshiganj district, Ashulia/ Kuril, Pabna etc.

However one of the most daring actions of the alien commando forces was that of Sanaullah Babu killing. Sanaullah Babu was another elected local government leader in a northern district called Natore. In this attack the aliens showed Hollywood’s Terminator 2 famed ‘T – 1000 the Nanomorph’ like ability to take other peoples’ shapes and looks. During this event, which was widely recorded by multiple video cameras, the aliens took the shape and look of many ruling party members of that district. Specifically, the lead killer took the shape of a popular local Awami League leader Zakir.

Similarly got killed another local government leader, again this time from the opposite political base, Mr. Lokman Hossain.

The aliens did not stop at killing political activists and local government leaders only. An influential couple — a senior TV news editor and the other a TV journalist — was stabbed to death inside their apartment bedroom. The government could not give any earthly explanation of this gruesome murder – making it one of the highest profile cases of the series of mindless alien assassinations taking place in Bangladesh.

Within a very short interval, the aliens, without any known reason, abducted a diplomat of Saudi Arabia stationed in Dhaka, Bangladesh and killed him in a highly professional manner. This specific killing heralds a new front of attack unleashed by the aliens. The clever war planners of the alien empire knew it very well that killing of a Saudi diplomat in Bangladesh may seriously weaken the position of Bangladeshi migrant labours in Saudi Arabia and harm Bangladesh economically. So it seems the aliens are hell-bent on destroying Bangladesh economically as well.

Another recent incident involving the invading alien force in Bangladesh resembles robbery of Fort Knox. This time the aliens looted a big chunk of money (70 lakh taka to be precise) from within the car heading to the home of a powerful minister of Bangladesh. And this brazen loot took place within the highly fortified compound of a paramilitary force of Bangladesh. This specific operation suggests two things, first, the growing confidence of the aliens in hitting anyone at any place anytime in Bangladesh and, secondly, their need for cash. The money has not been located ever since.

And while this piece was being processed for press, the aliens striked again. In a blood chilling raid at the middle of busy upscale business and residential district of Dhaka, the aliens abducted a senior political figure, the organising secretary of main opposition political party and an ex-member of parliament from north eastern Sylhet district, Mr. Ilias Ali. The raid was so sophisticated and technically advanced that Mr. Ilias Ali and his driver, simply vanished. Their empty car was found abandoned roadside. Hundreds of witness living in nearby apartments, CC TV of government security agencies could not provide any clue of the abduction.

Ever since this abduction, the whole nation is living in intense fear. Everybody has the same question in mind, what will be the next mode of alien attack and who is the next victim.
Mr. Munshi is at it again! At least one hoped that he would by now be bold enough to take credits for theories that he only promotes. Instead he chooses to quote another author who may not even exist but more or less repeats whatever Munshi ji has been shouting at the rain about for years...:-) These people are seriously in love with whatever RAW does. So much so, that when the RAW does not do anything Munshi ji and co will invent work for them...;-)
Mr. Munshi is at it again! At least one hoped that he would by now be bold enough to take credits for theories that he only promotes. Instead he chooses to quote another author who may not even exist but more or less repeats whatever Munshi ji has been shouting at the rain about for years...:-) These people are seriously in love with whatever RAW does. So much so, that when the RAW does not do anything Munshi ji and co will invent work for them...;-)

I am not the subject of these threads. If my ideas are shared by many then they obviously must have some veracity and credibility.
Personally I am not against religious and cultural freedom for all people including minority groups, but state of Bangladesh demands loyalty of each and every citizen. If any citizen of Bangladesh is promoting and protecting foreign interest then that citizen is undermining interest of Bangladeshi state and its all citizens. That is what my objection is about RAWamy League and individuals who support it or any other group that follows orders of foreign entity.

Bangladeshi people and our state has a common collective interest and it is in all of our and our future generations interest to protect this interest from any treasonous traitors who sell out our collective interest like Mir Jafar.
Except RAWamy Malauns, their cohorts like Dada Commie, Hammerers Commie, New capitalists and Corporate's interest pursuers; The rest of the BD's politicians, activists and masses are Pro-Bdeshis. Heck, even JI/SHIBIRIES are even more patriotic than others, although JI's leaderships had opted for unified PAK's stand after finding Indian's involvement in 71'S war. On the contrary, RAWamy Malauns are the ones that are committing treasonous ness by pursuing Indian and their individual interests, which they have doing even since their party's inception. It's our bad luck that well off Hindus than even Muslims in BD, doesn’t think that it's their country unlike Indian Muslims that are loyal to India.
Mate, it takes a few clicks to change the flag but an honest and sometimes 'life-long soul searching' requires to find, admit the bitter truth; especially when growing in opposite camp with comforts. And if Kalu Bhai's type brilliant man carries BD's flag then it’s for our salvation but not to be traitorous. So instead of calling as hypocrite, your type should bow for deconstructing the myth of Vhua/Feel Good independence.

