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Rape of Nanking- Japanese atrocities

This is not something that can be solved by an apology. Japan knows their major weakness: they are 85% overpopulated - Japan can only produce enough food for 15% of their population. Blockade Japan for a few months and they'll be dying like flies. This is why they are scared, they know they have blood on their hands and they know that we have many tools to avenge ourselves.
so an arrogant PRC will block Japanese just for sake of an apology ???

PRC should apologies for Giving Nuclear Arms in the hand of pakistanis ... which have given dos in the hands of Iran , Libia .. and North Korea..

PRC should apologies for taking over Tibet and killing monks ...


World will never let Japanese blockade to happen ... just for settling some old scores ...

In Taiwan, it was under the charge of the Japanese Imperial Marines. This was an elite military group whose ranks were drawn from the upper class of Japanese society. So discipline was good. In Taiwan, Japanese Imperial Marines behaved like liberators. So the Taiwanese had a different experience.

Zhongguo on the hand came under the Japanese Imperial Army which well drew their ranks from the lower classes and to paraphrase Wellington, these included the scums of the Japanese society. And Koreans who had to be more aggressive in order to impress their superiors.

The Kanji connection worked both ways. During the Qing Dynasty because of the Meiji Restoration, words for various the western concepts were translated into
Kanji. The Chinese students sent to Japan to learn of them during this period continued to use the Japanese phrasing in a Chinese context and they became in effect loans words from Japanese for Chinese.

At least you know the truth. You now know why Chinese dont like Japanese. In North and North Eastern China. Japanese are HATED. I am from South West so less hate.

You see in India people dont know this. Indian government knows this very well but does not present this in Indian schools to teach young Indians. You know the reason.

To answer you question. Taiwan is influenced by China FAR MORE than Japan. To put it this way, currently Taiwan and Mainland China speak the exact same language and share they same culture. A while ago about 10 years, Taiwan was under controll by independce movement government that is why at that time they appear to be more lean towards Japan. But now 180 degree turn. Taiwan is ruled by pro China party and is getting closer and closer to Mainland due to China's impressive growth and developement. Japan too for about 1000 years is heavily influenced by China their language uses Chinese as base language.

At last, lol. Indians hold japanese in high regard. You know why? Again it is all due to politics. Americans now control Japan and present Japan in a good way, it is democratic, "free", and advanced. Also, Japan does not have a conflict with India and Japan is hostile toward current China this is why many Indians like Japan and hold it in high recard. You Indians think China is a "bad" neighbor? But let me tell you this!!! You Indians will not and do not want Japan as your neighbor. You have no idea what will Japan do to you. Just ask the Americans, in WWII Japan and US sign "peace" treaty and 2 weeks later Japan attacked Pear Habor. LOL
At least you know the truth. You now know why Chinese dont like Japanese. In North and North Eastern China. Japanese are HATED. I am from South West so less hate.

You see in India people dont know this. Indian government knows this very well but does not present this in Indian schools to teach young Indians. You know the reason.

To answer you question. Taiwan is influenced by China FAR MORE than Japan. To put it this way, currently Taiwan and Mainland China speak the exact same language and share they same culture. A while ago about 10 years, Taiwan was under controll by independce movement government that is why at that time they appear to be more lean towards Japan. But now 180 degree turn. Taiwan is ruled by pro China party and is getting closer and closer to Mainland due to China's impressive growth and developement. Japan too for about 1000 years is heavily influenced by China their language uses Chinese as base language.

At last, lol. Indians hold japanese in high regard. You know why? Again it is all due to politics. Americans now control Japan and present Japan in a good way, it is democratic, "free", and advanced. Also, Japan does not have a conflict with India and Japan is hostile toward current China this is why many Indians like Japan and hold it in high recard. You Indians think China is a "bad" neighbor? But let me tell you this!!! You Indians will not and do not want Japan as your neighbor. You have no idea what will Japan do to you. Just ask the Americans, in WWII Japan and US sign "peace" treaty and 2 weeks later Japan attacked Pear Habor. LOL

absolutely right some traditional chinese practices which were banned in the cultural revolution still stayed alive in taiwan.
the most notorious group in japan are the zainachi koreans,even the japanese resent them.
the way japanese destroyed foshan and shanghai was horrible,and chinese were mistreated ,moves like ip man and huo yun jia are excellent to watch in this regard
so an arrogant PRC will block Japanese just for sake of an apology ???

PRC should apologies for Giving Nuclear Arms in the hand of pakistanis ... which have given dos in the hands of Iran , Libia .. and North Korea..

PRC should apologies for taking over Tibet and killing monks ...


World will never let Japanese blockade to happen ... just for settling some old scores ...

We can talk about who has more atrocities every day, but the end result is, India has much much more.
Europe fought itself viciously just in the last 100 years. What we have now is a strong union. Why can't Japan, China and S. Korea ponder the same direction? I'm not saying anything in the style of the EU but at some point you have to forget. Bringing up the battles of your ancestors doesn't do your own generation any good. It chokes off progress and any hope for better relations.

