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RAW trained Crusader 100 in action in Bangladesh

Slum boy 'witnessed abduction of Ilias'

It was at the capital's Banani around midnight on April 17. Four men dragged out BNP leader Ilias Ali from his car, slapped him across the face, pushed him into another car and went away.

Sohel Rana, a teenage boy who passed the night at a bench of a nearby park, saw the incident.

“I woke up to a scream around midnight. I saw four people drag out a man. They slapped him hard across the face repeatedly. They also were hurling abuse at him,” he told The Daily Star at Banani Police Station yesterday.

The four were tall, strong and stout, he said. He saw the abduction of Ilias from hiding under the bench.

“Under attack, the man was shouting: 'help me, save me' at the top of his voice. At one stage, he was bundled into a car and driven away in the direction of Banani-1”

The following day, from reports of newspapers and television channels, he learned that the kidnapped man was BNP leader Ilias Ali.

“I saw three cars on the spot. The kidnappers left in two cars, abandoning the third,” Sohel said. The abandoned vehicle was later identified by the family as Ilias'.

Hailing from Mymensingh, Sohel stays with his parents at a Banani slum and assists his coconut hawker father.

“I have to pass the night on park bench whenever I fail to return to my house before midnight. My slum owner allows nobody to enter after 12:00 at night,” he said.

Kazi Mainul Islam, investigation officer of the general diary filed by Ilias' wife Tahsina Rushdir Luna in connection with the BNP leader's disappearance, said they found Sohel on Wednesday.

Asked whether the slum boy was kept in their custody, he answered in the negative. But they asked Sohel to keep in touch with them on security ground.

Ilias, 51, along with his driver Ansar Ali has been out of trace since the night.

Yesterday, frustrated at the performance of law enforces, Tahsina Rushdir Luna told reporters at her Banani residence that Ilias three months ago said the government had put him on a target list.

“The government had chalked out a plan to do something against those who speak against the government and speak of different issues… international and political issues,” she said.

She quoted her husband saying detectives made a list of such opposition leaders and Ilias was included.
Urging to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, she said “If the prime minister gives me back my husband, I will be grateful to her for the rest of my life.”

IO Mainul, who is an official of Banani Police Station, told The Daily Star yesterday, “We are trying our best to rescue him. We could not make any headway in this regard.”

He submitted to the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate's Court of Dhaka a progress report that said they could not make a major breakthrough in search for BNP leader M Ilias Ali and his driver.

In the report, he said he had earlier interrogated Ilias Ali's several political colleagues.

On April 19, Metropolitan Magistrate Mohammad Moniruzzaman of Dhaka directed Banani police to submit reports to it every 48 hours on the progress of the investigation into the whereabouts of Ilias Ali.


This is ridiculous, only one witness around an area which is so busy. Banani 1 is near sports zone, that place is always busy, even after midnight that place has a lot of gruards. I am amazed on how no one saw it except a hawker boy.
you might try telling the Indian public this mate ., they will laugh at the suggestion.

@ Are general sab for more than 35 years I am studying about RAW and their activities in Bangladesh.
This thread is having an abnormal amount of visitors... 10+ continuously! Strange!
Awami regime agencies perhaps the same terror squad trained by india abducted 4 eyewitnesses who saw abduction of Elias Ali, main opposition BNP organizing secretary. Till today whereabout of these eyewitnesses are unknown.

Report in Bangla:
Daily Amardesh -????, ?????? ?? ?????? ????, ?? ????? ????, ? ??????? ???? ???? ?????

@ Even the Police Inspector of Banani who initially tried to stopped the abduction is also missing. Once contacted it was informed that he is on leave.
@ Are general sab for more than 35 years I am studying about RAW and their activities in Bangladesh.

your age is 53 and you have been Monitoring RAW activities in Bangladesh for 35 years?

that means -----you are monitoring RAW form the time you were 18 years old!!!!!!!!seriously ....lol...what you had nothing else to do ?
Before the advent of internet and social media, most Indians hadn't even heard of RAW.
I learnt about RAW in a Pakistani newspaper.
your age is 53 and you have been Monitoring RAW activities in Bangladesh for 35 years?