And I didn't know the name who stated obvious on BD's independence. As it was given birth to be a 'Slave entity' and let LAND/MASS open to be exploited, it lost its independence as it had in the form of 'East PAK'. So, the land's independence indeed didn't last for 24 hours. On a related note, sovereignty is directly correlated with security and power projection. Being Pakistani-Bengali we had it much more than being Bangladeshi-Bengali, thanks.

Thanks for a constructive post there, but it seems there are some
misunderstandings here, which is quite normal apparently for the complex political
and historical membrane we live in. Heres a long post , try to give it a shot and
I'll try to avoid as much political shade as possible.

Che Guevara used to quote something quite interesting regarding guerilla wars
and that is “ A guerrilla war can not be won without popular support” now lets
think about it, was our case any different ? A whole population can not be
brainwashed, how many people do you think read newspapers or listened to
radios back then? There is a sub-conscious nationalistic ideal present in any
race/country and they protect it consciously/sub-consciously. Be it Germans ,
Nigerians , Mongolians etc.

Now what I was referring to is something quite basic, can something walk in
the streets of BD and say , “What we did in past was a mistake?” Doesn’t that
sound rather conflicting after considering one a citizen? I’ve studied the history
of this country quite extensively , studying the lives of every nawabs and such
but never for once have I got help from any one of your friends when some
Indian said the rulers were Hindus and Muslims were evil, that is a fact. For some
Unknown reason they forget 800yr old history for the sake of a minute chapter.

Me or any chawala , panwalas visions for this country does not change ,
whoever is in power but for an interesting part of people however this changes
every certain timeframe and I find that quite amusing and laughable.
Always referring to that invisible mistake we made given their chance.

100 crusaders or the one sympathizing with water terrorists is quite the same
lot as the Jamatis In past, its just that the typology has changed here with similar
intentions and who is denying that? Ask even a rickshaw puller , you’d get your answer.
What I can hope for , end of the day is all this changes and sane nationalistic politicians
leads this country within a decade.
Mujib was an idiot front man, Indian govt. was the puppet master behind the creation and running of RAWamy League. His incompetence and mismanagement during 1971-1975 period was proof positive that he had no brains to pull off what he did to win the election of 1970.

After removal of Mujib from the scene, Hasina was brought back and slowly after years of hard work by our adversary with Hasina as the front person, we are back to the era of 1971-1975, when Bakshal one party rule was declared. We are facing a similar situation now with political repression and killing of opposition to totally obliterate their existence and firmly establish proxy Indian control of Bangladesh.

@ Well as per my opinion Sk Mujib was little bit patriotic compared to Sk Hasina for the following reasons :

1. Though Sk Mujib always sought the help of India for the independence of Bangladesh but on 25 March 1971 till 11 pm he was waiting a green signal from the Pakistan army for last minute negotiation. He never wanted a complete dominance of India.

2. Tajuddin was there in Mujib's house till midnight and requesting Mujib for the final declaration of Independence but Mujib said if he does so the Pakistan Army will not spare him. On the other hand he himself was afraid if he goes to India he might be killed by RAW. Similarly DR Kamal Hossain also afraid that he might also be killed by India. That is why once Mujib surrendered or arrested by Pakistan Army Kamal also surrendered to Pakistan army on 2/4 April 1971 after getting a green signal from Pak army. Dr Kamal had a urdu speaking brother-in-law in Pakistan army. He himself married to one Sindi lady. It is said that Dr Kamal Hossain was not in jail in West Pakistan. He was in his in law's house.

3. After independence once Mujib came in Bangladesh he at once removed Tajuddin from the PM and himself became PM, later on he forced Tajuddin to resign. In many occassion Mujib did not killed the interference of India on Bangladeshi affairs. Whenever he got the chance he used this power.

4. Immediately once Indira visited Bangladesh he almost force Indira Gandhi to remove the Indian soldiers from the soil of Bangladesh. Soon just within 3 months all Indian soldiers left Bangladesh except some military advisers.

