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Rajoana Hanging case,Punjab on alert,a curious case of Indian system

Hang this bastard this traitor in uniform without a wasting a minute and if have guts then hand a "Bharat Ratna" to the deceased CM of punjab MR Beant Singh.

Justice for the Sikhs killed by congress Goons is one thing and should be provided with utmost sincerity that could never be achived from the current congress govt at office, but khalistani dogs deserve only bamboos in the arse before being shot dead
Hahahaha....That is epic...So in case situation goes bad in your state...Unconstitutional methods are used there and unfortunately you loose some of your closed one's in that(who by the way were innocents) i am sure you will still be thankful to the people in-charge...right?? After all bygones are just bygones, isn't it??

Its not just sikh who bore the brunt of insurgency. Not the only one who suffered HR violations.

NE is facing it, we knowing whats happening in kashmir... ,close home ,maoist hit areas seeing some biggest number killings at rest of india and then there curse terrorism in our cities.

But there is no reason to go soft . You don't let cancer grow cause its growing as inside the parts of your body.
Hang this bastard this traitor in uniform without a wasting a minute and if have guts then hand a "Bharat Ratna" to the deceased CM of punjab MR Beant Singh.

Justice for the Sikhs killed by congress Goons is one thing and should be provided with utmost sincerity that could never be achived from the current congress govt at office, but khalistani dogs deserve only bamboos in the arse before being shot dead

But there was no justice. And as long as there's none, people will come out and support cases like this because to them it symbolizes a partial victory. He did what he had to do. When the state lets you down, somebody has to stand up and deliver a message, whatever's the cost.
Its not just sikh who bore the brunt of insurgency. Not the only one who suffered HR violations.

NE is facing it, we knowing whats happening in kashmir... ,close home ,maoist hit areas seeing some biggest number killings at rest of india and then there curse terrorism in our cities.

But there is no reason to go soft . You don't let cancer grow cause its growing as inside the parts of your body.

What do you mean, go soft? You know what. Its easy when something's happened in somebody else's home. You can the use words like dogs and monsters. But when things hit you close, at your home, only then you will understand.
I actually see that Guest01 has already done a good job of answering your questions. However i fail to understand what exactly is your point? No one here condones the 1984 riots or believes that justice was done. That however is a separate issue and the logical corollary to those raking it up in this context is whether a commutation of sentence in this case would mean that Sikhs (And all other Indians) will forget about the 1984 riots? Can't have it both ways; first say that this man must be freed/sentence commuted because justice has not been done in he 1984 riots & then turn around & still ask for justice in the 1984 riots. Either your stand has to be on a firm footing or you give up claims along with your demands.

My position has been straightforward, I support the rule of the law, whether it is for those involved in the 1984 riots or those terrorists who have been found guilty of terrorism. I have, in my posts condemned those Hindu groups who are involved in terrorism, condemned Muslim groups who are involved similarly, have held both the congress government of 1984 & the BJP government in Gujarat in 2002 responsible for what transpired there I believe that is a fairly consistent line that I have taken. You may not like my position but you will never be able to find a single post where I have said differently from what I say here.

Funny that you didn't ask why the Sikhs of Punjab voted in a Congress government whose Chief minister some claim now to be involved in killing ( no proof provided of course). Don't turn this into Sikhs versus the rest .All Indians felt the pain of what happened in Punjab in those days which is why you see almost mo sign of any tension between Sikhs & others anywhere in India. Granted that the pain will be felt the most by those who were directly involved, not necessarily fair to equate that with this case. Unfortunately as happened with the Sri Lanka issue, this seems to be an easy, cynical way out.

You still not getting the point........This thing has already been linked to 1984.
And the teenagers, who didnt saw the horrors of militancy will be just add it to the list made by hardliners about injustices to sikhs in India.

About electing congress in Punjab, modrate sikhs tries to keep politics and religion apart, those who work will get their votes, its that simple as this.
Youth in punjab see as if only Sikhs are prosecuted and those who committed crimes against Sikhs are rewarded.

Anyhow, I personally feel that a murder is a murder , whatever may be the motive and law should take its course.

If hanging is the only option , it should go foward but a alternative midle path if shows even a slightest ray of hope for peace and harmony , it should be adopted.