that means -----you are monitoring RAW form the time you were 18 years old!!!!!!!!seriously ....lol...what you had nothing else to do ?
Sri Lanka Guardian mystery unearthed by Bangladeshi intelligence agencies

by Sajjad Hossain
April 29, 2012

Leading Bangla daily newspaper The Shamokal on April 29 published news titled 'Is there any newspaper named Sri Lanka Guardian', where the Bangla daily quoted Bangladeshi intelligence agency stating there is no such newspaper named Sri Lanka Guardian published from Sri Lanka. The Bangla daily also claimed that the Sri Lanka Guardian does not also have any online edition. Daily Shamokal further said, the Sri Lankan High Commission in Dhaka confirmed about non existence of any newspaper named Sri Lanka Guardian. It said, a racket is continuing publishing anti-government propaganda using pseudonyms, thus attacking the ruling Bangladesh Awami League. It [Sri Lanka Guardian] also published similar reports after the Pilkhana Massacre in February 2009. A senior diplomat at Bangladesh High Commission in Sri Lanka also reportedly confirmed Daily Shamokal about non existence of any newspaper named The Sri Lanka Guardian in Sri Lanka. Bangladeshi intelligence agencies are investigating the issue of publication of a number of reports in Sri Lanka Guardian against Bangladesh. It is initially learnt that Bangladesh correspondent of this news portal is one William Gomes.

On investigation by Weekly Blitz team it was found that Sri Lanka Guardian maintains a site at Sri Lanka Guardian, which might already have been blocked by Bangladesh authorities at the suggestions of local intelligence agencies. When contacted, sources at Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission declined to comment on the issue of blocking the Sri Lanka Guardian site in Bangladesh.

Self-styled 'human rights ambassador' William Nicholas Gomes is the Bangladesh correspondent of The Sri Lanka Guardian. It is interesting to note that, the questioned Sri Lanka Guardian selected a non-journalist like William as their 'correspondent' while William Nicholas Gomes is running a website at William's Desk | Official Website of William Nichcolas Gomes, which is continuing mostly false propaganda against Bangladesh. In the ABOUT page of this website it is written: "William Nicholas Gomes, a Bangladeshi journalist, human rights activist and author was born on 25 December, 1985 in Dhaka. As an investigative journalist he wrote widely for leading European and Asian media outlets. He is also active in advocating for free and independent media and journalists' rights, and is part of the free media movement, Global Independent Media Center – an activist media network for the creation of radical, accurate, and passionate telling of the truth."

William Nicholas Gomes also has published the image of the Press Accreditation Card issued by Press Information Department in Bangladesh [Accreditation Card No. 3127]. Source at Special Branch of Bangladesh Police told Weekly Blitz that, the so-called Press Accreditation Card issued to William Gomes is false. When asked as to how a person is displaying the image of such "false card" on the web and why no legal action has been initiated against William Nicholas Gomes for forging such government documents, the Special Branch source said, "William Gomes is not residing in Bangladesh. It was learnt that he is currently living in Nepal under the protection of some leftist groups. He also is involved in various forms of crimes including trafficking in Bangladeshi women."

Neither the Special Branch of Bangladesh Police nor Press Information Department of Ministry of Information could give satisfactory reply to Weekly Blitz as to what legal actions are being taken against William Nicholas Gomes for forging press accreditation card. A source inside Press Information Department told Weekly Blitz that, some unscrupulous elements inside the Ministry of Information might have hands behind extending patronization to culprits like William Nicholas Gomes and might have been suppressing the fact of his forging government documents.

William Nicholas Gomes is an ex-Muslim, who converted into Christianity few years back and was working as an employee with CARITAS under the leadership of Rev. Father Tim and Sister Rosaline Costa. While he was working in CARITAS, Nicholas Gomes tried to steal information from the computers in that organization, and lately he was sacked from CARITAS being caught red-handed while stealing information.

At this stage, William Gomes started claiming himself as a 'Pastor', and tried to blackmail Rev. Father Tim and his organization by twisting the story of one Mary Mondal. At that time, William collected reasonable amount of money from various individuals by selling the story of Mary Mondal.

It is apprehended that, William Gomes is in fact an infiltrated Islamist agent in the society, whose main mission is to malign various secularist forces and anti-Jihadist forces in Bangladesh. He also is conspiring against the current secularist government as well as promoting pro-Pakistan ideologies in Bangladesh. William Gomes is also is a known anti-US and anti-Israel element and has been consistently spreading anti-US and anti-Semitic venom through various websites, mostly in vernacular language.