5. Mujib did not allowed the Indian Civil Servant to work in Bangladesh.

6. Mujib went to join Islamic Conference at Lahore without the consent of India.

7. Mujib made BKSAL in order to come out from Indian grip which was not liked by India.
Slum boy 'witnessed abduction of Ilias'

It was at the capital's Banani around midnight on April 17. Four men dragged out BNP leader Ilias Ali from his car, slapped him across the face, pushed him into another car and went away.

Sohel Rana, a teenage boy who passed the night at a bench of a nearby park, saw the incident.

“I woke up to a scream around midnight. I saw four people drag out a man. They slapped him hard across the face repeatedly. They also were hurling abuse at him,” he told The Daily Star at Banani Police Station yesterday.

The four were tall, strong and stout, he said. He saw the abduction of Ilias from hiding under the bench.

“Under attack, the man was shouting: 'help me, save me' at the top of his voice. At one stage, he was bundled into a car and driven away in the direction of Banani-1”

The following day, from reports of newspapers and television channels, he learned that the kidnapped man was BNP leader Ilias Ali.

“I saw three cars on the spot. The kidnappers left in two cars, abandoning the third,” Sohel said. The abandoned vehicle was later identified by the family as Ilias'.

Hailing from Mymensingh, Sohel stays with his parents at a Banani slum and assists his coconut hawker father.

“I have to pass the night on park bench whenever I fail to return to my house before midnight. My slum owner allows nobody to enter after 12:00 at night,” he said.

Kazi Mainul Islam, investigation officer of the general diary filed by Ilias' wife Tahsina Rushdir Luna in connection with the BNP leader's disappearance, said they found Sohel on Wednesday.

Asked whether the slum boy was kept in their custody, he answered in the negative. But they asked Sohel to keep in touch with them on security ground.

Ilias, 51, along with his driver Ansar Ali has been out of trace since the night.

Yesterday, frustrated at the performance of law enforces, Tahsina Rushdir Luna told reporters at her Banani residence that Ilias three months ago said the government had put him on a target list.

“The government had chalked out a plan to do something against those who speak against the government and speak of different issues… international and political issues,” she said.

She quoted her husband saying detectives made a list of such opposition leaders and Ilias was included.
Urging to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, she said “If the prime minister gives me back my husband, I will be grateful to her for the rest of my life.”

IO Mainul, who is an official of Banani Police Station, told The Daily Star yesterday, “We are trying our best to rescue him. We could not make any headway in this regard.”

He submitted to the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate's Court of Dhaka a progress report that said they could not make a major breakthrough in search for BNP leader M Ilias Ali and his driver.

In the report, he said he had earlier interrogated Ilias Ali's several political colleagues.

On April 19, Metropolitan Magistrate Mohammad Moniruzzaman of Dhaka directed Banani police to submit reports to it every 48 hours on the progress of the investigation into the whereabouts of Ilias Ali.

Thanks for a constructive post there, but it seems there are some
misunderstandings here, which is quite normal apparently for the complex political
and historical membrane we live in. Heres a long post , try to give it a shot and
I'll try to avoid as much political shade as possible.

Che Guevara used to quote something quite interesting regarding guerilla wars
and that is “ A guerrilla war can not be won without popular support” now lets
think about it, was our case any different ? A whole population can not be
brainwashed, how many people do you think read newspapers or listened to
radios back then? There is a sub-conscious nationalistic ideal present in any
race/country and they protect it consciously/sub-consciously. Be it Germans ,
Nigerians , Mongolians etc.

Now what I was referring to is something quite basic, can something walk in
the streets of BD and say , “What we did in past was a mistake?” Doesn’t that
sound rather conflicting after considering one a citizen? I’ve studied the history
of this country quite extensively , studying the lives of every nawabs and such
but never for once have I got help from any one of your friends when some
Indian said the rulers were Hindus and Muslims were evil, that is a fact. For some
Unknown reason they forget 800yr old history for the sake of a minute chapter.

Me or any chawala , panwalas visions for this country does not change ,
whoever is in power but for an interesting part of people however this changes
every certain timeframe and I find that quite amusing and laughable.
Always referring to that invisible mistake we made given their chance.

100 crusaders or the one sympathizing with water terrorists is quite the same
lot as the Jamatis In past, its just that the typology has changed here with similar
intentions and who is denying that? Ask even a rickshaw puller , you’d get your answer.
What I can hope for , end of the day is all this changes and sane nationalistic politicians
leads this country within a decade.