The day have passed , hopefully 31 maech will also pass
I have a suggestion ... first convict some top leaders of the Congress party for the 1984 violence. Then hang this person along with the Congressmen, side by side.
majority of punjabis are against hangings. majority of tamils want justice. majority of kashmiris want seperation, north east aint happy with state of affairs either. now who will remain with india. only UP wallahs and biharis basically they are ruling india with majority of MPs in parliament. who want such democracy where smaller states will always end up in receiving end
majority of punjabis are against hangings. majority of tamils want justice. majority of kashmiris want seperation, north east aint happy with state of affairs either. now who will remain with india. up wallahs and biharis basically they are ruling india with majority of MPs in parliament. who want such democracy where smaller states will always end up in receiving end

It's the politicians of Punjab, J&K, Northeast and Tamil Nadu who are looting the people, along with the UP wallahs and Biharis.

Separation is not going to solve any problems, better join hands to fight the corrupt.
beant singh whom rajoana killed was currupt and killed many innocents. this is why majority of punjabis are against his hanging. he is like bhagat singh for us
I have checked the facts. The facts are that this fellow is an assasin. He killed the erstwhile Chief Minister of Punjab. He was arrested and prosecuted. He does not deny anything. So now when the execution is nearing, this fellow is suddenly being projected as the saviour of Punjab and if he is assasinated then it is being threatened that insurgency will start again. Most actually want him to be off the hook claiming the riots and the inhumane killings of 1984. So what has his release got to do with 1984 victims or the insurgent feeling? Why are the topics being twisted and linked for no rhyme and reason? .

This simply shows that you are total blank on this topic and then you say that you have checked the facts??? The logic is simple - Killers of IG has been prosecuted...Killers of Benat Singh are being prosecuted...May we knwo the reason why the killers of 4000+ sikhs and scores of innocents killed at the hands of Beant Singh and his stooge KPS Gill are still waiting justice...why is this selective writ of law and order...This fellow is still not saying anything...He is not saying that he is saviour of Punjab and neither are Punjabis saying this..However they have legitimate resent that is just told you above...Now do you get it???

Either everyone respects the justice system or just do not swear by it. But I personally do not have any patience for this whole charade that continues to arise periodically. Going by the average age of India, half the country had nothing to do with 1984. The fellows that you are pointing out could very well be tried in court for the crimes that they committed. My point is that we cannot continue revisiting 1984 every year or every such event and then start talking about our own way of accept this or else....

Exactly you don't care because 84 did not have any impact on you and your loved one's...For those who got impacted are making hue and cry about it..If you want to stay neutral then do that but why this freaking high moral ground on one issue and exactly opposite on the other side??

Its not just sikh who bore the brunt of insurgency. Not the only one who suffered HR violations.

NE is facing it, we knowing whats happening in kashmir... ,close home ,maoist hit areas seeing some biggest number killings at rest of india and then there curse terrorism in our cities.

But there is no reason to go soft . You don't let cancer grow cause its growing as inside the parts of your body.

So we got another one who is justifying killings of innocent....now what is there to discuss...really you guys are just plain pathetic...
its politicians who are playing dirty games not hindus....believe me 98% of hindus can even die for there sikh brothers...assuming 2% as blacksheeps like tytelar or sajjan kumar.......and up wallas or biharis have got no problem with sikhs....even majorty of them are fighting with their own problems like poverty and daily bread......it is just politicians who always do mistakes and whole UP wallas blamed.
How can you say that? In this entire discussion , no one ever justified 1984 but you continue to play this 'you don't care' card.

Then how come you don't understand why people are supporting this guy??? Why are you failing to understand why hanging him means trouble for the state??? Why do you fail to understand that when a person goes against state he is sent to gallows but when state does the same no action is being taken???

I haven't voted for Congress in my entire life bcs I consider them wrong on a lot of issues including 1984. I feels like vomiting when ever Congress leaders talks about Secularism and all this while Punjab selects them again and again. So pls I do care. Every death is a tragedy, but that doesn't mean that the challenge to territorial integrity of the Union of India including Khalistan Movement will go unchecked.
No...You just cannot go on a killing spree in the pretext of keeping territorial integrity of Union of India...If that is the justification and we are all in the agreement then let's simply change the constituion...If there is insurgency problem is any state then state machinery has the right to kill anyone...Would you back such a proposal??? If not then stop justofying it...

Beant Singh & KPS Gill did whatever they seemed it was necessary to crush this movement. One is dead and if you think that the other is guilty of HR violations pls drag him to court.Whats stopping you?

Hahaha...you think there are no cases on human rights violation?? There are tons of cases but there is hardly any conviction...