He also claims to be a Marxist agent in his own article, where William Gomes wrote: "Capitalism encourages the negative aspects of human nature, supplanting values such as mercy, kindness, justice and compassion in favor of greed, selfishness and blind ambition. I share the political goals of Marxists, for example replacing capitalism with socialism, which should in turn be followed by communism at a later point in the future. At any point even in gun point, if that cause my life I will stand against the suppressing Directorate General of Forces Intelligence (DGFI), the Bangladesh's Military Intelligence is behind the arrest of labor rights activist Moshrefa Mishu. I am against the inhuman torture, cross fire, disappearance which is mainly guided by DGFI and RAB."

In addition, William is also accused of trafficking in women. He reportedly trafficked Mrs. Sima D. Silva, wife of James D Silva and thei daughter and tried to sell them at Indian brothels. In 2008, William went to India and sought asylum with a number of Western missions by telling false stories of him being persecuted in Bangladesh.

William Gomes changes his identity quite frequently. Once he claimed to be a pastor then a Human Rights activist and finally a journalist. There is no evidence of William Gomes working with any of the local newspapers in Bangladesh. He currently claims to be representing Modern Ghana and Sri Lanka Guardian news sites. Additionally, William Gomes runs a number of so-called organizations, based only on websites, without any valid address. He also has a website titled williamgomes.org, which exists without any content. According to Bangladeshi intelligence, William Gomes is a low graded publicity hunter as well as a Marxist with anti US and anti Israel commitment. One of his major tasks is to oppose any anti-Semitic and anti-Jihadist forces within Bangladesh. Additionally, his agenda is to defame Bangladesh Armed Forces as well as secularist forces in the country. William Nicholas Gomes visited India and Nepal a number of times during 2005-2011 without any valid travel document. A source tells Weekly Blitz that this man might have involvement with the under-world drug and arms trafficking networks.

Sri Lanka Guardian mystery unearthed by Bangladeshi intelligence agencies :: Weekly Blitz


This seems to be RAW's answer to the thread article.
This is ridiculous, only one witness around an area which is so busy. Banani 1 is near sports zone, that place is always busy, even after midnight that place has a lot of gruards. I am amazed on how no one saw it except a hawker boy.

Are you kidding? Everyone in the area saw the whole thing happening! :lol:

It is no wonder that this Daily Star didn't mention that :azn:

If we read into DS's articles more carefully and deeply, we'd realize it is an Awami mouthpiece. Their editor of current affairs is a diehard AL man.
@ Even the Police Inspector of Banani who initially tried to stopped the abduction is also missing. Once contacted it was informed that he is on leave.

No such thing as inspector of banani, its all under gulshan thana.
your age is 53 and you have been Monitoring RAW activities in Bangladesh for 35 years?

that means -----you are monitoring RAW form the time you were 18 years old!!!!!!!!seriously ....lol...what you had nothing else to do ?

@ After the independence of Bangladesh many mysterious incidents started happening specially in 1973/74. So we had lot curocity that why these things were happening in side Bangladesh. Some of the incidents were like continous burning of Jute godown, fake notes, killing and kidnapping. The old people used to say that all these had an hand of RAW. What is RAW ? An intelligence organization of India which stand for "Research and Analysis Wing".

@ In all political family specially AL each and every child knows about RAW in Bangladesh. So after the liberation war once the RAW activities increased in our country any sensible people can under stand what going on. Moreso, all these things also came in newspapers.

@ After 1975, everything about RAW started coming in the news papers. I know in one occasion(1976)once I was studying in the university the Indian High Commissioner was even caught red handed at Elephant Road while distributing money to the JSD (Jashad) elements for a counter coup. Soon, the JSD and Communist Party of Bangladesh was banned.

@ In the year 1984 I read the book, "Inside RAW" by Ashoc Raina. Since than I became more interested about RAW and now everything about RAW is in my finger tips. You tell me in which side/sector RAW was in involved against Bangladesh :
1. Arming and giving training to fugitive Kader Siddique for almost a year(1975-1976) till Janata Party came to power.
2. Giving shelter to Sk Hasina and his family.
3. Giving shelter to all AL fugitives.
4. Instigation military coup inside Bangladesh Army for more than 18 times
5. Finally Assassination of President Zia.
6. Giving sanctury to the members of Shanti Bahini for two decades.
7. Giving instigation for a separate homeland for the deflected Hindus of Bangladesh better known as "Bomgo Bhumi".
8. There are lot many -----------endless
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