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Radical US pastor burns Holy Qur’an again

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IDIOTS! All this for a few moments in the Sun! :tdown:
The are basically asking for a massive attack on the soil of USA and nothing else because this actions will result in this and nothing else

Please, for the love of God, don't go around blowing stuff up over this kind of crap.

This guy is unstable and probably deserves our sympathy for being a psychiatric case. We should collect some funds for his psychiatric treatment.

Hell, I'd donate :D
Please, for the love of God, don't go around blowing stuff up over this kind of crap.
Don't try to be logical with that guy, he has never been one and if you start responding him, you'll lose the sanity and patience you have mustered so far your entire life.
this moron is just trying to publicize himself thats it just to get a few moments in the media the church gets some footage. this morons stupidity could spark attacks on his countries forces in afghanistan. why do this huh what will happen if some afghan security guy kills a few american soldiers huh. what them he will be directly responsible for this and if i remember correctly this is a hate crime meaning in america this should be punishable. if they dont punish this then maybe its cool to burn a cross also
this moron is just trying to publicize himself thats it just to get a few moments in the media the church gets some footage. this morons stupidity could spark attacks on his countries forces in afghanistan. why do this huh what will happen if some afghan security guy kills a few american soldiers huh. what them he will be directly responsible for this and if i remember correctly this is a hate crime meaning in america this should be punishable. if they dont punish this then maybe its cool to burn a cross also

Ever heard of the Klu Klux Klan? They still exist to this day. And yes, they still burn crosses.

I don't know about American soldiers in Afghanistan. It's their duty and their risk.
Sir we don't need Indians and Non Muslims to tell us how to protest on burning of Quran the answer remains the same who ever burns Quran or insults Islam will face the most brutal consequences which he never would like to imagine Sir we don't tolerate every **** we will fight to the end for our religion that is final and INSHALLAH to the last drop of our blood
how about you behead those who are responsible for Christian, hindu, sikh etc conversions and insult their religion in Pakistan? talk about double standards.
how about you behead those who are responsible for Christian, hindu, sikh etc conversions and insult their religion in Pakistan? talk about double standards.

:tup: & more power to the person in your avatar.
Don't worry people,he burned the book,your god will take care of him...stay in peace

and don't talk BS like bringing violence on their soil...The last time you took violence to their land ,they brought hell to your land.... so have tolerance... Human life is more valuable than a book written centuries back which hold no logic in this time...

Spreading hatred is your exclusive domain, you and your masters have excelled in the art of it.

Looks like he hit a mark, your words prove the lie. You spread hate with the best of them.

You and your likes are miserable disciples of this pastor, you need to be wiped out for good.

More proof of your hatred. It poisons your thought process. You are probably a rather sane and rational person otherwise, but when it comes to the mention of the US those lights turn off, and a deep primordial rage takes over, directing your words, your actions, your thoughts.

Like a caveman.
Looks like he hit a mark, your words prove the lie. You spread hate with the best of them.

More proof of your hatred. It poisons your thought process. You are probably a rather sane and rational person otherwise, but when it comes to the mention of the US those lights turn off, and a deep primordial rage takes over, directing your words, your actions, your thoughts.

Like a caveman.

I heard he used to live in Boston.
he seem to be a person who has no respect for God . so why bother.?

God has his own way of teaching people lessons. remember "HE writes straight with crooked lines".:)
No sir we consider Quran more holy and important than our lives we don't tolerate its insult and we also don't tolerate those who burn them they want to them to be taught lesson so it will happen sooner or later

For you it will be terrorism but for us we will defend our Religion from these kind of attacks who ever will attack Quran or HAZRAT MUHAMMAD SAW will face the wrath of Muslims where ever he is found

but are you a true Muslim yourself ? hell your avatar is from a Judea Christian country game depicting crimes like rape , murder too. do you live the pure Muslim life to be the gatekeeper for the religion?

and what wrath are the countries facing? The wrath of being blessed as developed, rich countries vs. the curse of facing daily bombings, suicide attacks and a terrorist haven in pakistan? why not have war on 'getting out of the mess for country and self' vs. trying to plan and sympathize, as in your case, with terrorists and terrorist attacks?

I being an atheist feel the same about all religion. But if you want to keep a scorecard about which country(s) are more blessed . I would say Judea Christian belief countries trump all other religions and oh lest not forget atheist china as being successful too.
محترم ممبران:

براہ کرم میں آپ کو یقین دلاتی ہوں کہ یہ فعل کسی بھی طرح سے امریکہ میں اکثریت لوگوں کی نمائندگی نہیں کرتا- یہ نفرت آمیز فعل پر اکثریت میں تمام سینئر امریکی شہری اور فوجی رہنماؤں کی طرف سے مذمت کی گئ ہے- صدر اوباما سمیت - بہت سے کلیدی عیسائی تنظیموں اور اہم مذہبی اداروں کی طرف سے بھی تنقید ہوئي ہے. بڑے پیمانے پر اسے ایک احمقانہ حرکت سمجھتے ہوۓ اسے نظر انداز کیا جا رہا ہے تاکہ اسے وہ شہرت نہ مل سکے جس کا وہ متمنی ہے.


افشاں – ڈيجيٹل آؤٹ ريچ ٹيم – يو ايس اسٹيٹ ڈيپارٹمينٹ
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