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Rape of Nanking- Japanese atrocities

No point sir. People will believe what they want to believe.
I completely agree. What Japan did was a crime against humanity. However we must question your motives for posting this. Are you implying that India will attempt to follow in Japan's footsteps and repeat this atrocity? I must say, shame on you. I surely hope the leaders of India are wise enough to not pick a fight with a nuclear power whose 1 nuke is more powerful than all of India's combined.

Dude! why so much anger? How did you come to that conclusion?
No one can be more pro Indo-China friendship than me! It is a shameful chapter of Japanese history that the world needs to know.If anything, people will have more respect for the Chinese for not bombing the Japanese A**es now when you guys have become a force to recon with.
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It wasn't just Nanking, it was everywhere. Japanese recruits would be "toughened" to killing by gathering up Chinese citizens and using them as bayonet dummies. Babies were tossed in the air and caught on bayonets. Rape was automatic. The list of crimes is titanic and beyond description.

The truly sad thing is that in Germany, German crimes are taught, and the people are well aware of them. In Japan, history has been rewritten. Many texts portray Japan as the victim in WW2; that it was a war of self-defense, and essentially nothing is mentioned about China. They focus on the nuclear attacks, not on the millions of Chinese dead.

Reparations would do little and are impractical. But simple acknowledgement and apology would go a long ways.

To be honest, "the other side" of WW2 is hardly ever mentioned in textbooks. Even western ones. Apart from Pearl Harbour and Hiroshima-Nagasaki, nothing else is really known about Japan's role in WW2. Most people aren't even aware of why Japan was involved.
Not the government, who would the people support?

Just take a look on Bharat Rakshak and see even the most educated of Indians, advocating delivering nuclear warheads to Japan and encouraging their use against China.

Bharat Rakshak is not a forum which represents Indian mindset,the same way youtube is not the representation of Chinese thoughts on India.

It is my opinion that in the event of another Sino-Japanese war, the sympathy of the Indian people would lie with the Japanese. Regardless of what they know of the previous Sino-Japanese war

No one knows what"ll happen then,considering the improvements,like Chinese being taught at Indian schools might help Indians see things from a Chinese perspective.
Most probable thing would be,we wouldn't care much,Like none cared about US-Iraq war.
Also general Indian netizens opinions will hardly matter.
Exactly right. Now think about that in the context of the thread topic and you'll see my point.

I don't believe many Indians would sympathize with China over Japan.

I posted this video mainly yo show that Japan was as aggressive and brutal as the Germans. Many Indians do not know about this and blindly support the Japanese. An Indian leader Subash Chandra Bose wanted to defeat the British in India using the Japanese help and he almost succeed in bringing them to our Eastern border. The video also talks about the Japanese dream of capturing India. I cannot imagine the terror they would have unleashed in India. No matter how passive and philanthropic the Japanese are now, they have a lot of blood in their hands for which they have neither answered nor repented.
Here's my take on this; yes, what Japan did was very horrible but that is what invaders do. The way they killed people is equally atrocious but you have to understand that Japanese people are not normal; when they kill you they make sure it is in the more gruesome way as possible.

Japan must be taken care of in the future we cannot forget that but we also cannot forget what the British did. What they did was even more worst IMO because their actions were not actions based on war adrenaline, rather a very calm and heinous approach by sneaking drugs into China and trying to get the entire country addicted to opium.

And when Chinese tried to ban this drug, the British fought a war to allow it to thrive. I think there is way too much Japanese hatred. Hating Japan is right but we should not focus all on Japan.

Britain should be #1 on the list followed by Japan.

In these modern times, it seems Britain has been very quiet, almost like simple bystanders watching global events but there is no doubt that Britain still controls the United States and uses the US to continue the British Empire.

We all know the US/China rivalry and how they continue their geopolitical strategy to contain and surround China. Don't look at this as US vs China. It is Britain vs China as it had been from days of the Opium war.

Britain is the #1 devil. US, Japan, India are all lackeys.
I completely agree. What Japan did was a crime against humanity. However we must question your motives for posting this. Are you implying that India will attempt to follow in Japan's footsteps and repeat this atrocity? I must say, shame on you. I surely hope the leaders of India are wise enough to not pick a fight with a nuclear power whose 1 nuke is more powerful than all of India's combined.

I dont think many Indians on this forum even supports what happened to the Chinese by the Japanese, even though many Indians do like Japan and the Japanese today..

The Mughal invasion of India resulted in 80 million deaths, which is the largest casualty in all human history.