Or keep arguing, while the rest of the world passes you by.
Europe fought itself viciously just in the last 100 years. What we have now is a strong union. Why can't Japan, China and S. Korea ponder the same direction? I'm not saying anything in the style of the EU but at some point you have to forget. Bringing up the battles of your ancestors doesn't do your own generation any good. It chokes off progress and any hope for better relations.

Or keep arguing, while the rest of the world passes you by.

I agree on mending fences but an East Asian EU is just ridiculous when it's still uncertain the original EU will survive the coming years.

An ASEAN type organization might be better suited to East Asia but that won't happen until Japan and South Korea are able to formulate their own foreign policies.
Jayron is alright, he's not like the other Indian trolls on this forum. :tup:

On topic, I don't think any Chinese will ever forget what happened during WW2.

The holocaust killed 6 million Jews, but the Imperial Japanese Army killed 20 million Chinese. It is surprising, that the holocaust is often mentioned in the international media, but the Japanese war crimes are not.

I think Japanese war crimes are over shadowed by the fact they were nuked twice by the US (Pres. Truman). The attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki were and still are considered immense and unbelievably catastrophic. Hence, Japanese war crimes in Asia (China and Korea) are overshadowed by sympathy for the defeat Japan faced, and suffering from nuclear attacks.
I had always wondered as to why the Chinese people hate Japan but thought that it had something to do with territory but now i know why and i'm shocked and out of words to describe this act.I think this is the reason why the U.S has troops stationed there because of their volatile and barbaric history!! I have my teachers telling me the sad stories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the terrorist acts perpetrated by the U.S and most importantly Britain and the fact that Netaji Subash Chandra Bose sought help from the Japanese made me believe that they are like us Indians,suppressed and oppressed by a cruel and despotic colonizer but this act just makes me think twice before i express my whole hearted support to the Japanese in helping us to counter-balance China.
@Jay-Thanks for the eye-opener!!!:frown:
Japan is indeed being suppressed by a cruel colonizer but that doesn't mean itself wasn't just as barbaric and cruel when it was free. The US is indeed a terrorist rogue state but that doesn't excuse Japan for being the same. How fitting that the 2 torturers are now in bed with each other playing SM and 3P with South Korea, another cruel barbarian state.
I had always wondered as to why the Chinese people hate Japan but thought that it had something to do with territory but now i know why and i'm shocked and out of words to describe this act.I think this is the reason why the U.S has troops stationed there because of their volatile and barbaric history!! I have my teachers telling me the sad stories of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the terrorist acts perpetrated by the U.S and most importantly Britain and the fact that Netaji Subash Chandra Bose sought help from the Japanese made me believe that they are like us Indians,suppressed and oppressed by a cruel and despotic colonizer but this act just makes me think twice before i express my whole hearted support to the Japanese in helping us to counter-balance China.
@Jay-Thanks for the eye-opener!!!:frown:

Yeah it was horrible. My parents still tells me stories about what happened to my grand parents during the Japanese occupation. It was bad, I am just glad that I wasn't born in that generation.

Looking at it on the bright side, at least they got their wings clipped and can't project their military anymore and they are nowhere near as powerful as the three major powers in Asia right now (China, India and Russia).
Does Chinese Govt teach massacres that happened in India?

Was there a massacre on the scale of what happened in China? If not then no.

The economic prosperity of Japan is known world wide.
The whole world holds Japan with high regard,even nations where Japanese atrocities took place.
Philippines,Indonesia etc..

Speaking for yourself or speaking for the people in all of these nations?

Even some Chinese hold high views of Japan.Considering Chinese make up the largest foreign community in Japan.

One doesn't logically follow the other, people seek opportunity where opportunity can be had. In any case, Koreans constitutes the largest foreign community in Japan, not Chinese. Chinese only make up 0.5% of the population of Japan, kind odd for neighbouring countries no?

Wikipedia article
Koreans in Japan are the ethnic Korean residents of Japan. They currently constitute the largest ethnic minority group in Japan.

Koreans in Japan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Whatever I just don't know how you can make those statements based on such unsubstantial evidence. The logic doesn't follow.
Does Chinese Govt teach massacres that happened in India?

The economic prosperity of Japan is known world wide.
The whole world holds Japan with high regard,even nations where Japanese atrocities took place.
Philippines,Indonesia etc.
Even some Chinese hold high views of Japan.Considering Chinese make up the largest foreign community in Japan.

We Chinese never forgave their government and its military for what the atrocities.
We don't blame the Japanese public as it wasn't their fault, they were deceived and betrayed by their own government and military officials. We do, however, respect their work ethics and integrity but to hold high views of Japan? I don't think so.
China had surpassed Japan as the second largest economy already. The only real competitor for China is America, besides them, there are no worthy competitor as of now.

Whatever I just don't know how you can make those statements based on such unsubstantial evidence. The logic doesn't follow.

Anyways! I'm deleting those comments, shouldn't have responded on a sensitive thread
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