Ok, so this post was a little less confusing than the earlier one. Let me see if I understand you - you are saying Bangladesh "independence" was not a mistake, as there was popular support for it, fair enough. But please note:
Popular opinion is the greatest lie in the world.
Thomas Carlyle
Scottish author, essayist, & historian (1795 - 1881)

But it is not just 1971, about which I feel strange, but it was rather 1905 Bongo Vongo and then partition in 1947, all of which I think were mistakes. 1971 was more like an inevitable outcome of 1947 partition, when Sir Radcliffe drew the borders of current Bangladesh. Mountbatten said that Pakistan will break up in 25 years, it happened exactly in 24 years and 7 months. There is too much racial/ethnic difference between the two wings and of course the distance of more than a thousand miles was another issue. It was bound to fail. But what upsets me is that India played the major role of puppet master to instigate this conflict in which a whole bunch of people lost their lives.

About Bengali nationalism, it was a fake idea, we should not have promoted it at India's instigation, after choosing Pakistan, believing in two nation theory. That was the height of hypocrisy. While people of West Bengal from 1947 were busy integrating with rest of India learning Hindi (very similar to Urdu), we had to reject Urdu, whereas West Pakistan accepted it although it was not their native language. After 1971, Bangla replaced English as medium of education, making a generation of Bangladeshi's weak in English, giving a competitive advantage to Indians. May be it is for the same reason India does not have English medium education in its restive regions and states. And this policy was implemented by idiot Mujib in Bangladesh.

In principle, I do not believe in separatism. I believe bigger units are more viable as nations if they have had some common history of working together. British India was a viable unit, there was no reason to break it, just like there was no reason to break Bengal, just because Hindu Zamindars were oppressing Muslim peasants. Pakistan was the same, it was an improbable marriage but we could make it work, if it was not for Indian interference.

In any case, all of these have already happened, they are in the past. Now there is rising Hindu Nationalism in India which will make it impossible for any kind of reunification. So I recommend both Bangladesh and Pakistan to find and create their own unions in the West and East.
@ Well as per my experience Sk Mujib was little bit patriotic compared to Sk Hasina for the following reasons :

1. Though Sk Mujib always sought the help of India for the independence of Bangladesh but on 25 March 1971 till 11 pm he was waiting a green signal from the Pakistan army for last minute negotiation. He never wanted a complete dominance of India.

2. Tajuddin was there in Mujib's house till midnight and requesting Mujib for the final declaration of Independence but Mujib said if he does so the Pakistan Army will not spare him. On the other hand he himself was afraid if he goes to India he might be killed by RAW. Similarly DR Kamal Hossain also afraid that he might also be killed by India. That is why once Mujib surrendered or arrested by Pakistan Army Kamal also surrendered to Pakistan army on 2/4 April 1971 after getting a green signal from Pak army. Dr Kamal had a urdu speaking brother-in-law in Pakistan army. He himself married to one Sindi lady. It is said that Dr Kamal Hossain was not in jail in West Pakistan. He was in his in law's house.

3. After independence once Mujib came in Bangladesh he at once removed Tajuddin from the PM and himself became PM, later on he forced Tajuddin to resign. In many occassion Mujib did not killed the interference of India on Bangladeshi affairs. Whenever he got the chance he used this power.

4. Immediately once Indira visited Bangladesh he almost force Indira Gandhi to remove the Indian soldiers from the soil of Bangladesh. Soon just within 3 months all Indian soldiers left Bangladesh except some military advisers.

5. Mujib did not allowed the Indian Civil Servant to work in Bangladesh.

6. Mujib went to join Islamic Conference at Lahore without the consent of India.

7. Mujib made BKSHAL in order to come out from Indian grip which was not liked by India.

These are valuable info. Thanks for posting these. Do you know anything about the origin of Awamy League and India's role in its creation?

Mujib may have had occasional streaks of independence, but once he has accepted the idea of getting India's help in agitation with Bengali nationalism, getting more autonomy and in a way demanding supremacy over Western wing using our numerical advantage, it was almost guaranteed that Western wing would try to eliminate him and his party or get a divorce from us. I think his whole strategy was wrong headed. Even if he did not want a breakup, once the ball started rolling, it was in India's hand and they made sure that their goal would be achieved.

It looks like Tajuddin was a more hardcore Indian agent than Mujib, from your description. What about the other three who were killed in the jail killings, together with Tajuddin. Were they also aligned with him?
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