It wasnt just the Mughal invasion, it was 500 years of invasion in modern Pakistan and Northern India that lead to 80 million. This was just couple of years, and they killed not only in China, but in S.E. Asia too.
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Here's my take on this; yes, what Japan did was very horrible but that is what invaders do. The way they killed people is equally atrocious but you have to understand that Japanese people are not normal; when they kill you they make sure it is in the more gruesome way as possible.

Japan must be taken care of in the future we cannot forget that but we also cannot forget what the British did. What they did was even more worst IMO because their actions were not actions based on war adrenaline, rather a very calm and heinous approach by sneaking drugs into China and trying to get the entire country addicted to opium.

And when Chinese tried to ban this drug, the British fought a war to allow it to thrive. I think there is way too much Japanese hatred. Hating Japan is right but we should not focus all on Japan.

Britain should be #1 on the list followed by Japan.

In these modern times, it seems Britain has been very quiet, almost like simple bystanders watching global events but there is no doubt that Britain still controls the United States and uses the US to continue the British Empire.

We all know the US/China rivalry and how they continue their geopolitical strategy to contain and surround China. Don't look at this as US vs China. It is Britain vs China as it had been from days of the Opium war.

Britain is the #1 devil. US, Japan, India are all lackeys.

Britain was the biggest empire and colonizer. They looted their colonies , indulged in a lot of unfair trade practices to get rich. But I think they weren't as brutal as the Japanese or Germans. They were more involved in making money than spreading their ideology through tyranny.
in all honesty after beating russia in 1905 japanese had gone mad,if you see their history from 1600 onwards they secluded themselves from the world ,no trade nothing until the meiji restoration in 1875 where surprisingly the americans forced them to open up their ports,between 1600-1875 foreigners were very unwelcome.

anyway the japanese did stupid things as we know ,got kicked hard and now the second US moves its fleet outside japan ,china at any time can take japan for a joyride.

anyway their civvies are good folks pretty like-able,so are most of the chinese in hong kong very friendly people.south-east asians are good chaps in general.
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Britain was the biggest empire and colonizer. They looted their colonies , indulged in a lot of unfair trade practices to get rich. But I think they weren't as brutal as the Japanese or Germans. They were more involved in making money than spreading their ideology through tyranny.

British had their share of evil acts in a more low profile or cunning way unlike others, they sure got blood on their hand all over their ex. colonies and weak nations.
I'm quite surprise that Indians usually have a pretty good attitude regarding UK despite what British has done to them like the infamous starve 3 million Indians to death cruety incident.
BBC - Soutik Biswas's India: How Churchill 'starved' India

British had their share of evil acts in a more low profile or cunning way unlike others, they sure got blood on their hand all over their ex. colonies and weak nations.
I'm quite surprise that Indians usually have a pretty good attitude regarding UK despite what British has done to them like the infamous starve 3 million Indians to death cruety incident.
BBC - Soutik Biswas's India: How Churchill 'starved' India

Business is business.
in all honesty after beating russia in 1905 japs had gone mad,if you see their history from 1600 onwards they secluded themselves from the world ,no trade nothing until the meiji restoration in 1875 where surprisingly the americans forced them to open up their ports,between 1600-1875 foreigners were very unwelcome.

anyway the japs did stupid things as we know ,got kicked hard and now the second US moves its fleet outside japan ,china at any time can take japan for a joyride.

anyway their civvies are good folks pretty like-able,so are most of the chinese in hong kong very friendly people.south-east asians are good chaps in general.

Hi boris, could you edit that post. "Japs" could be construed as racist. I know you didn't mean it but just telling you so that you know.

Thanks. :)

British had their share of evil acts in a more low profile or cunning way unlike others, they sure got blood on their hand all over their ex. colonies and weak nations.
I'm quite surprise that Indians usually have a pretty good attitude regarding UK despite what British has done to them like the infamous starve 3 million Indians to death cruety incident.
BBC - Soutik Biswas's India: How Churchill 'starved' India

bygones are bygones(India and UK)

We moved on from that..

British had their share of evil acts in a more low profile or cunning way unlike others, they sure got blood on their hand all over their ex. colonies and weak nations.
I'm quite surprise that Indians usually have a pretty good attitude regarding UK despite what British has done to them like the infamous starve 3 million Indians to death cruety incident.
BBC - Soutik Biswas's India: How Churchill 'starved' India

Yes of course! Brits were cunning and they destroyed the self sustained economy of the nation and systematically draining the country of its wealth. And one of the worst of the Britisher's offenses was their divide and rule strategy which had a devastating effect on the native population even today in all their colonies. In case of India, Hindu-Muslim division, in Sri Lanka it was Tamil- Sinhala division etc. The starvation and famine that Britain tolerated was the main reason for the raise of independence movement in India.
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