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Rape of Nanking- Japanese atrocities

the only reason why you wont hear anything aside from the holocaust is because jews controls the media and its only natural that they remind us year after year with a movie and then a oscar for anything related to the persecution of jews

to be honest I think it was a inhumane thing that happen but would i lose sleep or feel the need to be apologetic over it?...hell no

its like asking all white people to compensate for slavery in the US..aint happening

it is best that future generations not let it happen again

Your answer is totally predictable

Since you are the only Japanese I see on this forum, I do want to know your opinion on the following matter, I always wanna know what Japanese think of it.

We know that Japan surrendered because US dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshina & Nagasaki.Being Chinese, I think about the holocaust Japan did on our land, to be honest, I don’t feel for those Japanese. But on the other side, I don’t think that the second bomb was necessary……

So what’s your take on this? also, do you think America should apologise for it?
Yes of course! Brits were cunning and they destroyed the self sustained economy of the nation and systematically draining the country of its wealth. And one of the worst of the Britisher's offenses was their divide and rule strategy which had a devastating effect on the native population even today in all their colonies. In case of India, Hindu-Muslim division, in Sri Lanka it was Tamil- Sinhala division etc. The starvation and famine that Britain tolerated was the main reason for the raise of independence movement in India.

Make no mistake my friend; the United States IS Britain an vice versa. look at it as a new face-lift. US is the continuation of the British Empire.
Make no mistake my friend; the United States IS Britain an vice versa. look at it as a new face-lift. US is the continuation of the British Empire.

The US and the UK share what I would term as "a special" relationship. but do I think that it is a continuation of the British Empire? No, but I would like to know why you think that.
ya, it's hard to believe people can be so inhuman. :frown:
These crimes they committed will be the original sin of future generations of Japanese people. You don't do this to an enemy you cannot conquer, you don't do this to a people of long history and good memory, you simply don't.

Hopefully, the pay back day will come soon enough.
Hopefully, the pay back day will come soon enough.

no need to stoop down to their levels, what we should do to make them envious, be ricer, live happier, have grander cities/project/companies and one of the most important of all a far mightier military. make them wish they were us is the ultimate revenge for me.
One of most gut wrenching Documentaries I have seen. It is sad this piece of history is largely ignored by the rest of the world .

YouTube - Rape of Nanking Part I Atrocities in Asia Nanjing Massacre

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Jayron thank you for posting this.


1. I dont know what your intensions are posting this, if you are trying to show every1 the evil japanese done in WWII then thank you.

BTW, do you know why the japanese did this? It is because they want China's land, but Chinese are very proud people very hard to convert into Japanese culture and adapt Japanese language. This is why when ever Japanese capture Chinese land they try their best to wipe out the local Chinese population so they can kept those land. Also, it is part of their culture to behead people, they did they same thing to British, Philipine, Korean, even American POW. Very brutal.

2. Thank you again for posting this, because many indians dont know what happen in WWII, what the japanese done.
Jayron thank you for posting this.


1. I dont know what your intensions are posting this, if you are trying to show every1 the evil japanese done in WWII then thank you.

BTW, do you know why the japanese did this? It is because they want China's land, but Chinese are very proud people very hard to convert into Japanese culture and adapt Japanese language. This is why when ever Japanese capture Chinese land they try their best to wipe out the local Chinese population so they can kept those land. Also, it is part of their culture to behead people, they did they same thing to British, Philipine, Korean, even American POW. Very brutal.

2. Thank you again for posting this, because many indians dont know what happen in WWII, what the japanese done.

Of course that was my intention. I happened to find a video about Nanking on journeyman pictures and then found this documentary. I was really disturbed at the end of the video. I believe the girl who wrote the book committed suicide due to depression. Most Indians including me hold the Japanese in high regards. Our history books only focus on the nuclear attack on Japan and hence most know them only as a victim. The other side of the story is unknown.

Didn't the Japanese occupy Taiwan for a significant period? They have more Japanese influence in their culture/ language right?
i always felt that japanese are nice,peaceful and hardworking people, and i had a lot of sympathy for them beacuse they suffered nuke, even after that they prospered without any natural resources and against all odds.

Hard to believe Japanese had such tainted past.

Shameful !!!
Of course that was my intention. I happened to find a video about Nanking on journeyman pictures and then found this documentary. I was really disturbed at the end of the video. I believe the girl who wrote the book committed suicide due to depression. Most Indians including me hold the Japanese in high regards. Our history books only focus on the nuclear attack on Japan and hence most know them only as a victim. The other side of the story is unknown.

Didn't the Japanese occupy Taiwan for a significant period? They have more Japanese influence in their culture/ language right?

At least you know the truth. You now know why Chinese dont like Japanese. In North and North Eastern China. Japanese are HATED. I am from South West so less hate.

You see in India people dont know this. Indian government knows this very well but does not present this in Indian schools to teach young Indians. You know the reason.

To answer you question. Taiwan is influenced by China FAR MORE than Japan. To put it this way, currently Taiwan and Mainland China speak the exact same language and share they same culture. A while ago about 10 years, Taiwan was under controll by independce movement government that is why at that time they appear to be more lean towards Japan. But now 180 degree turn. Taiwan is ruled by pro China party and is getting closer and closer to Mainland due to China's impressive growth and developement. Japan too for about 1000 years is heavily influenced by China their language uses Chinese as base language.

At last, lol. Indians hold japanese in high regard. You know why? Again it is all due to politics. Americans now control Japan and present Japan in a good way, it is democratic, "free", and advanced. Also, Japan does not have a conflict with India and Japan is hostile toward current China this is why many Indians like Japan and hold it in high recard. You Indians think China is a "bad" neighbor? But let me tell you this!!! You Indians will not and do not want Japan as your neighbor. You have no idea what will Japan do to you. Just ask the Americans, in WWII Japan and US sign "peace" treaty and 2 weeks later Japan attacked Pear Habor. LOL
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At least you know the truth.
Last, to answer you question. Taiwan is influenced by China FAR MORE than Japan. To put it this way, currently Taiwan and Mainland China speak the exact same language and share they same culture. A while ago about 10 years, Taiwan was under controll by independce movement government that is why at that time they appear to be more lean towards Japan. But know 180 degree turn. Taiwan is ruled by pro China party and is getting closer and closer to Mainland due to China's impressive growth and developement. Japan too for about 1000 years is heavily influenced by China their language uses Chinese as base language.

I meant Taiwan has a little more influence of Japan than in China. I know Taiwan's culture/language is the same as China's.

One of our most celebrated freedom fighters conspired with the Japanese to capture British India. I am happy that didn't happen!
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You see in India people dont know this. Indian government knows this very well but does not present this in Indian schools to teach young Indians. You know the reason.

It is mentioned in our books, I remember reading about Japanese atrocities in Burma and China. (But that was it, just a few lines I guess.)

However, we tend to ignore it as one of our freedom fighters took help from the Axis Powers to kick out the Brits

Our school textbooks also don't have much mention about the Nazi atrocities, but since it gets a lot of press (compared to say Japanese or the Bangladesh one), everyone knows about it.

The Rediff Special/Basharat Peer
Sins of ommission are equally numerous. Thus, one of the most important events of world history, the Holocaust, is completely missing.
The Japanese Nation should apologize to the Chinese people for their attrocities.

This is not something that can be solved by an apology. Japan knows their major weakness: they are 85% overpopulated - Japan can only produce enough food for 15% of their population. Blockade Japan for a few months and they'll be dying like flies. This is why they are scared, they know they have blood on their hands and they know that we have many tools to avenge ourselves.
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