Also I think its up to the youth of Punjab to decide whether they want to return to the dark days of 1980s or work together for a better future.
People of punjab have already decided...However we have lost our near and dear one's...Such situation will rub salt on the wounds and you never know which one pushes the youth out of control...
This is getting kind of silly. Just because you have an opinion & a particularly strong opinion at that, it doesn't make you the sole repository of wisdom. I have a different opinion (as you have no doubt noticed) & I am entitled to it.

That is why we are still discussing...isn't it???

KPS gill is more a hero than this hero of yours, a man who still swears by an ideology that resulted in all those deaths. The fact that you can't seem to appreciate that is not my problem. The guy was a police officer. There is no proof that he was traumatised by the other deaths in Punjab, only what he himself has claimed as a Khalistani supporter.I have no interest in his death beyond the fact that is what is mandated by law. I would have been equally at peace if he was sentenced to imprisonment. His fate is not my concern, the deliberate undermining of the Indian state is.

Who is saying that you have to adhere to my POV??? YOu want to discuss then discuss it further or else how does it matter whether you have any concern to what happens to this guy or not??? We are doing our efforts and our efforts will not change irrespective of what you think....

Now getting back to your hero thingi...I never said he is a hero...but KPS GIll even though has killed scores of innocent is a hero in your eyes...This kind of shows the mentality that you are possessing...You simply don't care about the lives of scores of innocents and the impact it had on their lives...All you care about is that Khalistan movement is dead no matter how it is achieved, no???...I hope the day never comes when due to some insurgency you end up at recieving end....Though i am sure if such a thing happen you will not call the pig a hero....

You know, a guy ranting like you should not be lecturing others, You can debate or choose not to. If you want to indulge in mindless abuse, I'm not your man. Pick someone else, I'm sure they will oblige you with similar stuff.
Rant??? You are justifying killings of innocents as collateral damage and you are accusing me of ranting??? Is this a mindless abuse??? Awesome!!!

You want to condemn Beant singh as a murderer & therefore deserving of killing & yet you came up with nothing as proof but you defend a man convicted in courts. Rich, i say!

Crap...I thought you are someone with logic....Dude where did i justify his killing??? Where the heck i am saying this??? Do you even get what i am debating upon??? My point is that killers of IG/beant are being prosecuted but killers of 4000+ Sikhs and scores of innocents during insurgency era are still awaiting justice...This is the issue..This is what is making people go red...He was in prison from last 17 years...Where were the protests??...

The guy disowned the Indian state, what's so great that he disowned political parties? This man has shown no remorse & does not come as a fit case for commutation.
Again...this guy is not doing anything...This guy is all set to be hanged...This is where you have failed to understand the issue...it is people who are fighting on his behalf....Did you care to ask why??? Why are people fighting in his behalf when he himself is all set to go to gallows??? Are you saying people of Punjab are supporting Khalistan??? Heck, no..we have rejected it way back...then what is the freaking issue??? Now read the explanation that i have give...and see if it makes any sense to you...

We can agree to differ about the possible impact of his execution but kindly refrain from insinuating that I do not care...imply because as you put it, "my house is safe". If that is the extent of your argument, I'm afraid there is nothing more that needs to be said.

I might have got you wrong but you are simply rejecting the argument that his hanging has the potential that will lead to trouble for the state...See the problem is that you have already made up your mind without even discussing with the people on ground...I am not saying just oblige with what we are saying and take our arguments on face value....but atleast first care to ask before making up your mind....
its politicians who are playing dirty games not hindus....believe me 98% of hindus can even die for there sikh brothers...assuming 2% as blacksheeps like tytelar or sajjan kumar.......and up wallas or biharis have got no problem with sikhs....even majorty of them are fighting with their own problems like poverty and daily bread......it is just politicians who always do mistakes and whole UP wallas blamed.

i wish its true. then why not pressure politicians to punish rioters and bring some industries in punjab to show people we care for u as well. this will create a lot of goodwill. try to bring khalistanis into mainstream. let past be bygone and start afresh.
I actually see that Guest01 has already done a good job of answering your questions. However i fail to understand what exactly is your point? No one here condones the 1984 riots or believes that justice was done. That however is a separate issue and the logical corollary to those raking it up in this context is whether a commutation of sentence in this case would mean that Sikhs (And all other Indians) will forget about the 1984 riots? Can't have it both ways; first say that this man must be freed/sentence commuted because justice has not been done in he 1984 riots & then turn around & still ask for justice in the 1984 riots. Either your stand has to be on a firm footing or you give up claims along with your demands.

Let me help here...The demand is pretty simple...Hang this guy but before that hang the 84 criminals...and hang the people who killed hundreds of innocent in the 10 years when punjab was simply turned into a police state.....Is this a fair demand??
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